CC - Item 2F - Team Member Home Computer Purchase Porgramss e e ~O Q~Q NC~kPOR?lE0 `0g9 • ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: OLIVER CHI, CITY MANAGER DATE: SEPTEMBER 23, 2008 SUBJECT: TEAM MEMBER HOME COMPUTER PURCHASE PROGRAM SUMMARY The City provides computers at work for most of our full and %-time team members to assist them in completing their daily duties, however, many team members have expressed an interest in also purchasing a computer for them to use at home to help improve their skills. Many cities offer no or low-interest loans to staff members in order to help facilitate these purchases. Staff Recommendation Staff recommends that the City Council approve the Team Member Home Computer Purchase Program (Attached). ANALYSIS Within the last two years the City has greatly increased the use of computers to complete daily assignments and improve upon overall efficiency. During this time we have learned that many of our team members do not have computers at home and therefore had previously little or no experience using computers. Through the process of meeting with team members it has been brought up on several occasions that a City sponsored computer purchase program would be well received and greatly appreciated. Team members have expressed interest in being able to utilize email, word processing and spreadsheet programs at home for personal use, which would also benefit them in their daily duties through improving their proficiency on the computer. The proposed program would offer no interest loans between $500 and $2,000 to full and 3/4-time team members who have successfully passed probation. Loans must be repaid within two years and only one loan may be taken out at a time. Any balance owed would become payable immediately upon separation by a team member. FINANCIAL REVIEW There is no appropriation required with the approval of a program as there would be no overall cost to the City. ITEM NO. APPROVED FOR CITY COUNCIL AGENDA: • • City Council Meeting September 23, 2008 Page 2 of 2 PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. Submitted by: C- ~ Matthew E. Hawkesworth Assistant City Manager Attachment: Team Member Home Computer Purchase Program Policy M~j_C E r•~ SUBJECT: CITY OF ROSEMEAD Administrative Policy Manual L Policy Number: 30-09 Date Established: September 23, 2008 Date Revised: September 23, 2008 City Manager Approval: TEAM MEMBER HOME COMPUTER PURCHASE PROGRAM PURPOSE: To establish a policy for the administration and provisions of the Team Member Home Computer Purchase Program. General Policy: The majority of City team members use computers extensively to perform their work assignments. The City encourages team members to increase their computer skills and has a new network infrastructure which enables team members to access their work files and resources from their homes. To accommodate these needs, the City offers a Team Member Home Computer Purchase Program (TMHCPP). Provisions: A. Eligibility 1. All full-time and '/4-time team members who have passed probation are eligible to participate in this program. 2. Participants must agree to comply with the requirements and provisions of the TMHCPPP as set forth herein. 3. Participants have the option of participating again two years from the date that a City check was issued for a previous loan, at which time that loan would be paid in full. B. Administration and Support 1. This program will be administered and coordinated by the Internal Business Unit (Human Resources and Finance). 2. The continued availability of this program will be dependent upon its effectiveness and benefits derived. Certain limitations may be applied to the program based on the availability of funds. In the event the City receives more requests to participate than available funds, participants will be selected by lottery. All other requests will be honored in the order that they were received when funding becomes available. C. Equipment Specifications 1. This program may be used to purchase a complete computer system with or without OEM software, a monitor or a printer. Page 1 of 8 Page 2 of 8 Policy 30-09 Team Member Home Computer Purchase Program 2. Computers must have the capability of running the same software currently in use by the City; however the City is not legally able to provide its own software to team members because of software manufacturer licensing rules. Therefore, team members must purchase their own software for use on their personal computers. D. Purchases 1. Comparative shopping is encouraged and participants may choose any vendor. If participants are uncertain regarding the type of equipment to purchase, technology staff can provide a list of equipment from one of its vendors that would meet the minimum equipment requirements. 2. There are two purchasing options available under this program: a. Team Member Purchase: provides participant with a City check payable to the participant after submitting a purchase receipt and required forms as specified in Section E of this policy. b. City Check Purchase: provides participant with a City check payable to a vendor that participant uses to purchase their computer system after submitting the required forms as specified in Section E of this policy. 3. A minimum of a one-year warranty is required on all computer system and printer purchases (usually included in the purchase price). 4. It is the responsibility of the team member to provide appropriate maintenance and insurance (optional) for all equipment purchased through this program. 5. Use of these funds outside of this policy is grounds for termination. E. Process and Required Forms 1. Eligible team members who wish to participate in this program must follow the process for one of two purchasing options: a. Team Member Purchase: i. Participants must agree to the terms of the loan agreement and provide the Financial Services Department with a copy of the final receipt attached to a completed loan agreement and payroll deduction form. ii. A City check payable to the participant is issued according to the accounts payable schedule. • • r Page 3 of 8 Policy 30-09 Team Member Home Computer Purchase Program b. Purchase with City Check: i. Participants submit all required forms to the Financial Services Department for review and approval. ii. A City check payable to the vendor will be issued according to the accounts payable schedule. iii. Participant purchases equipment specified on their Pre-Approval Worksheet. iv. Participants will provide the Financial Services Department with a copy of the final receipt. 2. The below listed forms are required and must be completed and submitted, as specified for the purchasing option being followed, to the Financial Services Department for review and approval: a. Quote/Price Sheet: must be obtained from the vendor or store from which the team member intends to purchase the equipment. The quote must contain a description of all equipment to be purchased and the vendor's price. (Attach to Pre-Approval Worksheet.) b. Pre-Approval Worksheet (Exhibit A): establishes team member eligibility and lists the specifications and total cost of the equipment to be purchased. No changes may be made to the purchase specifications after the team member submits his/her forms. (Attach a vendor quote/price sheet.) c. Participation & Loan Agreement (Exhibit B): outlines the responsibilities of the participant, terms of the agreement, payroll deduction arrangements and other conditions of the TMHCPP. d. Payroll Deduction Form (Exhibit C): authorizes financial services staff to deduct the team member's payments from their paycheck and lists the terms and conditions of this program. F. Loan and Payments 1. The City will finance a minimum of $500 and a maximum of $2,000 per eligible team member at zero percent interest. 2. Loans are due and payable in full upon termination of employment or separation for any reason, and shall be deducted from the team member's last paycheck or paid by the team member on terms agreed to by the financial services director. Page 4 of 8 Policy 30-09 Team Member Home Computer Purchase Program 3. The amount financed will be repaid to the City through payroll deductions over a 24-month period. Deductions will begin the first pay period following the issuance of a check and will continue for 52 pay periods. A team member may choose to reimburse the City in a lump sum payment prior to the calculated payoff date. Attachments: Exhibit A - Participation & Loan Agreement Exhibit B - Pre-Approval Worksheet Exhibit C - Payroll Deduction Form Page 5 of 8 • • Policy 30-09 Team Member Home Computer Purchase Program Administrative Policy #30-09 Exhibit A CITY OF ROSEMEAD Team Member Home Computer Purchase Program Pre-Approval Worksheet Name: LAST, FIRST MI Department: Eli ibili The above named individual is a (check one below): ❑ full-time team-member who has passed probation. ❑ 3!4-time team member who has passed probation. Department Head Signature: Equipment to be Purchased VENDOR: Date: Ext. Equipment Description (include specifications, attaching additional sheets as needed): ITEM(S) Subtotal No changes may be made to the purchase specifications after the team member submits his/her forms. Shipping Tax Grand Total PRICE Page 6 of 8 Policy 30-09 Team Member Home Computer Purchase Program Administrative Policy #30-09 Exhibit B CITY OF ROSEMEAD Team Member Home Computer Purchase Program Participation & Loan Agreement Name: Department: Ext. LAST, FIRST MI I, the above named individual ("Participant") am a (check one below): ❑ full-time team member who has passed probation. ❑ 3/4-time team member who has passed probation. I have read and understand Administrative Policy 30-09, the Team Member Home Computer Purchase Program ("Program") and hereby elect to purchase a personal computer and certain related equipment ("Equipment") and participate in the financing arrangement offered under the Program, and further, agree to and accept the following terms and conditions: 1. The price of the Equipment to be purchased is $ and is identified on the attached quote or price sheet. 2. The City agrees to loan the Participant the amount of $ for a period not to exceed 24 months to purchase specified Equipment. 3. Participant authorizes the City to deduct $ as the first payment with equal payments thereafter of $ from each pay check of the Participant beginning until the amount identified above has been paid. Participant may elect to pay the remaining unpaid balance at any time prior to the last payroll deduction. 4. Participant agrees not to sell, trade or otherwise dispose of the Equipment until the loan has been paid in full. Participant also agrees that usage of the Equipment will be limited to the Participant's own use and that of his/her immediate family, and any reassignment or transfer of the Equipment or this Agreement is a violation of these provisions, whatever the reason, and shall constitute an "event of default" of the loan, and the City, at its discretion, shall declare the outstanding principal to be immediately due and payable. 5. Upon termination of Participant from the employment of the City for any reason, the remaining amount to be paid to the City under this Agreement shall immediately become due and payable. Participant hereby authorizes City to withhold from his/her final pay, including sick leave and vacation payoff, any amount remaining under this Agreement. If the remaining amount due to the City exceeds the total final pay amount, this additional amount due shall be paid to the City in a lump sum no later than the team member's last working 'day. It is understood that failure to pay this amount will result in a late penalty equaling ten (10) percent of the outstanding amount being applied and instigation of collection procedures, including legal garnishment of future earnings. Page 1 of 2 Page 7 of 8 Policy 30-09 Team Member Home Computer Purchase Program 6. All warranties and service or maintenance contracts shall be between the vendor and the participant. Participant shall deal directly with the vendor and in no event shall Participant look to the City for any assistance or claims relating to warranty, service or maintenance. 7. This Agreement may be changed by written agreement between the City and the Participant. Any subsequent agreement supersedes any and all written or oral agreements, proposals and communications concerning the Program. 8. In the event either party hereto brings any suit against the other party to enforce any rights under this Agreement, then the prevailing party in any such suit shall recover from the other party its reasonable attorneys' fees and costs incurred in connection therewith. 9. The City will not be held responsible for any indirect, consequential, special, or punitive damages or losses that a participant may incur from using a personal computer system purchased under this program. 10. Each participant agrees to defend and indemnify the City, its officers, and officials, and hold the same harmless from and against any and all claims, proceedings, damages, injuries, liabilities, losses, costs, and expenses (including reasonable attorney's fees) that may result from the use of a personal computer purchased under this program. 11. Participants in the program should be aware of recent legislation that applies to small interest sums, which may affect a participant's taxable income. The IRS has determined that any interest foregone by the City in financing the purchase of equipment can be treated as taxable income (de minimis exception) in the year the purchase was made. Therefore, the City encourages all participants to consult a tax advisor or financial consultant. ACCEPTED BY: Team Member Signature: City Manager or Designee's Signature: Date: Date: - ATTACH QUOTE/PRICE SHEET FROM VENDOR - Attachments: Pre-Approval Worksheet Payroll Deduction Form Page 2 of 2 Page 8 of 8 Policy 30-09 Team Member Home Computer Purchase Program Administrative Policy #30-09 Exhibit C City of Rosemead Team Member Home Computer Purchase Program Payroll Deduction Form Name: Department: Ext. LAST, FIRST MI The terms and conditions of the financing arrangement offered under the Team Member Home Computer Purchase Program are as follows: 1. The City will finance a minimum of $500 and a maximum of $2,000 at zero percent interest toward the total cost of a computer system purchase. 2. Payments on the amount financed by the City will be made through payroll deductions from 52 pay periods over a 24-month period. 3. If the participating team member separates from the City prior to completing payments, any balance of the City financed amount will be deducted from the team member's final paycheck. 4. The participating team member will be responsible for personal computer maintenance costs, including insurance (optional), electricity and related costs. have read, understand, and agree to abide by the terms and conditions of Administrative Policy 30-09, the Team Member Home Computer Purchase Program, and I hereby authorize payroll to deduct $ as the first payment with equal payments thereafter of $ from 51 subsequent paychecks. Team Member Signature: Date: