CC - 1975-11 - Commending Reverend John ClarksonT T 1(~l rq~ y0E`~ V~ City Of ps emead 8838 E. VALLEY BOULEVARD ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA 91770 (213) 2886671 RESO LUTI ON 7S-11 o6 the City Councit o6 the City ob Rosemead, hononi.ng and thanking REVEREND JOHN CLARKSON PASTOR, ROSEMEAD FOURSQUARE CHURCH WHEREAS, the note o4 the ctengy in the enn,i.chment oU Rosemead ei5e cannot be ovehemphos.ized; that node being one o6 teaching chiticaRty-impohtant ethics and guiding, ouA citizeniLy towa&d n,ighteou6 behavioh; and WHEREAS, de,6p.ite his being an extAemety busy man, Reverend John CCaAkson has a2LUay6 been wL2iing to attend City Couneif meetings,.theAe to give the invocation which helps to remind LLS o6 ouA respons-ibititiez and to hest a tone o6 humiZ ty 6o7 that meeting; and WHEREAS, aster many years' zeAv.ice in beha 6 ob his congregation at the Rosemead FoLULsquwLe ChuA h, Revehend CtwLhson has chosen to retire to seek same weEC-earned teisure, NOW, THEREFORE, WE, THE MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD do hereby thank Reverend John C a&kson son his eontt.ibuti.ons to the qua2.ity os Zise in this city and to h.is {aithbut eongugation; and wish SoA him many yeaus os .ioy5uk retiument. DONE THIS 25th DAY OF FEBRUARY, 1975. MAYOR: PAUL S. TAYLOR MAYOR PRO TEM: ARNOLD C. ANDERSEN COUNCIL MEMBERS: KENNETH M. PIKE GARY A. TAYLOR ROBERTA V. TRUJILLO CITY MANAGER: C. LELAND GUNN