CC - 1975-08 - Commending C. Leland GunnZI r,, -„z Jc City of ~Rpsefnead I'M TOP 8838 E. VALLEY BOULEVARD ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA 91770 (213) 2886671 RESOLUTION 75-8 ob the City Council ob the City o5 Rosemead, honoring C. LELAND GUNN, CITY MANAGER EMERITUS WHEREAS, a city manageA i6 the s.ingfe most vatuabZe emptoyee to a city, his competence and phobessionatihm gr.eat2y initueneing that city's success oh baituae in seAv.ing its, citt tens; and WHEREAS, the note o¢ a city manager. nequ uz a vaii.ety ob skitZ6 and chaxactehih- tic.6, among, them knowledge, exper,ienee, compassion and a etea& sense ob purpose; and WHEREAS, the City ob Rosemead has box s.ix yeau had a city manager. with all ob the above qualities, a man who has guided the growth and p&ogrebs ob .thi16 city with dignity and humanity; and WHEREAS, that city manager, C. Letand Gunn, has chosen to r.et ke to same weU- ecAned xetaxation; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council ob the City ob Rosemead does hereby exphess it.6 deepest appheci.ation and gut tude bon the quality and natcACe ob the seicv.ices rendered byy Mr. Gunn to this city, wishing him the hi.ghe%s.t in personat sati,66action and happiness in his %etulement, and bunthen, thi.a city council wishes to voice .its amb.ivaZent 6ee2i-ngs in that it i6 happy bon Mr. Gunn in W deeiz.ion to seek some teisune .time, white at the same time zn y to tole a b.ine a&ni.ni.5tttaton. We hope that the sepaAation bnom the daily abbailu ob city gove,twent does not eaA&y with it the sever ing ob the many b.kiendsh,ips he has made here. DONE THIS 7th DAY OF FEBRUARY, 1975 A, A-ft& (h a yor. Faut S. ay ok--' Mayor Pho em no C. n even C c tm GuAy A. Taylor. Coun oman Ro erta. V. Ituj;cZlo MAYOR: MAYOR PRO TEM: COUNCIL MEMBERS: CITY MANAGER: PAUL 'o. TAYLOR ARNOLD C. ANDERSEN KENNETH M. PIKE C. LELAND iUNN GARY A. TAYLOR ROBERTA V. TRUJILLO