CC - Item 5B - Creation of Ad Hoc Veterans Committee0 • ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: OLIVER CHI, CITY MANAGER DATE: JULY 22, 2008 SUBJECT: CREATION OF AD HOC VETERANS COMMITTEE SUMMARY At its regular meeting of April 8, City Council directed staff to look into the creation of a Veterans Commission to address the needs and concerns of resident veterans. Council specifically requested that team members research similar efforts in other communities. A request for information related to Veterans Commissions/Committees through "listserve," the statewide network offered through League of California Cities, prompted only one affirmative response. However, a review of similar groups around the country indicates that they focus on the following: • Honor veterans for their military service and welcome them home from service abroad, • Provide guidance/assistance with events honoring veterans, • Increase community awareness of local veterans and their needs, and • Provide information to veterans and their families regarding available services. Establishment of a City of Rosemead Ad Hoc Veterans Committee could achieve the above objectives. The Committee, as outlined on the attached ordinance would be primarily responsible for: • Advising City Council on matters pertaining to veterans, • Promoting efforts that improve the welfare of Rosemead veterans, • Educating the community on veteran's issues, and • Educate veterans and their families about available services/resources, To accomplish these, the five-member Committee would work directly with the Parks and Recreation Department in the annual implementation of Memorial Day, 4m of JUly, and Veteran's Days events to ensure that resident veterans are honored by the community. Additionally, they would coordinate an annual presentation before City Council to honor and highlight the service of select veterans in the community or those returning from service abroad. Lastly, the Committee would assist Public Affairs with the APPROVED FOR CITY COUNCIL AGENDA: v ITEM NUMBER: • 0 City Council Meeting April 22, 2008 Paqe 2 of 2 development and publication of a brochure and creation of a website link detailing services available to veterans and their families. The Committee will meet only as needed to accomplish its goals. Staff Recommendation Staff recommends that City Council adopt Resolution No. 2008-43 establishing an Ad Hoc Veterans Committee. PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. Submitted DAVI OIN,TIKMERY-SCOTT Parks a e rea on Director Attachment A: Resolution No. 2008-43 • 0 RESOLUTION NO. 2008-43 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA, ESTABLISHING AN AD HOC VETERANS COMMITTEE, PROVIDING PROCEDURES RELATING THERETO, AND SETTING FORTH THE DUTIES OF THE COMMITTEE. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rosemead has determined that it is appropriate to honor Rosemead residents that have served in the armed forces of the United States and to educate the community regarding the needs of veterans and their families, and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rosemead has determined that it is advisable that an Ad Hoc Veterans Committee be appointed to meet said goals. NOW THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rosemead does Resolve, Determine and Order as Follows: Section 1: There is hereby established an advisory Ad Hoc Veterans Committee for the City of Rosemead with membership, powers, and duties as provided herein. Section 2: The Committee shall consist of five (5) voting members appointed by the Mayor with the consent of the City Council. Section 3: If a member of the Committee shall be absent from three (3) consecutive meetings of the said Committee without cause, the office of such member shall be deemed to be vacant and the term of such member ipso facto terminated. Section 4: The members of the Committee shall serve for terms of two years which shall be staggered so that two member's terms shall expire in the first year and three member's terms shall expire in the second year. If vacancies shall occur other than expiration of the term, they shall be appointed for the unexpired portion of the term. Section 5: Notwithstanding the Committee's provisions of term, all members shall serve at the will of the City Council. Section 6: Subject to the overrule of City Council and in conformity with the Brown Act and all other applicable laws or provisions of the Code, the Committee shall adopt such rules and regulations as it shall deem necessary to provide for the time and place of meeting, the time and method of electing officers, and other matters relative to the organization of the Committee and • • methods of administration of its duties. The Committee shall keep a record of its resolutions, transactions, findings and determinations, which record shall be a public record subject to disclosure in the absence of any applicable statutory or common law exemption. All meetings shall be open to the public. Section 7: The Committee shall have the following duties: (a) To promote public and private undertakings aimed at improving the welfare of the City's residents who are veterans of the United States Armed Forces. (b) To advise the City Council and educate the community on veteran's issues. (c) To advise the City Council and educate veterans and their families on available veterans' services and resources. (d) To consider matters involving veterans' issues which may be brought to its attention or may be referred to it by the City Council. (e) To make such recommendations as it may deem advisable concerning veteran's issues to the City Council or to other agencies and individuals. (f) To make an annual report each fiscal year of all activities and of all disbursements made in connection with said Committee. Passed and adopted this 22"d day of July, 2008, by the following vote: John Tran, Mayor Gloria Molleda, City Clerk