CC - Item 5A - Rosemead School District Bond Measure O• ITEM NO. ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: OLIVER C. CHI, CITY MANAGER 94---Gtp~ DATE: SEPTEMBER 9. 2008 SUBJECT: ROSEMEAD SCHOOL DISTRICT BOND MEASURE O SUMMARY Recently, Rosemead School Board Member Dennis McDonald submitted a request that the Rosemead City Council consider supporting the Rosemead School District's Bond Measure O, which is slated to be considered by the voters this coming November. Bond Measure O seeks to issue $30 million in bonds for classroom modernization efforts. A copy of the request and accompanying documentation has been included for the City Council's review. Staff recommendation Staff recommends that the City Council provide direction regarding this matter. PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. APPROVED FOR CITY COUNCIL AGENDA: 0 . 3907 Rosemead Blvd. Rosemead, CA 91770 Phone: 626-312-2900 Fax: 626-312-2906 AMY ENOMOTO-PEREZ, Ed.D., Superintendent August 28, 2008 Honorable John Tran Mayor, City of Rosemead 8838 E. Valley Blvd. Rosemead, CA 91770 Dear Mayor Tran, BOARD OF TRUSTEES: Randall Cantrell Ronald Esquivel Rhonda Harmon Fred Mascorro Dennis McDonald The Board of Trustees respectfully request that the Rosemead City Council pass a resolution supporting the Rosemead School District's Bond Measure O scheduled for the upcoming November election. We appreciate your consideration of this request. If there is any need for additional information, please do not hesitate to contact the District at (626) 312-2900, ext. 212, or myself at (626) 825-5299. Sincerely. A e, h2 a.~~ Dennis McDonald, President Board of Trustees Fax Numbers: Business Office: 626-312-2907 • Child Development: 626-312-2918 • Personnel: 626-312-2914 Educational Sen•ices/Pupil Personnel: 626-312-3814 • Special Education: 626-312-2913 Food Services: 626-307-6178 • Payroll: 626-312-2916 • Purchasing: 626-312-2915 • , BOARD OF TRUSTEES ROSEMEAD SCHOOL DISTRICT RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE ROSEMEAD SCHOOL DISTRICT ORDERING AN ELECTION TO AUTHORIZE THE ISSUANCE OF SCHOOL BONDS, ESTABLISHING SPECIFICATIONS OF THE ELECTION ORDER, AND REQUESTING CONSOLIDATION WITH OTHER ELECTIONS OCCURRING ON NOVEMBER 4, 2008 RESOLUTION NO. _08-09/7 WHEREAS, in the judgment of the Board of Trustees (the "Board") of the Rosemead School District (the "District"), it is advisable to call an election to submit to the electors of the District the question whether bonds of the District shall be issued and sold for the purpose of raising money for the acquisition and improvement of real property, and the furnishing and equipping of school facilities; and WHEREAS, as a result of the approval of Proposition 39 on November 7, 2000, Article XIII A Section 1 paragraph (b) of the California Constitution ("Article XIII A") provides an exception to the limit on ad valorem property taxes on real property for bonded indebtedness incurred by a school district approved by fifty-five percent (55%) of the voters of the district voting on the proposition; and WHEREAS, the Board is specifically authorized, upon approval by a two-thirds vote of the Board, to pursue the authorization and issuance of bonds by a fifty-five percent (55%) vote of the electorate on the question whether bonds of the District shall be issued and sold for specified purposes, pursuant to Education Code Section 15264 et seq. (the "Act'); and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 10403 et seq. of the California Elections Code, it is appropriate for the Board to request consolidation of the election with any and all other elections to be held on Tuesday, November 4, 2008, and to request the Los Angeles County Registrar of Voters (the "Registrar") to perform certain election services for the District; NOW, THEREFORE, THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE ROSEMEAD SCHOOL DISTRICT DOES HEREBY RESOLVE, DETERMINE AND ORDER AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Call for Election. The Board hereby orders an election and submits to the electors of the District the question of whether general obligation bonds of the District shall be issued and sold in the maximum principal amount of $30,000,000 (the "Bonds") for the purpose of raising money to finance school facilities and property of the District, and paying costs incident thereto, as set forth more fully in the ballot proposition approved pursuant to Section 3. This Resolution constitutes the order of the District to call such election. 1/7 • • Section 2. Election Date. The date of the election shall be November 4, 2008, and the election shall be held solely within the boundaries of the District. Section 3. Purpose of Election; Ballot Proposition. The purpose of the election shall be for the voters in the District to vote on a proposition, a full copy of which is attached hereto and marked Exhibit "A", containing the question of whether the District shall issue the Bonds for the purposes stated therein, together with the accountability requirements of Article XIII A and the requirements of Section 15272 of the Act. As required by Elections Code Section 13247, the abbreviated form of the measure to appear on the ballot is attached hereto and marked as Exhibit "B". The Superintendent or her designee is hereby authorized and directed to make any changes to the text of the proposition as required to conform to any requirements of Article XIII A, the Act or the Registrar. Section 4. Authority for Election. The authority for ordering the election is contained in Section 15264 et. seq. of the Education Code and Section 1, paragraph (b), subsection (3) of Article XIII A. The authority for the specification of this election order is contained in Section 5322 of the Education Code. Section 5. School Facilities Projects. As required by Article XIII A, the Board hereby certifies that it has evaluated safety, class size reduction and information technology needs in developing the list of school facilities projects set forth on Exhibit A. Section 6. Covenants of the Board upon Approval of the Bonds by the Electorate. As required by Article XIII A and Section 15278 of the Act, in the event fifty-five percent (55%) of the voters in the District approve the issuance of the Bonds, the Board shall: (1) conduct an annual, independent performance audit to ensure that the Bond proceeds have been expended only on the projects listed in Exhibit A; (2) conduct an annual, independent financial audit of the proceeds from the sale of the Bonds until all of those proceeds have been expended for the school facilities projects listed in Exhibit A; and (3) establish and appoint members to an independent citizens' oversight committee in accordance with Sections 15278, 15280 and 15282 of the Act. Section 7. Delivery of this Resolution. The Clerk of the Board is hereby directed to send a copy of this Resolution to the Los Angeles County Superintendent of Schools, the Registrar, and the Los Angeles County Clerk of the Board of Supervisors. Section 8. Consolidation of Election. The Registrar and the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors are hereby requested to consolidate the election ordered hereby with any and all other elections to be held on November 4, 2008, within the District. Section 9. Ballot Arguments; Tax Rate Statement. Any and all members of this Board are hereby authorized to act as an author of any ballot argument prepared in connection with the election, including a rebuttal argument. The Superintendent, President of the Board, or 2/7 • • their designees, are hereby authorized to execute any Tax Rate Statement or other document and to perform all acts necessary to place the bond measure on the ballot. Section 10. Accountability Measures. As required by Section 53410 of the Government Code, a statement in substantially the following form shall be included on the ballot for the Bonds, and the Board covenants to comply with the reporting requirements contained in Section 53411 of the Government Code: Accountability Measures As required by Section 53410 of the Government Code, the following accountability measures are hereby made a part of the District's Bond Measure _ (the "Measure"): a) The specific purpose of the bonds is set forth in the Full Text of the Measure; b) The proceeds from the sale of the District's bonds will be used only for the purposes specified in the Measure, and not for any other purpose; c) The proceeds of the Bonds will be deposited into a Building Fund to be held by the Los Angeles County Treasurer, as required by the California Education Code; and d) The Superintendent of the District shall file an annual report with the Board of Trustees of the District, commencing not later than November 4, 2009, and annually thereafter, which report shall contain pertinent information regarding the amount of funds collected and expended, as well as the status of the projects listed in the Measure. Section 11. Term of the Bonds. The Bonds shall mature not more than 40 years from their issue date. Section 12. Effective Date. This resolution shall take effect on and after its adoption. 3/7 • • PASSED AND ADOPTED this 24th day of July, 2008, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: President of the Board of Trustees Rosemead School District ATTEST: C erk of the Board of Trustees Rosemead School District I, ~noi►-{~t~~ M ~N . Clerk of the Board of Trustees of Rosemead School District, Los Angeles County, California, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of the Resolution passed and adopted by said Board of Trustees at a regular meeting on the 24th day of July, 2008, and that the minutes of said Board of Trustees shows that f ive (-5-) members of said Board voted for and zero (0 ) members of said Board voted against the adoption of said Resolution and the said Resolution is now spread upon the minutes of said Board. t~'- r.1 r-4 - / ff-4- Clerk of the Board 6T Trustees Rosemead School District 4/7 • • EXHIBIT A BALLOT MEASURE FULL TEXT OF MEASURE "To upgrade outdated heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems, and deteriorating plumbing; make health, safety, and handicapped accessibility upgrades, and improve drinking water; implement computer and technology upgrades ; install security and monitoring systems to increase student safety; and acquire, construct, repair, replace and modernize classrooms, cafeterias, and school facilities; shall Rosemead School District issue $30 million in bonds at legal interest rates with annual audits and independent citizens' oversight and no money for administrators' salaries?" As required by the California Constitution, the proceeds from the sale of the bonds will be used only for the construction, reconstruction, rehabilitation or replacement of school facilities, including the furnishing and equipping of school facilities, or the acquisition or lease of real property for school facilities, and not for any other purpose, such as teacher and administrator salaries and other school operating expenses. Rosemead School District Bond Project List The Rosemead School District will use bond funds for the following school facility projects: Encinita Elementary School, Built 1948 Savannah Elementary School, Built 1938 Janson Elementary School, Built 1946 Muscatel Middle School, Built 1948 Shuey Elementary School, Built 1953 District Administration, Built in 1922 Such projects shall include, but shall not be limited to: • Repair, replace and upgrade heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAQ systems with energy efficient systems along with any necessary structural modifications, throughout the District. • Make improvements to the drinking water and plumbing systems in all classrooms and support facilities throughout the District to address health and safety issues. • Provide additional computers and upgrade electrical and technological systems throughout the District to improve student access to computers and modern technology. • Make improvements to comply with handicapped accessibility requirements (Americans with Disabilities Act) and other code compliance issues throughout the District. • Improve and upgrade buildings and infrastructures to conserve natural resources and promote conservation. 5/7 • Make safety and utility upgrades throughout the District including fire alarm, communication, data, security systems, lighting and fencing to ensure sites are adequately secured. • Upgrade and modernize school libraries, computer labs, cafeterias and food preparation facilities throughout the District. • Repair and replace outdated and leaky roofs throughout the District. • Enhance, improve and repair green areas, playing fields and playground equipment throughout the District. • Repair, replace and upgrade play surface areas throughout the District to increase student safety. • Acquire portable classrooms previously financed with Certificates of Participation for continuation of class size reduction programs and for replacement of older buildings. • Replace portable buildings including conducting necessary site preparation/ restoration in connection with removal/ installation throughout the District. • Repair and replace windows, doors and hardware throughout the District. • Repair, replace and upgrade interior finishes in all classrooms, multipurpose rooms and other support facilities throughout the District. • Repair, replace and upgrade exterior walls, walkways, wood trim and support columns. • Repair, enhance and expand parking lots throughout the District. • Perform necessary site preparation/ restoration in connection with new construction, replacement of buildings and renovation or remodeling of buildings. • Address unforeseen conditions revealed by construction, modernization and repairs (e.g., plumbing or gas line breaks, dry rot, seismic, structural, etc.). • Furnish and equip sites as needed to the extent permitted by law. • Contributions to the District's Deferred Maintenance Fund, for the purpose of accessing State Matching Funds. • Address unforeseen emergency repairs related to health and safety. The District's Board of Trustees has evaluated safety, class size reduction and information technology needs in developing the foregoing list. The District's Board of Trustees will conduct an annual, independent performance audit to ensure that the funds have been expended only on the project list set forth above. The District's Board of Trustees will conduct an annual, independent financial audit of the proceeds from the sale of the Bonds until all of those proceeds have been expended for the school facilities projects. Pursuant to Section 15772 of the Education Code, the District's Board of Trustees will appoint a citizens' oversight committee and conduct annual independent audits to assure that funds are spent only on school and classroom improvements and for no other purposes. 6/7 • EXHIBIT B BALLOT MEASURE (ABBREVIATED FORM)* • "To upgrade outdated heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems, and deteriorating plumbing; make health, safety, and handicapped accessibility upgrades, and improve drinking water; implement computer and technology upgrades ; install security and monitoring systems to increase student safety; and acquire, construct, repair, replace and modernize classrooms, cafeterias, and school facilities; shall Rosemead School District issue $30 million in bonds at legal interest rates with annual audits and independent citizens' oversight and no money for administrators' salaries?" *Limited to 75 words 7/7 • Dear Parents, Staff and Community, MEASURE RR FACILITIES BOND UPDATE - WHERE ARE WE NOW, AND WHERE WE NEED TO BE It is my pleasure to once again share and report on the facility upgrades, improvements, and accomplishments of our Measure RR Facilities Bond Projects. This summer Janson and Savannah Schools will be closed for additional work as a school wide exterior painting project is planned for Janson School and a school office modernization and electrical service upgrade project is slated for Savannah School. Each summer for the past few years, I have given you a report of the work that has been completed as a result of the Measure RR bond funding. Below is a listing of improvement projects that have been completed to date and/or to be completed this summer. In addition, 1 have included an updated pyramid of "Where Are We Now?" The pyramid prioritizes all of the District's facilities needs, not just those projects intended to be funded by Measure RR. We have been able to make great progress with the funds from Measure RR. Our main site infrastructure improvements are practically 100% complete. We are close to completing all the planned building utility infrastructure improvements, and we have completed 50% of the basic architectural upgrades. As we continue the planning process and work on the remaining projects in our pyramid of needs, we need to consider sources of funding in addition to Measure RR. Although Measure RR funds have been able to pay for a large part of the needs listed in our pyramid, Measure RR was never intended to cover the cost of all of our needs. The Board of Education is currently considering placing a general obligation bond measure on the upcoming November 2008 ballot to help pay for the remaining needs of our schools in addition to continuing to pursue other sources of funding, As always, 1, along with the Board of Trustees and on behalf of our staff members of the Rosemead School District, want to express our appreciation for your support as our parents and our community. If you have specific questions regarding our facility projects, please do not hesitate to contact Ms. Armida Carreon, Sr. Director, at our district office at 626-312- 2900 x. 219. We appreciate your on-going support of our schools. MEASURE RR BOND COMPLETED PROJECTS YEAR STARTED PROJECTS 2001 Demolition of old buildings Shue , Savannah, Muscatel 2001 Perimeter Decorative Fence Phase I All sites except Shue 2001 Removal of Asbestos containing materials as needed 2002 Handicapped modifications (on-going) 2002 New irrigations system 2002 New main sewer lines 2002 New main water lines 2002 New relocatable buildings where needed 2002 Roofing repair projects 2002 Site drainage improvements 2002 Visitor and staff parking lots 2003 Roofing replacement 2003 New school-wide fire alarm 2003 Perimeter Decorative Fence Phase 2 2003 Remodeling of Kindergarten classrooms 2003 Upgrade of as lines throughout all sites 2004 Installation of wiring for technology 2004 Upgrade of sand boxes (on-going) 2005 Student restrooms upgrade 2005 New Locker Rooms Muscatel Middle School 2005 New Wei ht/exercise Room Muscatel Middle School 2006 Expansion of Administration Offices 2006 Exterior painting Janson Elementary to be completed Summer 2008 2006 Flooring replacement (on-going) 2006 HVAC repairs/upgrades on-going 2006 Major playground asphalt resurfacing 2006 New bells stems 2006 New drinking fountains (on-going) 2006 New Phone/Intercoms stems 2006 Sloe stabilization and erosion control as needed 2006 Running Path and baseball field upgrades Muscatel Middle School 2006 New Music Room Muscatel Middle School 2007 Consolidation of multiple electric meters into one as required by Southern California Edison 2007 Additional staff restrooms Encinita, Shue and Muscatel 2007 New/upgrade electrical service and distribution to buildings • • a • 2008 New entrance to campus Savannah to be completed during 08/09 2008 New flag poles 2008 New P/A Systems ORIGINAL NEEDS vs. AVAILABLE FUNDING • E WHERE ARE WE NOW ? 5) CLASSROOM TECHNOLOGY FOR TEACHING (15% Completed) BASIC WHITECTURAL UPGRADES (50% Compl ING UTILITY INFRASTI (75% Completed) 1) MAIN SITE INFRASTRUCTURE (1000/6 Completed) 0 0 Your Measure Rk Dollars at Work Rosemead School District BOARD OF TRUSTEES FACILITIES ADMINISTRATION & RANDALL C. CANTRELL ,y PROGRAM MANAGEMENT RON G. ESOUIVEL RHONDA HARMON MARIA-ELENA ROMERO CONSULTANTS Juan Romero. Project Coordinator FRED S. MASCORRO DENNIS MCDONALD SUPERINTENDENT PROJECT ARCHITECT DR AMY ENOMOTO-PEREZ 26 6:51p-m Trustees Fred Mascorro, Randy Cantrell, Dennis McDonald and Ron Esquivel (not in picture Rhonda Harmon) Amy Enomoto-Perez visit to sites during the sites infrastructure upgrade Modernized Kindergarten classroom. All Kindergarten classrooms at Encinita, Janson, Shuey and Savannah Elementaries have been entirely remodeled. 11 New P.E. lockers for Muscatel Middle School students 0 0 0 0 Modernization upgrades in Administrative Offices and staff workrooms Playground areas upgrade at all elementary schools • "J New cabinetry, floor finishes and lighting at Muscatel Perimeter fencing at Shuey Elementary • 0 • r Reception/Office area at Muscatel Middle School - ' 12:39 FM- Administration building expansion at Muscatel Middle School during construction 9 0 Kindergarten classroom after Modernization at Janson Elementary I IL Modernized Restrooms for students and staff at all schools • L~ 5 T 7 I Kindergarten classrooms at Encinita Elementary 1 1