CC - 1975-57 - Health Awareness Week:~~s~7 a.-~` a~d K~~I>~~~ ...~r~?w. L• ..t a~ rnryKr-~si~-i ~ s 'Li~ S6 r 8833 E. VALLEY EOULEVARD ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA 91770 (213) 288-W1 RES0LUTI UN 75-57 o6 the Mayan and City Counci,t os Rosemead ppoc aiming HEALTH AWARENESS WEEK WHEREAS, Health Acw eness Week w tt be observed Sept. 21-27, the City os RoaeJnead .invite6 its ci tize" to attend a Hea-th Fain, Sat, and Sun., Sept. 27 and 28 Saom 9 a:m. to 4 p.m. on the eampws os Cat-State Univemity, Los Angetm. WHEREAS, the Heatth Fain w.itt .inetude Snee med.ica.t scaeen.i)tg and examinations to be pe 6ojuned by zpeciatistz in .their 7Lelpecti.ve 6ietd~s, aasis ed by nuAzes Strom the Cat-State Univem ty Paosess.ioaat Nwisu Sehoot. WHEREAS, v-iz tom to .that Hea t Fails w- tt Sind rnone -than 50 med.icatty 7Leprted d.is- ptays and exhibits on .top.ies pextaining to good he Pth, WHEREAS; the Fain caitt ossen the pub"c a chance to teaAn about g^od he.a2th and the many acgan i.zat ionz in om community vzaking to pt.omo to it. NOW, THEREFORE, WE, the.111ayoc and membem o6 the Rosemead City Counci,t do heteby invite alt otuL citi.zenAy to pahtieipate in the Fa& and commend theehe peAzon6 who ante making it att pos, .ibtie. DONE THIS 9th DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 1975 Pfc - S. a yw'-L' c'u, Ra enta V. TAufi,tto, Sflayon. Pno Ten no C. n eASen, Cc•une MwLvut C.Lciy, Cou Le.4-brcuL Garay ay. a%~., Cou;.c~ mast MAYOR: PAUL S. TAYLOR MAYOR PRO TEt9 FIOBER FA V. TRUJILLO ry.'2 COUNCIL MEMBERS: ARNOLD C. ANDERSEN MAILNIN 1 CICNY GARY A. TAYLOR