CC - Item 5B - Take Action on Measure MM• ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: OLIVER CHI, CITY MANAGER DATE: OCTOBER 14, 2008 SUBJECT: TAKE ACTION ON MEASURE MM SUMMARY At the request of Mayor Pro Tem John Nunez, attached is information regarding Measure MM for the City Council to discuss. Mayor Pro Tenn Nunez recommends that the City Council take action and support this initiative. The Alhambra Unified School District (AUSD) is asking voters to consider Measure MM, which would allow the District to issue bonds in the amount of $50 million to upgrade and modernize every elementary school in the AUSD. Attached is information provided by the Alhambra Unified School District, which includes the Notice of Date to Submit Arguments (Attachment A) and the City of Alhambra's Resolution in support of Measure MM. Staff Recommendation Staff recommends that the City Council discuss this item. PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. Submitted by: AqfQA 4"~L~ Aileen Flores Public Affairs Manager Attachments: A - Notice of Date to Submit Arguments B - City of Alhambra's Resolution in Support of Measure MM ITEM NO. ~J6 APPROVED FOR CITY COUNCIL AGENDA: 0 I 6-08 15:21 From Af~a Cty School *A TTACHME NT A NOT I' E OF DATE TO SUBMIT ARG MEN ,I NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVE TO ALL QUALIFIED VOT ERS o the ALHAMBRA UNIF D SCHOOL DISTRICTithat a S ECIAL BOND MEASURE EL CTIO will be,hel on Tues y, r NOVEMBER 4, 2008 in Consol dation with the General Election to sub it to the vote the foll ng measure: To improve local elementary e ducation, repair, upgrade outda ted cl 'srooms; plu l bing, roo ~ ng, lighting, electrical systems, lib raries, upgrade safety, securit y, fire l ve haza ystems, rem bus materials, replace tempora classrooms with permanen t cla rooms, earthquake-re 1 oft classrooms, renovate, acquire , construct, repair, equip classr ooms, labs, chools, sciencei n tes, i facilities, shall Alhambra Uni School District Elementary chool t District Is Improveme I sue s56500;00-of-bonds ate I rates, citizens' oversight; indep dertt- udits? - g 1 Pursuant to Elections Code S ction 9502, August 18, 2008 is the la uments fo day that ar and against the measure may be submitted for printing and distrib ution voters. Arguments mu st be d filed with the REGISTRAR-R CORDER/COUNTY CLERK 12 400 I penal Highway, Norwal , 2" Floor, Room 2013, no later the n 5 p- m. August 18, 2008. d 30 words in length and shall be ac compa, ied by signatures of not ore No argument shall excee Also requir authors h f d to be filed is a statement signe d by a ch author that the argu nt is I . ive an t Fo d belief ims a available at the REGIS R- true and correct to the best o I RECORDER/COUNTY CLER - 2isther knowledge an K'S OFFICE or by calling (562) 4 62-23 . One argument in sup ort of ositJ t in o n of the measure will be selected . pp and one argumen Polling places shall be open : etween the hours of 7 a. m. and 8 p. m- Persons requiring multilingua assistance in Chinese, Japanes Kore in, Spanish, Tagalog/Fill ino or I Vietnamese regarding inform tion in the notice may call (800) 48i~6 3. i DEAN C. LOGA Registra -Recor en County Clerk County d f Los geles ABRIElfl PUBLISH IN: SAN VALLEY DAILY TRIBUNE PUBLICATION DADATE AUG yST 14, 2 08 (THURS) F Oct &ELA'NALL HMIDB001t8: 29a EIe[ 003 Ma W em l 'i 1208 From AI.a it is j.! li I Oc A RESOLUT IN SUPPORT UNIFIED SC NOVEMBER INDEBTEDN EVERY ELEI WHEREAS, an election % Improvement District" of t submitting to the electors indebtedness in a princip< elementary school in Alhan WHEREAS, the passage of • Replace agir • Upgrade pla • Upgrade ele • Construct or • Replace det, Install energ • Make neede and, WHEREAS, Measure MM salaries or any other sc monitored by an independ as specified; and. WHEREAS, the Alhambra repairs and safety impro academic success; and, i WHEREAS, the Alhambi strengthen communities ar NOW, THEREFORE, BE I unanimously endorses an( Measure MM appearing or to cast a "YES" vote for tht School 16TTACHMENT B - - - - ~ _ .III - - i - I - -II---- RESOLUTION NO. R211118-28 )N OF THE ALHAMBRA CIT~ COL OF THE PASSAGE OF THE LHA6 DOL DISTRICT'S MEASURE M OP 4, 2008 BALLOT FOR BOI SS TO MODERNIZE AND UPGI ENTARY SCHOOL IN THE DISI RICT I be held on November 4, Alhambra Unified School if the improvement District amount of $50 million to rr ra and Monterey Park; and, MM will enable the AU$D to plumbing and deteriorating lea round equipment to meet curre ical wiring and power to meet c pgrade lunch shelters and food orating portable classrooms wi efficient air conditioning and tie security and safety communica ivides that no funds may be I operating expenses and Citizens' Oversight Committe Council recognizes that it nts to our elementary s City Council further re increase property values; auG the "Elementary Sch Is USD) for the purpose of in of incurring a bon ed and upgrade; every AU D s ' standards s chnology needs -ient classrooms tems for cost savings i sed f r teacher and admini; at all bond expenditures v to en ure that the funds are RESOLVED by the Alhambra ity expresses its support of the said Al the November 4, 2008 ballot and str successful passage of Measure WIN ary to continue ma our students. can excellent public oil that this Council -a Unified School C urges Alhambra's be C YMW-9108-rm I I 12:08 BE IT FURTHFK, City Clerk to sent City of Monterey , SIGNED AND Al ATTEST: ~a Cty School. 1 • I i t :SOLVE by the Alhambra !City Council t at this copy oft is Resolution to the Alhambra U ified k, kOVED jis 2211 day of September, 200 TII990 P.003/003 i i here y directs th= istrict and to the /s/ Frances A. Moore FRANCES A. MOORE, CITY CLERK I~ , i i , I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing resc the Alhambra City Council aE its regular meeting held jc Agency on the 22"0 day of Sleptember, 2008, by the foil AYES: SHAM, YAMAUCHI, PLACIDO, AYALA, NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE I i i was d ly passed and adopte ith the' Alhambra Redevelops vote, t wit: 31 NA A. F-433 CityA*-9108-fm 1 1 2