CC - Item 4F - Residential Roadway Resurfacing Project Contract AwardROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: MATTHEW E. HAWKESWORTH, ACTING CITY MANAGER DATE: MAY 26, 2009 SUBJECT: RESIDENTIAL ROADWAY RESURFACING PROJECT - CONTRACT AWARD SUMMARY As part of the City's Fiscal Year 2008-09 Capital Improvement Program, the City Council approved a program entitled, "Residential Roadway Resurfacing," which consists of asphalt concrete overlay, sidewalk repairs, curb ramp construction, traffic striping, signage installation and tree planting on 9 residential streets. Prop 1 B and Gas Tax funds were allocated for this project. Staff Recommendation Staff recommends that the City Council: Authorize the City Manager to execute a contract on behalf of the City with Sully-Miller Contracting, Co. for the Residential Roadway Resurfacing Project for the bid amount of $1,002,005.00. 2. Establish an amount of approximately 10% of the contract amount ($100,000.00), as a contingency, to cover the potential cost of unforeseen site conditions. DISCUSSION The City of Rosemead received an appropriation of $923,674.00 from Proposition 113, the State Transportation Bond approved by voters in November 2006. Proposition 1B was intended for use on a variety of street improvement projects, which include pavement maintenance, rehabilitation and/or reconstruction projects that will assist in reducing local traffic congestion and prevent infrastructure deterioration. Staff has designated 9 residential streets (Attachment 1) for repair based on the City's Pavement Management Program (PMP). The PMP identifies and evaluates pavement conditions and determines the causes of deterioration rating the pavement conditions from 0 to 100. ITEM NO. lftx% APPROVED FOR CITY COUNCIL AGENDA: City Council Meeting May 26, 2009 Page 2 of 3 On April 28, 2009, the City Council approved plans and specifications for the project and authorized staff to advertise and solicit bids. The proposed project includes the construction of 2-inch rubberized pavement overlay, pavement removal and reconstruction, tree planting, as well as the construction of new curb ramps, sidewalk, and appurtenances. A Notice Inviting Bids was published in local news publications and advertised to area contractors. At 11:00 AM on May 20, 2009, the City Clerk publicly opened and read eight (8) sealed bids with the following results: RANK CONTRACTOR LOCATION BID AMOUNT BID AMOUNT (BASE) (Incl. Alternates) 1 Sully-Miller Contracting. Anaheim, CA $ 602,960.60 $ 1,002,005.00 2 Gentry Brothers, Inc. Irwindale, CA $ 610,444.20 $ 1,043,145.20 3 Silvia Construction, Inc. Cucamonga, CA $ 604,263.90 $ 1,060,505.50 4 All American Asphalt Corona, CA $ 582,151.48 $ 1,096,713.08 5 Excel Pavement, Co. Long Beach, CA $ 747,997.00 $ 1,174,710.00 6 EC Construction, Inc. S EL Monte, CA $ 651,058.70 $ 1,175,101.60 7 Sequel Contractors, Inc. Santa Fe Spring, CA $ 670,227.60 $ 1,179,723.60 8 Hardy & Harper, Inc. Santa Ana, CA $ 739,045.00 $ 1,307,045.00 Staff has reviewed the bid documents for completeness and investigated the contractor's background and recent projects for competency. Staff has concluded that Sully-Miller Contracting Co. is the lowest responsive bidder to perform the construction of this project. Sully-Miller Contracting Co. has satisfactorily completed similar projects for other agencies, including the cities of West Covina, La Habra, Cerritos, Victorville and others. The low bid submittal by Sully-Miller Contracting, Co. was 9% below the Engineer's Estimate of $1,100,000.00. Timeline Pending approval by the City Council, staff anticipates completion of this project according to the following approximate schedule: May 26th - City Council Awards Contract May 27th to June 19th - Outreach to Neighborhood Residents • Staff will mail letters to neighborhood residents several weeks prior to starting construction. • Staff will place door hangers on properties within a 300 foot radius of the project area 48 hours prior to the project starting. June 22"d to July 30th - Tentative Construction Schedule City Council Meeting May 26, 2009 Page 3 of 3 August 14th - Tentative Proiect Completion September 25th - Tentative Notice of Completion by City Engineer FINANCIAL REVIEW Funding for this project was approved by the City Council as part of the City's FY 2008- 09 Capital Improvement Program budget. There is $923,674.00 in Proposition 1 B funds and $400,000.00 in Gas Tax funds, for a total of $1,323,674.00, available for the Residential Roadway Resurfacing Project, Project No. P46022. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The project is categorically exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section 15301 (a) of the CEQA Implementing Guidelines. PUBLIC NOTICE This agenda item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. Prepared by: Rafael Fajardo Associate Civil Engineer Lucien J. LeBlanc P.E. City Engineer Submitted by: eko-4- Chris Marcarello Deputy Public Works Director Attachments: (1) Residential Streets and Location Map (2) April 28, 2009 City Council Agenda Report (3) Bid Proposals Analysis (4) Bid Proposals (5) Outreach Materials (6) Dunn and Bradstreet Report - Sully Miller Contracting Co. r'I L--J n Residential Roadway Resurfacing Project List Street LimitsiLimits Sullivan Avenue - From Garvey Ave to Garrett St Earle Avenue - From Norwood PI to South End Whitmore Street - From West City Limit to Jackson Ave Ivar Avenue - From Mission Dr to Grand Ave Drayer Lane - From Walnut Grove Ave to West End Muscatel Avenue - From Garvey Ave to Ramona Blvd Egley Avenue - from New Ave to Jackson Ave Ralph Street - From Muscatel Ave to Gernert St Delta Avenue - From Wells Ave to South find Total EstintalcA Cost S 121,844.00 S 98,163.00 S 81,362.00 S 176,035.00 S 19,070.00 S 259,242.00 S 95.720.00 S 62,068.00 S 10,170.00 S 923,674.00 Q U ~a COQ w0a~ o~~ryz +1i i 0: < 0 Z Q U L.L ~9D° U cn W W vi b a Room-am *A AnwMW Wd z O _ t II~wMM ~M - S Aor.rtsl P' Rv. M V , d I,N My wr Avr a wef AN yr ®I 6 Se ' •.c. 5! _ _ M/AA to_:N Sy i r ~ lMfl i kw A.. ilk MveC.ee! M MlAC.fr M ~ Yvererr M Mwc'ar.~ 1 1 Urc~V Ave R 3 / F BwNE M @WSW M ■ A•e ; _ - - Br•e- +.v 8 son" M i ,w^F r• ~ i YIHee Owif-~ W~YU O VOW" ante Am fYHLL Orw@ ft" - 1 Rocregle Ave W404 M Nrrd Aye WOWd a A» Q I _ een. Aw Bye Av* 1 ~~ra M i _ Erer M w AM Erv A.. lri Aw . - Er+e M . ~ ~ i Qyn Ave _ wr 4+0 Deft*" a • ooft 11 Deft M f tue!be. f Gheroee Are { ~'Nreee M S prrMM Ave 11. ChMeMe_ M CMS. A- f a.en _ a f aeon Are r•r~.er. we f °i0n A- n. Ar. rw~ Aw - Q lee ! e.f OeMM ere a Im GQ.WW ere `ice ber ere f w ( ; ' tt < W ! PM k ~ u~ B Crw ASr ~ . ~ yn..ee w. i nhk%~ St c=e!/r+e er • CMr!.e ii j u 6 rJw r S 5 Etwi A.a a ~rry~ M t G! ,I 0 tr~.q ur w.. .e. - ; ~t S M.Mw, 61 S l.r,.h. L I 1 E R.~.,.w. A" Wret« tt NHS! i} 5 pp - .d ~ Qaw A•e +r ~ £uy-6„e o«eue Ar. i 1 ~ ii' i ~ J ¢w~ h.e S eJ po. M it w 4VWwnre Ar Av. fi o w Are us. - - - eeM M PfM!! _ I.I. Arr • - /nplM # E: - y 5 wwA...._!- so+Y.M t ! - iOlUm A.. - - ---W_-6e1Er M. ..i.r N.• ~ r.s. N!w ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ ` " ! s Ear Aw E..r•- Are _ i t AM-& f § i~7 a tt Je~4en M _ J""m Ave baYm Ay§ t A "s a vray.n Are ~ ~ Q d' ~ i PreyeG Avg W ~ p.~R Aw + 21 c r.r.e• A_. ~le•~re Ave Bfe•ws Are N r i CeYA'r MerM Now An MMerM uNow An f`rw Are a s_ v - ~ s s t W N m le LO to P 00 Of ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: JEFF STEWART. CITY MANAGER DATE: APRIL 28, 2009 SUBJECT: RESIDENTIAL ROADWAY RESURFACING PROJECT - APPROVAL OF PLANS/ SPECIFICATIONS AND AUTHORIZATION TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS SUMMARY As part of the City's Fiscal Year 2008-09 Capital Improvement Program, the City Council approved a program entitled, "Residential Roadway Resurfacing," which consists of asphalt concrete overlay, sidewalk repairs, curb ramp construction, traffic striping, signage installation and traffic signal upgrades on 9 residential streets. Prop 1 B and Gas Tax funds were allocated for this project. Staff Recommendation Staff recommends that the City Council: 1. Approve the plans and specifications for the Residential Roadway Resurfacing Project. 2. Authorize staff to advertise for bids for this project. DISCUSSION The City of Rosemead received an appropriation of $923,674 from Proposition 1 B, the State Transportation Bond approved by voters in November 2006. Proposition 1B was intended for use on a variety of street improvement projects which include pavement maintenance, rehabilitation and/or reconstruction projects that will assist in reducing local traffic congestion and prevent further infrastructure deterioration. Staff has designated 9 residential streets (Attachment 1) for repair based on the City's Pavement Management Program (PMP). The PMP identifies and evaluates pavement conditions and determines the causes of deterioration rating the pavement conditions from 0 to 100. APPROVED FOR CITY COUNCIL AGENDA: City Council Meeting April 28, 2009. Page 2 of 3 The proposed project includes the construction of 2-inch rubberized pavement overlay, pavement removal and reconstruction, as well as the construction of new curb ramps, sidewalk, and appurtenances. The Engineer's Estimate for this project is $1,100,000. This project will use the City's Prop 1 B apportionment and Gas Tax funds, $923,674 and $400,000 respectively, for a total of $1,323,674. Timeline If directed by the City Council to move forward with this project, staff will work to advertise for bids and complete this project according to the following proposed schedule: April 28th- Authorization to Proceed City Council Approval of Design, Specifications and Authorization to Solicit Proposals for Residential Roadway Resurfacing Project. April 30th and May 7th - Advertisement Advertisement of Project in Local Publications/ Trade Journals May 13th - Bid Opening Public Bid Opening for Project May 26th - City Council Awards Contract City Council awards contract to the winning contractor. July 1st - August 10th - Tentative Construction Schedule (45 working days) August 15th - Tentative Proiect Completion September 20th-Tentative Notice of Completion by City Engineer FINANCIAL REVIEW Funding for this project was approved by the City Council as part of the City's FY 2008- 09 Capital Improvement Program budget. There is approximately $923,674.00 in Proposition 1 B funds and $400,000.00 in Gas Tax funds available for the Residential Roadway Resurfacing Project. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The project is categorically exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section 15301 (a) of the CEQA Implementing Guidelines. PUBLIC NOTICE This agenda item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. City Council Meeting April 28, 2009. Page 3 of 3 Prepared by: Rafael Fajardo Associate Civil Engineer Lucien J. LeBlanc P.E. City Engineer Submitted by: Chris Marcarello Deputy Public Works Director Attachments: (1) City Council Agenda Report May 27, 2008 and Project Location Map (2) Plans and Specifications PUBLIC WORKS SERVICE DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING DIVISION RESIDENTIAL ROADWAY RESURFACING FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 BID ANALYSIS BID OPENING: MAY 20, 2009 - 11:00 A.M. SULLY-MILLER CONTRACTING, CO. EXHIBIT B $ 1,100,000.00 #1 ITEM DESCRIPTION I QTY UNIT U NIT PRICE TOTAL 1 CLEARING AND GRUBBING. 1 LS $ 24,000,00 $ 24.000.00 2 DISPOSAL OF WASIE MATERIALS. i LS $ 1,500.00 $ 1,50000 3 PLACE COMPACTED OF SELECTED FILL 100 CY $ 10.00 $ 1,000.00 4 -EARTHWORK, ROADWAY, EXCAVATION & FILL 1 LS $ 13,000.00 I $ 13.000.00 5 APPLY CRACK SEALANT 1 LS $ 10,500.00 $ 10.500.00 6 COLD MILL VARIABLE THICKNESS 2-INCH TO 0-INCH HEADER CUT 142,620 SF $ 0.11 $ 15,688.20 CONSTRUCT 1-1/2 INCH THICK PAVEMENT OVERLAY ARHM-GG-C 7 (PG 64-16). 2,920 TONS $ 76.00 $ 221,920.00 8 CONSTRUCT.5" D PG 16-10 PAVEMENT LEVELING COURSE. 940 TONS $ 74.00 1 $ 69,560.00 REMOVE EXISTING 4 INCHES AC PAVEMENT AND CONSTRUCT 4 9 INCH BASE COURSE. 11,100 SF $ 2.14 $ 23,754.00 10 CONSTRUCT PCC CURB RAMPS.- 40 EA $ 2,100.00 $ 84.000.00 11 CONSTRUCT PCC CROSS GUTTER. 4,560 SF $ 7.40 $ 33,744.00 12 CONSTRUCT 4 INCH THICK PCC SIDEWALK. 7,166 SF $ 4.40 $ 31,530.40 13 CONSTRUCT PCC DRIVEWAY APPROACH. 1,780 SF $ 6.50 $ 11,570.00 14 CONSTRUCT PCC CURB AND GUTTER. 450 LF $ 32.56 $ 14,652.00 15 CONSTRUCT PCC VARIABLE CURB HEIGHT- 300 LF $ 24.82 $ 7,446.00 16 INSTALL SURVEY WELL MONUMENTS. 26 EA $ 295.00 $ 7,670.00 17 ADJUST SEWER MANHOLE FRAME TO GRADE. 50 EA $ 428.00 $ 21,400.00 18 ADJUST WATER/GAS VALVE TO GRADE. 34 EA $ 139.00 $ 4.72600 19 STRIPING, TRAFFIC LOOPS, SIGNS & APPURTENANCES LS $ 530000 5 5.300 co TOTAL BASE BID $ 602.960.60 TE BID ITEM 1 20 INSTALL 24-INCH BOX PARKWAY TREE 170 EA $ 45000 $ 76,500.00 TOTAL ALTERNATE BID ITEM 1 $ 76,500.00 ALTE RNATE BID ITEM 2 21 EARTHWORK, ROADWAY. EXCAVATION 8 FILL 1 LS $ 16,500.00 $ 16.500 00 REMOVE AND DISPOSE EXISTING PAVEMENT AND RECONSTRUCT 22 4-INCH THICK AHRM-GG-C (PG 64-16). 963 TONS $ 87.00 $ 83.781.00 23 CONSTRUCT 6-INCH THICK CMB OVER 909% COMPACTED NATIVE. 1,450 TONS $ 11.50 $ 16,675.00 24 CONSTRUCT 4-INCH THICK PCC SIDEWALK 140 SF $ 9.40 $ 1.316.00 25 CONSTRUCT PCC DRIVEWAY APPROACH. 135 SF $ 11.40 $ 1,539.00 26 CONSTRUCT PCC CURB RAMPS. 12 EA $ 2,200.00 $ 26,400.00 27 ADJUST SEWER MANHOLE FRAME TO GRADE- 3 EA $ 428.00 $ 1,284.00 28 ADJUST WATER/GAS VALVE TO GRADE. i _ _ EA $ 140.00 $ 140.00 29 INSTALL SURVEY WELL MONUMENTS. 4 EA $ _ 270.00 $ 1,080.00 30 STRIPING, TRAFFIC LOOPS. SIGNS & APPURTENANCES. LS $ 3,200.00 $ 3,200.00 TOTAL ALTERNATE BID ITEM 2 $ 151,915.00 ALTE RNATE BID ITEM 31 EARTHWORK. ROADWAY, EXCAVATION & FILL I LS $ 16.500-00 $ 16.500.00 32 4-INCH THICK AHRM-GG-C (PG 64-16) 1030 TONS $ 87.00 $ 89.610.00 33 CONSTRUCT 6-INCH THICK CMB OVER 90% COMPACTED NATIVE 1,550 TONS $ 11.40 $ 17,670.00 34 CONSTRUCT 4-INCH THICK PCC SIDEWALK 4096 SF $ 4.90 $ 20,070.40 35 CONSTRUCT PCC DRIVEWAY APPROACH. 580 SF $ 7.40 $ 4,292.00 36 CONSTRUCT PCC CURB RAMPS. 2 EA $ 2,150.00 $ 4,300.00 37 'CONSTRUCT PCC CURB AND GUTTER. 150 LF $ 32.38 $ 4,857.00 38 ADJUST SEWER MANHOLE FRAME TO GRADE. 5 EA $ 428.00 $ 2,140.00 39 ADJUST WATER/GAS VALVE TO GRADE. 5 EA 1 $ 140.00 $ 700.00 40 INSTALL SURVEY WELL MONUMENTS. 2 EA $ 295.00 $ 590 00 41 INSTALL 24-INCH BOX PARKWAY TREE - - - - - 22 EA $ 450.00 $ 9.90000 TOTAL ALTERUATE BID ITEM T $ 170,629.40 GRAND TOTAL 1, 002,005.00 5.20/2009 PAGE I PUBLIC WORKS SERVICE DEPARTMENTiENGINEERING DIVISION GENTRY BROTHERS, INC. #2 ITEM DESCRIPTION CITY UNIT U NIT PRICE I TOTAL 1 CI .FAPINGAND GRUBBING 1 LS S 30.000.00 S 3000000 2 DISPOSAL OF WAS T E MAi E RIALS 1 LS $ 2.000.00 $ 2.000-00 3 PLACE COMPACTED OF SELECTED FILL 100 CY $ 20.00 $ 2.000.00 4 _ EARTHWORK, ROADWAY, EXCAVATION & FILL 1 _ -LS $ 40,000.00 $ 40.0 00.00 5 APPLY CRACK SEALANT 1 - LS $ 7,000.00 $ _ 7,000.00 6 COLD MILL VARIABLE THICKNESS 2-INCH TO 0-INCH HEADER CUT 142,620 SF $ 0.11 $ 15,688.2D 7 (PG 64-16). 2,920 TONS $ 75.00 $ 219.000.00 8 CONSTRUCT.5" D PG 16-10 PAVEMENT LEVELING COURSE. 940- TONS $ 62.00 $ 58,280.00 9 INCH BASE COURSE. 11,100 SF $ 1.50 $ 16,650.00 10 CONSTRUCT PCC CURB RAMPS. 40 EA $ 1,900.00 $ 76,000.00 11 CONSTRUCT PCC CROSS GUTTER. 4,560 SF $ 9.00 $ 41,040.00 12 CONSTRUCT 4 INCH THICK PCC SIDEWALK. 7,166 ' SF $ 6.00 $ 42.996.00 13 CONSTRUCT PCC DRIVEWAY APPROACH. 1,780 SF $ 7.00 $ 12,460.00 14 CONSTRUCT PCC CURB AND GUTTER. 450 LF $ 25.00 $ 11,250.00 15 CONSTRUCT PCC VARIABLE CURB HEIGHT 300 LF $ 25.00 $ 7,500.00 16 INSTALL SURVEY WELL MONUMENTS. 26 EA $ 400.00 $ 10,400.00 17 ADJUST SEWER MANHOLE FRAME TO GRADE. 50 EA $ 200.00 $ 10,000.00 18 ADJUST WATER GAS VALVE TO GRADE. 34 EA $ 20.00 I $ 680.00 19 STRIPING TRAFFIC LOOPS SIGNS & APPURTENANCES LS S 750000 S 7 500 00 TOTAL BASE BID S 610,444.20 ALTE RNATE BID ITEM 1 20 INS ALL 24 INCH RCX PAPKW'AY TREE EA S :C0 00 S 68 000 00 TOTAL ALTERNATE BID ITEM 1 5 68.000.00 ALTER NATE BID ITEM 2 21 EARTHWORK. ROADWAY, EXCAVATION & FILL 1 LS $ 40.000 00 $ 40.000.00 22 4 INCH THICK AHRM GG-C (PG 64-16) 963 TONS $ 70.OD $ 67.410 00 23 CONSTRUCT 6-INCH THICK CMB OVER 90% COMPACTED NATIVE. 1,450 TONS. $ 16.00 $ 23,200.00 24 CONSTRUCT 4-INCH THICK PCC SIDEWALK 140 SF $ 6.00 $ 840.00 25 CONSTRUCT PCC DRIVEWAY APPROACH. 135 SF $ 7.00 $ 945.00 26 CONSTRUCT PCC CURB RAMPS. 12 EA $ 1,900.00 $ 22,800.00 27 ADJUST SEWER MANHOLE FRAME TO GRADE. 3 EA $ 200.00 $ 600.00 28 ADJUST WATER/GAS VALVE TO GRADE. 1 EA $ 20.00 $ 20.00 29 INSTALL SURVEY WELL MONUMENTS. _ 4 EA $ 300.00 $ 1,200.00 30 STRIPING. TRAFFIC LOOPS, SIGNS & APPURTENANCES 1 LS $ 3,500.00 $ 3.500.00 TOTAL ALTERNATE BID ITEM 2 $ 160,515.00 ALTER NATE BID ITEM 3 ZZ = 31 EARTHWORK, ROADWAY. EXCAVATION & FILL I LS $ 40,000.00 $ 40 000.00 32 4-INCH THICK AHRM-GG-C (PG 64-16). 1030 TONS $ 90.00 $ 92,700.00 33 CONSTRUCT 6-INCH THICK CMB OVER 90% COMPACTED NATIVE. 1,550 TONS $ 11100 $ 24,800.00 34 CONSTRUCT 4-INCH THICK PCC SIDEWALK 4096 SF $ 6.00 $ 24,576.00 35 CONSTRUCT PCC DRIVEWAY APPROACH. 580 SF $ 7.00 $ 4.060.00 36 CONSTRUCT PCC CURB RAMPS. _ 2 EA $ 1,900.00 $ 3.800.00 37 CONSTRUCT PCC CURB AND GUTTER. 150 LF $ 25.00 S 3,750.00 38 ADJUST SEWER MANHOLE FRAME TO GRADE. 5 EA S 200.00 I $ 1.000.00 39 ADJUST WATERIGAS VALVE TO GRADE. 5 EA $ 20.00 $ 100.00 40 INSTALL SURVEY WELL MONUMENTS. 2 EA $ 300.00 It $ 600.00 41 INSTALL 24-INCH BOX PARKWAY TREE 22 EA $ 400.00 S 8.800.00 TOTAL ALTERNATE BID ITEM 2 _ _ . $ 204,786.00 GRAND TOTAL S 1,043.145.20 5'20,2009 PAGE2 PUBLIC WORKS SERVICE DEPARTMENT' ENGINEERING DIVISION SILVIA CONSTRUCTION, INC. X3 ITEM DESCRIPTION CITY UNIT U NIT PRICE TOTAL 1 CLLAHING AND GRUBBING. 1 LS $ 27,061 00 $ 27.061 00 2 DISPOSAL OF WASTE MATERIALS 1 LS $ 6,000.00 $ 6.000.00 3 PLACE COMPACTED OF SELECTED FILL 100 CY $ 67.00 I $ 6,700.00 4 EARTHWORK, ROADWAY, EXCAVATION & FILL 1 LS $ 39,072.00 $ 39,072.00 5 APPLY CRACK SEALANT 1 LS $ 10,300-00 I S 10,300.00 6 COLD MILL VARIABLE THICKNESS 2-INCH TO 0-INCH HEADER CUT 142,620 SF $ 0.13 $ 18,540,6 0 CONSTRUCT 1.1/2 INCH THICK PAVEMENT OVERLAY ARHM-GG-C . _ 7 (PG 64.16). 2,920 TONS $ 77.25 $ 225,570.00 8 CONSTRUCT.5" D PG 16-10 PAVEMENT LEVELING COURSE. 940 TONS $ 74.90 $ 70,406.00 REMOVE EXISTING 4 INCHES AC PAVEMENT AND CONSTRUCT 4 9 INCH BASE COURSE. 11,100 SF $ 3.40 $ 37,740.00 10 CONSTRUCT PCC CURB RAMPS. 40 EA $ 1,306.00 $ 52,240.00 11 CONSTRUCT PCC CROSS GUTTER. 4,560 SF $ 6.50 $ 29,640.00 12 CONSTRUCT 4 INCH THICK PCC SIDEWALK. 7,166 SF $ 3.05 $ 21,856.30 13 CONSTRUCT PCC DRIVEWAY APPROACH. 1,780 1 SF $ 5.70 $ 10,146.00 14 CONSTRUCT PCC CURB AND GUTTER. 450 LF $ 16.60 $ 7,470.00 15 CONSTRUCT PCC VARIABLE CURB HEIGHT 300 LF $ 6.60 $ 1,980.00 16 INSTALL SURVEY WELL MONUMENTS. 26 EA $ 747.00 $ 19,422.00 17 ADJUST SEWER MANHOLE FRAME TO GRADE. 50 EA $ _258.00 12,900.00 18 ADJUST WATER/GAS VALVE TO GRADE. 34 EA $ 65.00 $ 2,21000 19 STRIPING. TRAFFIC LOOPS, SIGNS & APPURTENANCES. 1 LS $ 5.01000 $ 5.010 OC TOTAL BASE BID SE RRATE 84 REM 1 $ 604,263.90 20 INSTALL 24-INCH BOX PARKWAY TREE 170 EA $ 521 00 $ 88.570 OC TOTAL ALTERNATE BID ITEM 1 $ 88,570.00 ALTE RNATE BID REM 2 21 EARTHWORK. ROADWAY, EXCAVATION & FILL 1 LS $ 43,122.00 $ 43.122 00 REMOVE AND DISPOSE EXISTING PAVEMENT AND RECONSTRUCT 22 4-INCH THICK AHRM-GG-C (PG 64-16). 963 TONS 1 $ 79.00 $ 76.077.00 23 CONSTRUCT 6-INCH THICK CMB OVER 90% COMPACTED NATIVE. 1,450 TONS $ 18.80 $ 27,260.00 24 CONSTRUCT 4-INCH THICK PCC SIDEWALK 140 SF $ 4.55 $ 637.00 25 CONSTRUCT PCC DRIVEWAY APPROACH. 135 SF $ 6.00 $ 810.00 26 CONSTRUCT PCC CURB RAMPS. 12 EA $ 1,400.00 $ 16,800.00 27 ADJUST SEWER MANHOLE FRAME TO GRADE. 3 EA $ 258.00 $ 774.00 28 ADJUST WATER/GAS VALVE TO GRADE. 1 EA $ 65.00 $ 65.00 29 INSTALL SURVEY WELL MONUMENTS. 4 EA $ 747.00 $ 2,988.00 30 STRIPING. TRAFFIC LOOPS, SIGNS & APPURTENANCES. 1 LS $ 3,070.00 $ 3.070.00 TOTAL ALTERNATE BID ITEM 2 $ 171,603.00 ALTER NATE 810 REM 3 31 EARTHWORK. ROADWAY, EXCAVATION & FILL 1 LS $ 46.807 00 $ 46,807.00 REMOVE AND DISPOSE EXISTING PAVEMENT AND RECONSTRUCT 32 4-INCH THICK AHRM-GG-C (PG 64-16). 1030 TONS $ 79.00 $ 81,370.00 33 CONSTRUCT 6-INCH THICK CMB OVER 90% COMPACTED NATIVE. 1,550 TONS $ 18.70 $ 28.985.00 34 CONSTRUCT 4-INCH THICK PCC SIDEWALK 4096 SF $ 3.60 $ 14,745.60 35 CONSTRUCT PCC DRIVEWAY APPROACH. 580 SF $ 5.40 $ 3,132.00 36 CONSTRUCT PCC CURB RAMPS. 2 EA $ 1,390.00 $ 2.780.00 37 CONSTRUCT PCC CURB AND GUTTER. 150 LF $ 23.20 $ 3,480.00 38 ADJUST SEWER MANHOLE FRAME TO GRADE. 5 EA $ 258.00 $ 1,290.00 39 ADJUST WATER/GAS VALVE TO GRADE. 5 EA 1 $ 65.00 S 325.00 40 INSTALL SURVEY WELL MONUMENTS. 2 EA $ 747.00 S 1,494.00 41 INSTALL 24-INCH BOX PARKWAY TREE 22 EA $ 530.00 $ 11.660.00 TOTAL ALTERNATE BID ITEM 2 $ 196,068.60 GRAND TOTAL $ 1,060,505.50 520,2009 PAGE 3 PUBLIC WORKS SERVICE DEPARTMENTENGINEERING DIVISION ALL AMERICAN ASPHALT #4 REM DESCRIPTION CITY UNIT U NIT PRICE TOTAL 1 CLEARING AND GRLBBING 1 LS S 5.512 40 S 5.512.,10 2 DISPOSAL OF WASTE MATERIALS. 1 LS $ 3.202.00 $ 3.202,00 3 PLACE COMPACTED OF SELECTED FILL 100 CY $ 10.00 $ 1,000.00 4 EARTHWORK, ROADWAY, EXCAVATION & FILL 1 LS $ 500.00 $ 500.00 5 APPLY CRACK SEALANT 1 LS $ 9,000.00 $ 9,000.00 6 COLD MILL VARIABLE THICKNESS 2-INCH TO 0-INCH HEADER CUT 142,620 SF $ 0.184 $ 26,242.08 CONSTRUCT 1.172 INCH THICK PAVEMENT OVERLAY ARHM-GG-C 7 (PG 64.16). 2,920 TONS $ 75.00 $ 219,000.00 8 CONSTRUCT.5' D PG 16.10 PAVEMENT LEVELING COURSE. 940 TONS $ 0 71.9 $ 66740.00 REMOVE EXISTING 4 INCHES AC PAVEMENT AND CONSTRUCT 4 _ 9 INCH BASE COURSE. 11,100 SF $ 2.00 $ 22,200.00 10 CONSTRUCT PCC CURB RAMPS. 40 EA $ 1,750.00 $ 70,000.00 11 CONSTRUCT PCC CROSS GUTTER. 4,560 SF $ 11.00 $ 50,160.00 12 CONSTRUCT 4 INCH THICK PCC SIDEWALK. 7,166 SF $ 5.00 $ 35,830.00 13 CONSTRUCT PCC DRIVEWAY APPROACH. 1,780 SF $ 5.00 $ 8,900.00 14 CONSTRUCT PCC CURB AND GUTTER. 450 LF $ 32.00 $ 14,400.00 15 CONSTRUCT PCC VARIABLE CURB HEIGHT 300 LF $ 18.00 $ 5,400.00 16 INSTALL SURVEY WELL MONUMENTS. 26 EA $ 500.00 $ 13,000.00 17 ADJUST SEWER MANHOLE FRAME TO GRADE. _ 50 EA $ 310.00 $ 15,500.00 18 ADJUST WATERIGAS VALVE TO GRADE. 34 EA S 230.00 $ 7.820.00 19 STRIPING, TRAFFIC LOOPS. SIGNS & APPURTENANCES 1 LS $ 7.7,15 00 $ - 745 0,1 TOTAL BASE BID $ 582,151.48 TE BID ITEM 1 20 INSTALL 24INCH BOX PARKWAY TREE 70 EA $ 525.00 S 69,250.00 TOTAL ALTERNATE BID ITEM 1 $ 89,250.00 ALTE RNATE BID ITEM 2 21 EARTHWORK, ROADWAY, EXCAVATION & FILL 1 LS $ 57,000.00 $ 57,000-00 REMOVE AND DISPOSE EXISTING PAVEMENT AND RECONSTRUCT 22 4-INCH THICK AHRM-GG-C (PG 64-16) 963 TONS 1 $ 85.00 $ 81,655.00 23 CONSTRUCT 6-INCH THICK CMB OVER 90% COMPACTED NATIVE. 1,450 TONS $ 20.00 $ 29,000.00 24 CONSTRUCT 4-INCH THICK PCC SIDEWALK 140 SF $ 6.50 $ 910.00 25 CONSTRUCT PCC DRIVEWAY APPROACH. 135 SF $ 7.00 $ 945.00 26 CONSTRUCT PCC CURB RAMPS. 12 EA $ 1,800.00 $ 21,600.00 27 ADJUST SEWER MANHOLE FRAME TO GRADE. 3 EA $ 515.00 $ 1,545.00 28 ADJUST WATER/GAS VALVE TO GRADE. 1 EA $ 415.00 $ 415.00 29 INSTALL SURVEY WELL MONUMENTS 4 EA $ 600.00 $ 2.400.00 30 STRIPING. TRAFFIC LOOPS SIGNS & APPURTENANCES 1 LS $ 5.500.00 $ 5.500 OC TOTAL ALTERNATE BID ITEM 2 $ 207,170.00 ALTE RNATE BID REM 3 31 EARTHWORK, ROADWAY, EXCAVATION & FILL 1 LS $ 57.500.00 $ 57,500.00 REMOVE AND DISPOSE EXISTING PAVEMENT AND RECONSTRUCT 32 4-INCH THICK AHRM-GG-C (PG 64-16). 1030 TONS S 80.00 $ 82,400.00 33 CONSTRUCT 6-INCH THICK CMB OVER 90% COMPACTED NATIVE. 1,550 TONS $ 20.00 $ 31,000.00 34 CONSTRUCT 4-INCH THICK PCC SIDEWALK 4096 SF $ 5.85 $ 23,961.60 35 CONSTRUCT PCC DRIVEWAY APPROACH. 580 SF $ 6.00 $ 3,480.00 36 CONSTRUCT PCC CURB RAMPS. 2 EA $ 1,800.00 $ 3,600.00 37 CONSTRUCT PCC CURB AND GUTTER. 150 LF $ 30.00 $ 4,500.00 38 ADJUST SEWER MANHOLE FRAME TO GRADE. 5 EA $ 575.00 $ 2,875.00 39 ADJUST WATER/GAS VALVE TO GRADE. 5 EA $ 415.00 $ 2.075.00 40 INSTALL SURVEY WELL MONUMENTS. 2 EA I $ 600.00 $ 1,200.00 41 INSTALL 24-INCH BOX PARKWAY TREE 22 EA $ 525.00 $ 11,550.00 TOTAL ALTERNATE BID REM 2 $ 224,141.60 GRAND TOTAL $ 1,096,713.08 512012009 PAGE 4 PUBLIC WORKS SERVICE DEPARTMENT' ENGINEERING DIVISION EXCEL #5 ITEM DESCRIPTION CITY UNIT U NIT PRICE TOTAL 1 CLEARING AND GRUBBING 1 LS S 90 600 00 S 9060000 2 DISPOSAL OF WASTE MATERIALS. 1 LS S 10.000.00 $ 10.000.00 3 PLACE COMPACTED OF SELECTED FILL 100 CY $ 20.00 $ 2,000.00 4 EARTHWORK, ROADWAY, EXCAVATION & FILL 1 LS $ 15.000.00 $ 15,000.00 5 APPLY CRACK SEALANT 1 LS $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000-00 6 COLD MILL VARIABLE THICKNESS 2-INCH TO 0-INCH HEADER CUT 142,620 SF $ 0.20 $ 28.524.00 CONSTRUCT 1-1l2 INCH THICK PAVEMENT OVERLAY ARHM-GG-C 7 (PG 64.16). 2,920 TONS $ 71.50 $ 208.780.00 8 CONSTRUCT.5' D PG 16-10 PAVEMENT LEVELING COURSE. 940 TONS $ 68.00 $ 63,920.00 REMOVE EXISTING 4 INCHES AC PAVEMENT AND CONSTRUCT 4 9 INCH BASE COURSE 11,100 SF $ 3.00 $ 33,300.00 10 CONSTRUCT PCC CURB RAMPS. 40 EA $ 3,500.00 $ 140,000.00 11 CONSTRUCT PCC CROSS GUTTER. 4,560 SF $ 7.50 $ 34,200.00 12 CONSTRUCT 4 INCH THICK PCC SIDEWALK. 7,166 SF $ 5.50 $ 39,413.00 13 CONSTRUCT PCC DRIVEWAY APPROACH. 1,780 SF $ 6.50 $ 11,570.00 14 CONSTRUCT PCC CURB AND GUTTER. 450 LF $ _ 26.00 $ 11,700.00 15 CONSTRUCT PCC VARIABLE CURB HEIGHT 300 LF $ 26.00 $ 7.800.00 16 INSTALL SURVEY WELL MONUMENTS. 26 EA $ 280.00 $ 7,280.00 17 ADJUST SEWER MANHOLE FRAME TO GRADE. 50 EA $ 275.00 i $ 13,750.00 18 ADJUST WATER/GAS VALVE TO GRADE. 34 EA $ 240.00 $ 8,160.00 19 STRIPING, TRAFFIC LOOPS, SIGNS & APPURTENANCES. 1 LS $ 10,000.00 $ 10 000,00 TOTAL BASE BID $ 747,997.00 FEBbF[FJ~1w, •.zzff.: STALL 2a INCH BOX PARKWAY TREE 170 EA $ 550.00 $ 93,500.00 7 TAL ALTERNATE BID ITEM 1 $ 93,500.00 ALTE 8NATE BID ITEM 2 RTHWORK, ROADWAY, EXCAVATION & FILL 1 LS $ 25,000.00 $ 25,000.00 REMOVE AND DISPOSE EXISTING PAVEMENT AND RECONSTRUCT 22 4-INCH THICK AHRM-GG-C (PG 64.16). 963 TONS $ 67.00 $ 64.521.00 23 CONSTRUCT 6-INCH THICK CMB OVER 90% COMPACTED NATIVE. 1,450 TONS I $ 17.00 $ 24,650.00 24 CONSTRUCT 4-INCH THICK PCC SIDEWALK 140 SF $ 7.50 $ 1,050.00 25 CONSTRUCT PCC DRIVEWAY APPROACH. 135 SF $ 9.00 $ 1,215.00 26 CONSTRUCT PCC CURB RAMPS. 12 EA $ 3,600.00 $ 43.200.00 27 ADJUST SEWER MANHOLE FRAME TO GRADE. 3 EA $ 270.00 $ 810.00 28 ADJUST WATER/GAS VALVE TO GRADE. 1 EA $ 240.00 S 240.00 29 INSTALL SURVEY WELL MONUMENTS. 4 EA $ 280.00 S 1.120.00 30 STRIPING, TRAFFIC LOOPS. SIGNS & APPURTENANCES 1 LS $ 4.500.00 S 4 500 00 TOTAL ALTERNATE BID ITEM 2 $ 166,306.00 ALTER NATE BID ITEM 3 31 EARTHWORK, ROADWAY. EXCAVATION & FILL 1 LS $ 28,000 00 $ 28.000 00 REMOVE AND DISPOSE EXISTING PAVEMENT AND RECONSTRUCT 32 4-INCH THICK AHRM-GG-C IPG 64-16). 1030 TONS 5 60.00 $ 61.800.00 33 CONSTRUCT 6-INCH THICK CMB OVER 90% COMPACTED NATIVE. 1,550 TONS S 16.50 $ 25,575.00 34 CONSTRUCT 4-INCH THICK PCC SIDEWALK 4096 SF $ 4.50 $ 18.432.00 35 CONSTRUCT PCC DRIVEWAY APPROACH. 36 CONSTRUCT PCC CURB RAMPS. 580 2 SF EA $ $ 7.00 4,500.00 I $ $ 4,060.00 9,000.00 37 CONSTRUCT PCC CURB AND GUTTER. 150 LF $ 30.00 $ 4,500.00 38 ADJUST SEWER MANHOLE FRAME TO GRADE. 5 EA $ 270.00 $ 1.350.00 39 ADJUST WATER%GAS VALVE TO GRADE. 5 EA $ 240.00 $ 1,200.00 40 INSTALL SURVEY WELL MONUMENTS. 2 EA $ 280.00 $ 560.00 41 INSTALL 24-INCH BOX PARKWAY TREE 22 EA I $ 565.00 $ 12,430.00 TOTAL ALTERNATE BID ITEM 2 $ 166,907.00 GRAND TOTAL $ 1,174,710.00 5'202009 PAGE 5 PUBLIC WORKS SERVICE DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING DIVISION EC CONSTRUCTION, INC #6 ITEM DESCRIPTION QTY UNIT U NIT PRICE TOTAL 1 CLEARING AND GRUBBING t LS $ 1.50000 5 1,500. CO 2 DISPOSAL OF WASTE MATERIALS 1 LS $ 5.000.00 1 $ 5,000.CO 3 PLACE COMPACTED OF SELECTED FILL 100 CY $ 64.00 $ 6.400.00 4 5 EARTHWORK, ROADWAY, EXCAVATION & FILL 1 APPLY CRACK SEALANT 1 LS LS $ $ 38,420.00 10,660.00 $ $ 38.420.00 10,660.00 6 COLD MILL VARIABLE THICKNESS 2-INCH TO 0-INCH HEADER CUT 1421620 SF $ 020 $ 28,524.00 CONSTRUCT 1-1/2 INCH THICK PAVEMENT OVERLAY ARHM-GG-C 7 (PG 64-16). 2,920 TONS $ 83.66 $ 244,28720 8 CONSTRUCT.5" D PG 16-10 PAVEMENT LEVELING COURSE. 940 TONS $ 88.75 ? $ 83,425.00 REMOVE EXISTING 4 INCHES AC PAVEMENT AND CONSTRUCT 4 9 INCH BASE COURSE. 11,100 SF $ 2.79 $ 30,969.00 10 CONSTRUCT PCC CURB RAMPS. 40 EA $ 2,000.00 $ 80,000.00 11 CONSTRUCT PCC CROSS GUTTER, 4,560 SF $ 6.00 $ 27,360.00 12 CONSTRUCT 4 INCH THICK PCC SIDEWALK. 7,166 SF $ 4.00 $ 28,664.00 13 CONSTRUCT PCC DRIVEWAY APPROACH. 1,780 SF $ 6.00 $ 10,680.00 14 CONSTRUCT PCC CURB AND GUTTER. 450 LF $ 45.00 S 20,250.00 15 CONSTRUCT PCC VARIABLE CURB HEIGHT 300 LF $ 20.00 $ 6.000.00 16 INSTALL SURVEY WELL MONUMENTS. 26 EA $ 293.00 $ 7,618.00 17 18 ADJUST SEWER MANHOLE FRAME TO GRADE. ADJUST WATER/GAS VALVE TO GRADE. 50 34 EA EA $ $ 282.43 4 75.00 $ $ 14,121.50 2,550.00 19 STRIPING, TRAFFIC LOOPS. SIGNS & APPURTENANCES. 1 LS $ 4,630.00 $ 4,630.00 TOTAL BASE BID NATE BIB ITEM 1 $ 651,058.70 INSTALL 24-INCII BOX PARKWAY TREE 170 EA $ 670.00 $ 113.900 00 r TOTAL ALTERNATE BID ITEM 1 $ 113,900.00 AE RNATE aID ITEM 2 EARTHWORK. ROADWAY, EXCAVATION & FILL i LS $ 63.660 00 $ 63.660 00 REMOVE AND DISPOSE EXISTING PAVEMENT AND RECONSTRUCT 22 4-INCH THICK AHRM-GG-C (PG 64-16). 963 TONS' $ 77.64 $ 74,767.32 23 CONSTRUCT 6-INCH THICK CMB OVER 90% COMPACTED NATIVE. 1,450 TONS $ 15.82 $ 22,939.00 24 CONSTRUCT 4-INCH THICK PCC SIDEWALK 140 SF $ 5.00 $ 700.00 25 CONSTRUCT PCC DRIVEWAY APPROACH. 135 SF $ 8.00 S 1,080.00 26 CONSTRUCT PCC CURB RAMPS. 12 EA $ 2,500.00 $ 30,000.00 27 ADJUST SEWER MANHOLE FRAME TO GRADE 3 EA $ 847.27 $ 2,541.81 28 ADJUST WATER/GAS VALVE TO GRADE. 1 EA $ 75.00 $ 75.00 29 INSTALL SURVEY WELL MONUMENTS. 4 EA ` $ 293.08 $ 1,172.32 30 STRIPING. TRAFFIC LOOPS, SIGNS & APPURTENANCES. 1 LS $ 1,810.00 $ 1,81000 TOTAL ALTERNATE BID ITEM 2 I $ 198,745.45 ALTE RNATE BID ITEM 3 31 EARTHWORK. ROADWAY, EXCAVATION & FILL 1 LS $ 50,915.00 $ 50.915.00 REMOVE AND DISPOSE EXISTING PAVEMENT AND RECONSTRUCT 32 4-INCH THICK AHRM-GG-C (PG 64-16). 1030 TONS $ 77.50 $ 79,825.00 33 CONSTRUCT 6-INCH THICK CMB OVER 90% COMPACTED NATIVE. 1.550 TONS $ 15.80 $ 24,490.00 34 CONSTRUCT 4-INCH THICK PCC SIDEWALK _ 4096 SF $ 5.00 $ 20,480.00 35 CONSTRUCT PCC DRIVEWAY APPROACH. 580 SF $ _ 8.00 { $ 4,640.00 36 CONSTRUCT PCC CURB RAMPS. 2 EA $ 2,500.00 $ 5,000.00 37 CONSTRUCT PCC CURB AND GUTTER. 150 LF $ 60.00 $ 9,000.00 38 ADJUST SEWER MANHOLE FRAME TO GRADE. 5 EA $ 282.45 $ 1,412.25 39 ADJUST WATER/GAS VALVE TO GRADE. 5 EA $ 75.00 $ 375.00 40 INSTALL SURVEY WELL MONUMENTS. 2 EA $ 293.10 $ 586.20 41 INSTALL 24-INCH BOX PARKWAY TREE 22 EA _ $ 667.00 S 14,674.00 TOTAL ALTERNATE BID REM 2 S 211,397.45 GRAND TOTAL 60 5.20:'2009 PAGE 6 PUBLIC WORKS SERVICE DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING DIVISION SEQUEL CONTRACTORS, INC. #7 ITEM iOESCR1PTION OTY UNIT U NIT PRICE TOTAL 1 CLEARING AND GRUBBING. 1 LS S 5.00000 S 5,000 00 2 DISPOSAL OF WASTE MATERIALS. 1 LS $ 6,460.00 $ 6.460.00 3 PLACE COMPACTED OF SELECTED FILL 100 CY $ 30.00 1 $ 3,000.00 4 EARTHWORK, ROADWAY, EXCAVATION & FILL 1 LS $ 5,000.00 $ 5,000.00 5 APPLY CRACK SEALANT 1 LS $ 15,000.00 $ 15.000.00 6 COLD MILL VARIABLE THICKNESS 2-INCH TO 0-INCH HEADER CUT 142,620 SF $ 0.18 $ 25,671.60 CONSTRUCT 1-112 INCH THICK PAVEMENT OVERLAY ARHM-GG-C 7 (PG 64-16). 2,920 TONS $ 80.00 $ 233,600.00 8 CONSTRUCT.5" D PG 16-10 PAVEMENT LEVELING COURSE. 940 TONS $ 97.00 $ 91,180.00 REMOVE EXISTING 4 INCHES AC PAVEMENT AND CONSTRUCT 4 9 INCH BASE COURSE. 11,100 SF $ 4.00 $ 44,400.00 10 CONSTRUCT PCC CURB RAMPS. 40 EA $ 2,500.00 $ 100,000.00 11 CONSTRUCT PCC CROSS GUTTER. 4,560 SF $ 8.00 $ 36,480.00 12 CONSTRUCT 4 INCH THICK PCC SIDEWALK. 7,166 SF $ 6.00 $ 42,996.00 13 CONSTRUCT PCC DRIVEWAY APPROACH. 1,780 SF $ 6.00 $ 10,680.00 14 CONSTRUCT PCC CURB AND GUTTER. 450 LF $ 30.00 $ 13,500.00 15 CONSTRUCT PCC VARIABLE CURB HEIGHT 300 LF $ 28.00 $ 8,400.00 16 INSTALL SURVEY WELL MONUMENTS. 26 EA $ 270.00 $ 7,020.00 17 ADJUST SEWER MANHOLE FRAME TO GRADE. 50 EA $ 270.00 $ 13,500.00 18 ADJUST WATER/GAS VALVE TO GRADE. 34 EA $ 10.00 $ 340.00 19 STRIPING, TRAFFIC LOOPS, SIGNS & APPURTENANCES. 1 LS $ 8,000.00 $ 8.000.00 TOTAL BASE BID a 670.227.60 NSTALL 24-INCH BOX PARKWAY TREE 170 EA $ 550.00 $ 93.500.00 7 OTAL ALTERNATE BID ITEM 1 $ 93,500.00 AE BID ITEM 2 RNATE ARTHWORK, ROADWAY, EXCAVATION & FILL 1 LS $ 47,500.00 $ 47.500.01] REMOVE AND DISPOSE EXISTING PAVEMENT AND RECONSTRUCT 22 4-INCH THICK AHRM-GG-C (PG 64-16). 963 TONS $ 90.00 $ 86,670.00 23 CONSTRUCT 6-INCH THICK CMB OVER 90% COMPACTED NATIVE. 1,450 TONS $ 15.00 $ 21,750.00 24 CONSTRUCT 4-INCH THICK PCC SIDEWALK 140 SF $ 10.00 $ 1,400.00 25 CONSTRUCT PCC DRIVEWAY APPROACH. 135 SF $ 10.00 $ 1,350.00 26 CONSTRUCT PCC CURB RAMPS- 12 EA $ 2,800.00 $ 33,600.00 27 ADJUST SEWER MANHOLE FRAME TO GRADE. 3 EA $ 270.00 $ 810.00 28 ADJUST WATER/GAS VALVE TO GRADE. 1 EA I $ 10.00 $ 10.00 29 INSTALL SURVEY WELL MONUMENTS. 4 EA 4 $ 600.00 $ 2,400.00 30 STRIPING, TRAFFIC LOOPS. SIGNS & APPURTENANCES. 1 LS $ 2,000.00 $ 2,000.00 TOTAL ALTERNATE BID ITEM 2 a 197,490.00 ALTER NATE BID ITEM 3 - - 31 EARTHWORK. ROADWAY, EXCAVATION & FILL 1 LS $ 49.700.00 $ 49.700.00 REMOVE AND DISPOSE EXISTING PAVEMENT AND RECONSTRUCT 32 4-INCH THICK AHRM-GG-C (PG 64-16). 1030 TONS $ 90.00 $ 92,700.00 33 CONSTRUCT 6-INCH THICK CMB OVER 90% COMPACTED NATIVE. 1,550 TONS $ 15.00 $ 23,250.00 34 CONSTRUCT 4-INCH THICK PCC SIDEWALK _ 4096 SF $ 6.00 $ 24,576.00 35 CONSTRUCT PCC DRIVEWAY APPROACH. 580 SF $ 6.00 $ 3,480.00 36 CONSTRUCT PCC CURB RAMPS. 2 EA $ 2,800.00 $ 5,600.00 37 CONSTRUCT PCC CURB AND GUTTER. 150 LF $ 30.00 $ 4,500.00 38 ADJUST SEWER MANHOLE FRAME TO GRADE. 5 EA $ 270.00 $ 1,350.00 39 ADJUST WATER/GAS VALVE TO GRADE. 5 EA $ 10.00 $ 50.00 40 INSTALL SURVEY WELL MONUMENTS. 2 EA $ 600.00 $ 1,200.00 41 INSTALL 24-INCH BOX PARKWAY TREE 22 EA 1 $ 550.00 $ 12,100.00 TOTAL ALTERNATE BID ITEM 2 $ 218.506.00 GRAND TOTAL 17 .723.60 5120/2009 PAGE 7 PUBLIC WORKS SERVICE DEPARTMENTENGINEERING DIVISION HARDY & HARPER, INC #8 ITEM DESCRIPTION CITY UNIT U NIT PRICE TOTAL 1 CL FARING AND GRUBBING 1 LS $ 18,000.00 $ 18.000 00 2 DISPOSAL OF WASTE MATERIALS. 1 LS $ 18.000.00 $ 18,000.00 3 PLACE COMPACTED OF SELECTED FILL 100 CY $ 50.00 $ 5,000.00 4 EARTHWORK. ROADWAY, EXCAVATION & FILL 1 LS $ 18,000.00 $ 18,000.00 5 APPLY CRACK SEALANT 1 LS $ 18,000.00 $ 18,000.00 6 COLD MILL VARIABLE THICKNESS 2-INCH TO 0-INCH HEADER CUT 142,620 SF $ 0.15 $ 21,393.00 CONSTRUCT 1-1/2 INCH THICK PAVEMENT OVERLAY ARHM-GG-C 7 (PG 64.16). 2,920 TONS $ 80.00 $ 233,600.00 6 CONSTRUCT.5" D PG 16.10 PAVEMENT LEVELING COURSE. _ 940 TONS $ 75.00 1 $ 70.500.00 REMOVE EXISTING 4 INCHES AC PAVEMENT AND CONSTRUCT 4 9 INCH BASE COURSE. 11,100 SF $ 4.00 $ 44,400.00 10 CONSTRUCT PCC CURB RAMPS. 40 EA $ 2,400.00 $ 96,000.00 11 CONSTRUCT PCC CROSS GUTTER. 4,560 SF $ 11.00 $ 50,160 00 12 CONSTRUCT 4 INCH THICK PCC SIDEWALK. 7,166 SF $ 6.50 $ 46,579.00 13 CONSTRUCT PCC DRIVEWAY APPROACH. 1,780 SF $ 8.50 $ 15,130.00 14 CONSTRUCT PCC CURB AND GUTTER. _ 450 LF $ 40-00 $ 18.000.00 15 CONSTRUCT PCC VARIABLE CURB HEIGHT 300 LF $ 35.00 $ 10,500.00 16 INSTALL SURVEY WELL MONUMENTS. 26 EA $ 350.00 $ 9,100.00 17 ADJUST SEWER MANHOLE FRAME TO GRADE. 50 EA $ 300.00 $ 15,000.00 18 ADJUST WATER/GAS VALVE TO GRADE. 34 EA $ 200.00 $ 6.800.00 19 STRIPING, TRAFFIC LOOPS. SIGNS & APPURTENANCES. 1 LS $ 24,883.00 $ 24,883 00 TOTAL BASE BID $ 739.045.00 TER mw WD ITEM t 20 INSTALL 24-INCI-I BOX PARKWAY TREE 170 EA $ 300.00 $ 51.000,00 TOTAL ALTERNATE BID ITEM 1 $ 51,000.00 ALTE RNATE BID ITEM 2 21 EARTHWORK, ROADWAY. EXCAVATION & FILL 1 LS $ 40.000 00 $ 40.000.00 REMOVE AND DISPOSE EXISTING PAVEMENT AND RECONSTRUCT 22 4-INCH THICK AHRM-GG-C (PG 64-16) 963 TONS $ 95 00 $ 91.485.00 23 CONSTRUCT 6-INCH THICK CMB OVER 90% COMPACTED NATIVE. 1,450 70NS ~ $ 25.00 I $ 36.250.00 24 CONSTRUCT 4-INCH THICK PCC SIDEWALK 140 SF $ 6.50 $ 910.00 25 CONSTRUCT PCC DRIVEWAY APPROACH. 135 SF $ 8.50 $ 1,147.50 26 CONSTRUCT PCC CURB RAMPS. 12 EA $ 2.400.00 $ 28,800.00 27 ADJUST SEWER MANHOLE FRAME TO GRADE. 3 EA $ 300.00 S 900.00 28 ADJUST WATER/GAS VALVE TO GRADE. 1 EA $ 200.00 $ 200.00 29 INSTALL SURVEY WELL MONUMENTS. 4 EA $ 350.00 $ 1,400.00 30 STRIPING, TRAFFIC LOOPS, SIGNS & APPURTENANCES. 1 LS $ 16.907.50 $ 16.907 50 TOTAL ALTERNATE BID ITEM 2 S 218,000.00 ALTER NATE BID ITEM 3 31 EARTHWORK, ROADWAY, EXCAVATION & FILL 1 LS $ 56,246.00 $ 56,246.00 REMOVE AND DISPOSE EXISTING PAVEMENT AND RECONSTRUCT 32 4-INCH THICK AHRM-GG-C (PG 64-16). 1030 TONS $ 95.00 $ 97.850.00 33 CONSTRUCT 6-INCH THICK CMB OVER 90% COMPACTED NATIVE. 1,550 TONS $ 25.00 $ 38.750.00 34 CONSTRUCT 4-INCH THICK PCC SIDEWALK 4096 SF $ 6.50 $ 26,624.00 35 CONSTRUCT PCC DRIVEWAY APPROACH. 580 SF $ 8.50 $ 4,930.00 36 CONSTRUCT PCC CURB RAMPS. 2 EA $ 2,400.00 $ 4,800.00 37 CONSTRUCT PCC CURB AND GUTTER. 150 LF $ 400.00 $ 60,000.00 38 ADJUST SEWER MANHOLE FRAME TO GRADE. 5 EA $ 300.00 $ 1.500.00 39 ADJUST WATER/GAS VALVE TO GRADE. 5 EA $ 200.00 $ 1,000.00 40 41 INSTALL SURVEY WELL MONUMENTS. INSTALL 24-INCH BOX PARKWAY TREE 2 22 EA EA $ $ 350.00 300.00 $ $ 700.00 6,600.00 TOTAL ALTERNATE BID ITEM 2 j $ 299,000.00 GRAND TOTAL $ 1,307,045.00 5 20 2009 PAGE 8 RESIDENTIAL STREET RESURFACING PROJECT Approximate Construction Period June 22, 2009 to July 30, 2009 As part of the City's overall beautification and maintenance efforts, the City is resurfacing several residential streets. The work includes the construction of a 2.5-inch overlay rubberized pavement; construction of new curb ramps, sidewalk, traffic striping and appurtenances. The main purpose of the project is to improve the pavement quality of the street, enhance safety in the area, provide wheelchair access and enhance the overall aesthetic outlook of the area. The roadway resurfacing will improve the ride quality and structural integrity of the pavement, and extend the service life of the street. The work will include: • Removal and replacement of broken curbs, sidewalks, driveway aprons, gutters and cross- gutters; • Removal and reconstruction of asphalt concrete pavement; • Resurfacing the street with asphalt rubber hot mix; • Installation of traffic lane striping and reflective pavement markers; • Installation of new wheelchair access ramps at intersections It is anticipated that the construction activities will be completed within 30 days. ' - 9 City of Rosemead ° Public Works Project Hotline (626) 569-2150 RESIDENTIAL STREET RESURFACING PROJECT DATE(S): June 22, 2009 - July 30, 2009 TIME: 7:00 AM to 5:OOPM GENARAL CONTRACTOR Contractor's Name Address City. State, Zip Code (XXX) XXX - XXXX Rosemead's Public Works Business Unit is committed to working with you to help you through the construction period. Every effort will be made to minimize any inconvenience to you. Your cooperation with the construction crews and patience with any brief traffic or access delay will be appreciated. If you have any questions or concerns please call Rafael Fajardo, Engineer Associate, of the Public Works Engineering Division at: (626) 569- 2151 Si tiene alguna pregunta por favor ]lame: NP11 ,MR9 De^ biet them chi tiet, xin goi 626-569-2151 May 27, 2009 Re: Residential Streets Resurfacing Project Dear Resident, Business and Property Owner The City of Rosemead Public Works Business Unit is hereby notifying you that the Residential Approximate Timeline: City staff anticipates the construction to start on June 22, 2009 and be completed by July 30, 2009. Streets Resurfacing Project will soon be in your area. The project, which consists of the resurfacing several local streets, includes the construction of a 2.5-inch overlay rubberized pavement; construction of new curb ramps, sidewalk, traffic striping and appurtenances. The condition of the street pavement has gradually deteriorated though the years. The City's pavement rating system has rated this street as one of the worst in the City of Rosemead. The purpose of the project is to significantly improve the pavement quality of the street, enhance safety in the area, provide wheelchair access and enhance the overall aesthetic outlook of the area. We regret any inconvenience that this construction project may cause to you and/or to your guests, and appreciate your patience. If you have any questions or concerns, please call Rafael Fajardo, Public Works Associate Engineer, at 626-569-2151 or email: rfaiardo u?cityotrosemead.org Sincerely, Chris Marcarello Deputy Director of Public Works For information please call: Si tiene alguna pregunta por favor flame: Nag ARX De biet them chi tiet, xin g9i 626-569-2151 D&B Comprehensive Insight Plus Report: SULLY-MILLER CONTRACTING COMPA... Page I of 11 Small Business Comprehensive Insight Plus Report for D-U-NS 05-501-3283 SULLY-MILLER CONTRACTING COMPANY ► Solutions Report Printed May 21, 2009 ► Pi this report ► To save this report to your PC: Select File and then Save As from the browser menu bar, Click on the Save in: drop-down menu and select a location for your file. Enter a file name and save the report as a html or.bd file. Copyright 2004 Dun & Bradstreet - Provided under contract for the exclusive use of subscriber Chris Marcarello, City of Rosemead Company Snapshot Cred tworthiness Payment History & Trends Public Filings History & Operations Banking & Finance Company Snapshot Business Summary Profile SULLY-MILLER CONTRACTING COMPANY 1100 E Orangethorpe Ave Ste 200 Anaheim, CA 92801 Tel: 714 578-9600 D-U-NS #:05-501-3283 (SUBSIDIARY OF COLAS INC, MORRISTOWN, NJ) BLUE DIAMOND MATERIALS D&B Rating: 5A2 Company Stats Year incorporated Year started Employees Financial condition Net worth F Sales F Chief Executive S.I.C. Industry Highway construction 1923 1998 400 ( 350 here) GOOD $51,793,000 $201,609,000 Vic Sern , President+ 1611 This is a headquarters (subsidiary) location. Branch(es) or division(s) exist. The Net worth amount in this section may have been adjusted by D&B to reflect typical deductions, such as certain intangible assets. Likelihood this company will not pay on LOW time over the next 12 months Credit Score Class: 1 1 2 3 4 5 Low Moderate High Likelihood this company will experience LOW financial distress in the next 12 months Financial Stress Class: 1 1 2 3 4 5 Low Moderate High Timeliness of historical payments for SLOW this company" D&B PAYDEX®: 79 100 0 Anticipates Prompt 30 120 days stow days slow Industry benchmark: Prompt -Based on 134 trade experiences on file with D&B Payment performance trend over the past 90 days U N C H A N G E D D&B offers guidance on credit limits for this company based on its profile as well as profiles of other companies similar in size, industry, and credit usage Get details Evidence of bankruptcy, fraud, or criminal proceedings in the history of this business or its mana ement NO g Noteworthy special events in this company's file NO Total number of suits, liens and judgments in this company's file 3. Value of open suits, liens and judgments for this company $1,422. Value of open records refers only to 10 most recent filings for each record type. There may be addition al suits, liens, judgments, or UCC filings in D&B's file on this company available by contacting 1-866-472-7362 Company Snapshot Creditworthiness Payment History & Trends Public Filings History & Operations Banking & Finance Creditworthiness https:Hsmallbusiness.dnb.comlwebapplwcs/storeslservletIV iewReport?orderlteniId=10591... 5/21/2009 D&B Comprehensive Insight Plus Report: SULLY-MILLER CONTRACTING COMPA... Page 2 of I 1 Summary Likelihood this company will LOW D&B Rating: SA2 experience financial distress in Financial strength: 5A is $50 million and over, the next 12 months Composite credit appraisal. 2 is good. Likelihood this company will not LOW , This credit rating was assigned because of D&B's i i d i 1l f h ' f l pay on time over the next 12 assessment o e company s inanc a rat os an ts t months cash flow. For more information, see the D&B Rating Key. Default on Payment: Financial Stress Summary Likelihood this company will experience financial distress in the next 12 months Financial Stress Class. 1 1 2 3 4 5 Low Moderate High LOW ,V Key Factors 134 trade experiences exist for this company. Financial Stress Score: 1492 (high risk: 1,0011 jow risk. 1,875) Control age or date entered in D&B files indicates higher nsk. During the prior year, firms in this Financial Stress Class had a failure rate of 1.2%, which is 0.46 times lower than the national average. Financial stress national percentile: 95 (high risk: 1 low risk: 100%) National percentile industry norm: 38 (high risk: 1 low risk: 100%) Payment within Terms: Credit Score Summary Likelihood this company will not pay on time over the next 12 months Credit Score Class: 1 1 2 3 4 5 Low Moderate High LOW Key Factors 134 trade experiences exist for this company. Business does not own facilities The Credit Score class of t for this company shows that 2.0% of firms with this classification paid one or more bills severely delinquent, which is lower than the average of businesses in D&B's database. Credit score percentile: 98 (high risk: 1%: low risk: 100%) Industry norm percentile: 51 (high risk: 1%, low risk: 100%) Additional Information Financial Stress Summary The Financial Stress Class indicates that this firm shares some of the same business and financial characteristics of other companies with this classification. It does not mean the firm will necessarily experience financial stress. The Incidence of Financial Stress shows the percentage of firms in a given Class that discontinued operations over the past year with loss to creditors. The Incidence of Financial Stress - National Average represents the national failure rate and is provided for comparative purposes The Financial Stress National Percentile reflects the relative ranking of a company among all storable companies in D&B's file. The Financial Stress Score offers a more precise measure of the level of risk than the Class and Percentile. It is especially helpful to customers using a scorecard approach to determining overall business performance. All Financial Stress Class, Percentile. Score and Incidence statistics are based on 2004. Credit Score Summary The Incidence of Delinquent Payment is the percentage of companies with this classification that were reported 90 days past due or more by creditors. The calculation of this value is based on an inquiry weighted sample, The Percentile ranks this firm relative to other businesses. For example, a firm in the 80th percentile has a lower risk of paying in a severely delinquent manner than 79% of all storable companies in D&B's files. Company Snapshot Creditworthiness Payment History & Trends Public Filings History & Operations Banking & Finance https:l/smallbusiness.dnb.com/webapp/wcs/storeslservletIViewReport?orderItemld=10591... 5/21/2009 D&B Comprehensive Insight Plus Report: SULLY-MILLER CONTRACTING COMPA... Page 3 of 1 I Payment History Summary Average payment performance trend when weighted by dollar amount Payment History Overview Payment experiences on file with D&B: Payments made within terms: Amount placed for collections: UNCHANGED G] Company's payment performance over the past 12 months compared with its peers 134 Average highest credit: 117(87%) Largest high credit: 0(0%) Highest now owing: Highest past due. Historical Payment Trends: PAYDEX~' Average payment performance trend when weighted by dollar amount Last 3 months Trend is unchanged U N C H A N G E D Last 12 months: 2 days beyond terms D&B PAYDEX8 : 79 Industry benchmark: Prompt 100 0 Anticipates Prompt 30 120 days slow days slow AHEAD' $45,142 $3,000,000 $800,000 $7,500 Based on payments collected over last 12 months. Indications of slowness can be the result of dispute over merchandise, skipped invoices, etc Accounts are sometimes placed for collection even though the existence or amount of the debt is disputed Historical Payment Trends: PAYDEXII Comparison to Industry Company's payment performance over the past AHEAD Z/ 12 months compared with its peers This company's 12-month high 79, or equal to 2 days beyond terms This company's 12-month low 77. or equal to 5 days beyond terms NIA 20 30 x 40 W so - O 60- a 70 1 so T~ ■ ■ ■ ■ 1 ■ ■ 90 100 I I I I I I I I I I I I t This Company ■ Industry Benchmark the Primary Industry from each of the last four quarters. on SIC code 1611. Payment History Details Shows PAYDEX scores of this Business compared to The Primary Industry is Highway construction, based Date Reported Paying Record High Credit (S) Now Owes (S) Past Due (S) Selling Terms I Last Sale Within (months) 05/09 Prompt 20,000 7,500 0 1 05/09 Prompt 10,000 750 0 J 1 05/09 Prompt 2,500 2,500 0 1 05/09 Prompt 2,500 500 500 0 0 1 04109 Prompt 1 3,000,000 800,000 0 1 1 https:llsmallbusiness.dnb.comlwebapp/wcs/stores/servletIViewRepor-t?orderltemld=10591... 5/2 l /2009 D&B Comprehensive Insight Plus Report: SULLY-MILLER CONTRACTING COMPA... Page 4 of 11 04/0 Prompt 300,000 0 I 2-3 04/09 Prompt 200,000 95,000 ~ 250 Net30 1 04/09 Prompt 10.000 0 10 I4-5 04/09 Prompt 1 5,000 0 ~ 0 Net30 2-3 04/09 Prompt 15.000 2,500 0 1 04109 Prompt 5,000 0 0 6-12 04/09 Prompt 5,000 2,500 10 1 04/09 Prompt 5,000 1,000 10 1 10 Net30 1 04/09 Prompt 5,000 0 Net30 1 04/09 Prompt 1 5,000 1 0 ~ 0 2-3 04109 Prompt 5.000 0 0 11 04/09 Prompt 5,000 0 0 10 ~ 1 04/09 Prompt 2.500 n I 0 I 1 6-12 04/09 Prompt 12.500 0 16-12 04/09 Prompt 2.500 0 0 6-12 04/09 Prompt 2,500 0 0 2-3 04/09 Prompt 2,500 1 04/09 Prompt 2,500 2.500 0 1 04/09 Prompt 2,500 0 D 6-12 04/09 Prompt 2,500 250 0 1 04/09 Prompt 2,500 0 1 0 4-5 04109 Prompt 1,000 750 0 1 04109 Prompt 1,000 100 0 1 04/09 Prompt 1,000 1,000 0 1 04/09 Prompt 1,000 1 04/09 Prompt 750 0 0 2-3 04/09 Prompt 1 500 500 0 1 1 04/09 Prompt 250 0 1 04/09 Prompt E2 250 0 Lease Agreemnt 1 04109 Prompt 50 0 0 J Net30 1 04/09 Prompt 50 0 0 Net30 1 04109 Prompt 50 EE] 50 04/09 Prompt 1 50 50 0 1 04109 Prompt-Slow 30 2,500 500 0 t 04109 Prompt-Slow 30 1,000 1,000 0 1 04109 Prompt-Slow 30 750 250 0 1 04109 Slow 25 250 0 0 Net30 6-12 04109 Slow 30-60 1 2,500 1.000 1 000 4-5 04109 Slow 30-60 500 500 500 04/09 (045) 0 0 1 0 Cash account 4-5 03/09 Prompt B5,D00 75,000 2,500 1 03/09 Prompt 2,500 0 1 0 2-3 03109 Prompt 2,500 2,500 1 03109 Prompt 2.500 2,500 0 1 03109 Prompt 1,000 750 0 1 03/09 Prompt 1 1,000 I ~ ~ 1 03/09 Prompt 1,000 500 0 Net30 1 03109 Prompt E E 750 0 03/09 Prompt 5O 750 0 1 03/09 I Prompt I 250 I 0 I 0 ~ Net30 I 6-12 https://smallbusiness.dnb.comlwebapp/wcs/storeslservletIViewReport?orderltemld=10591... 5/21/2009 D&B Comprehensive Insight Plus Report: SULLY-MILLER CONTRACTING COMPA... Page 5 of 11 03/09 03/09 03/09 03/09 03109 Prompt Prompt Prompt Prompt Prompt 250 250 100 100 50 250 1 50 0 0 0 0 Net30 1 4-5 1 1 03109 1 Prompt 50 50 6-12 03/09 Prompt-Slow 15 750 500 Net10 1 03/09 Prompt-Slow 30 15.000 2,500 ~ 0 1 03/09 Prompt-Slow 30 1500 500 500 2-3 03/09 Prompt-Slow 60 5,000 0 ~ 0 1 03/09 Slow 20 1 000 0 0 Ne130 6- 12 03109 Slow 30 20 000 0 0 4-5 02/09 Prompt 750 750 0 1 02109 Prompt 500 500 0 Net30 1 02/09 (070) 1500 I0 I0 I 6-12 Cash own option. 01/09 Prompt 1,000 Net10 I 1 01/09 Prompt 500 Net10 2-3 01/09 Prompt 50 0 0 6-12 01/09 Slow 15 1,000 Net 10 6-12 01/09 Slow 30 500 0 0 6-12 12/08 Slow 60 80 000 0 ~ 6- t 2 10/08 Prompt 40,000 1 10/08 Prompt-Slow 90 250 100 1 05108 Prompt 200,000 0 0 1 06107 I Prompt 1 600,000 1 500,000 1 0 I 1 1 Payment experiences reflect how bills are met in relation to the terms granted. In some instances payment beyond terms can be the result of dispute over merchandise, skipped invoices, etc. Each experience shown is from a separate supplier. Updated trade experiences replace those previously reported. Payment Analysis By Industry Company's dollar-weighted payments listed by the primary industries of its suppliers Total Received Total Dollar Largest High Within Slow 1-30 Slow 31- Stow 61- Slow (q) Amount Credit (S) Terms 60 90 91+ of dollar amount) Industry Short-trm busn credit 12 80,150 35,000 66 31 3 0 0 Whol industrial suppl 9 248,750 200,000 100 0 0 0 0 Nonclassified 8 9,400 5,000 99 0 0 1 0 Misc business service 7 207,300 200,000 100 0 0 0 0 Public finance 6 59,550 40,000 75 25 0 0 0 Whol chemicals 6 10,500 5,000 80 20 0 0 0 Misc publishing 6 750 750 100 0 0 0 0 Hvy const eqpt rental 5 205,150 200,000 100 0 0 0 0 Detective/guard sves 5 16,000 5,000 94 6 0 0 0 Refuse system 5 4,100 2,500 94 6 0 0 0 Mfg cleaning products 5 3,750 1,000 47 53 0 0 0 Whollumber/millwork 2 90.000 85,000 100 0 0 0 0 Misc equipment rental 2 40,000 35,000 100 0 0 0 0 Whol electrical equip 2 11,000 10,000 100 0 0 0 0 Mfg misc wire prdts 2 7,500 5,000 100 0 0 0 0 Misc advertising svcs 2 3,000 2,500 0 50 50 0 0 https:/lsmalibusiness.dnb.comlwebapplwcs/storeslservietIV iewReport?orderltemld=10591... 5/21/2009 D&B Comprehensive Insight Plus Report: SULLY-MILLER CONTRACTING COMPA... Page 6 of I I Whol petroleum prdts 2 3,250 2,500 50 50 0 0 0 General warehousing 2 3,250 2,500 100 0 0 0 0 Telephone communictns 2 1,050 1,000 100 0 0 0 0 Misc business credit 2 2,000 1,000 100 0 0 0 0 Misc general govt 2 1,500 750 100 0 0 0 0 Radiotelephone commun 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Petroleum refining 1 3,000,000 3,000,000 100 0 0 0 0 Whol service equip 1 600,000 600,000 100 0 0 0 0 Computer system desgn 1 300,000 300.000 100 0 0 0 0 Lcl truck-w/o storage 1 300,000 300,000 100 0 0 0 0 Mfg gray/ductile iron 1 80,000 80,000 0 0 100 0 0 Medical scvs plan 1 20,000 20,000 100 0 0 0 0 Mfg construction mach 1 20,000 20,000 0 100 0 0 0 Executive office 1 5,000 5,000 100 0 0 0 0 Ret auto supplies 1 5,000 5,000 100 0 0 0 0 Whol plumb/hydronics 1 5.000 5,000 100 0 0 0 0 Ret-direct selling 1 5,000 5,000 100 0 0 0 0 Mfg blowerstfans 1 5.000 5,000 100 0 0 0 0 Rat building material 1 2,500 2,500 100 0 0 0 0 Whol hardware 1 2,500 2,500 100 0 0 0 0 Trucking non-local 1 2,500 2,500 0 100 0 0 0 Photocopying service 1 2,500 2,500 100 0 0 0 0 Whol service paper 1 1,000 1,000 100 0 0 0 0 Mfg computers 1 1,000 1,000 0 100 0 0 0 Mfg photograph equip 1 1,000 1,000 0 100 0 0 0 Mfg process controls 1 750 750 100 0 0 0 0 Security systems svcs 1 750 750 100 0 0 0 0 Mfg scales/balances 1 750 750 0 0 0 100 0 Nonclay refractories 1 500 500 100 0 0 0 0 Whol durable goods 1 500 500 0 100 0 0 0 Rat mail-order house 1 500 500 100 0 0 0 0 Whol const/mine equip 1 500 500 100 0 0 0 0 Books-print/publish 1 500 500 100 0 0 0 0 Whol office supplies 1 500 500 100 0 0 0 0 Whol mist profsn eqpt 1 250 250 100 0 0 0 0 Whol office equipment 1 250 250 100 0 0 0 0 Mfg glass products 1 250 250 0 100 0 0 0 Other payment categories Cash experiences 5 5,550 2,500 Payment record unknown 2 150 100 Unfavorable comments 0 0 0 Placed for collection With D&B 0 0 0 Other 0 N/A 0 Total in D&B's file 134 5,377,650 3,000,000 There are 134 payment experiences in D&B's file for the most recent 12 months, with 79 experiences reported during the last three month period. Company Snapshot Creditworthiness Payment History & Trends Public Filings History & Operations Banking & Finance Public Filings Summary of Court Actions https:llsmalibusiness.dnb.comlwebapplwcslstoreslservletIViewReport?orderItemld=10591... 5/21/2009 D&B Comprehensive Insight Plus Report: SULLY-MILLER CONTRACTING COMPA... Page 7 of 1 l The following data includes both open and closed filings found in D&B's database on the subject company. Record Type Open Records Open Value Total Records Most Recent Filing Date Suits 0 0 1 06125/1997 Liens 0 0 0 - Judgments 2 St 422 2 11/28/2005 UCC Filings G N/A 23 05/07/2009 Bankruptcy Proceedings 0 N/A 0 Public filing data is for informational purposes only and is not the official record Certified copies can only by obtained from the official source Number and value of open records refers only to 10 most recent filings for each record type. There are additional suits, liens, judgments, or UCC filings in D&B's file on this company available by contacting 1-866-472-7362. Stilts Status Amount Cause Plaintiff Defendant Date Filed Additional Details Judgment for $5,000 Motor DAVID SULLY-MILLER 06/25/1997 Case number: 97M11642 plaintiff vehicle GREGOIRE CONTRACTING Date status Attained. 07128/1997 injury CO AND OTHERS Latest info Collected. 04/15/1999 Where filed: LOS ANGELES COUNTY SMALL CLAIMS COURTILOS ANGELES, LOS ANGELES, CA If it is indicated that there are defendants other than the report subject, the lawsuit may be an action to clear title to property and does not necessarily imply a claim for money against the subject. Any public filings displayed in red are open Judgments Status Award Type Against In Favour of Unsatisfied $1 422 Judgment SULLY MILLER NASON. CONTRACTING GEORGE M CO Unsatisfied Unavailable Judgment SULLY MILLER RODRIGUEZ. CONTRACTING ANA D COMPANY, INC and OTHERS Any public filings displayed in red are open UCC Filings Collateral Inventory and proceeds - Computer equipment and proceeds - Machinery and proceeds - Equipment and proceeds Accounts receivable and proceeds - Assets and proceeds - General intangibles(s) and proceeds - Contract rights and proceeds - and OTHERS Inventory - Account(s) - General intangibles(s) - Equipment - and OTHERS Date Entered Additional Details 1112812005 Case Number (Docket/Warrant) 05SO3019 Date status Attained 11/28/2005 Latest Info Received 11106/2006 Where filed LOS ANGELES COUNTY SMALL CLAIMS COURTILONG BEACH LONG BEACH. CA 07/1512005 Case Number (Docket/Warrant) 05SO1850 Date status Attained 07/15/2005 Latest info Received. 11102/2005 Where filed LOS ANGELES COUNTY SMALL CLAIMS COURT/HUNTINGTON PARK HUNTINGTON PARK, CA Type Sec. Party Debtor Original BANKERS/SOFTECH SULLY-MILLER DIVISION OF EAB CONTRACTING LEASING CORP., COMPANY NORTHBROOK.IL Original BANKERS/SOFTECH SULLY-MILLER DIVISION OF EAB CONTRACTING LEASING CORP.. COMPANY NORTHBROOK, IL Original Leased Inventory including Original proceeds and products - Leased Computer equipment including proceeds and products - Leased Machinery including proceeds and products - Leased NIXON-EGLI SULLY-MILLER EQUIPMENT CONTRACTING COMPANY, SANTA CO. FE SPRINGS, CA BANKERS/SOFTECH SULLY-MILLER DIVISION OF EAB CONTRACTING LEASING CORP., COMPANY NORTHBROOK, IL Date Filed Additional Details 02/12/2002 Filing number 2059891 6 Filed with SECRETARY OF STATE/UCC DIVISION, DOVER,DE Latest info Received. 04/15/2002 02112/2002 Filing number: 2059890 8 Filed with: SECRETARY OF STATE/UCC DIVISION. DOVER.DE Latest Info Received: 04/1512002 01/20/2004 Filing number. 0402360576 Filed with SECRETARY OF STATE/UCC DIVISION, SACRAMENTO, CA Latest info Received 0 210 912 0 04 03123/2001 Filing number: 0108860130 Filed with SECRETARY OF STATE/UCC DIVISION, SACRAMENTO, CA Latest info Received: 04/16/2001 https://smallbusiness.dnb.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet[V iewReport?orderlteml d=10591... 5/21/2009 D&B Comprehensive Insight Plus Report: SULLY-MILLER CONTRACTING COMPA... Page 8 of 1 I Business machinery/equipment including proceeds and products - Leased Equipment including proceeds and products Account(s) including proceeds and products Chattel paper including proceeds and products Contract rights including proceeds and products General intangibles(s) including proceeds and products - Equipment including proceeds and products Account(s) including proceeds and products - Chattel paper including proceeds and products - Contract rights including proceeds and products - General intangibles(s) including proceeds and products - Equipment including proceeds and products Account(s) including proceeds and products Chattel paper including proceeds and products - Contract rights including proceeds and products General intangibles(s) including proceeds and products - Equipment including proceeds and products Account(s) including proceeds and products - Chattel paper including proceeds and products - Contract rights including proceeds and products - General intangibles(s) including proceeds and products - Equipment including proceeds and products Original INGERSOLL-RAND SULLY-MILLER 08109/2005 Filing number 057037216788 COMPANY, CONTRACTING Filed with: SECRETARY OF WOODCLIFF LAKE COMPANY STATE/UCC DIVISION. NJ SACRAMENTO CA Latest info Received 08119/2005 Original INGERSOLL-RAND SULLY MILLER 0 3/1 812 0 05 Filing number 057019805732 COMPANY. CONTRACTING Filed wrath SECRETARY OF WOODCLIFF LAKE, COMPANY STATE/UCC DIVISION. NJ SACRAMENTO. CA Latest info Received: 03129/2005 Original INGERSOLL-RAND SULLY MILLER 0 3/1 8120 0 5 Filing number 057019805611 COMPANY, CONTRACTING Filed with. SECRETARY OF WOODCLIFF LAKE. COMPANY STATE/UCC DIVISION, NJ SACRAMENTO CA Latest info Received: 03129/2005 Original INGERSOLL-RAND SULLER MILLER 03118/2005 Filing number 057019802062 COMPANY. CONTRACTING Filed with SECRETARY OF WOODCLIFF LAKE. COMPANY STATE/UCC DIVISION, NJ SACRAMENTO, CA Latest info Received 03/2912005 Equipment Original GCS WESTERN SULLY MILLER 11130/2006 Filing number 067093755325 POWER & CONSTRUCTION Filed with SECRETARY OF EQUIPMENT STATEIUCC DIVISION. SACRAMENTO CA SACRAMENTO, CA Latest info Received 1 2/0 7120 06 Unavailable Termination GCS WESTERN SULLY MILLER 1211412006 Filing number. 0670954305 POWER & CONSTRUCTION Filed with. SECRETARY OF EQUIPMENT, STATE/UCC DIVISION, SACRAMENTO, CA SACRAMENTO, CA Latest info Received: 12/15/2006 Equipment Original GENERAL SULLY-MILLER 08/0812005 Filing number. 52455609 ELECTRIC CAPITAL CONTRACTING Filed with SECRETARY OF CORPORATION. COMPANY STATE/UCC DIVISION, MOBERLY. MO DOVER, DE Latest info Received: 1 112 9120 0 5 The public record items contained in this report may have been paid, terminated, vacated or released prior to the date this report was printed. There are additional suits. liens, )udgments, or UCC filings in D&B's file on this company available by contacting 1-866-472-7362. Any public filings displayed in red are open Government Activity Activity Summary Borrower (Dir/Guar) No Administrative Debt Yes Contractor Yes Grantee No Possible Candidate for Socio-Economic Program Consideration Labor Surplus Area Small Business Yes (2009) N/A https:llsmallbusiness.dnb.comlwebapp/wcs/stores/servletIViewReport?orderItemId=10591... 5/21/2009 D&B Comprehensive Insight Plus Report: SULLY-MILLER CONTRACTING COMPA... Page 9 of I I Party Excluded from Federal Program(s) No 8(A) Firm N/A The details provided in the Government Activity section are as reported to D&B by the federal government and other sources Company Snapshot Creditworthiness Payment History & Trends Public Filings History & Operations Banking & Finance History & Operations Topic Description History Detailed information on the history of a company, including background information on the management team and key principals, and information on related companies. Corporate Family Detailed information on all related companies, including subsidiaries, affiliates and branches. Registration & Detailed registration and incorporation information, including the date and state of incorporation and the Incorporation type of corporation formed. Company Operations Detailed information on a company's operations, including the identity of the parent company, the geographic scope of the business, and the key holdings. Industry Classification Details on the specific industry within which a company is classified. History Officer(s): Director(s): VIC SERRI, PRESIDENT+ THE OFFICER(S) and Dominique Leveille and Georges Ausseil. JAMES E WEEKS, CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD+ TIM ORCHARD, CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER- TREASURER RONALD J SALCIDO, V PRES ROBERT STONE, VICE PRES George Aldridge , Controller, stated this business registered as a corporation in the state of Delaware in 1998. Attempts to confirm the corporate charter were unsuccessful. Business started 1998 by the parent. 100% of capital stock is owned by parent company. VIC SERRI, Work history is unknown. JAMES E WEEKS born 1950. Graduated University of Cincinnati with a degree in civil engineering. 1973 to 1978 employed by The State of Ohio Highway Department. 1978 to 1983 employed by The Brewer Company, Cincinnati, OH. 1983 to present with Barret Paving Materials Inc, Roseland, NJ. TIM ORCHARD. Antecedents unavailable. RONALD J SALCIDO. Antecedents unavailable. ROBERT STONE Work history is unknown. Corporate Family Global Ultimate: Bouygues Parent: Colas inc Branches (US): Sully-Miller Contracting Company Inc Sully-Miller Contracting Company Inc Affiliates (US): Paris, France DUNS # 27-545-4429 Morristown, NJ DUNS # 60-610-3737 3555 E Vineyard Ave, Oxnard, CA DUNS # 15-886-8997 5625 Southern Ave, South Gate, CA DUNS # 04-405-7727 https://smallbusiness.dnb.comlwebapp/wcs/storeslservletfViewReport?orderltem1d=10591... 5/21/2009 D&B Comprehensive Insight Plus Report: SULLY-MILLER CONTRACTING COMP... Page 10 of 11 Barrett Industries Corporation Colaska. Inc Delta Companies, Inc H R I, Inc. Nello L Teer Company Reeves Construction Co. Simon Contractors. Inc Sloan Construction Company Inc United Rock Products Corporation Registration & Incorporation 3 Becker Farm Rd, Roseland, NJ 500 108th Ave Ne Ste 1740, Bellevue, WA 114 S Silver Springs Rd, Cape Girardeau, MO 1750 W College Ave, State College, PA 200 Perimeter Park Dr E. Morrisville, NC 4931 Riverside Dr Ste 200. Macon. GA 4819 S Industrial, Cheyenne, WY 250 Plemmons Rd, Duncan, SC 1245 Arrow Hwy, Irwindale, CA Registered Name Sully-miller contracting company Business Type. Corporation Corporation Type: Profit Date incorporated: May 21, 1923 State of incorporation. California Status: Merged out DUNS # 55-758-1993 DUNS # 80-996-0479 DUNS # 82-611-3722 DUNS # 07-718-9541 DUNS # 88-366-4666 DUNS # 00-580-8449 DUNS # 94-878-6900 DUNS # 00-791-9871 DUNS # 60-278-6386 Filing Date. May 21. 1923 Registration ID: C0103992 Where filed. SECRETARY OF STATEICORPORATIONS DIVISION, SACRAMENTO. CA Registered Agent. C T CORPORATION SYSTEM, 818 W 7TH ST, LOS ANGELES, CA, 900170000 Principals: JOHN H WIMBERLY, PRESIDENT, 1333 N. CALIFORNIA BLVD SUITE 445, WALNUT CREEK, CA. 945960000 Corporate and business registrations provided by management or other source. Company Operations Description: Subsidiary of COLAS INC. MORRISTOWN, NJ started 1989 which operates as a construction company specializing in highway construcion Parent company owns 100% of capital stock. Operates as a construction company specializing in highway construction. Employees: 400 which includes officer(s). 350 employed here. Facilities: Rents premises in building. Location: Central business section on main street. Branches: Company maintains numerous plant locations throughout the United States Industry Classification SIC NAICS 16110000 Highway and street construction 237310 Highway. Street and Bridge Construction Based on information in our file. D&B has assigned this company an extended 8-diglt SIC D&B's use of 8-dgd SICs enables us to be more speck to a company's operations then d we use the standard 4-digrt code. The 4-digh SIC numbers link to the description on the Occupational Safety 8 Health Administration (OSHA) Web site Links open in a new browser window Company Snapshot Creditworthiness Payment History & Trends Public Filings History & Operations Banking & Finance Banking & Finance Key Business Ratios Statement date: Dec 31 2008 Profitability Return on Sales Industry Norms based on 160 establishments This Business Industry Median UN 2.5 Industry Quartile UN https://smallbusiness.dnb.comlwebapp/wcs/stores/servletiViewReport?orderltemld=10591... 5/21/2009 D&B Comprehensive Insight Plus Report: SULLY-MILLER CONTRACTING COMP... Page I 1 of 11 Return on Net Worth UN 11.4 UN Short-Term Solvency Current Ratio 1.2 1.7 4 Quick Ratio UN 1.2 UN Efficiency Assets Sales UN 46.0 UN Sales / Net Working Capital 22.1 8.4 1 Utilization Total Liabilities / Net Worth UN 111.1 UN UN = Unavailable Finance 05/13/2009 Three-year statement comparative: Fiscal Dec 31 2006 Fiscal Dec 31 2007 Fiscal Dec 31 2008 Current Assets 72,131, 000 62,663,000 53,182,000 Current Liabs 48,419,000 55,243,000 44.039,000 Current Ratio 1.49 1 13 1.21 Working Capital 23,712,000 7,420,000 9,143,000 Other Assets 43.679,000 48,411,000 48,936,000 Net Worth 64,298,000 53,181.000 51,793.000 Sales 214,614,000 217,862,000 201,609,000 Long Term Liab 3,093,000 2,650,000 6,286,000 Submitted MAY 06 2009 by Jean-Luc Begasse de Dhaem, Chief Financial Officer. Prepared from statement(s) by Accountant: PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP Extent of audit, if any, not indicated. On May 13, 2009, the financial information was updated, Company Snapshot Creditworthiness Payment History & Trends Public Filings History & Operations Banking & Finance Customer Service C Need help? Call Customer Service at (800) 333-0505, Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM Local Time. / Print this report 1 To save this report to your PC: Select File and then Save As from the browser menu bar. Click on the Save in: drop-down menu and select a location for your file. Enter a file name and save the report as a html or txt file. Copyright 2004 Dun & Bradstreet - Provided under contract for the exclusive use of subscriber Chris Marcarello, City of Rosemead https://smallbusiness.dnb.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/ViewReport?orderItemId=10591... 5/21/2009