CC - Item 4I - Request for Traffic Improvements on Walnut Grove at Dorothy• E M B S O I q AF ~7Vt.4A_fr • ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: OLIVER CHI, CITY MANAGER DATE: NOVEMBER 20, 2007 SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR TRAFFIC IMPROVEMENTS ON WALNUT GROVE AVENUE AT DOROTHY STREET SUMMARY At the October 4, 2007 Traffic Commission meeting, the Commission discussed and recommended the installation of pavement markings, related signage and red curb on Walnut Grove Avenue at Dorothy Street to address left-turn movement concerns. Staff Recommendation Staff recommends that the City Council approve the plan to install "Keep Clear" pavement markings, limit lines, advanced intersection warning sign, and "Do Not Block" intersection signs for northbound Walnut Grove Avenue at Dorothy Street; add an advanced intersection warning sign and extend/add red curb on the west side of Walnut Grove Avenue north and south of Dorothy Street; and direct staff to order the work. ANALYSIS City staff received a request from Mr. Robert Diaz (3326 Walnut Grove Avenue) to review traffic conditions on Walnut Grove Avenue between Hellman Avenue and Garvey Avenue. Mr. Diaz expressed concerns regarding left-turn movements into residents' driveways along Walnut Grove Avenue and at Dorothy Street during the peak traffic hours. Mr. Diaz also requested the installation of a crosswalk on Walnut Grove Avenue at Dorothy Street to accommodate students at Willard Elementary School. At the October 4, 2007 Traffic Commission meeting, the Commission recommended the installation of "Keep Clear" pavement markings, limit lines, advanced intersection warning sign, and "Do Not Block" intersection signs for northbound Walnut Grove Avenue at Dorothy Street; and the addition of an advanced intersection warning sign and to extend/add red curb on the west side of Walnut Grove Avenue north and south of Dorothy Street. Based on the observed low volume of pedestrians crossing Walnut Grove at Dorothy Street and favorable reported accident history, installation of a crosswalk was not recommended at this time. APPROVED FOR CITY COUNCIL 4GGENID4 0 0 0 City Council Meeting November 20, 2007 Page 2 of 2 Please see Attachment "A" for a plan showing the proposed changes to the pavement markings, signage and red curb on Walnut Grove at Dorothy Street. PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. Submitted by: M14- Rey Alfonso, P.E. City Engineer Submi Bria aeki Assistant City Manager Attachment A: Exhibit A Attachment B: Traffic Commission Staff Report Attachment C: Traffic Commission Meeting Minutes (October 4, 2007) Ah r-l INSTALL W2-2 (RIGHT) Attachment A 64 SCALE: 1"=50' W IW EXTEND EXISTING RED CURB 40 FEET 20' 12' 12' 20' INSTALL 12" WHITE LIMIT LINE SIGN "A" - INSTALL R10-7 RELOCATE SIGN "A" SIGN "A".,•--------:- INSTALL R10-7 O 1 12' ° ~ ti INSTALL "CLEAR" r DOROTHY 5TREET ` RI-I lb INSTALL "KEEP" ..__._.....r. sl-I S4-3 SNS4 INSTALL 25 FEET OF RED CURB SIGN "A" 20' 12' 12' 20' INSTALL 12" WHITE LIMIT LINE 0 } ASSEMBLY "C' SCHOOL 54'3 4- NQ SPEED LIMIT R2-I Z INSTALL W2-2 (LEFT) SIGN ABOVE EX. SIGN "A" 25 IQ I PARKING ! THURSDAY MY 1a 12 NWN YMEN CI9lDREN S4-2 mar srcwrc ARE PRESENT SIGN "A" A SSEMBLY "C" 64 I I EXHIBIT A 5 LEGEND CITY OF ROSEMEAD S ® EXISTING RED C URB RECOMMENDATION OF DOROTHY STREET AT ® PROPOSED RED CURB TRAFFIC COMMISSION WALNUT GROVE AVENUE s d • M o Attachment B ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION 40 STAFF REPORT TO: THE HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND COMMISSIONERS FROM: JOANNE ITAGAKI, TRAFFIC ENGINEERING DEPUTY DATE: OCTOBER 4, 2007 SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR TRAFFIC IMPROVEMENTS ON WALNUT GROVE AVENUE BETWEEN HELLMAN AVENUE AND GARVEY AVENUE SUMMARY Mr. Robert Diaz, 3326 Walnut Grove Avenue, requested the City review the traffic conditions on Walnut Grove Avenue between Hellman Avenue/Ramona Avenue and Garvey Avenue (letter attached). Mr. Diaz has three concerns regarding traffic in this area. First, Mr. Diaz is concerned with residents not being able to turn left into their driveway especially during peak hours. Second, Mr. Diaz indicates that there is a need for "KEEP CLEAR" pavement markings on Walnut Grove Avenue at Dorothy Street. Lastly, Mr. Diaz is requesting the installation of a crosswalk on Walnut Grove Avenue at Dorothy Street especially for students attending Willard Elementary. Staff Recommendation It is staffs recommendation that the Traffic Commission recommends the City Council approve the installation of "KEEP CLEAR" pavement markings, limit lines and "Do Not Block Intersection" signs for northbound Walnut Grove Avenue at Dorothy Street. It is staffs recommendation that the Traffic Commission recommends the City Council not install a crosswalk on Walnut Grove Avenue at Dorothy Street. ANALYSIS Walnut Grove Avenue is a 64-foot wide north/south roadway with two lanes in each direction. The opposing lanes of traffic are separated by a double yellow centerline. There is parking allowed on both sides of the roadway except during street sweeping. There are residential uses fronting both sides of Walnut Grove Avenue. The posted speed limit is 40 mph on Walnut Grove Avenue. Exhibit "A" is an aerial photograph of Walnut Grove Avenue between Hellman Avenue and Garvey Avenue. Discussion Field observations were made of Walnut Grove Avenue between Hellman Avenue and Garvey Avenue during the hours Mr. Diaz indicated the most problems occurred. These Traffic Commission Meeting October 4. 2007 Page 2 of 4 hours were 5:00 to 9:00 AM and 3:00 to 7:00 PM. Walnut Grove Avenue was divided into 4 zones between Hellman Avenue and Garvey Avenue and each section was counted for 2 days. The zones are identified as follows: • Zone 1 - Garvey Avenue to South End of Willard School • Zone 2 - South End of Willard School to North End of Willard School • Zone 3 - North End of Willard School to Dorothy Street • Zone 4 - Dorothy Street to Hellman Avenue/Ramona Avenue Table 1 summarizes the left turn movements observed. The data collection is not complete at the writing of this report. Therefore, Table 1 identifies only the days, times and zones that have been complete. A complete Table 1 will be available at the Traffic Commission meeting. Based on the left turn counts at this point, the busiest zone for left turning traffic is between Hellman Avenue and Dorothy Street. These counts include northbound left turns into Dorothy Street. The technicians collecting the data indicate that about 30% of the total northbound left turns turned into Dorothy Street. This reduction does not change the fact that Zone 4 has the most left turns on Walnut Grove Avenue. The reported accident history was reviewed from January 1, 2006 to February 28, 2007 for Walnut Grove Avenue between Hellman Avenue and Garvey Avenue. Nine accidents were reported during this period. One accident was reported in Zone 1. Three accidents were reported in Zone 3 and five accidents in Zone 4. There were no accidents reported in Zone 2. Here is a summary of the reported accidents: Zone 1 - 1 rear-end collision Zone 2 - No reported collisions Zone 3 - 2 rear-end collisions and 1 broadside collision Zone 4 - 3 rear-end collisions, 1 broadside collision and 1 sideswipe collision The number of rear-end collisions is expected based on the congestion experienced on Walnut Grove Avenue. Vehicles traveling at an unsafe speed, following too close or motorists' not paying attention will cause rear-end type collisions. Overall, the reported accidents do not appear to be a direct result of left turns on Walnut Grove Avenue. The left turn observations identified some particular patterns regarding motorists' action. The following summarizes some of these observations: 1. Southbound traffic is heavier in the morning. 2. Northbound traffic is heavier in the afternoon. 3. There are pedestrians that cross mid-block. 4. In the afternoon peak, the queue of northbound vehicles waiting at Hellman Avenue backs up beyond Dorothy Street to as far back as Willard School. 0 0 Traffic Commission Meeting October 4. 2007 Page 3 of 4 5. Some northbound vehicles wanting to turn left at Hellman Avenue "by-pass" the queue of vehicles and cross the double yellow centerline to access the left turn pocket. 6. Northbound vehicles wanting to turn left at Dorothy Street block northbound traffic on Walnut Grove Avenue. 7. Some cars make U-turns to park on the street (versus turning left into a driveway). 8. Some residents on the west side of Walnut Grove Avenue will turn right and head south before they make a U-turn to go north. 9. The queue of northbound vehicles in the #1 lane causes some vehicles to make lane changes to the #2 lane. These vehicles sometimes make the lane change without looking for a gap in traffic. 10. During the peak periods observed, the delay to the left turn traffic can range from 10 seconds to 1 minute. Left Turn Access into Driveways There are a few options to addressing Mr. Diaz's concern regarding left turn access into the driveways along Walnut Grove Avenue. • Selective enforcement of unsafe left or U turns. Access to driveways on the east or west side of Walnut Grove Avenue can be made by directing motorists to change their route. By making left turns or U turns at signalized locations (Hellman Avenue or Garvey Avenue), access to driveways can be by right turns. • Provide a two-way left turn lane in the middle of Walnut Grove Avenue from Hellman Avenue to Garvey Avenue. This will provide a separate lane for vehicles to turn left into driveways for both the northbound and southbound directions. However, at a minimum, this will require the removal of on street parking on one side of Walnut Grove Avenue. If parking were removed on one side of Walnut Grove Avenue, the travel lanes would be of minimal width. If parking were removed on both sides of Walnut Grove Avenue, the travel lanes would be more generous in width. Exhibit "B" identifies the possible lane configurations. Based on the number of left turning vehicles and the lack of reported left turn accidents, staff does not recommend any changes with regards to the left turn access into property driveways. "KEEP CLEAR" Pavement Markings As discussed previously, the field observations of Walnut Grove Avenue at Dorothy Street indicate that the northbound lanes often block access for vehicles exiting from Dorothy Street. This congestion does not occur at all times but is clearly evident in the PM peak hours. 0 0 Traffic Commission Meeting October 4, 2007 Page 4 of 4 Therefore, the installation of "KEEP CLEAR" pavement markings, limit lines and "Do Not Block Intersection" signs for northbound Walnut Grove Avenue at Dorothy Street are recommended. Crosswalk at Dorothy Street Field observations of Walnut Grove Avenue did indicate there were less than 20 total pedestrians crossing mid-block during the hours observed. The majority of these pedestrians were crossing at the intersection of Dorothy Street. Most of the pedestrian crossings occurred in the AM peak hours. There were no reported collisions involving pedestrians at the intersection of Walnut Grove Avenue and Dorothy Street. Crosswalks exist at intersections whether they are marked or unmarked. Studies have shown that, in fact, pedestrians crossing a street in an unmarked uncontrolled crosswalk are less likely to be involved in an accident than pedestrians crossing at a marked uncontrolled crosswalk. The conclusion was made that pedestrians are more aware of vehicles when crossing the street at an unmarked uncontrolled crosswalk. The pedestrian, in general, will look more intently at approaching vehicles to determine the best time to cross. Whereas, pedestrians crossing in a marked crosswalk do not look at approaching traffic and falsely assume that vehicles will automatically stop because they are in a crosswalk Based on the low volume of pedestrians crossing Walnut Grove Avenue at Dorothy Street and the favorable reported accident history, the installation of a crosswalk on is not recommended at this time. School age pedestrians should be encouraged to use the signalized intersections at Hellman Avenue and Garvey Avenue to cross Walnut Grove Avenue. These locations provide crosswalks and pedestrian signal heads to cross Walnut Grove Avenue. PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. Submitted by: Jdanne Itagaki Traffic Engineering Deputy Letter from Mr. Robert Diaz Exhibit A: Walnut Grove Avenue Aerial Table 1: Left Turn Summary Exhibit B: Possible Lane Configurations • • ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION Attachment C OCTOBER 4, 2007 The rneeting of the Rosemead Traffic Commission was called to order by Chairperson Knapp at 7:00 p.m., in the Council Chambers, 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead. PLEDGE OF ALLIGIANCE - Commissioner Gay INVOCATION - Chairperson Knapp ROLL CALL Present: Commissioners Knapp, Masuda, Gay, and Chin Excused Absence: Commissioner Hunter 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Chairperson Chin requested that page 4, 5th paragraph, 2nd line: "going to..." be amended to read "going through..." Also, paragraph 6 of page 4 be amended by adding to the last sentence the following verbiage: ".....including traffic calming measures and working with the schools to find ways to modify driver behavior." It was moved by Commissioner Masuda, seconded by Commissioner Chin, and carried unanimously to accept and approve the amended minutes of the July 5, 2007, meeting. Vote Results: Yes: Chairperson Knapp, Commissioner Masuda, Commissioner Chin Noes: None Absent: Commissioner Hunter Abstained: None 2. PUBLIC COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE Speaking before the Commission: Nancy Eng 3146 Jackson Ave. Rosemead, CA 91770 Commissioner Gay, Thanked all Commissioners on behalf of residents of the 3100 block of Jackson Avenue as well as parents of students at Emerson for support of Jackson AvenueAlNhitmore Street crosswalk. Page 1 • • Discussion followed regarding distribution of written materials from schools to parents reminding them that caution must still be exercised by the children when crossing in a crosswalk. Commissioner Gay stated that at the last Council meeting he did discuss the matter with Mr. Bob Bruesch who is passing it on to the superintendent of the school district. Speaking before the Commission Jim Flournoy 8655 Landis View Lane Rosemead, CA 91770 3. 4. Mr. Flournoy asked about traffic problems at Del Mar and Graves and if those issues will come before the Traffic Commission. Chairperson Knapp indicated the traffic signal modification was brought before the Traffic Commission and City Council approved the modification, and then the school closed. . Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki responded that with regard to left turns from Del Mar onto Graves, this was brought to the Commission and a study was conducted. That particular intersection is shared with Los Angeles County so they also had to review the plans. She believes that review just about complete. The project has been funded from the City's perspective. This traffic signal will be modified in the future. OLD BUSINESS - NONE NEW BUSINESS A. REQUEST TO MODIFY LANE CONFIGURATION FOR WESTBOUND SAN GABRIEL BOULEVARD AT GARDEN GROVE AVENUE. Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki presented the staff report and study findings. RECOMMENDATION It is staffs recommendation that no striping or traffic signal modifications be made to the intersection of San Gabriel Boulevard and Walnut Grove Avenue. Commissioner Masuda asked about the benefit of painting "right turn only" on the street surface of the two westbound right-hand turn lanes. Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki responded it might be beneficial and something like that could be done. She noted that Caltrans seems to be doing it now on the freeway Chairperson Knapp requested that this be a added to staffs recommendation. Page 2 • • Commissioner Masuda asked about modifying the signal delay for vehicles exiting the freeway so traffic would have time to clear the intersection so that vehicles turning right would be able to access the two left lanes. Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki responded that Caltrans controls that intersection. It has been a difficult process getting this problem resolved but efforts will continue to work with Caltrans to get the intersections to work better together. There was additional discussion regarding Caltrans involvement in this issue and of the City's further attempts to work with Caltrans. Commissioner Chin directed an inquiry to the Lt. Jacob regarding additional enforcement of a restricted westbound right-turn movement that would discourage illegal through movement. She asked about the number of deputies on hand to address something like this. Lt. Jacob responded there are three motor officers assigned to the City of Rosemead, one of which is off because of injury. So there are presently two motor officers and one traffic deputy that is on 24 hours a day. It can be requested that the motor officers patrol the specific area during peak traffic hours and see what they come up with. The Commission requested that this be done. Speaking before the Commission: Jean DeCocker 8617 Landis View Lane Rosemead, CA Representing: Landis View Properties Ms. DeCocker lives at the intersection and is very familiar with all the problems at the intersection. The "left lane Walnut Grove" sign (between bridge and freeway) is too high and difficult to see. When vehicles exit freeway there is constant lane movement, seems they don't know where they are going. Major problem is southbound up the hill and the light at San Gabriel Boulevard. It seems many drivers do not see the light in front of them at Walnut Grove and Landis View but instead react to the light at San Gabriel and Walnut Grove. She added that eastbound traffic at San Gabriel at Walnut Grove see lights at ramp and sneak. Chairperson Knapp wondered if a flashing red light would help. Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki responded it would be a conflict of what the controls at the intersection are supposed to do. Flashing red means vehicles should always stop.. Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki stated when light was changed to LED it got a little too bright so staff will go back and look at it again and see if it needs to be adjusted a different way. Chairperson Knapp inquired about a "keep clear" sign at Landis View on both sides of the street. Following discussion, Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki was asked to add "keep clear" signs to the staff recommendation. Page 3 Speaking before the Commission: Jim Flournoy 8655 Landis View Lane Rosemead, CA Representing: Landis View Civic Action Coalition Regarding the southbound Walnut Grove issue, Mr. Flournoy suggested keeping gas station on green to limit through traffic. He also suggested removing the park and adding a right turn lane, or build a median to force a right turn. Real problem is traffic not going through but cutting in and blocking right turn lane. Speaking before the Commission: Helen Gunther 3654 Dubonnet Avenue Rosemead, CA Expressed concerns re westbound San Gabriel Boulevard when the green light is on, not being able to see the lights there. There was discussion regarding the park and its use by the area's residents. There was discussion regarding lowering of signal at Landis View. Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki stated there is a clearance issue; signal head must be 17 feet above the street. Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki expressed concerns about adding something in the middle of the street to limit through movements from right turn lane. Need to allow movements from the left from San Gabriel onto Walnut Grove. There are some safety issues involved. Anything in the middle of the intersection would have to be very specifically designed. If Commission is inclined to do something like this, it is suggested that they direct staff to do a detailed design. Chairperson Knapp asked for motion for recommendation of Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki with the additional items. Commissioner Masuda suggested this item be tabled until staff has an opportunity to further review the many suggestions offered. Commissioner Masuda moved, and Commissioner Gay seconded, that this item be tabled until staff investigates the suggestions that were offered in this meeting to improve the intersection. Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki reviewed the list of specific items to be looked at: 1) right turn only pavement markings; 2) possibility of "keep clear" at Landis View and Walnut Grove; 3) review of the signal heads and their visibility or need to cover visibility for southbound movements; 4) median in the intersection to limit through movements. 5) Also work with Caltrans and look at signage on San Gabriel. 6) The Lieutenant will take care of additional enforcement. Page 4 • 17J Vote Results: Yes: Chairperson Knapp, Commissioner Masuda Noes: None. Absent: Commissioner Hunter Abstained: None Commissioner Chin, Commissioner Gay, B. REQUEST FOR TRAFFIC IMPROVEMENTS ON WALNUT GROVE AVENUE BETWEEN HELLMAN AVENUE AND GARVEY AVENUE Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki presented the staff report and study findings. RECOMMENDATION It is staffs recommendation that the Traffic Commission recommends the City Council approve the installation of "KEEP CLEAR" pavement markings, limit lines, and "DO NOT BLOCK" intersection signs for northbound Walnut Grove Avenue at Dorothy Street. It is staffs recommendation that the Traffic Commission recommends the City Council not install a crosswalk on Walnut Grove Avenue at Dorothy Street. Speaking before the Commission: Robert Diaz 3326 Walnut Grove Avenue Rosemead, CA (626) 307-7828 Mr. Diaz expressed his concerns saying that basically it's the traffic. Changes by Caltrans caused much delay in just trying to get home; resulting in him changing to a round about-way to get home. Walnut Grove between Dorothy and Hellman is totally congested in the evening. He also wondered why trucks are allowed on Walnut Grove? And why buses? He would like to see trucks and buses eliminated from Walnut Grove. The speed is unbelievable at the intersection, vehicles trying to make the light. His concerns are traffic, speed, and his need to get home. Chairperson Knapp commented from personal observation that if a truck driver turns left onto Walnut Grove to get onto the freeway, he'll never do it again. Speaking before the Commission: Ed Avatefi 3316 Walnut Grove Rosemead, CA (626) 476-7329 Mr. Avatefi lives near the intersection of Walnut Grove and Dorothy. There are a lot of accidents not reported- Regarding the left turn lane, because of traffic he'll go down the street and make a u-turn, hopefully before Garvey. Option two is the left turn option at Page 5 • • Dorothy, a very small street to come out of because of visibility. Re-direction can take a long time, sometimes 10 minutes. There is pedestrian traffic; students cross at mid- block. They're not walking to Hellman or Garvey to cross. Mr. Avatefi suggests in- pavement lights crosswalk. Chairperson Knapp stated she had received a letter and a phone call from two individuals. She read a letter received from Mrs. Clem Leyva, 3101 North Walnut Grove, Rosemead: • "Attention City of Rosemead Traffic Commission: I am responding to the notice I received concerning the meeting to be held October 4, 2007, at 7:00 .p.m. As I will be unable to attend I will express my comments as to improvements of the mad traffic on Walnut Grove. Yes, something has to be done. 1) Speed limit should be lowered. 2) Set up a limit on curb parking. 3) Families with more than two cars should not monopolize the parking day or night. I hope you will take my comments into consideration. Sincerely, Mrs. Clem Leyva." Chairperson Knapp spoke with Lillian Sacco, who went to Willard School and whom she has known for many many years. When Chairperson Knapp spoke with her, Ms. Sacco said not to put a lane in the middle because there's not enough footage, and there would be no parking area on both sides. It would be disastrous for the residents. Chairperson Knapp went on to express that she knows what all the speakers were talking about. She knows how long those blocks are. She told of why she became involved with the City of Rosemead, and that was because of a child's death while cutting across Walnut Grove. Chairperson Knapp does not want to ever see any children going across Walnut Grove Avenue. This was made clear when the gates were shut. There is a crossing guard at Hellman, and most parents are walking their children to school, and doing it correctly, on Garvey and on Hellman. Mr. Diaz indicated the morning traffic speed along the street between Hellman and Garvey is unbelievable, maybe because of its long distance without any type of traffic control. Commissioner Gay stated that from Hellman to Dorothy it is one-tenth of a mile. But the distance up to Garvey is like six-tenths, or seven-tenths of a mile, almost a complete mile. So people that are in between are really in a tough spot. Mr. Diaz again expressed his opinion that there is no need for trucks to use Walnut Grove. They could use Rosemead Boulevard and San Gabriel Boulevard; both are wider streets with left-hand turn pockets. Commissioner Masuda expressed his concern about putting a crosswalk there especially if it's a four-lane, high speed highway. Discussion followed regarding the "keep clear" zone and Lt. Jacob indicated that people tend to be more aware that drivers are going to be making turn movements. Page 6 • • Chairperson Knapp stated that for the most part she sees the "keep clear" sign on Hellman doing what the signage is intended to do. Commissioner Chin stated that one of the benefits of the Traffic Commission is that great ideas come about and the Commission tries to delineate between what was originally talked about. But the recommendation from the staff is definitely a go. Commissioner Chin thanked Mr. Diaz and Mr. Avatefi for coming out to speak with the Commission. Commissioner Masuda asked about the visibility with parked cars, red curbing on Walnut Grove at Dorothy. People living there would have an opportunity to speak to that. Mr. Diaz spoke with Ray Rodriguez in Public Safety and told him about that one issue. Mr. Rodriguez did send somebody out and they painted the curb red, but it was really not enough. Mr. Diaz also stated that when the new configuration was done, the west side of Walnut Grove was painted red but on the east side south of Hellman, they put up one "No Parking" sign and they left the curb clean, and people are still parking there. Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki pointed out that the northbound, left turn lane was extended and some parking had to be removed to do that. The sign on the east side does not mean the curb has to be red as well. Usually it's one or the other. Signs were put up or red curb to prevent people from parking where they're not supposed to. The reason red curb was added to the west side was because there was some existing red curb and a certain portion of it was extended. On the east side there was no red curb but there were just signs and it was just continued with signs. But that's something staff can look at. Mr. Diaz suggested a universal no parking sign be used. Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki stated that could be done. Commissioner Masuda asked if there is some kind of sign so that people would realize that there is a street, Dorothy, coming out to Walnut Grove. Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki responded there is a black on yellow diamond shaped sign that shows a "T." Mrs. Nancy Eng stated all number of signs could be put up but with the traffic that's going on, people will not read them. She suggested that something is needed to literally slow down the traffic. Signs alone will not slow down the traffic. Discussion regarding signs and radar trailer continued. Helen Gunther asked why the school signs and stop signs have not been replaced on Marshall between Janson School and the bridge. They were knocked down about two months ago. East of Janson School and west of the bridge for eastbound traffic. Page 7 C~ Chairperson Knapp stated the reflectors are almost all gone on Marshall curve. Mr. Flournoy stated that southbound on Walnut Grove into the second drive into Wal- Mart, there was a truck (semi) going into that driveway and the driver decided he couldn't make the turn so he swung over to the left and then made the turn into the driveway. When he did that he pushed the car in the second lane across the line into the northbound oncoming traffic lane. Trucks should be able to make that turn without having to go over into the second lane to make a right turn into that driveway. He asked if the apron could be made wider. Mr. Flournoy asked Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki if the southbound turn pocket project will help the northbound problem? Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki responded she didn't know if it would help. To clarify the question, Mr. Flournoy is referring to the extension or lengthening of the southbound left-turn pocket on Walnut Grove at Hellman. Ms. Itagaki does not see it as helping in the northbound direction, for the area that they're talking about. Chairperson Knapp stated it will not help the northbound traffic, but it will help southbound. Mr. Flournoy asked for the Commission to consider in about two months public hearing on trucks on Walnut Grove and then make a recommendation to City Council. Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki stated the City is currently looking at updating its Circulation Element and truck routes is part of that. She will make comment to the Planning Department that that is a concern that has been brought up. It was moved by Commissioner Chin, and seconded by Commissioner Gay, to accept the recommendation of the staff to install "KEEP CLEAR" pavement markings, limit lines, advanced intersection warning sign, and "DO NOT BLOCK" intersection signs for northbound Walnut Grove Avenue at Dorothy, and to add advanced intersection warning sign and extend/add red curb on west side of Walnut Grove north and south of Dorothy. Vote Results: Yes: Chairperson Knapp, Commissioner Masuda Noes: None. Absent: Commissioner Hunter. Abstained: None. Commissioner Chin, Commissioner Gay, STAFF REPORTS Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki reported that City Council at its last meeting heard the issue with regard to Jackson and Whitmore. Council was concerned with just putting a crosswalk so they directed staff to actually come back with the exhibit to show it as a 3- way stop with a crosswalk. That will be on the Council Tuesday. Page 8 COMMISSIONER REPORTS Commissioner Gay asked where the Committee is in regards to the locating of the center divider lines on Encinita and that whole process. Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki responded it was going to be done when the City Engineer realized there was a red curb issue so that has to go to Council. Possibly before them on Tuesday. Commissioner Gay asked if that included the Bot dots/rumble strip. Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki did not recall that as being part of the recommendation. Reference was made to page 5 of the July 51h Meeting Minutes wherein Bot dots were not included in the recommendation. It was discussed but not included in the recommendation. It was suggested that the Commissioner bring it up at the Council and have it added. Commissioner Chin had a question about the scope of the Commission. With regard to school drop-off and pickup in front of Sanchez and Temple School, what is the Commission's scope when a problem is seen with the flow of traffic in front of school, yet the school has not brought it to the attention of the Commission. Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki responded that is something that can be worked on jointly with the school district and the schools. In fact the Deputy Traffic Engineer and City Engineer did meet with both principals of Sanchez-Temple because of some improvements that had to do with the new gymnasium. They were going to provide some information to help look at the situation but they never followed up. Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki stated that just because it's a different entity, different agency, if there is a concern it should be made known and then that concern can be addressed with the school district. She stated that she knows there is a concern down there because there is no curb and gutter. Attempts have been made to get grants to install a curb and gutter with school area grants that are available, but those attempts have not been successful to date. Commissioner Chin expressed her concerns that all these streets that pretty much dead-end into the school; create a lot of congestion. Two crossing guards have been hit. The one they currently have has been there two weeks only. She seems to have a pretty good handle on things but then you still feel as though the light on Walnut Grove and Fern should allow a few more cars to go onto Walnut Grove. Perhaps the timing could be changed on that. Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki will look at it. Chairperson Knapp wondered if there will be a delay getting the southbound left turn lane due to the events concerning the City Engineer. Deputy Traffic Engineer will attempt to get an answer for the Chairperson. Page 9 0 0 7. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Commission, the meeting is adjourned until November 1, 2007, at 7:00 p.m. amec (06160) 1677411 0021Misc02 Page 10