HDC - Item 2A - Authorized Signers on Bank AccountsROSEMEAD HOUSING DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION STAFF REPORT TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND BOARD MEMBERS , FROM: JEFF STEWART, INTERIM EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR f DATE: APRIL 28, 2009 SUBJECT: AUTHORIZED SIGNERS ON BANK ACCOUNTS SUMMARY The Rosemead Housing Development Corporation (RHDC) requires several different bank accounts to efficiently operate its financial matters. Authorized signers on the RHDC's bank accounts include all RHDC Board Members, the Executive Director, Assistant City Managers and the City Clerk. When new people replace incumbents, bank signature cards must be completed. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the RHDC Board authorize the Chairman, Vice Chairman, Board Members, Executive Director, Assistant City Managers and City Clerk as signers on the various RHDC bank accounts. See Attachment A for named signers. ANALYSIS With two newly elected members of the City Council, acting as RHDC Board Members, it is necessary to remove the names of the former Board Members as authorized signers on the various RHDC bank accounts and replace them with the names of the newly elected City Council Members or new Corporation staff members. PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. Submitted by Steven Brisco Finance Director Attachment: Exhibit A ITEM NO. APPROVED FOR HOUSING DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION AGENDA: Attachment A Signers on the Rosemead Housing Development Corporation Pacific Western account no. 111032421: 1. Margaret Clark, Board Member 2. Gary A. Taylor, Board Member 3. Polly Low, Board Member 4. Steven Ly, Board Member 5. Sandra Armenta, Board Member 6. Gloria Molleda, City Clerk 7. Jeff Stewart, Interim Executive Director 8. Brian Saeki, Assistant City Manager 9. Matthew E. Hawkesworth, Assistant City Manager