CC - Item 4J - Interim Budgets AmendmentsROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: MATTHEW E. HAWKESWORTH, ACTING CITY MANAGER DATE: JUNE 9, 2009 SUBJECT: INTERIM BUDGET AMENDMENTS SUMMARY From time to time, as new revenues are received and when changing circumstances warrant, it becomes necessary to amend the budget. The attached resolution amends the budget with $929,300 of new General Fund appropriations. The appropriations are funded with $264,560 of new estimated revenue and $664,740 is funded by unreserved fund balance. There is also a funding shift of $350,000 from the Proposition A fund to the Proposition C fund for public transportation services. Staff Recommendation Stan recommends-that the City Council adopt the attached resolution number 2009-29. FINANCIAL REVIEW Unforeseen budget changes in the General Fund include: 1. $10,000 for additional rubbish assessment revenue charged to customers by the trash hauler for late payments. 2. $100,000 of estimated COPS grant revenue. There is also a corresponding appropriation increase. The amount of funding for the COPS grant is, by program design, not known until well into the City's fiscal year. This year, due to the State budget -crisis, there was considerable uncertainty as to whether the grant would be funded at all.. 3. During the year the City was granted $94,300 from the Federal Government for graffiti deterrence and there is a corresponding increase in appropriations. 4. Revenue of $54,260 for FY 2004-05 and 2005-06 Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) revenue was received during the year. There is no corresponding appropriation. 5. An appropriation increase of $320,000 for Administrative severance. 6. An appropriation increase of $190,000 to pay for sales tax consultant commissions primarily related to the collection of State misallocated sales tax revenue. The City was reimbursed more than $800,000 in misallocated sales tax APPROVED FOR CITY COUNCIL AGENDA: ITEM NUMBER: City Council Meeting June 9, 2009 Pace 2 of 2 revenue this year and $277,000 in FY 2009-10 from this project. 7. An additional $225,000 has been added to pay for unanticipated legal bills for the election lawsuit and the Haro-Ballin lawsuit. To avoid lapsing of Proposition C revenue, staff shifted public transportation appropriations of $350,000 from the Proposition A fund to the Proposition C fund. The actual expenditures will also be reclassified to the Proposition C fund. PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. Submitted by: Steven Brisco Finance Director Attachment A: Resolution No. 2009-29 RESOLUTION NO. 2009-29 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA ADDING APPROPRIATIONS $704,300 Increase Fund Acct. No. Description (Decrease) Estimate Revenue General 4110-3116 Rubbish Assessments 10,000 General 4300-3772-P46801 COPS Grant 100,000 General 4300-3773-P41501 FY 2004-05, 2005-06 JAG catch up 54,260 General 4700-3993-01 Reimbursements from developers 6,000 General 4740-3773-P46601 Fed Graffiti Deterent Grant 94,300 Total 264,560 Appropriations General 4110-4010-01 Administration/Salaries 293,800 General 4110-4105-01 Administration/Medicare 11,800 General 4110-4110-01 Admin/Cafeteria Benefits 14,400 General 4130-4460-01 Sales tax consultant commissions 190,000 General 4150-4310-01 City attorney retainer 225,000 General 4740-8250-P46601 Graffiti Grant - Equipment 60,000 General 4740-4699-P46601 Graffiti Grant - Probation officer 30,000 General 4740-5010-P46601 Graffiti Grant - Supplies 4,300 General 4300-4512-P46801 General law Enforcement (COPS Grant) 100,000 Total Generral Fund 929,300 Prop A 4660-7510-28 Move Prop A transit to Prop C (350,000) Prop C 4660-7510-25 Move from Prop A to Prop C 350,000 Net appropriation amendments 929,300 Fund.Balance General Fund Balance (439,740) Prop C Fund Balance (350,000) Prop A Fund Balance 350,000 RESOLUTION NO. 2009-29 (CONT-D) NOW THEREFORE, the above appropriations and fund balance are amended to include the changes presented above. The additional appropriations are made a part of the approved FY2008-09 budget as though they were a part of the initial approved budget fully set forth and the City Manager is authorized and empowered to expend such sums for the purpose of such account, but with no expenditure by any office or department for any item within an account shall exceed the amount budgeted therefore without prior written approval of the City Manager. PASSED. APPROVED and ADOPTED THIS 9th day of June 2009. Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk