CC - 1975-32 - Commending Roy M. Swank(0• i R E S 0 L U T 1 0 N 75-32 o6 the; City Councit o6 the City od.Rosemead, hono4ing and thanking ROV M. SWANK WHEREAS, Roy 14. Slmk, ab divi6i.on abbia:tant diite ch.ied, Lob Angeles County Fine Dep.=treat, bon yeau has had the aecpowu i.b Ub- j don. betving tie city o6 Rosemead and.awvwundutg areea uu,th the highe6t quaelty dine prtotection; and., WHEREAS, Chiie.d Surwk, in eormmanding divia.ion 5 of the 6iAe depar &ent, b4ought to .that job a graeat dean o6 er peAVAe and undwtand.ing o6 .tocat bite bighting prwbtem; and WHEREAS, he is medited tadt having developed many o6 the procedua.eb raid method6 used today by the depan.tmeait in the -tiur.in,ing o6 6.vre 6ientc a upreeaenting the department as pu6ident o6 the Cati6oAnia State F.irte Tutning O66dceu' Aaboeiation and at beminau t1mughou:t .the >uction and Ewrope; WHEREAS, Chied Swards, a6tet. 30 yeau as a Lob Angeles County {rite. 6.ightu haA choben to netiae and Reek some time "away 6nnm the heat," NOW, THCREFOPE of IT RES UIED, that the City CounciZ o6 tile City od Posemead doe.a hereby o46en ita grratitude_ to Chi.e6 Ruaatk dot the dedicated and pho6ers6.ionaP_ setvice he has nendeted to this eity and .ita neaddenta, and doea 6w thet mL6h him the but in netinement. DONE THIS 25th DAY OF MARCH, 1975 yor u s. 'y at- yors ~rco~`~ri '.o ra...a rcu! o ~0 me i ;VER~o C. /F&Men coup. - ian Uarzy X. My