CC - Item 4B - Dinsmoor Heritage House0 Q` ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL e?F! STAFF REPORT TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: OLIVER CHI, CITY MANAGER & DATE: OCTOBER 14, 2008 SUBJECT: DINSMOOR HERITAGE HOUSE SUMMARY In April of this year, the Dinsmoor Heritage House sustained significant damage as a result of a flooding incident. Staff has worked with our insurance company, Safeco, to coordinate estimates to repair the floor, wall, and ceiling damage related to flooding in addition to hazardous materials abatement, debris removal, and pest eradication efforts. To date, the City has received a payment of approximately $55,000 for the repairs. Additionally, the City could receive around $25,000 in additional insurance funds for removal and storage of furnishings and other items during repairs. After receiving the adjuster's estimate for repairs, staff sought informal estimates for repairs of flood damaged areas as well as existing window and door repairs, additional hazardous materials abatement, wall and floor repairs, and localized electrical and plumbing repairs. The cost for these repairs is estimated at $100,000. In order to proceed, staff would need City Council's authorization to formally bid the project. As we have gone through this process, however, in order to better assess the actual condition of the building, a full architectural evaluation might need to be made. Given the historic nature of the Dinsmoor House, this could also require the services of a firm that specializes in historic structures. Staff contacted a number of such firms, and two sent representatives for an on-site survey. An initial visual inspection of the facility by both firms has suggested that the Dinsmoor House may be in of much greater attention than previously realized. Areas of probable concern beyond flood damage include termite and weather damaged beams, posts, and door & window frames; a dilapidated second story balcony; apparent shifting of blocks in some of the walls; ceiling cracks; interior and exterior painting; and the need to upgrade utility and electrical systems. APPROVED FOR CITY COUNCIL AGENDA: 0 • ITEM NUMBER: E City Council Meeting October 14, 2008 Paqe 2 of 2 • Given that the repairs resulting from flood damage will definitely require a formal bid, staff believes that a structural and systems assessment of the house should be done in order to understand the material conditions of architectural features, the structural state of the building, and the current condition of mechanical, electrical, and plumbing systems. Staff Recommendation Staff is seeking Council direction regarding three options for repairs to the Dinsmoor House: A. City Council authorize staff to proceed with bidding repairs for already identified flood and other visible damages estimated at $100,000. B. City Council authorize staff to contract the services of a specialty architectural firm to conduct a structural and systems evaluation of the Dinsmoor Heritage House for an amount not to exceed $30,000 and to bring back the findings for further Council direction. C. City Council authorize staff to contract the services of an architectural firm to conduct a structure and systems evaluation of the Dinsmoor Heritage House for an amount not to exceed $20,000 and to bring back the findings for futher Council direction. PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. FISCAL IMPACT It is assumed that the fiscal impact of Option A will require a budget amendment once the full cost of identified repairs is known as it will likely exceed the funds provided by our insurer. The cost for contracting a specialty architectural firm to assess the condition of the Dinsmoor House, as proposed in Option B and C, would be paid for with insurance funds received. However, proposed repairs will require future City Council approval of additional general fund monies.