CC - Item 4H - Classification and Compensation StudyE M f S O 9 ~s Qom . RATED 'Q • ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: OLIVER CHI, CITY MANAGER .Q' DATE: AUGUST 26, 2008 SUBJECT: CLASSIFICATION AND COMPENSATION STUDY SUMMARY Staff would like to request proposals from qualified professional consultants to conduct a City-wide classification and total compensation study. The classification and compensation processes provide the foundation for all personnel functions within the City. The purpose of the study is to define job duties, responsibilities, qualifications, ensure equal pay for equal work, aid in organizational planning, performance evaluations, staff development, training, and salary and budget administration. A classification study is the process of thoroughly researching, analyzing, determining, and documenting the responsibilities, duties, knowledge, skills, and abilities related to a position. It serves as a legal and official written record identifying the basic parameters of any job in the classification plan. The compensation component will establish internal and external equities and ensure that our team members are compensated fairly with the labor market. The City's classification plan needs to be developed with class specifications that are consistent with current changes and requirements in the law. It needs to reflect current job duties and requirements of the, position, including physical requirements and essential job functions to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). In addition, the compensation plan needs to be examined to determine comparable survey agencies, benchmark classes, internal and external salary relationships, and to assign a salary range to each classification. By aligning job duties with job titles and descriptions, the results of the study will assist in developing a fair, consistent and competitive total compensation program in order to attract and retain quality staff. The City plans to select the consultant by October 14, 2008 and the completion of the study is to be on or before April 15, 2009. APPROVED FOR CITY COUNCIL AGENDA: O' ITEM NUMBER: • City Council Meeting January 22, 2008 Page 2 of 2 Staff Recommendation Staff recommends that the City Council approve the request for a classification and compensation study. PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. FISCAL IMPACT Funds for the study have been included in the 2008-2009 budget. Submitted by: Matthew E. Hawkesworth Assistant City Manager - Internal Business Units MAYOR: JOHNTRAN MAYOR PRO TEM: JOHN NUNEZ COUNCILMEMBERS: MARGARETCLARK POLLY LOW GARY A. TAYLOR • August 27, 2008 9 f ifc , Rose"aa 8838 E. VALLEY BOULEVARD • P.O. BOX 399 ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA 91770 TELEPHONE (626) 569-2100 FAX (626) 307-9218 The City of Rosemead is requesting proposals from qualified professional consultants to conduct a City-wide classification and total compensation study. The City of Rosemead is a general law city that was incorporated in 1959 and operates under the City Council/City Manager forms of government. 65 regular full-time and 140:part7time team members serve 60,000 residents. Details of the Classification and Compensation Study are on the attached Request for Proposals. , We welcome your proposals for the project, as well as your assistance in forwarding this information to those you think might be interested in submitting a proposal. Proposals are due by 11:00 a.m. on September 24, 2008 and the City of Rosemead plans to conduct interviews on October 2, 2008. The final selection will be made on October 14, 2008.. If you have any questions or need additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me at the following: Matthew E. Hawkesworth, Assistant City Manager City of Rosemead .8838 E. Valley Blvd. Rosemead, CA 91770 Email: mhawkesworth(a)cityofrosemead.org (626) 569-2107 Thank you very much. We look forward to hearing from you! Sincerely, Matthew E. Hawkesworth Assistant City Manager 0 C City of Rosemead Request for Proposals for Classification and Compensation Study REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL E M Human Resources Unit 8838'E. Valley Boulevard Rosemead, CA 91770 PROPOSAL DUE: SEPTEMBER 24, 2008 RFP#: 2008-04 ' RPORATED BACKGROUND The City of Rosemead is requesting proposals for qualified professional consulting services to conduct a City-wide classification and total compensation study. The City of Rosemead is a general law City incorporated in 1959, serves 60,000 residents, and operates under a City Council/City Manager form of government. The City offers a wide range of municipal services administered by the following business units: City Manager's Office Administration Public Affairs Internal Business Unit - City Clerk Finance Human Resources External Business Unit- Parks & Recreation Development Services Public Works Services Public Safety SITUATION The City has approximately 65 regular full-time and 140 part-time team members. Currently there are 3 executive management classifications, 18 management, supervisory and professional classifications, 20 general team member classifications and 19 part-time classifications. Out of the 140 part-time positions which are considered "at will", 16 are benefited positions, and 124 are non-benefited. Police and Fire services are provided through contracts with the County and will not be part of this study. However, there are ancillary public safety services that are provided by the City of Rosemead team members and are part of this study. The City's classification plan needs to be developed with class specifications that are consistent with current changes and requirements in the law. Class specifications need to be developed to reflect current job duties and requirements of the position, including physical requirements and essential functions to comply with ADA. ' The City of Rosemead implemented a merit based compensation system for all full-time and % time team members. The city's labor agreement provides for an • • annual salary survey of all positions in March and has agreed to set the hourly rate at 4% above average as of July 1 of each year. SCOPE OF SERVICES REQUIRED The scope of services shall include, but not be limited to, the following: Classification Plan 1. Meet with City Classification team to validate scope of services, methodology, timelines, and other deliverables. 2. Develop a classification structure that reflects the City's overall classification and compensation strategy including the clear definition of terms and position titles, and the development of career ladders for full- time and part-time classifications. 3. Review the background materials including organizational charts, budgets, personnel rules and regulations, and related information. 4. Conduct orientation and briefing session(s) with team members. 5. Conduct orientation and briefing session(s) with department heads, managers, supervisors and employee association representatives. 6. Develop an appropriate position description questionnaire. 7. Administer the completion of the position description questionnaire by all team members that can be used for classification and compensation purposes. 8. Conduct interviews with a representative sample of team members and appropriate supervisory and management staff. 9. Allocate all team members included within the scope of the study to an appropriate job title, job class and exempt and non-exempt designation for FLSA purposes. 10. Update classification specifications to reflect current duties, requirements of the position, including physical requirements and essential functions in compliance with the ADA. 11. Prepare up-to-date and accurate job classification specifications for all positions. 12. Design and administer a team member review process. 13. Assist the City in defining an appeals process to resolve possible disagreements about the findings. 14. Participate in the appeals process to resolve possible disagreements about the findings. 15. Provide an implementation plan. 16. Provide a final report with findings and recommendations. Compensation Plan 1. Identify survey labor market and benchmark classes. 2. Conduct a comprehensive total compensation survey utilizing comparable survey agencies, using not only job titles, but duties and responsibilities based upon the classification specifications from the City of Rosemead. 3. Complete internal salary relationship analysis, including the development of appropriate internal relationship guidelines 4. Develop externally competitive and internally equitable salary recommendations for each class included within the study. 5. Access spreads based on organizational value of positions. 6. Assign a salary range to each classification which reflects the results of the market survey and the analysis of internal relationships. 7. Present results of survey to management and Rosemead Employee Association in group meeting. 8. Assist in the development of a strategy for implementing compensation recommendations. 9. Add effectively present data-driven rationale for recommendation in written report, present findings orally and thoroughly defend all challenges to the survey. 10. Provide an implementation plan. 11. Present final classification and total compensation report to City Management. Performance Evaluation System 1. Review the current performance evaluation system. 2. Revise and modify system to incorporate performance standards as they relate to the class specifications, and to adhere to current employment related laws. The consultant or the City may propose additional tasks as deemed necessary to complete the assignment. Any additional work shall be compensated as agreed upon in the consultant's contract with the City. CONTENT OF PROPOSALS Proposals should include a brief history and introduction of the company or firm, and it's understanding of the services to be performed. Proposals should be'divided into three components: The Classification Plan, the Compensation Plan, and the Performance Evaluation System. Proposal should include the cost of each component of the study, specifically, those components which may be performed by either City staff or the consulting firm. Alternative • • costs must be identified if the consulting firm or City staff will conduct each of the following components: a. distribution and collection of job analysis/position description questionnaires b. salary survey of comparable jurisdictions (once identified) Proposals should also include the methodologies to be used for each component. Cost of each component should be identified. Completion of the three components of the study is to be on or before April 15, 2009. A proposed time schedule including the number and description of the meetings to be held in the City should be specified. The proposal should also address the implementation of the findings of the final report including time frames and implementation steps. QUALIFICATIONS OF CONSULTANTS All proposals should include names of references from other public jurisdictions for which comparable services have been rendered. Resumes summarizing the qualifications of the individuals who will be conducting the study must be provided. PROPOSED DEADLINE The deadline for receiving proposals is 11:00 a.m. on September 24, 2008. Proposals should be signed by an authorized individual to bind the firm, and must be valid for at least 60 days. Please submit 5 copies of the proposal to: Gloria Molleda, City Clerk City of Rosemead 8838 E. Valley Boulevard Rosemead. CA 91770 CORRESPONDING REGARDING THE RFP All questions or request for information should be directed to: Matthew E. Hawkesworth Assistant City Manager City of Rosemead 8838 E. Valley Blvd. Rosemead, CA 91770 (626) 569-2107 • ! The City reserves the right to reject any or all proposals. The City will not be liable for, nor pay any cost incurred by responding firms relating to the preparation of proposal or the making of presentations. An explicit provision of the RFP is that any oral communication is not binding on the City's proposal processed or award of the contract. . AWARD CRITERIA The proposal will be evaluated on various criteria including and not limited to: 1. A detailed work plan outlining how you propose to complete all assignments and satisfy City expectations. 2. Understanding of scope of work. 3. Demonstrated professional skills and credentials of staff to be assigned to the study. 4. Quality of past work and the proposal. 5. Demonstrated understanding of working with team member committees. 6. Approach to the performance of the study. 7. Overall costs and fees to be charged. 8. A schedule of various elements of the work plan and proposed completion date. Approximately three firms will be selected for final consideration and will be required to attend a review meeting at City Hall, tentatively scheduled for October 2, 2008, at no cost to the City. The interview panel may include staff from city management and the employee association. The City plans to select the consultant by October 14, 2008. 0 • CONSULTANTS FOR CLASSIFICATION & COMPENSATION STUDY Public Sector Personnel Consultants 149 S. Barrington Avenue #726 Los Angeles, CA 90049 Phone: 888.522.7772 Website: www.compensationconsulting.com Fox Lawson & Associates Attn: Bruce Lawson P.O. Box 32985 Phoenix, AZ 85064 Phone: 602.840.1070 LB Hayhurst & Associates Attn: Carolyn Hayhurst 1014 Hopper Avenue #506 Santa Rosa, CA 95403 Phone: 415.884.0544 Email: Carolyn(o)Ibhayhurst.com Koff & Associates, Inc. 6400 Hollis Street Suite #5 Emeryville, CA 94608 Phone: 510.658.5633 Toll Free: 800.514.5195 Fax: 510.652.5633 Website: www.koffassociates.com The Mercer Group, Inc. P.O. Box 546 Weimar, CA 95736 Phone: 530.637.4559 Email: cwurzberger(a)excite.com Nash and Company, Inc. 6453 Via De Anzar Palos Verdes, CA 90275 Phone: 310.831.4874 Email: mnash484(()aol.com Barry Newton Creative Management Solutions, Inc. 8205 E. Somerset Anaheim, CA 92808 Phone: 714.281.7300 Email: barrycrosc)adelphia.net CPS Human Resource Services Attn: Debbie Owen 241 Lathrop Way Sacramento, CA 95815 Phone: 800.822.4277 Email: dowen(a)cps.ca.gov Jacobson, Betts & Company Attn: Vance Jacobson 600 First Avenue Suite 426 Seattle, WA 98104 Phone: 206.624.4944 or 206.619.2716 Fax: 206.624.4954 Email: vbi(o)iacobsonbetts.com Renne, Sloan, Holtzman, Sakai LTD Attn: Geoff Rothman 350 Sansome Street Suite #300 San Francisco, CA 94104 Phone: 415.678.3800 Condrey & Associates, Inc. P.O. Box 7907 Athens, GA 30604 Phone: 706.548.8938 Fax: 586.816.4067 Website: www.condrey-consulting.com Email: steve(cDcondrey-consulting.com