CC - Item 2B - National League of CitiesROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND FROM: JEFF STEWART, INTERIM CITY DATE: APRIL 14, 2009 SUBJECT: NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES CITY COUNCI MANAGER GREEN CITIES CONFERENCE & EXPO -PORTLAND, OREGON -APRIL 18-21, 2009 SUMMARY Attached for your consideration is information regarding the National League of Cities Green Cities Conference & Expo. Staff Recommendation Staff recommends that the City Council authorize the attendance, at City expense, any Council Member, City Attorney, City Manager and staff designee. ANALYSIS Conference sessions will include: The Green Economy; Energy Efficiency; Alternative Energy; Green Infrastructure & Storm Water Management; Clean Drinking Water; Trees & Parks; Street & Traffic Lights; Recycling; Reducing Emissions; Transportation and more. FINANCIAL REVIEW Expenses for this conference is included in the 2008-09 Budget PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. Submitted by: , Jan Saavedra Executive Assistant Attachment A: Conference Brochure ITEM N0.3~ APPROVED FOR CITY COUNCIL AGENDA: National League of Cities n erenc LOCAL GOVERNMENTS CREATING A SUSTAINABLE Ex o FUTURE 2009 OREGON CONVENTION CENTER Whether your city was an early adopter of green practices and innovation or is beginning its "green" journey, the 2009 GREEN CITIES CONFERENCE & EXPO is the place to be. April 18-21, 2009 ~ Portland, Oregon National league of Cities SUPPORTING LOCAL GOVERNMENTS AS THEY LEAD THE WAY TO A GREENER AMERICA-ONE CITY, TOWN AND VILLAGE AT A TIRE. www.NLCGreenCitiesConferenceandExpo.org • conferenceC~nlc.org • 202-62d-3000 ATTEND THE 2009 GREEN C!i"iES CONFERENCE ~ EXPO AND LEAVE WITH ANSWERS: . What does it mean to be a "green" city? .What does it take to be a green city especially in tough economic times? . What low-cost, high-impact "green" options can I take as first steps in helping my city go green? . How could being a green city affect jobs, the economy and the health of my city? . What building and zoning issues, federal, state or local policies and regulations does my city need to know about? .What support or organizations exist that can help my city go "green"? . What do I need to do to create and take forward a sustainability plon for my city? . What have other cities experienced? Whom can I talk to from other cities about their "green" experiences? Mobile Workshops The City o£ Portland is scheduling mobile workshops [}rat will highlight the city's successful and replicable "green" practices. Mobile workshop themes will include: • Sustainable Storm Water: sec examples of green streets, c'cr,rtx,ls. I~zin++auer harvesting/flushing toilets and [Wore • Waste Water Treatment and Biogas Power Generation: tour the: waste°ti+~ater treatment pl:utt and see biogas reuc++alilc eni•t•gy projects . Green Urban Development: tour Portland's green building and sustainable urh:u7 de+•elnptnent . Ecosystem Restoration: see examples in an urban eu~~ruunrent . Alternative Transportation Modes: see examples of 1,LLl light trill, streetcar. hike commuting and 11'ES (commuter rail line) . Sunderland Yard: tour an innovative facility that recycles, reuses and composts waste collected thruugh street maintrnattce OpCC&GUnS Conference Agenda (Check Ir,e conference web site for periodic updates on all conference programing) Pre-Conference: April 18 8~ 19 Saturday, April 18 • Registration • !~~Iubile 1Vurkshops • CTI Full-Day Seminar Sunday, April 19 . Regisu•ation . Mobile 11`w•ksltops . Ial Morning Seminar Conference: April 19-21 Sunday, April 19 .Opening Session • 1~1'elc:ome Reception Monday, April 2Q • Re.g'ISU'aUOn • Exposition C)prn . General Srssiun • Etu-Felt . 11'orkshaps . \envorking Lunch in Ex-ho . Team Planning & I~Tettivorking Tuesday, April 21 . Breakfast in Expo • Exposition Open • Ceneral Session • 11'Ol'kShOpS . Closing Lunch & Cenral Session • `Ieain planning & Nctworl;ing Post Conference: April 22 Wednesday, April 22 Plan your rrhn•tt trrtuel for l~rter on the 22nd in under lu rtlleud these ufiliannl fio~l co7tferertre eUeltls. . City of Portland's BEST :1+v:u•ds Breakfast . L•'arth llav Event • Solar Panels: tour a manufacturing plant and large scalar instztllatirtn. . Local Food Efforts: ~iit a variety of urban agriculture prujccts . The Urban Forest: see how to matlage for multiple benefits Leadership Training Institute Seminars To a[te~ed LTl Se~nir:ars, yore rrlust be registered for the conference. See xe)eb site for•ficll description. The Green Cities Balancing Act: A Strategic Plan to Manage Current Needs Without Compromising the City's Future c1:00 am 5a10 pm Saturday-, April 1 S, 2[109 Re~istr•rrtiou Fee: $]45 Competency: Competent Practitioner /Catalyst (~ cl-editsl Leading Innovation and Change: The Imperative for Sustainable Cities Sl;OU ;tm - 12:30 pm - 5urtd:ty, .\pril 19, 2(IOS) Regirtrntio~l Fee: S95 Compru~ncy: Ciunpetent 1'ractitinner /Catalyst ~? credits) General Sessions Leading organizations, nation:illy & internationally renowned individuals and city representatives will provide their points oI• view on ho+t cities fit into global efTOrts to reverse climate change:, create gl•een john and sustain the earth's resources. Eco-Focused Exposition find organizations tltat offer innovative products, services and expertise that help municipal governments develop and achieve dteir emironmenrtl and susrtinahilih' goals. To learn holy }'our ol,ganization can sponsor or exhibit at the conference, visit the NLG web site. Workshops (Workshop topics are subject to change.) Workshops during tyre heart of the conference will ofTer solutions and practic ~-il steps that attendees can take back writh them to their local cumrnunities. The program is designed to appeal to both newcomers to the green movement as well as cities already engaged in "green" practices. Worhsh.op themes and topics include: OVERARCHING ISSUES • The Green Economy: creating jobs and attracting businesses in neyv :utci emer~ring industries • Sustainability Plans: hoyv to develop a plan that meets the needs of your cih' . Community Buy-In: reaching the many audiences needed to make a susu+inability plan successful . Regional Cooperation: examples of successful regional approaches to atstrtinabiliry ENERGY . Energy Effieleney: programs that can save your cin~ energy and marry . Alternative Energy: hot, to purchase renewable energy and plan for thc~ linure • Energy Utilities: sn att~gic-; to work with utilities to reduce emissions and reconsider business models ^!r~,l ~ ~R,4L RESOURCES . Green Infrastructure and Storm Water Management: apprutu hes that arc• cost-ellrctive°, sustainable and cnvirc>nmc•rttally li-icndl}~ • Clean Dflnking Water: ncty technologies that help corrununitics address diminishing supplies . Trees and Parks: et~dence to support tree planting and parkland initiatives GREEN OPERATIONS . Street and Traffic Lights: how to make changes that quiclay reduce enet•gy expenses • RecyCling: the latest information and best practices concerning municipal programs • Purchasing: a simple method that makes a big difference CLIMATE CHANGE . Calculating Emissions: fording a reliable tool to provide baseline inlorm:ttion and benchmarks . Reducing Emissions: municipal plans and practices that cut your city's carbc>n Ibotprint . Adaptation Planning: preparing your city for unavoidable climate change effects COMMUNITY DESIGN • Transportation: limding and implementing options that go beyond the automobile. . Local FOOd: innovative approaches to encow-aging conununity gardens and farmers markets • COnneCting the Dots: using sustainable land use plamting to meet community go~ils +- - ,~ - •~ ;,;~ -~~"~ ~ :1 /~~ ... ,j ~, ._r~. ~. `, 4 v~ Who is coming to the Green Cities Conference? rind like-minded people at the conference, including city officials, public works directors, city managers and other city staff as well as business leaders, ci+~c and association leaders and students/future city leaders, all of whom are interested in leading the way to a greener America onr city: to++•n and +~illage at a time. What will it cost to attend the conference?* Affendee Type Advance (By February 16, 2009) Late/On-site (offer February lb, 2009) NLC Member City $450 $525 Non-Member Student $150 $150 Youth Delegate $100 $100 Youth Delegate Chaperone" $100 $100 'c~ddl`.i0'~al fey: fns ITI $Cr~~inar How can my city take advantage of the $75 Team Discount? ~~~~ ~~--~I~..at:~~. Ip ~I~.: ~~:r::,i~r i~,,. "lo maximire your learning and financial investment, C,recn Cities attendees are encouraged to assemble a team of key local players including city o(ficials and business ci+~ic leaders to learn together 'The 'TEAAI DISCOUNT' for groups of three or more !i•om the same city is $T.i oth each resrisn•atiai. Discount applies only if teen attendees register at one time and does not apply to student rates. How can I attend the BEST Awards Breakfast? NLC Goren Cities Conference and Expo attendees arc im~ted to enjoy the Ciy of Portland's l 7th Annual Businesses for an Em~ronmentally Sustainable Tomorrow (BEST) Awards Breakfast at 7:30 a.m. on 11'ednesday, Aptil ?2nd at the IIilton Portland and Executive Towers, Grand Ballroom. The annual awards recognize Portland area companies demonstrating excellence in business practices that promote economic gro++•th and em~ronmental benefits. Registration for the breakfast (S~0) is not included in the regttlar conference registration and must be added. Visit the conlerrncr registration page liar details. Whether your city was an early adopter of green practices and innovation or is begimung its "green" journey, the 2t-fl~i 'VE.(: (JEZI:E~::~ C,I~hl1:S C.O;~Fl•:E:1~.11:I: fi L~il'O is the place to be. REGISTER ONLINE! -, X~C'~~', ,~ltlP,d onference & Expo NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES 1301 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE. NW SUITE 550 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20004 April 18-21, 2009 • Portland, Oregon Oregon Convention Center www.NLCGreenCitiesConferenceandExpo.org conference~nlc.org 202-626-3000