CC - Item 3E - Correction of Appropriation LimitE M P S p 7 _ ~NAOgATFO • ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: OLIVER CHI, CITY MANAGER Q DATE: JULY 22, 2008 SUBJECT: CORRECTION OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD'S FISCAL YEAR 2007- 08 APPROPRIATION LIMIT SUMMARY Due to a typographical error, Resolution #2007-18, dated June 12, 2007, reported an incorrect amount as the City's appropriation limit for the 2007-08 fiscal year. Resolution #2007-18 reported $37,244,352 as the 2007-08 appropriation limit and the correct appropriations limit should have been $33,405,778. The attached resolution is for the purpose of reporting the correct appropriations limit. Article XIIIB of the Constitution of the State of California was enacted by a vote of the people as Proposition 4 (the Gann Initiative) in November 1979. This law limits the level of most appropriations from tax sources that the state and most local government entities are permitted to make in any given year. It also requires that annually each governmental unit calculate its Appropriations Limit and adopt it by Resolution prior to the beginning of the fiscal year under consideration. The City of Rosemead's Appropriations Limit, and Appropriations Subject to the Limit were both calculated in accordance with guidelines issued by the League of California Cities. Utilization of this approach facilitates the annual review requirement. The results of these calculations are: Appropriations Limit for FY 2008 $33,405,778 Appropriations Subject to the Limit 14,539,039 Amount under Limit $18,866,739 Staff Recommendation Staff recommends that the City Council adopt Resolution No. 2008-50 approving the fiscal year 2007-08 Appropriation Limit according to Article XIII-B (Gann Initiative) of the Constitution of the State of California. APPROVED FOR CITY COUNCIL AGENDA: 6 ' ITEM NUMBER: • City Council Meeting July 22, 2008 Page 2 of 2 PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. Submitted by: c Steven L. Brisco Director of Finance Attachment: Resolution No. 2008-50 RESOLUTION NO. 2008-50 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD ADOPTING A CORRECTED APPROPRIATION LIMIT FOR THE 2007-08 FISCAL YEAR WHEREAS, Article XIII-B of the Constitution of the State of California provides that total annual appropriations subject to limitation of the City shall not exceed the appropriations limit of the City for the prior year as adjusted for annual adjustment factors; and WHEREAS, Article X111-B was modified in June, 1990 by the approval of Proposition 111 and SIB 88 (Chapter 60/90) which revised the annual adjustment factors to be applied to the 1986-87 Appropriation Limit and each year thereafter; and WHEREAS, the decision as to which factors: a) either the California Per Capita Income or the percentage change in the local assessment roll due to local non-residential construction; b) either the change in population in the City or County; must be done by a recorded vote of the City Council; and WHEREAS, the City Council wishes to set an appropriation limitation for the 2007-08 Fiscal Year on those appropriations subject to limitation under Article X111-13; and WHEREAS, in resolution no. 2007-18 Rosemead's Appropriation Limit was reported as $37,244,352 and it should be $33,405,778; and, WHEREAS, the required computation to determine the City of Rosemead's Appropriation Limit for fiscal year 2007-08 has been performed by the Finance Department and is on file with the Finance Department, and available for public review, NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: 1. The City of Rosemead Appropriation Limit for Fiscal Year 2007-08 is $33,405,778. 2. The City Council selects the California per Capita Personal Income and the greater of the county or city population increase as allowable inflation factors. 3. This Appropriation Limit is subject to amendments, deletions and additions, which may be provided pursuant to Article XIIIB of the California Constitution and legislation implementing thereof. This • C limitation may be amended from time to time to reflect new or changed information as such is encountered. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED the 22nd day of July, 2008 MAYOR ATTEST: City Clerk