CC - Item 6A - Scheduling of Interviews for Commissioner AppointmentsROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCI FROM: JEFF STEWART, INTERIM CITY MANAGER DATE: APRIL 28, 2009 SUBJECT: SCHEDULING OF INTERVIEWS FOR COMMISSIONER APPOINTMENTS TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION AND TRAFFIC COMMISSION SUMMARY Planning Commission appointments will need to be made in May and Traffic Commission appointments in July. Presently all Planning Commissioners are due to be appointed at the same time and each commissioner serves a two-year term. The Traffic Commission currently has staggered terms with three concluding in July of this year. The City Council has also authorized the formation of two Ad Hoc Committees, Veterans Committee and Youth Committee. The Veterans Committee was authorized in July 2008 via resolution, however, there have been no committee appointments as the City has held an open call for applications, but has only received one. The terms of service are identical to that of the Commissions with two year appointments and approval by a majority of the Council. The Youth Committee was authorized by resolution in February 2009 and staff is currently accepting applications. The membership of the Youth Committee is designated at seven members with five representing individual middle/intermediate or high schools and two being appointed at-large. Board members must be currently enrolled in a grade between 7t and 12th, between the ages of thirteen and eighteen, and a Rosemead resident. Staff Recommendation Staff recommends that the City Council direct staff to continue accepting applications for both the Planning and Traffic Commissions and select a date in May to interview potential Planning Commissioners and June or July for potential Traffic Commissioners. ANALYSIS Presently all five commission appointments for the Planning Commission come up at the same time every two years and although Commissioners can be re-appointed there APPROVED FOR CITY COUNCIL AGENDA: ITEM NUMBER: City Council Meeting April 28, 2009 Page 2 of 2 is the possibility of a complete turnover in Commissioners. The Commission previously had staggered terms, but due to various circumstances over the past several years, all the commissioners are on the same term schedule. Both the Planning and Traffic Commissions are authorized through the Municipal Code (Attached). The Code specifies that each term will be for a period of two years and that the initial appointments shall be staggered with one and two year terms to create alternating term expirations. The Code also specifies that Commissioners shall be appointed by the Mayor with consent of the majority of the members of the City Council. If the City Council wishes to change the length of the term to a period longer than two years or the method of appointment, an ordinance would need to be adopted to amend the Municipal Code. Traditionally, the City Council has interviewed all potential candidates for commissions in a special meeting prior to a normally scheduled meeting. These interviews have taken place in open session with the general public in attendance as required by state law. LEGAL REVIEW The City Attorney has reviewed the staff report. PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. Submitted by: w\sw~- 4#--~~ Matthew E. Hawkesworth Assistant City Manager Attachment- Municipal Code Sections 2.28 and 2.32 ATTACHMENT 2.28.010 Chapter 2.28 PLANNING COMMISSION Sections: 2.28.010 Established. 2.28.020 Members-Terms- Vacancies. 2.28.030 Absence from meetings. 228.040 Duties. 2.28.050 Records. 2.28.060 Promulgation of rules and regulations. 2.28.070 Regular meetings. 2.28.010 Established. A planning commission which may be known and referred to as the Planning Com- mission of the city of Rosemead is established in accordance with the provisions of the local planning law as provided in Chapter 3 of Division 1 of Title 7 of the Government Code of the state of California, as amended to date and as the same may hereafter be amended. (Prior code § 2500) 2.28.020 Members-Terms- Vacancies. The Planning Commission shall consist of five members, each of whom shall be appoint- ed by the Mayor with the consent of the ma- jority of the members of the City Council and otherwise in accordance with the applicable state law. An appointed member of the Plan- ning Commission may be removed at any time by the Mayor, with the approval of the Coun- cil, or by a majority vote of the City Council. Each member of the Planning Commission other than the Commissioners first appointed shall have a term of office of two years, from the date of appointment. Should any vacancy exist on the Planning Commission, otherwise than by expiration of term, such vacancy shall be filled by appointment for the unexpired portion of the term. (Prior code § 2501) 2.28.030 Absence from meetings. Notwithstanding any other provision of this code, any Commissioner who absents himself or herself from any three consecutive regular meetings of the Planning Commission, unless excused from such attendance by consent of such Commission expressed by action of record in its minutes or who is absent from a total of five regular meetings of the Commis- sion in any six months' period without such consent of such Commission so expressed of record, shall thereby automatically forfeit his or her position or office as a member of the Planning Commission, and the name of such person shall automatically be removed from the membership of the Commission immedi- ately after the adjournment of any such third consecutive meeting or of any such fifth meet- ing in any such six months' period, as the case may be, at which such Commissioner has not appeared. The chair or the secretary of the Commis- sion shall thereupon promptly notify the City Council, and any such person so ceasing to be such Commissioner, of such fact; whereupon the vacancy so created shall be filled by ap- pointment. (Prior code § 2502) 128.040 Duties. The Planning Commission and the members thereof shall respectively have and exercise each and all of the powers, duties, rights, privileges and authorities of City Planning Commissions and of members of such com- 25 2.28.040 missions, all as set forth, provided for, and contemplated in this code and in and under the provisions of said planning law as same now exists and as same may hereafter be amended, and shall perform the duties, acts and func- tions of such City Planning Commission, and members thereof, respectively, all as indicated, set forth and referred to in, and as contemplat- ed by, said planning law and in the manner therein stated. (Prior code § 2503) 2.28.050 Records. The Commission shall cause proper records to be kept of all its official acts and proceed- ings, and shall make reports to the City Coun- cil, all as contemplated in and by said plan- ning law. (Prior code § 2504) 2.28.060 Promulgation of rules and regulations. Except as otherwise provided in this code or by law, the Commission shall have power to and shall provide for its own organization; shall adopt rules and regulations for the trans- action of business before it; and shall desig- nate the time and place for the regular month- ly meeting or meetings of the Commission. (Prior code § 2505) 223.070 Regular meetings. A regular meeting as provided by law or as established by rule of the Planning Commis- sion or any regularly advertised public hearing shall be deemed a regular meeting. (Prior code § 2506) 26 2.32.010 Chapter 2.32 TRAFFIC CONEMMION Sections: 2.32.010 Established. 2.32.020 Members. 2.32.030 Absence from meetings. 232.040 Term. 2.32.050 Removal from office. 2.32.060 Promulgation of rules and regulations. 2.32.070 Duties. 2.32.010 Established. be vacant and the term of such member ipso facto terminated. (Prior code § 2572) 2.32.040 Term. The voting members of the Commission shall serve for terms of two years which shall be staggered so that one member's term shall expire in each of three years and two members' terms shall expire in the fourth year. If vacancies shall occur other than expiration of term, they shall be appointed for the unex- pired portion of the term. The term of the ex- officio members shall correspond to their respective tenure of office. (Prior code § 2573) There is established an advisory Traffic Commission with membership, powers and duties as provided herein. (Prior code § 2570) 2.32.020 Members. The Traffic Commission shall consist of five voting members appointed by the Mayor with the consent of the City Council, and in addition thereto the following ex-officio mem- bers who shall be non-voting members: A. The City Manager; B. The City Traffic Engineer or his or her designee; C. A representative from the law enforce- ment agency which has charge of the traffic enforcement within the city of Rosemead. (Amended during 1999 codification; prior code § 2571) 232.030 Absence from meetings. If a member of the Traffic Commission shall be absent from three consecutive regular meetings of the Commission without cause, the office of such member shall be deemed to 232.050 Removal from office. Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 2.32.040, all members of the Traffic Commis- sion shall serve at the will of the City Council. (Prior code § 2574) 232.060 Promulgation of rules and regulations. The Traffic Commission shall adopt such rules and regulations as it shall deem neces- sary to provide for. A. The time and place of meeting; B. The time and method of electing offi- cers; C. Other matters relative to the organiza- tion of the Commission and methods of ad- ministration of its duties. All meetings shall be open to the public. (Prior code § 2575) 232.070 Duties. The Traffic Commission shall have the following duties: A. To suggest the most practicable means for coordinating the activities of all officers 27 2.32.070 and agencies of this city having authority with respect to the administration or enforcement of traffic regulations; B. To stimulate and assist in the prepara- tion and publication of traffic reports; C. To receive complaints having to do with traffic matters; D. To recommend to the City Council and to the City Traffic Engineer, the Chief of the Traffic Division and other city officials ways and means for improving traffic conditions and the administration and enforcement of traffic regulations; E. To consider matters involving safety which may be brought to its attention or which may be referred to it by the City Coun- cil; F. To make such recommendations as it may deem advisable concerning traffic matters or safety to the City Council or to other agen- cies and individuals; G. To prepare and submit annually, an esti- mate of the expenditures to be made during the following fiscal year in connection with traffic or safety programs; H. To make an annual report each fiscal year of all activities and of all disbursements made in connection with programs sponsored by the Traffic Commission. (Prior code § 2576) 28