CC - 1975-48 - Commending Cecile Billauerf + +23r.: -L$~ I g_-.. t iii j , ` - VVllyff 8838 E. VALLEY BOULEVARD ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA 91770 (213) 288-6671 RESO LUTI UN 75-48 ob the Mayon and City Councit o6 Rosemead commending and thanking MRS..CECILE BILLAUER AND MUSCATEL STUDENTS WHEREAS, the City o6 Rosemead is puud to commend Mns. Cecite B,iUaueA, Muscatet Jwtion High School aAt teaches., and here students in theiA joint e64oAt in con,6tweting the AmeAican Eagte Cite musaC perpetuated on the outside o6 the Mwscatet Junior High School Auditokium; and WHEREAS, 0ts. B.ittauer and hell. young studen.ts have shown exemptasy spi&it and dedication in this monumentat and t.nspiAing project by devoting many tong houAS a6teA school and 4ot2owing graduation, to b&ing the spectac- utas musat to bn.wi ti,on; anc WHEREAS, the enti)Le community is gnate4ut to Mrs. BitZauer and the young peopte bon theist positive dE6ptay o6 AmeA,ican spiAit and dedication. NOW, THEREFORE, WE, the Mayoh and membex6 o6 the Rosemead City Couneit do heheby express thanks to Mrs. Bit&ueA and heA co-workers bon making this .impontant eontA,ibution to ow% toeat B.i.eentenniat observances. DONE THIS 8TH DAY OF JULY, 1975 h yon Pa S. Ta q / ayor P.to em Ro esta V, rut 0 Coun an rno C. n vixen Counc tman h atvin J. C.t c y Councilman Gaty A. Tay m MAYOR: MAYOR PRO TEM COUNCIL MEMBERS: PAUL S. TAYLOR ROBERTA V. TRUJILLO ARNOLD C. ANDERSEN MARVIN J. CICHY GARY A. TAYLOR