2400 - Los Angeles County - General Services AgreementGENERAL SERVICES AGREEMENT THIS GENERAL SERVICES AGREEMENT ("Agreement"), dated for purposes of reference only, July 1, 2024, is made by and between the County of Los Angeles, hereinafter referred to as the "County," and the City of Rosemead, hereinafter referred to as the "City." RECITALS: (a) The City is desirous of contracting with the County for the performance by its appropriate officers and employees of City functions. (b) The County is agreeable to performing such services on the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth. V (c) Such contracts are authorized and provided for by the provisions of Section cin Ln 56'/2 of the Charter of the County of Los Angeles and Section 51300, et seq., of the Government Code. THEREFORE, THE PARTIES MUTUALLY AGREE AS FOLLOWS: 1. The County agrees, through its officers, agents and employees, to perform those City functions, which are hereinafter provided for. 2. The City shall pay for such services as are provided under this Agreement at rates to be determined by the County Auditor -Controller in accordance with the policies and procedures established by the Board of Supervisors. These rates shall be readjusted by the County Auditor -Controller annually effective the first day of July of each year to reflect the cost of such service in accordance with the policies and procedures for the determination of such rates as adopted by the Board of Supervisors of County. 3. No County agent, officer or department shall perform for said City any 1 of 6 function not coming within the scope of the duties of such agent, officer or department in performing services for the County. 4. No service shall be performed hereunder unless the City shall have available funds previously appropriated to cover the cost thereof. 5. No function or service shall be performed hereunder by any County agent, officer or department unless such function or service shall have been requested in writing by the City on order of the City Council thereof or such officer as it may designate and approved by the Board of Supervisors of the County, or such officer as it may designate, and each such service or function shall be performed at the times and under circumstances which do not interfere with the performance of regular County operations. 6. Whenever the County and City mutually agree as to the necessity for any such County agent, officer or department to maintain administrative headquarters in the City, the City shall furnish at its own cost and expense all necessary office space, furniture, and furnishings, office supplies, janitorial service, telephone, light, water, and other utilities. In all instances where special supplies, stationery, notices, forms and the like must be issued in the name of the City, the same shall be supplied by the City at its expense. It is expressly understood that in the event a local administrative office is maintained in the City for any such County agent, officer or department, such quarters may be used by the County agent, officer or department in connection with the performance of its duties in territory outside the City and adjacent thereto provided, however, that the performance of such outside duties shall not be at any additional cost to the City. 7. All persons employed in the performance of such services and functions for 2of6 the City shall be County agents, officers or employees, and no City employee as such shall be taken over by the County, and no person employed hereunder shall have any City pension, civil service, or other status or right. For the purpose of performing such services and functions, and for the purpose of giving official status to the performance hereof, every County agent, officer and employee engaged in performing any such service or function shall be deemed to be an agent, officer or employee of said City while performing service for the City within the scope of this agreement. 8. The City shall not be called upon to assume any liability for the direct payment of any salary, wages or other compensation to any County personnel performing services hereunder for the City, or any liability other than that provided for in this agreement. Except as herein otherwise specified, the City shall not be liable for compensation or indemnity to any County employee for injury or sickness arising out of his or her employment. 9. The parties hereto have executed an Assumption of Liability Agreement approved by the Board of Supervisors on December 27, 1977 and/or a Joint Indemnity Agreement approved by the Board of Supervisors on October 8, 1991. Whichever of these documents the City has signed later in time is currently in effect and hereby made a part of and incorporated into this agreement as set out in full herein. In the event that the Board of Supervisors later approves a revised Joint Indemnity Agreement and the City executes the revised agreement, the subsequent agreement as of its effective date shall supersede the agreement previously in effect between the parties hereto. 10. Each County agent, officer or department performing any service for the 3of6 City provided for herein shall keep reasonably itemized and in detail work or job records covering the cost of all services performed, including salary, wages and other compensation for labor, supervision and planning, plus overhead, the reasonable rental value of all County -owned machinery and equipment, rental paid for all rented machinery or equipment, together with the cost of an operator thereof when furnished with said machinery or equipment, the cost of all machinery and supplies furnished by the County, reasonable handling charges, and all additional items of expense incidental to the performance of such function or service. 11. All work done hereunder is subject to the limitations of the provisions of Section 23008 of the Government Code, and in accordance therewith, before any work is done or services rendered pursuant hereto, an amount equal to the cost or an amount 10% in excess of the estimated cost must be reserved by the City from its funds to ensure payment for work, services or materials provided hereunder. 12. The County shall render to the City at the close of each calendar month an itemized invoice which covers all services performed during said month, and the City shall pay County therefore within thirty (30) days after date of said invoice. If such payment is not delivered to the County office which is described on said invoice within thirty (30) days after the date of the invoice, the County is entitled to recover interest thereon. Said interest shall be at the rate of seven (7) percent per annum or any portion thereof calculated from the last day of the month in which the services were performed. 13. Notwithstanding the provisions of Government Code Section 907, if such payment is not delivered to the County office which is described on said invoice within thirty (30) days after the date of the invoice, the County may satisfy such indebtedness, 4of6 including interest thereon, from any funds of any such City on deposit with the County without giving further notice to said City of County's intention to do so. 14. This Agreement shall become effective on the date herein -above first mentioned and shall run for a period ending June 30, 2029, and at the option of the City Council of the City, with the consent of the Board of Supervisors of County, shall be renewable thereafter for an additional period of not to exceed five (5) years. 15. In the event the City desires to renew this Agreement for said five-year period, the City Council shall not later than the last day of May 2029, notify the Board of Supervisors of County that it wishes to renew the same, whereupon the Board of Supervisors, not later than the last day of June 2029, shall notify the City Council in writing of its willingness to accept such renewal. Otherwise, such Agreement shall finally terminate at the end of the aforedescribed period. Notwithstanding the provisions of this paragraph herein -above set forth, the County may terminate this Agreement at any time by giving thirty (30) days' prior written notice to the City. The City may terminate this Agreement as of the first day of July of any year upon thirty (30) days' prior written notice to the County. 16. This Agreement is designed to cover miscellaneous and sundry services which may be supplied by the County of Los Angeles and the various departments thereof. In the event there now exists or there is hereafter adopted a specific contract between the City and the County with respect to specific services, such contract with respect to specific services shall be controlling as to the duties and obligations of the parties anything herein to the contrary notwithstanding, unless such special contract adopts the provisions hereof by reference. 5of6 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed by their duly authorized officers. Executed this 4th day of of SOS ,,V r � r ATTEST: �X �3 • 4t BV it, fop $ ATTEST: EDWARD YEN Exe c u tive Off i ce r/ Clerk of the Board of Supervisors By n d / ✓��� Deputy APPROVED AS TO FORM: DAWYN R. HARRISON County Coun el gy Kh' �lwr- Senic: Deputy June The City of Rosemead, .2024. THE COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES r, BoaFd of Supervisors hereby certify that pursuant to Section 25103 of the Government Code, Delivery of this document has been made. EDWARD YEN Executive Officer Clerk of the Board of Supervisors By Deputy ADOPTED BOARD OF SUPERVISORS COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES 28 June 4, 2024 6 Of 6 EDWARD YEN EXECUTIVE OFFICER MAYOR: STEV LY MAYOR PRO TEM: MARGARET CLARK COUNCIL MEMBERS: SANDRA AR[.MENIA SEAN DANG PoLLY Low STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ) SS. CITY OF ROSEMEAD ) City of Wqsemead 8838 E. VALLEY BOULEVARD ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA 91770 TELEPHONE (626) 569-2100 I, Ericka Henandez, City Clerk of the City of Rosemead City Council, do hereby certify that the foregoing action to: RENEWAL OF GENERAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH THE COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES was duly and regularly approved by the Rosemead City Council on the 2611 day of March 2024, by the following vote to wit: AYES: ARMENTA, CLARK, DANG, LOW, LY NOES: NONE ABSTAIN: NONE ABSENT: NONE Ericka Hernandez City Clerk ce pFIOSgH County of Los Angeles CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICE Kenneth Hahn Hall of Administration = 500 West Temple Street. Room 713, Los Angeles.California 90012 (213)974-1101 CquFORN ' http://ceo.lacounty.gov SACHI A. HAMAI Board of Supervisors Chief Executive Officer HILDA L. SOLIS First District MARK RIDLEY-THOMAS Second District July 22, 2019 SHEILA KUEHL Third District JANICE HAHN Fourth District KATHRYN BARGER Fifth District Ms. Gloria Molleda City Manager City of Rosemead P.O. Box 399 Rosemead, CA 91770 Dear Ms. Molleda: RENEWAL OF GENERAL SERVICES AGREEMENT Enclosed is a fully executed General Service Agreement between your City and the County of Los Angeles. This agreement extends the services that your City may receive for an additional five-year period commencing July 1, 2019 and ending June 30, 2024. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Katrina Shoats of my staff at (213) 893-2479 or at kshoatsceo.lacounty.gov. We look forward to our continued association. Sincerely, clei4 SAMARA ASH Assistant Chief Executive Officer Legislative Affairs & Intergovernmental Relations SA:KS:Im Enclosure "To Enrich Lives Through Effective And Caring Service" 76999 SUPPLEMENT GENERAL SERVICES AGREEMENT THIS GENERAL SERVICES AGREEMENT ("Agreement"), dated for purposes of reference only, June 1 , 2019, is made by and between the County of Los Angeles, hereinafter referred to as the "County", and the City of Rosemead, hereinafter referred to as the "City." RECITALS: (a) The City is desirous of contracting with the County for the performance by its appropriate officers and employees of City functions. (b) The County is agreeable to performing such services on the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth. (c) Such contracts are authorized and provided for by the provisions of Section 561/2 of the Charter of the County of Los Angeles and Section 51300, et seq., of the Government Code. THEREFORE, THE PARTIES MUTUALLY AGREE AS FOLLOWS: 1. The County agrees, through its officers, agents and employees, to perform those City functions, which are hereinafter provided for. 2. The City shall pay for such services as are provided under this Agreement at rates to be determined by the County Auditor-Controller in accordance with the policies and procedures established by the Board of Supervisors. These rates shall be readjusted by the County Auditor-Controller annually effective the first day of July of each year to reflect the cost of such service in accordance with the policies and procedures for the determination of such rates as adopted by the Board of Supervisors of County. 1 of 6 3. No County agent, officer or department shall perform for said City any function not coming within the scope of the duties of such agent, officer or department in performing services for the County. 4. No service shall be performed hereunder unless the City shall have available funds previously appropriated to cover the cost thereof. 5. No function or service shall be performed hereunder by any County agent, officer or department unless such function or service shall have been requested in writing by the City on order of the City Council thereof or such officer as it may designate and approved by the Board of Supervisors of the County, or such officer as it may designate, and each such service or function shall be performed at the times and under circumstances which do not interfere with the performance of regular County operations. 6. Whenever the County and City mutually agree as to the necessity for any such County agent, officer or department to maintain administrative headquarters in the City, the City shall furnish at its own cost and expense all necessary office space, furniture, and furnishings, office supplies, janitorial service, telephone, light, water, and other utilities. In all instances where special supplies, stationery, notices, forms and the like must be issued in the name of the City, the same shall be supplied by the City at its expense. It is expressly understood that in the event a local administrative office is maintained in the City for any such County agent, officer or department, such quarters may be used by the County agent, officer or department in connection with the performance of its duties in territory outside the City and adjacent thereto provided, however, that the performance of such outside duties shall not be at any additional cost 2 of 6 to the City. 7. All persons employed in the performance of such services and functions for the City shall be County agents, officers or employees, and no City employee as such shall be taken over by the County, and no person employed hereunder shall have any City pension, civil service, or other status or right. For the purpose of performing such services and functions, and for the purpose of giving official status to the performance hereof, every County agent, officer and employee engaged in performing any such service or function shall be deemed to be an agent, officer or employee of said City while performing service for the City within the scope of this agreement. 8. The City shall not be called upon to assume any liability for the direct payment of any salary, wages or other compensation to any County personnel performing services hereunder for the City, or any liability other than that provided for in this agreement. Except as herein otherwise specified, the City shall not be liable for compensation or indemnity to any County employee for injury or sickness arising out of his or her employment. 9. The parties hereto have executed an Assumption of Liability Agreement approved by the Board of Supervisors on December 27, 1977 and/or a Joint Indemnity Agreement approved by the Board of Supervisors on October 8, 1991. Whichever of these documents the City has signed later in time is currently in effect and hereby made a part of and incorporated into this agreement as set out in full herein. In the event that the Board of Supervisors later approves a revised Joint Indemnity Agreement and the City executes the revised agreement, the subsequent agreement as of its effective date 3 of 6 shall supersede the agreement previously in effect between the parties hereto. 10. Each County agent, officer or department performing any service for the City provided for herein shall keep reasonably itemized and in detail work or job records covering the cost of all services performed, including salary, wages and other compensation for labors; supervision and planning, plus overhead, the reasonable rental value of all County-owned machinery and equipment, rental paid for all rented machinery or equipment, together with the cost of an operator thereof when furnished with said machinery or equipment. the cost of all machinery and supplies furnished by the County, reasonable handling charges, and all additional items of expense incidental to the performance of such function or service. 11 . All work done hereunder is subject to the limitations of the provisions of Section 23008 of the Government Code, and in accordance therewith, before any work is done or services rendered pursuant hereto, an amount equal to the cost or an amount 10% in excess of the estimated cost must be reserved by the City from its funds to ensure payment for work, services or materials provided hereunder. 12. The County shall render to the City at the close of each calendar month an itemized invoice which covers all services performed during said month, and the City shall pay County therefore within thirty (30) days after date of said invoice. If such payment is not delivered to the County office which is described on said invoice within thirty (30) days after the date of the invoice, the County is entitled to recover interest thereon. Said interest shall be at the rate of seven (7) percent per annum or any portion thereof calculated from the last day of the month in which the services were performed. 13. Notwithstanding the provisions of Government Code Section 907, if such 4 of 6 payment is not delivered to the County office which is described on said invoice within thirty (30) days after the date of the invoice, the County may satisfy such indebtedness, including interest thereon, from any funds of any such City on deposit with the County without giving further notice to said City of County's intention to do so. 14. This Agreement shall become effective on the date herein-above first mentioned and shall run for a period ending June 30, 2024, and at the option of the City Council of the City, with the consent of the Board of Supervisors of County, shall be renewable thereafter for an additional period of not to exceed five (5) years. 15. In the event the City desires to renew this Agreement for said five-year period, the City Council shall not later than the last day of May 2024, notify the Board of Supervisors of County that it wishes to renew the same, whereupon the Board of Supervisors, not later than the last day of June 2024, shall notify the City Council in writing of its willingness to accept such renewal. Otherwise such Agreement shall finally terminate at the end of the aforedescribed period. Notwithstanding the provisions of this paragraph herein-above set forth, the County may terminate this Agreement at any time by giving thirty (30) days' prior written notice to the City. The City may terminate this Agreement as of the first day of July of any year upon thirty (30) days' prior written notice to the County. 16. This Agreement is designed to cover miscellaneous and sundry services which may be supplied by the County of Los Angeles and the various departments thereof. In the event there now exists or there is hereafter adopted a specific contract between the City and the County with respect to specific services, such contract with respect to specific services shall be controlling as to the duties and obligations of the parties anything herein to the contrary notwithstanding, unless such special contract 5 of 6 adopts the provisions hereof by reference. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed by their duly authorized officers. Executed this 23`8 day of 7 1r-t 1 2019. The City of Rosemead, By / it c C'kz� Mayd � ATTEST: City Clerk THE COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES #76/4_,_ All By B Deputy air, B. r_4. ors 41: I -.! ATTEST: CELIA ZAVALA ;�/� ' ' lot Executive Officer/Clerk of the Board of Supervisors cAt►FOROr Deputy JUL 1 1 2019 APPROVED AS TO FORM: MARY C. WICKHAM County Counsel By ' 61111-: a7), SeniorD4puty ADOPTED BOARD OF SUPERVISORS COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES 21 JUN 1 8 2019 6of6 4EUT;� EXECU ' t UH-ICER • a . 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CERTIFICATION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ) § CITY OF ROSEMEAD ) I,Ericka Hernandez,City Clerk of the City Council of the City of Rosemead,California,do hereby certify that the foregoing General Service Agreement between the Los Angeles County and the City of Rosemead was approved by the City Council of the City of Rosemead, California, at a regular meeting thereof held on the 23r1 day of April, 2019,by the following vote,to wit: AYES: ARMENTA, CLARK, DANG, LOW, LY NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE ABSTAIN: NONE Ericka Hernandez, City Clerk „Am., County of Los Angeles vOJ� �y CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICE • �� 'i r ; Kenneth Hahn Hall of Administration kk-cx Al^r/ „: 500 West Temple Street, Room 713, Los Angeles, California 90012 "= t (213)974-1101 cAuF0-00. http:/iceo.lacounty.gov WILLIAM T FUJIOKA Board of Supervisors Chief Executive Officer GLORIA MOLINA First District MARK RIDLEY-THOMAS Second District June 18, 2014 ZEVYAROSLAVSKY Third District DON KNABE Fourth District MICHAEL D.ANTONOVICH Fifth District Mr. Jeff Allred City Manager City of Rosemead P.O. Box 399 Rosemead, CA 91770 Dear Mr. Allred: RENEWAL OF GENERAL SERVICES AGREEMENT Enclosed is a fully executed General Service Agreement between your City and the County of Los Angeles. This agreement extends the services that your City may receive for an additional five-year period commencing July 1, 2014 and ending June 30, 2019. If you have any questions or desire additional information, please contact Patricia Carbajal of my staff at (213) 974-1327 or pcarbajal(c�ceo.lacounty.gov. We look forward to our continued collaboration. Sincerely, 'yan J. Als.p Assistant ' hief Executive Officer Interg. -rnmental and External Affairs Branch RJA:MR PC:Im Enclosure "To Enrich Lives Through Effective And Caring Service” Please Conserve Paper— This Document and Copies are Two-Sided Intra-County Correspondence Sent Electronically Only 7 6 9 9 9 S,�p2 m,qrha GENERAL SERVICES AGREEMENT THIS GENERAL SERVICES AGREEMENT ( "Agreement'), dated for purposes of reference only, June 1, 2014, is made by and between the County of Los Angeles, hereinafter referred to as the "County ", and the City of Rosemead, hereinafter referred to as the "City." RECITALS: (a) The City is desirous of contracting with the County for the performance by its appropriate officers and employees of City functions. (b) The County is agreeable to performing such services on the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth. (c) Such contracts are authorized and provided for by the provisions of Section 561/2 of the Charter of the County of Los Angeles and Section 51300, et seq., of the Government Code. THEREFORE, THE PARTIES MUTUALLY AGREE AS FOLLOWS: 1. The County agrees, through its officers and employees, to perform those City functions, which are hereinafter provided for 2. The City shall pay for such services as are provided under this Agreement at rates to be determined by the County Auditor- Controller in accordance with the policies and procedures established by the Board of Supervisors. These rates shall be readjusted by the County Auditor - Controller annually effective the first day of July of each year to reflect the cost of such service in accordance with the policies and procedures for the determination of such rates as adopted by the Board of Supervisors of County. 1 of 6 3. No County officer or department shall perform for said City any function not coming within the scope of the duties of such officer or department in performing services for the County. 4. No service shall be performed hereunder unless the City shall have available funds previously appropriated to cover the cost thereof. 5. No function or service shall be performed hereunder by any County officer or department unless such function or service shall have been requested in writing by the City on order of the City Council thereof or such officer as it may designate and approved by the Board of Supervisors of the County, or such officer as it may designate, and each such service or function shall be performed at the times and under circumstances which do not interfere with the performance of regular County operations. 6. Whenever the County and City mutually agree as to the necessity for any such County officer or department to maintain administrative headquarters in the City, the City shall furnish at its own cost and expense all necessary office space, furniture, and furnishings, office supplies, janitorial service, telephone, light, water, and other utilities. In all instances where special supplies, stationery, notices, forms and the like must be issued in the name of the City, the same shall be supplied by the City at its expense. It is expressly understood that in the event a local administrative office is maintained in the City for any such County officer or department, such quarters may be used by the County officer or department in connection with the performance of its duties in territory outside the City and adjacent thereto provided, however, that the performance of such outside duties shall not be at any additional cost to the City. 2 of 6 7. All persons employed in the performance of such services and functions for the City shall be County employees, and no City employee as such shall be taken over by the County, and no person employed hereunder shall have any City pension, civil service, or other status or right. For the purpose of performing such services and functions, and for the purpose of giving official status to the performance hereof, every County officer and employee engaged in performing any such service or function shall be deemed to be an officer or employee of said City while performing service for the City within the scope of this agreement. 8. The City shall not be called upon to assume any liability for the direct payment of any salary, wages or other compensation to any County personnel performing services hereunder for the City, or any liability other than that provided for in this agreement. Except as herein otherwise specified, the City shall not be liable for compensation or indemnity to any County employee for injury or sickness arising out of his employment. 9. The parties hereto have executed an Assumption of Liability Agreement approved by the Board of Supervisors on December 27, 1977 and /or a Joint Indemnity Agreement approved by the Board of Supervisors on October 8, 1991. Whichever of these documents the City has signed later in time is currently in effect and hereby made a part of and incorporated into this agreement as set out in full herein. In the event that the Board of Supervisors later approves a revised Joint Indemnity Agreement and the City executes the revised agreement, the subsequent agreement as of its effective date shall supersede the agreement previously in effect between the parties hereto. 3 of 6 M Each County officer or department performing any service for the City provided for herein shall keep reasonably itemized and in detail work or job records covering the cost of all services performed, including salary, wages and other compensation for labor; supervision and planning, plus overhead, the reasonable rental value of all County -owned machinery and equipment, rental paid for all rented machinery or equipment, together with the cost of an operator thereof when furnished with said machinery or equipment, the cost of all machinery and supplies furnished by the County, reasonable handling charges, and all additional items of expense incidental to the performance of such function or service. 11. All work done hereunder is subject to the limitations of the provisions of Section 23008 of the Government Code, and in accordance therewith, before any work is done or services rendered pursuant hereto, an amount equal to the cost or an amount 10% in excess of the estimated cost must be reserved by the City from its funds to insure payment for work, services or materials provided hereunder. 12. The County shall render to the City at the close of each calendar month an itemized invoice which covers all services performed during said month, and the City shall pay County therefore within thirty (30) days after date of said invoice. If such payment is not delivered to the County office which is described on said invoice within thirty (30) days after the date of the invoice, the County is entitled to recover interest thereon. Said interest shall be at the rate of seven (7) percent per annum or any portion thereof calculated from the last day of the month in which the services were performed. 13. Notwithstanding the provisions of Government Code Section 907, if such payment is not delivered to the County office which is described on said invoice within 4 of thirty (30) days after the date of the invoice, the County may satisfy such indebtedness, including interest thereon, from any funds of any such City on deposit with the County without giving further notice to said City of County's intention to do so. 14. This Agreement shall become effective on the date herein -above first mentioned and shall run for a period ending June 30, 2019, and at the option of the City Council of the City, with the consent of the Board of Supervisors of County, shall be renewable thereafter fcr an additional period of not to exceed five (5) years. 15. In the event the City desires to renew this Agreement for said five -year period, the City Council shall not later than the last day of May 2019, notify the Board of Supervisors of County that it wishes to renew the same, whereupon the Board of Supervisors, not later than the last day of June 2019, shall notify the City Council in writing of its willingness to accept such renewal. Otherwise such Agreement shall finally terminate at the end of the aforedescribed period. Notwithstanding the provisions of this paragraph herein -above set forth, the County may terminate this Agreement at any time by giving thirty (30) days' prior written notice to the City. The City may terminate this Agreement as of the first day of July of any year upon thirty (30) days' prior written notice to the County. 16. This Agreement is designed to cover miscellaneous and sundry services which may be supplied by the County of Los Angeles and the various departments thereof. In the event there now exists or there is hereafter adopted a specific contract between the City and the County with respect to specific services, such contract with respect to specific services shall be controlling as to the duties and obligations of the parties anything herein to the contrary notwithstanding, unless such special contract adopts the provisions hereof by reference. 5 of IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed by their duly authorized officers..,1 Executed this �' day of 1 \Cac'c' 2014. ATTEST: City Clerk Deputy The City of Rosemead, By Mayoi THE COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES By d0l71 Chair an, Board of Supervisors Deputy JUN 0 4 2016 APPROVED AS TO FORM: JOHN F. KRATTLI County Counsel BY 7J...�� i1lJi - -. Deputy _�— 6 of 6 TI #10 JUN 042014 SNCHI A. NAMAI EXECUTIVE OFFICER J ?t.F OF l05 q,`,e(m o t R i f Y �GLIF00.NVK WILLIAM T FUJIOKA Chief Executive Officer June 18, 2014 Mr. Jeff Allred City Manager City of Rosemead P.O. Box 399 Rosemead, CA 91770 Dear Mr. Allred: County of Los Angeles CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICE Kenneth Hahn Hall of Administration 500 West Temple Street, Room 713, Los Angeles, California 90012 (213) 974 -1101 hdp'.l /ceo.lacounty.gov RENEWAL OF GENERAL SERVICES AGREEMENT Board of Supervisors GLORIA MOLINA First District MARK RIDLEY- THOMAS Second District ZEV YAROSIAVSKY Third District DON KNABE Fourth District MICHAEL D. ANTONOVICH Fifth District Enclosed is a fully executed General Service Agreement between your City and the County of Los Angeles. This agreement extends the services that your City may receive for an additional five -year period commencing July 1, 2014 and ending June 30, 2019. If you have any questions or desire additional information, please contact Patricia Carbajal of my staff at (213) 974 -1327 or pcarbaial(a.ceo.lacountv.00v. We look forward to our continued collaboration. Sincerely, i �an J. Als p Assistant hief Executive Officer I, Interg rnmental and External Affairs Branch RJA:MR FCIm Enclosure "To Enrich Lives Through Effective And Caring Service" Please Conserve Paper— This Document and Copies are Two -Sided Intra- County Correspondence Sent Electronically Only • • ,y pF t055H County of Los Angeles `per �FN CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICE gip, Kenneth Hahn Hall of Administration k. — 500 West Temple Street, Room 713, Los Angeles, California 90012 x x (213) 974 -1101 p44rp0.N�P http: / /ceo.lacounty.gov WILLIAM T FUJIOKA Board of Supervisors Chief Executive Officer GLORIA MOLINA First District MARK RIDLEY- THOMAS Second District June 4, 2009 ZEV Third Ypstrict SKY DON KNABE Fourth District MICHAEL D. ANTONOVICH Fifth District Mr. Oliver Chi City Manager City of Rosemead P.O. Box 399 Rosemead, CA 91770 Dear Mr. Chi: RENEWAL OF GENERAL SERVICES AGREEMENT Enclosed you will find an executed original General Service Agreement between your City and the County of Los Angeles. This agreement extends the services that your City may be receiving for an additional five -year period commencing July 1, 2009 and ending June 30, 2014. If you have any questions or desire additional information, please contact Ron Morales at (213) 974 -1327 or rmorales @ceo.lacounty.gov. We look forward to our continued collaboration, and thank you for your efforts. Sincerely, //// GERRI KARIYA Assistant Chief Executive Officer Intergovernmental and External Affairs GK:RM:sb Enclosure `To Enrich Lives Through Effective And Caring Service" Please Conserve Paper - This Document and Copies are Two -Sided Intra -County Correspondence Sent Electronically Only 76999 GENERAL SERVICES AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, dated for purposes of reference only, June 18, 2009, . is made by and between the County of Los Angeles, hereinafter referred to as the "County ", and the City of Rosemead, hereinafter referred to as the "City." RECITALS: (a) The City is desirous of contracting with the County for the performance by its appropriate officers and employees of City functions. (b) The County is agreeable to performing such services on the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth. (c) Such contracts are authorized and provided for by the provisions of Section 56'/2 of the Charter of the County of Los Angeles and Section 51300, et seq., of the Government Code. THEREFORE, THE PARTIES MUTUALLY AGREE AS FOLLOWS: 1. The County agrees, through its officers and employees, to perform those City functions, which are hereinafter provided for. 2. The City shall pay for such services as are provided under this agreement at rates to be determined by the County Auditor - Controller in accordance with the policies and procedures established by the Board of Supervisors. These rates shall be readjusted by the County Auditor - Controller annually effective the first day of July of each year to reflect the cost of such service iri accordance with the policies and procedures for the determination of such rates as adopted by the Board of Supervisors of County. GSA 2W9 City Contract Renewal 1 of 6 �J 3. No County officer or department shall perform for said City any function not coming within the scope of the duties of such officer or department in performing services for the County. 4. No service shall be performed hereunder unless the City shall have available funds previously appropriated to cover the cost thereof. 5. No function or service shall be performed hereunder by any County officer or department unless such function or service shall have been requested in writing by the City on order of the City Council thereof or such officer as it may designate and approved by the Board of Supervisors of the County, or such officer as it may designate, and each such service or function shall be performed at the times and under circumstances which do not interfere with the performance of regular County operations. 6. Whenever the County and City mutually agree as to the necessity for any such County officer or department to maintain administrative headquarters in the City, the City shall furnish at its own cost and expense all necessary office space, furniture, and furnishings, office supplies, janitorial service, telephone, light, water, and other utilities. In all instances where special supplies, stationery, notices, forms and the like must be issued in the name of the City, the same shall be supplied by the City at its expense. It is expressly understood that in the event a local administrative office is maintained in the City for any such County officer or department, such quarters may be used by the County officer or department in connection with the performance of its duties in territory outside the City and adjacent thereto provided, however, that the performance of such outside duties shall not be at any additional cost to the City. GS& 209 Cay Comract Renewal 2 of 6 E 7. All persons employed in the'performance of such services and functions for the City shall be County employees, and no City employee as such shall be taken over by the County, and no person employed hereunder shall have any City pension, civil service, or other status or right. For the purpose of performing such services and functions, and for the purpose of giving official status to the performance hereof, every County officer and employee engaged in performing any such service or function shall be deemed to be an officer or employee of said City while performing service for the City within the scope of this agreement. 8. The City shall not be called upon to assume any liability for the direct payment of any salary, wages or other compensation to any County personnel performing services hereunder for the City, or any liability other than that provided for in this agreement. Except as herein otherwise specified, the City shall not be liable for compensation or indemnity to any County employee for injury or sickness arising out of his employment. 9. The parties hereto have executed an Assumption of Liability Agreement approved by the Board of Supervisors on December 27, 1977 and /or a Joint Indemnity Agreement approved by the Board of Supervisors on October 8, 1991. Whichever of these documents the City has signed later in time is currently in effect and hereby made a part of and incorporated into this agreement as set out in full herein. In the event that the Board of Supervisors later approves a revised Joint Indemnity Agreement and the City executes the revised agreement, the subsequent agreement as of its effective date shall supersede the agreement previously in effect between the parties hereto. GSA 209 City ContractPenexai 3 of 6 10. Each County officer or department performing any service for the City provided for herein shall keep reasonably itemized and in detail work or job records covering the cost of all services performed, including salary, wages and other compensation for labor; supervision and planning, plus overhead, the reasonable rental value of all County -owned machinery and equipment, rental paid for all rented o machinery or equipment, together with the cost of an operator thereof when furnished with said machinery or equipment, the cost of all machinery and supplies furnished by the County, reasonable handling charges, and all additional items of expense incidental to the performance of such function or service. 11. All work done hereunder is subject to the limitations of the provisions of Section 23008 of the Government Code, and in accordance therewith, before any work is done or services rendered pursuant hereto, an amount equal to the cost or an amount 10% in excess of the estimated cost must be reserved by the City from its funds to insure payment for work, services or materials provided hereunder. 12. The County shall render to the City at the close of each calendar month an itemized invoice which covers all services performed during said month, and the City shall pay County therefore within thirty (30) days after date of said invoice. If such payment is not delivered to the County office which is described on said invoice within thirty (30) days after the date of the invoice, the County is entitled to recover interest thereon. Said interest shall be at the rate of seven (7) percent per annum or any portion thereof calculated from the last day of the month in which the services were performed. 13. Notwithstanding the provisions of Government Code Section 907, if such payment is not delivered to the County office which is described on said invoice within thirty (30) days after the date of the invoice, the County may satisfy such indebtedness, GS,tS 2009 City Contract Renewal 4 of 6 including interest thereon, from any funds of- any such City on deposit with the County without giving further notice to said City of County's intention to do so. 14. This contract shall become effective on the date herein -above first mentioned and shall run for a period ending June 30, 2014, and at the option of the City Council of the City, with the consent of the Board of Supervisors of County, shall be renewable thereafter for an additional period of not to exceed five (5) years. 15. In event the City desires to renew this agreement for said five -year period, the City Council shall not later than the last day of May 2014, notify the Board of Supervisors of County that it wishes to renew the same, whereupon the Board of Supervisors, not later than the last day of June 2014, shall notify the City Council in writing of its willingness to accept such renewal. Otherwise such agreement shall finally terminate at the end of the aforedescribed period. Notwithstanding the provisions of this paragraph herein -above set forth, the County may terminate this agreement at any time by giving thirty (30) days' prior written notice to the City. The City may terminate this agreement as of the first day of July of any year upon thirty (30) days' prior written notice to the County. 16. This agreement is designed to cover miscellaneous and sundry services which may be supplied by the County of Los Angeles and the various departments thereof. In event there now exists or there is hereafter adopted a specific contract between the City and the County with respect to specific services, such contract with respect to specific services shall be controlling as to the duties and obligations of the parties anything herein to the contrary notwithstanding, unless such special contract adopts the provisions hereof by reference. GSAS 2009 City Contract Renewal 5 of 6 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed by their duly authorized officers. Executed this 2cr day of &2 12009. The City of ROSEMEAD Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk THE COUN JY OF LOS ANGELES B3y ,i�A �G By Deputy Ch,' APPROVED AS TO FORM: RAYMOND G. FORTNER, JR. County Counsel By G r i Deputy GSAs 2009 Oily Conlracr Renewal r Board of ADOPTED BOARD OF SUPERVISORS COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES #25 MAY 12 2009 6 of 6 �Ll� I. A yr tCi SACHI A. MAI EXECUTIVE OFFICER WILLIAM T FUJIOKA Chief Executive Officer January 20, 2009 :I County of Los Angeles CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICE Kenneth Hahn Hall of Administration 500 West Temple Street, Room 713, Los Angeles, California 90012 (213) 974 -1101 http:itc o.lacounty.gov Mr. Oliver Chi City Manager City of Rosemead P.O. Box 399 Rosemead, CA 91770 Dear Mr. Chi: RENEWAL OF GENERAL SERVICES AGREEMENT JAN 2 6 2009 B Y: Board of Supervisors GLORIA MOLINA First District MARK RIDLEY - THOMAS Second District ZEV YAROSLAVSKY Third District DON KNABE Fourth District MICHAEL D. ANTONOVICH Fifth District The General Services Agreement (GSA) between your City and the County of Los Angeles will expire on June 30, 2009. To ensure the' continuation of County services, which you are receiving, and the ability to add or augment services in the future, we would like to work with you in renewing this agreement for a five -year period, commencing July 1, 2009 through June 30, 2014. GSA has been executed with most of the cities and a number of public entities within the County. It is general in nature and provides authority,- for the County to provide services requested, specifies the method by which a city or other entity requests and pays for a service, and provides for the annual adjustment of rates. Services provided under the GSA primarily consist of miscellaneous services which cities and other public entities request from the County on an "as needed" basis. They include such functions as predatory animal control, prosecution of city ordinances, direct assessment collection, and a variety of public works activities. In addition, ongoing and specific services, such as law enforcement, public health code enforcement and animal care and control, are provided by the responsible County departments through Specific Service Agreements. Any Specific Service Agreements between your City and the County of Los Angeles are not affected by renewal of this GSA. Please be aware that approval of this agreement by the Board of Supervisors will only be sought after we have received information of your approval of this agreement. "To Enrich Lives Through Effective And Caring Service" Please Conserve Paper- This Document and Copies are Two -Sided Intra -County Correspondence Sent Electronically Only Mr. Oliver Chi January 20, 2009 Page 2 0 Four copies of the GSA are enclosed for your Council's approval. To allow sufficient time to approve renewal of your City's GSA prior to its expiration, please retain one copy for your records and return three original, signed copies with a certified copy of your Council's resolution by Monday, April 6, 2009 to: Ron Morales Intergovernmental Relations and External Affairs Chief Executive Office 723 Kenneth Hahn Hall of Administration 500 West Temple Street Los Angeles, CA 90012 One original will be returned to you upon execution by the Board of Supervisors. If you have any questions regarding this matter or desire additional information, please call Ron Morales at (213) 974 -1327. We look forward to our continued association and thank you for your efforts. Sincerely, GE I KARIYA Assistant Chief Executive Officer Intergovernmental Relations and External Affairs GK:MAL MR:RM:sb Enclosure GSA 2009 /gsa city contract renewal cover letters 2009 0 0 ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCI FROM: JEFF STEWART, INTERIM CITY MANAGER . DATE: APRIL 28, 2009 SUBJECT: RENEWAL OF GENERAL SERVICES AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD AND THE COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES SUMMARY Attached for the City Council's consideration is the renewal of the General Services Agreement between the City of Rosemead and the County of Los Angeles (Attachment A). The agreement will be in effect from July 1, 2009 through June 30, 2014. This agreement covers all of the City's services provided by the County of Los Angeles with the exception of law enforcement and animal control which are covered under separate agreements. Staff Recommendation It is recommended that the City Council approve the attached agreement and direct the City Clerk to process the document. PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. City Manager Attachment A — Los Angeles County General Services Agreement MNO.-� . APPROVED FOR CITY COUNCIL AGENDA: MAYOR: MARGARET CLARK MAYOR PRO TEM: GARY TAYLOR COUNCIL MEMBERS: SANDRA ARMENTA POLLY LOW STEVEN LY April 30,2009 0 Posemcad 8838 E. VALLEY BOULEVARD • P.O. BOX 399 ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA 91770 TELEPHONE (626) 569 -2100 FAX (626) 307 -9218 ATTN: Ron Morales Intergovernmental Relations and External Affairs Chief Executive Office 723 Kenneth Hahn Hall of Administration 500 West Temple Street Los Angeles, CA 90012 Re: Renewal of General Service Agreement Dear Mr. Morales, Enclosed, are three original Service Agreements which were approved by the Rosemead City Council on April 28, 2009. Please sign all three originals and forward one original back to us. If you have any question please feel free to contact the City Clerk's office at (626) 569- 2177. We have included a self address stamped envelope, thank you in advance for your prompt attention to this matter. Sincerely, Ericka Hernandez Assistant to the City Clerk DAVID E. JANSSEN Chief Administrative Officer July 2, 2004 J$ County of Los Angeles CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE 713 KENNETH HAHN HALL OF ADMINISTRATION • LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90012 (213) 974 -1101 http://cao.co.1a.ca.us Mr. Bill Crowe City Manager City of Rosemead P.O. Box 399 Rosemead, CA 91770 Dear GENERAL SERVICES AGREEMENT Board of Supervisors GLORIA MOLINA First District YVONNE B. BURKE Second District ZEV YAROSLAVSKY Third District DON KNABE Fourth District MICHAEL D. ANTONOVICH Fifth District On June 22, 2004, the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors approved the execution of a number of General Services Agreements. An original, executed copy of the General Services Agreement between the City of Rosemead and the County of Los Angeles is enclosed. The five -year term of this agreement commenced on July 1, 2004 and will expire June 30, 2009.: Thank you for your support and use of County services. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at 213 - 974 -1100, or John Lounsbery at 213 - 974 -1415. Sincerely, DAVID E. JANSSEN Chief Administrative Officer M� 1 U GERRI KARIYA Assistant Administrative Officer Intergovernmental Relations Branch GK:JL:ib Enclosures 4 ;c� Alt- .. If `To Enrich Lives Through Effective And Caring Service" 0 0 74945 GENERAL SERVICES AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, dated for purposes of reference only, June 18, 2004 is made by and between the County of Los Angeles, hereinafter referred to as the "County ", and the City of Rosemead, hereinafter referred to as the "City." RECITALS: (a) The City is desirous of contracting with the County for the performance by its appropriate officers and employees of City functions. (b) The County is agreeable to performing such services on the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth. (c) Such contracts are authorized and provided for by the provisions of Section 561/2 of the Charter of the County of Los Angeles and Section 51300, et seq., of the Government Code. THEREFORE, THE PARTIES MUTUALLY AGREE AS FOLLOWS: 1. The County agrees, through its officers and employees, to perform those City functions which are hereinafter provided for. 2. The City shall pay for such services as are provided under this agreement at rates to be determined by the County Auditor - Controller in accordance with the policies and procedures established by the Board of Supervisors. These rates shall be readjusted by the County Auditor- Controller annually effective the first day of July of each year to reflect the cost of such service in accordance with the policies and procedures for the determination of such rates as adopted by the Board of Supervisors of County. GSA 04 City Cn= Renewal CMES m rged 1 of 6 E 9 3. No County officer or department shall perform for said City any function not coming within the scope of the duties of such officer or department in performing services for the County. 4. No service shall be performed hereunder unless the City shall have available funds previously appropriated to cover the cost thereof. 5. No function or service shall be performed hereunder by any County officer or department unless such function or service shall have been requested in writing by the City on order of the City Council thereof or such officer as it may designate and approved by the Board of Supervisors of the County, or such officer as it may designate, and each such service or function shall be performed at the times and under circumstances which do not interfere with the performance of regular County operations. 6. Whenever the County and City mutually agree as to the necessity for any such County officer or department to maintain administrative headquarters in the City, the City shall furnish at its own cost and expense all necessary office space, furniture, and furnishings, office supplies, janitorial service, telephone, light, water, and other utilities. In all instances where special supplies, stationery, notices, forms and the like must be issued in the name of the City, the same shall be supplied by the City at its expense. It is expressly understood that in the event a local administrative office is maintained in the City for any such County officer or department, such quarters may be used by the County officer or department in connection with the performance of its duties in territory outside the City and adjacent thereto provided, however, that the performance of such outside duties shall not be at any additional cost to the City. GSA 04 City CnM Renewal CITIES me Me 2 of 6 0 0 7. All persons employed in the performance of such services and functions for the City shall be County employees, and no City employee as such shall be taken over by the County, and no person employed hereunder shall have any City pension, civil service, or other status or right. For the purpose of performing such services and functions, and for the purpose of giving official status to the performance hereof, every County officer and employee engaged in performing any such service or function shall be deemed to be an officer or employee of said City while performing service for the City within the scope of this agreement. 8. The City shall not be called upon to assume any liability for the direct payment of any salary, wages or other compensation to any County personnel performing services hereunder for the City, or any liability other than that provided for in this agreement. Except as herein otherwise specified, the City shall not be liable for compensation or indemnity to any County employee for injury or sickness arising out of his employment. 9. The parties hereto have executed an Assumption of Liability Agreement approved by the Board of Supervisors on December 27, 1977 and /or a Joint Indemnity Agreement approved by the Board of Supervisors on October 8, 1991. Whichever of these documents the City has signed later in time is currently in effect and hereby made a part of and incorporated into this agreement as set out in full herein. In the event that the Board of Supervisors later approves a revised Joint Indemnity Agreement and the City executes the revised agreement, the subsequent agreement as of its effective date shall supersede the agreement previously in effect between the parties hereto. GSA N City CnM Renewal CRIES mr9W 3 of 6 0 • 10. Each County officer or department performing any service for the City provided for herein shall keep reasonably itemized and in detail work or job records covering the cost of all services performed, including salary, wages and other compensation for labor; supervision and planning, plus overhead, the reasonable rental value of all County -owned machinery and equipment, rental paid for all rented machinery or equipment, together with the cost of an operator thereof when furnished with said machinery or equipment, the cost of all machinery and supplies furnished by the County, reasonable handling charges, and all additional items of expense incidental to the performance of such function or service. 11. All work done hereunder is subject to the limitations of the provisions of Section 23008 of the Government Code, and in accordance therewith, before any work is done or services rendered pursuant hereto, an amount equal to the cost or an amount 10% in excess of the estimated cost must be reserved by the City from its funds to insure payment for work, services or materials provided hereunder. 12. The County shall render to the City at the close of each calendar month an itemized invoice which covers all services performed during said month, and the City shall pay County therefore within thirty (30) days after date of said invoice. If such payment is not delivered to the County office which is described on said invoice within thirty (30) days after the date of the invoice, the County is entitled to recover interest thereon. Said interest shall be at the rate of seven (7) percent per annum or any portion thereof calculated from the last day of the month in which the services were performed. 13. Notwithstanding the provisions of Government Code Section 907, if such payment is not delivered to the County office which is described on said invoice within GSA 04 City Cntrnt Renewal CRIES rner9ed 4 of 6 thirty (30) days after the date of the invoice, the County may satisfy such indebtedness, including interest thereon, from any funds of any such City on deposit with the County without giving further notice to said City of County's intention to do so. 14. This contract shall become effective on the date herein -above first mentioned and shall run for a period ending June 30, 2009, and at the option of the City Council of the City, with the consent of the Board of Supervisors of County, shall be renewable thereafter for an additional period of not to exceed five (5) years. 15. In event the City desires to renew this agreement for said five -year period, the City Council shall not later than the last day of May 2009, notify the Board of Supervisors of County that it wishes to renew the same, whereupon the Board of Supervisors, not later than the last day of June 2009, shall notify the City Council in writing of its willingness to accept such renewal. Otherwise such agreement shall finally terminate at the end of the aforedescribed period. Notwithstanding the provisions of this paragraph herein -above set forth, the County may terminate this agreement at any time by giving thirty (30) days' prior written notice to the City. The City may terminate this agreement as of the first day of July of any year upon thirty (30) days' prior written notice to the County. 16. This agreement is designed to cover miscellaneous and sundry services which may be supplied by the County of Los Angeles and the various departments thereof. In event there now exists or there is hereafter adopted a specific contract between the City and the County with respect to specific services, such contract with respect to specific services shall be controlling as to the duties and obligations of the parties anything herein to the contrary notwithstanding, unless such special contract adopts the provisions hereof by reference. GSA 04 City Cnt a Renee l WIES m rge 5 of 6 0 • IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed by their duly authorized officers. Executed this c;)�A,,Ot day of , 2004. ATTEST: City Clerk THE CITY 01�059 ` &-/@ THE COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES By �'714r ' V!t 666 �e By Deputy hair, Boar, 40fpe&rV1sors ATTEST: VIOLET VARONA- LUKENS Exo of L� LLOYD W.PELLMAN County Counsel By O Deputy GSA Od City CntV Renewal CRIES v rged 6 of 6 ADOPTED 0 1 JUN 2 2 2004 VIOLET VARONA- LUKENS EXECUTIVE OFFICER 0 i • • • 72414 GENERAL SERVICES AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, dated for purposes of reterence only, '1999, is made by and between the County of Los Angeles, hereinafter referred to as the "County ", and the City of Rosemead, hereinafter referred to as the "City." RECITALS: (a) The City is desirous of contracting with the County for the performance by its appropriate officers and employees of City functions. (b) The County is agreeable to performing such services on the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth. (c) Such contracts are authorized and provided for by the provisions of Section 56% of the Charter of the County of Los Angeles and Section 51300, et seq., of the Government Code. THEREFORE, THE PARTIES MUTUALLY AGREE AS FOLLOWS: 1. The County agrees, through its officers and employees, to perform those City functions which are hereinafter provided for. 2. The City shall pay for such services as are provided under this agreement at rates to be determined by the County Auditor - Controller in accordance with the policies and procedures established by the Board of Supervisors. These rates shall be readjusted by the County Auditor - Controller annually effective the first day of July of each year to reflect the cost of such service in accordance with the policies and procedures for the determination of such rates as adopted by the Board of Supervisors of County. 1 of 6 0 3. No County officer or department shall perform for said City any function not coming within the scope of the duties of such officer or department in performing services for the County. 4. No service shall be performed hereunder unless the City shall have available funds previously appropriated to cover the cost thereof. 5. No function or service shall be performed hereunder by any County officer or department unless such function or service shall have been requested in writing by the City on order of the City Council thereof or such officer as it may designate and approved by the Board of Supervisors of the County, or such officer as it may designate, and each such service or function shall be performed at the times and under circumstances which do not interfere with the performance of regular County operations. 6. Whenever the County and City mutually agree as to the necessity for any such County officer or department to maintain administrative headquarters in the City, the City shall furnish at its own cost and expense all necessary office space, furniture, and furnishings, office supplies, janitorial service, telephone, light, water, and other utilities. In all instances where special supplies, stationery, notices, forms and the like must be issued in the name of the City, the same shall be supplied by the City at its expense. It is expressly understood that in the event a local administrative office is maintained in the City for any such County officer or department, such quarters may be used by the County officer or department in connection with the performance of its . duties in territory outside the City and adjacent thereto provided, however, that the performance of such outside duties shall not be at any additional.cost to the City. 2 of 6 0 0 7. All persons employed in the performance of such services and functions for the City shall be County employees, and no City employee as such shall be taken over by the County, and no person employed hereunder shall have any City pension, civil service, or other status or right. For the purpose of performing such services and functions, and for the purpose of giving official status to the performance hereof, every County officer and employee engaged in performing any such service or function shall be deemed to be an officer or employee of said City while performing service for the City within the scope of this agreement. 8. The City shall not be called upon to assume any liability for the direct payment of any salary, wages or other compensation to any County personnel performing services hereunder for the City, or any liability other than that provided for in this agreement. Except as herein otherwise specified, the City shall not be liable for compensation or indemnity to any County employee for injury or sickness arising out of his employment. 9. The parties hereto have executed an Assumption of Liability Agreement approved by the Board of Supervisors on December 27, 1977 and /or a Joint Indemnity Agreement approved by the Board of Supervisors on October 8, 1991. Whichever of these documents the City has signed later in time is currently in effect and hereby made a part of and incorporated into this agreement as of set out in full herein. In the event that the Board of Supervisors later approves a revised Joint Indemnity Agreement and the City executes the revised agreement, the subsequent agreement as of its effective date shall supersede the agreement previously in effect between the parties hereto. 3of6 0 0 10. Each County officer or department performing any service for the City provided for herein shall keep reasonably itemized and in detail work or job records covering the cost of all services performed, including salary, wages and other compensation for labor; supervision and planning, plus overhead, the reasonable rental value of all County -owned machinery and equipment, rental paid for all rented machinery or equipment, together with the cost of an operator thereof when furnished with said machinery or equipment, the cost of all machinery and supplies furnished by the County, reasonable handling charges, and all additional items of expense incidental to the performance of such function or service. 11. All work done hereunder is subject to the limitations of the provisions of Section 23008 of the Government Code, and in accordance therewith, before any work is done or services rendered pursuant hereto, an amount equal to the cost or an amount 10% in excess of the estimated cost must be reserved by the City from its funds to insure payment for work, services or materials provided hereunder. 12. The County shall render to the City at the close of each calendar month an itemized invoice which covers all services performed during said month, and the City shall pay County therefore within thirty (30) days after date of said invoice. If such payment is not delivered to the County office which is described on said invoice within thirty (30) days after the date of the invoice, the County is entitled to recover interest thereon. Said interest shall be at the rate of seven (7) percent per annum or any portion thereof calculated from the last day of the month in which the services were performed. 13. Notwithstanding the provisions of Government Code Section 907, if such payment is not delivered to the County office which is described on said invoice within thirty (30) days after the date of the invoice, the County may satisfy such indebtedness, 4 of 6 including interest thereon, from any funds of any such City on deposit with the County without giving further notice to said City of County's intention to do so. 14. This contract shall become effective on the date herein -above first mentioned and shall run for a period ending June 30, 2004, and at the option of the City Council of the City, with the consent of the Board of Supervisors of County, shall be renewable thereafter for an additional period of not to exceed five (5) years. 15. In event the City desires to renew this agreement for said five -year period, the City Council shall not later than the last day of May 2004, notify the Board of Supervisors of County that it wishes to renew the same, whereupon the Board of Supervisors, not later than the last day of June 2004, shall notify the City Council in writing of its willingness to accept such renewal. Otherwise such agreement shall finally terminate at the end of the aforedescribed period. Notwithstanding the provisions of this paragraph hereinabove set forth, the County may terminate this agreement at any time by giving thirty (30) days' prior written notice to the City. The City may terminate this agreement as of the first day of July of any year upon thirty (30) days' prior written notice to the County. 16. This agreement is designed to cover miscellaneous and sundry services which may be supplied by the County of Los Angeles and the various departments thereof. In event there now exists or there is hereafter adopted a specific contract between the City and the County with respect to specific services, such contract with respect to specific services shall be controlling as to the duties and obligations of the parties anything herein to the contrary notwithstanding, unless such special contract adopts the provisions hereof by reference. 5 of 6 0 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed by their duly authorized officers. Executed this dayof �r:ba"L 19 ATTEST: City Clerk Al JC E) of a THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD Chairman, Board of Supervisors APPROVED AS TO FORM: LLOYD W. PELLMAN County Counsel 1Z Deputy gsa99 -frm 6 of 6 ADOPTED BOARD OF SUPERVISORS COU'M of LOS ANGELES 16 JUN 15 -1999 JOANNE STURGESV EXECUTIVE OFFICER Los Angeles County _ DePadmenl of Public Works p W PU9L�L wOPKS o . RICHARD YR QBEtive � - I Services Fe rtrnot Division Gi, �. Programs Develop i 11th Floor Address: 900 South Fremont A 1331 Mailing Alh tonb"" A 91803 - P.O. Box 1 460 ( (626) Alhambra. CA 91802- , (626) 458-3179 FAX _ ,nbe @dpw.co.la.ce.us l 0 0 4 Ji D� SALLY R. REED CHAP ADMIMSIRA77VE OMCM • • COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE ]13 NA11 OF ADMINISI MON /LAS ANOFIJM CALIFORNIA 90013 (3U) 9141101 September 12, 1994 Mr. Frank G. Tripepi City Manager City of Rosemead 8838 East Valley Boulevard Rosemead, CA 91770 Dear r r p pi 0"C; F�VF sF,,2. °SF,yE city 1 1� C�FR�SOFFiCF Enclosed for your records is a fully executed copy of the General Services Agreement between the City of Rosemead and the County of Los Angeles for the period beginning July 1, 1994 through June 30, 1999. We very much value the relationship we have with your city, and look forward to continuing to work with you on issues of mutual interest. If we can be of assistance, call me at (213) 974 -1100 or Dave Estrada at (213) 974 -1489. Sincerely, GERrRIYA Assistant Administrative Officer Intergovernmental Relations Branch GK:DE DdN:ygd Attachment g: \gsa.mrg r .t 67761 GENERAL SERVICES AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, dated for purposes of reference only, 1994, is made by and between the County of Los Angeles, hereinafter referred to as the "County ", and the City of Rosemead, hereinafter referred to as the "City". RECITALS: (a) The City is desirous of contracting with the County for the performance by its appropriate officers and employees of City functions. (b) The County is agreeable to performing such services on the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth. (c) Such contracts are authorized and provided for by the provisions of Section 561h of the Charter of the County of Los Angeles and Section 51300, et seq., of the Government Code. THEREFORE, THE PARTIES MUTUALLY AGREE AS FOLLOWS: 1. The County agrees, through its officers and employees, to perform those City functions which are hereinafter provided for. 2. The City shall pay for such services as are provided under this agreement at rates to be determined by the County Auditor - Controller in accordance with the policies and procedures established by the Board of Supervisors. These rates shall be readjusted by the County Auditor - Controller annually effective the first day of July of each year to reflect the cost of such service in accordance with the policies and procedures for the determination of such rate as adopted by the Board of Supervisors of County. 3. No County officer or department shall perform for said City any function not coming within the scope of the duties of such officer or department in performing services for the County. fe ` . 4. No service shall be performed hereunder unless the City shall have available funds previously appropriated to cover the cost thereof. 5. No function or service shall be performed hereunder by any County officer or department unless such function or service shall have been requested in writing by the City on order of the City Council thereof or such officer as it may designate and approved by the Board of Supervisors of the County, or such officer as it may designate, and each such service or function shall be performed at the times and under circumstances which do not interfere with the performance of regular County operations. 6. Whenever the County and City mutually agree as to the necessity for any such County officer or department to maintain administrative headquarters in the City, the City shall furnish at its own cost and expense all necessary office space, furniture, and furnishings, office supplies, janitorial service, telephone, light, water, and other utilities. In all instances where special supplies, stationery, notices, forms and the like must be issued in the name of the City, the same shall be supplied by the City at its expense. It is expressly understood that in the event a local administrative office is maintained in the City for any such County officer or department, such quarters may be used by the County officer or department in connection with the performance of its duties in territory outside the City and adjacent thereto provided, however, that the performance of such outside duties shall not be at any additional cost to the City. 7. All persons employed in the performance of such services and functions for the City shall be County employees, and no City employee as such shall be taken over by the County, and no person employed hereunder shall have any City pension, civil service, or other status or right. -2- For the purpose of performing such services and functions, and for the purpose of giving official status to the performance hereof, every County officer and employee engaged in performing any such service or function shall be deemed to be an officer or employee of said City while performing service for the City within the scope of this agreement. 8. The City shall not be called upon to assume any liability for the direct payment of any salary, wages or other compensation to any County personnel performing services hereunder for the City, or any liability other than that provided for in this agreement. Except as herein otherwise specified, the City shall not be liable for compensation or indemnity to any County employee for injury or sickness arising out of his employment. 9. The parties hereto have executed an Assumption of Liability Agreement approved by the Board of Supervisors on December 27, 1977 and /or a Joint Indemnity Agreement approved by the Board of Supervisors on October 8, 1991. Whichever of these documents the City has signed later in time is currently in effect and hereby made a part of and incorporated into this agreement as if set out in full herein. In the event that the Board of Supervisors later approves a revised Joint Indemnity Agreement and the City executes the revised agreement, the subsequent agreement as of its effective date shall supersede the agreement previously in effect between the parties hereto. 10. Each County officer or department performing any service for the City provided for herein shall keep reasonably itemized and in detail work or job records covering the cost of all services performed, including salary, wages and other compensation for labor; supervision and planning, plus overhead, the reasonable rental value of all County -owned machinery and equipment, rental paid for all rented machinery -3- or equipment, together with the cost of an operator thereof when furnished with said machinery or equipment, the cost of all machinery and supplies furnished by the County, reasonable handling charges, and all additional items of expense incidental to the performance of such function or service. 11. All work done hereunder is subject to the limitations of the provisions of Section 23008 of the Government Code, and in accordance therewith, before any work is done or services rendered pursuant hereto, an amount equal to the cost or an amount 10 percent in excess of the estimated cost must be reserved by the City from its funds to insure payment for work, services or materials provided hereunder. 12. The County shall render to the City at the close of each calendar month an itemized invoice which covers all services performed during said month, and the City shall pay County therefore within thirty (30) days after date of said invoice. If such payment is not delivered to the County office which is described on said invoice within thirty (30) days after the date of the invoice, the County is entitled to recover interest thereon. Said interest shall be at the rate of seven (7) percent per annum or any portion thereof calculated from the last day of the month in which the services were performed. 13. Notwithstanding the provisions of Government Code Section 907, if such payment is not delivered to the County office which is described on said invoice within thirty (30) days after the date of the invoice, the County may satisfy such indebtedness, including interest thereon, from any funds of any such City on deposit with the County without giving further notice to said City of County's intention to do so. 14. This contract shall become effective on the date herein -above first mentioned and shall run for a period ending June 30, 1999, and at the option of the City 10 0 Coumcil of the City, with the consent of the Board of Supervisors of County, shall be renewable thereafter for an additional period of not to exceed five (5) years. 15. In event the City desires to renew this agreement for said five -year period, the City Council shall not later than the last day of May 1999, notify the Board of Supervisors of County that it wishes to renew the same, whereupon the Board of Supervisors, not later than the last day of June 1999, shall notify the City Council in writing of its willingness to accept such renewal. Otherwise such agreement shall finally terminate at the end of the aforedescribed period. Notwithstanding the provisions of this paragraph hereinabove set forth, the County - may terminate this agreement at any time by giving thirty (30) days' prior written notice to the City. The City may terminate this agreement as of the first day of July of any year upon thirty (30) days' prior written notice to the County. 16. This agreement is designed to cover miscellaneous and sundry services which may be supplied by the County of Los Angeles and the various departments thereof. In event there now exists or there is hereafter adopted a specific contract between the City and the County with respect to specific services, such contract with respect to specific services shall be controlling as to the duties and obligations of the parties anything herein to the contrary notwithstanding, unless such special contract adopts the provisions hereof by reference. -5- 9 0 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed by their duly authorized officers. Executed this day of 1994. ATTEST: City Clerk By ATTEST: JOANNE- STURGES•. Executive Off -icer -Clerk of th'e Boara o "f Supervisors THE COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES By ZZ C ir, Board of Supervisors APPROVED AS TO FORM: DEWITT\�W. (CLINTON, County Counsel By C�p(yM ��tilJ�i/l Deputy . /cdy.q. n ADOPTED BOARD OF SUPERVISORS COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES SYN# 10 OF JUN 2 11994 �JOANNE STURGES U EXECUTIVE OFFICER RICHARD B. DIXON CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER • • CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER MEMBERS OF THE BOARD COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES PETER F. SCHABARUM KENNETH HAHN 713 HALL OF ADMINI5TRATION LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90012 EDMUND D. EDELMAN (213) 9741101 DEANE DANA MICHAEL D. ANTONOVICH August 14, 1989 RECEIVED CITY OF ROSEMEAD Mr. Frank G. Tripepi City Manager City of Rosemead 8838 East Valley Boulevard Rosemead, CA 91770 Dear Mr. peps: RENEWAL OF GENERAL SERVICES AM AUG pUG^2 1989 PM I�1 We are pleased to provide you with the enclosed fully executed renewal of the General Services Agreement between your City and the County, which will be effective through June 30, 1994. A copy of the Board's action in approving this renewal is also enclosed. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact me at (213) 974 -1100 or David Estrada at (213) 974 -1418. Sincerely, Ger Ka iya Assistant Administrative Officer Intergovernmental Relations GK: DE: tns Enclosure nodf.9sa {RECEIVED CITY OF RQSEMEAW AUG 24 1989 CITY CLERK'S OFFICE RICHARD B. DIXON CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER June 8, 1989 E CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER MEMBERS OFT -E 50° COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES -ETERF SC�ABARUM KENNET!.. -c_ , 713 HALL OF ADMINISTRATION - LOS ANGELES. CALIFORNIA 90012 EDMUND C EDELMAN (213)974 -1101 DEANE DANA MICHAEL D. ANTONOVICr A��Pj?� BOARC OF SUPERVISORS OF L'_ ELES The Honorable Board of Supervisors County of Los Angeles 383 Hall of Administration 500 West Temple Street Los Angeles, CA 90012 Dear Supervisors: RENEWAL OF GENERAL SERVICES U N 10 "o' 1 � I 1 . LARRY 1. MO IC H E%ECUTIVE OFFIFFICE` (3- VOTES) We are recommending renewal of General Service Agreements (GSAs) with the sixteen cities and four special districts listed on Attachment I. The current agreements with these entities expire on June 30, 1989, and the recommended term for renewal is five years commencing July'l, 1989 to June 30, 1994. The County has GSA contracts with most of the cities and a number of districts within the County. The GSA specifies the method by which a city requests and pays for a service, and it provides for the annual adjustment of rates. Further, it stipulates that regular County duties have first priority over an agency's request for service, and addresses indemnification concerns between the parties. Delivery of a service is accomplished at no net County cost. GSA services include such functions as predatory animal control, personnel testing, prosecution of city ordinances, direct assess- ment collection, and some limited public works activities. Con- tracts for other specific services, such as law enforcement, are presented separately to your Board by the responsible departments. Attachment II is a copy of the General Services Agreement which is currently in force for these entities, and which is again being offered for renewal. County Counsel has approved each contract as to form and standard language to insure conformance with Board policy. Further, each of the affected cities and districts has either submitted its Council- approved contract or indicated its willingness to do so prior to June 30, 1989. With your Board's approval, the standard contracts will be submitted for the Chairman's signature as they are received from each City. RICHARD S. DIXON CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER y, CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES June 8, 1989 T 3 HALL OF ADMINISTRATION - LOS ANGELES. CALIFORNIA 90012 (21 3) 974 1101 Executive Summary RENEWAL OF GENERAL SERVICES AGREEMENTS (3- VOTES) Background MEMBERS OF THE BOARD PETER F SCHABARUM KENNETH H.HN EDMUND D EDEL.MAN DEANE DANA MICHAEL D. ANTONOVIOH -- The current General Services Agreements (GSAs) with sixteen cities and four special districts will expire on June 30, 1989. Recommendations -- Approve renewal of the GSAs with the sixteen cities and four special districts for a five -year term commencing July 1, 1989 to June 30, 1994. These cities and special districts are Artesia, Azusa, Downey, E1 Monte, La Habra Heights, La Verne, Lawndale, Long Beach, Monterey Park, Norwalk, Rosemead, Santa Fe Springs, South E1 Monte, Walnut, West Hollywood, Whittier, Los Angeles County Sanitation District No. 2, Montebello Unified School District, Soledad -Aqua Dulce Union School District, and William S. Hart Union High School District. Fiscal Impact -- The GSA services provided to these cities and districts will be billed and paid for by the cities at regular intervals as provided in the services agreements. Delivery of these serv- ices is accomplished at no net County cost. RBD:GK DE:tns gsa.l tr The Honorable June 8, 1989 Page 2 0 0 Board of Supervisors THEREFORE, IT IB RECOMMENDED THAT YOUR BOARD: Approve the renewal of the General sixteen cities and four districts authorize the Chairman to sign contracts. 1 ^ � kespectfull S�b i ted, RICHAR&�,B.�D XON� Chief Ad�rinistrative Officer RBD:GK DE:tns Attachments Service Agreements with the listed in Attachment I and the city- executed standard c: Mark Bloodgood, Auditor - Controller DeWitt Clinton, County Counsel Sandra Davis, Treasurer and Tax Collector Larry Monteilh, Executive officer, Board of Supervisors Each Affected Department gsa. l tr • • 6190' GENERAL SERVICES AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, dated for purposes of reference only, �yyu �ili , 19 �y , is made by and between the County of Los Angeles, hereinafter referred to as the "County ", and the City of Rosemead, hereinafter referred to as the "City ". RECITALS: (a) The City is desirous of contracting with the County for the performance by its appropriate officers and employees of City functions. (b) The County is agreeable to performing such services on the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth. (c) Such contracts are authorized and provided for by the provisions of Section 56k of the Charter of the County of Los Angeles and Section 51300, et seq., of the Government Code. THEREFORE, THE PARTIES MUTUALLY AGREE AS FOLLOWS: 1. The County agrees, through its officers and employees, to perform those City functions which are hereinafter provided for. 2. The City shall pay for such services as are provided under this agreement at rates to be determined by the County Auditor - Controller in accordance with the policies and procedures established by the Board of Supervisors. These rates shall be readjusted by the County Auditor- Controller annually effective the first day of July of each year to reflect the cost of such service in accordance with the policies and procedures for the determination of such rate as adopted by the Board of Supervisors of County. 0 3. No County officer or department shall perform for said City any function not coming within the scope of the duties of such officer or department in performing services for the County. 4. No service shall be performed hereunder unless the City shall have available funds previously appropriated to cover the cost thereof. 5. No function or service shall be performed hereunder by any County officer or department unless such function or service shall have been requested in writing by the City on order of the City Council thereof or such officer as it may designate and approved by the Board of Supervisors of the County, or such officer as it may designate, and each such service or function shall be performed at the times and under circumstances which do not interfere with the performance of regular County operations. 6. Whenever the County and City mutually agree as to the necessity for any such County officer or department to maintain administrative headquarters in the City, City shall furnish at its own cost and expense all necessary office space, furniture, and furnishings, office supplies, janitorial service, telephone, light, water, and other utilities. In all instances where special supplies, stationery, notices, forms and the like must be issued in the name of the City, the same shall be supplied by the City at its expense. It is expressly understood that in the event a local administrative office is maintained in the City for any such County officer or department, such quarters may be used by the County officer or department in connection with the performance of its duties in territory outside the City and adjacent thereto provided, - 2 - however, that the performance of such outside duties shall not be at any additional cost to the City. 7. All persons employed in the performance of such services and functions for the City shall be County employees, and no City employee as such shall be taken over by the County, and no person employed hereunder shall have any City pension, civil service, or other status or right. For the purpose of performing such services and functions, and for the purpose of giving official status to the performance hereof, every County officer and employee engaged in performing any such service or function shall be deemed to be an officer or employee of said City while performing service for the City within the scope of this agreement. 8. City shall not be called upon to assume any liability for the direct payment of any salary, wages or other compensation to any County personnel performing services hereunder for the City, or any liability other than that provided for in this agreement. Except as herein otherwise specified, City shall not be liable for compensation or indemnity to any County employee for injury or sickness arising out of his employment. L 9. The Assumption of Liability Agreement executed by the parties to this agreement, and approved by the Board of Supervisors on December 27, 1977 currently in effect is hereby made a part of and incorporated into this agreement as if set out in full herein unless said Assumption of Liability Agreement is expressly superseded by a subsequent agreement hereafter entered into between the parties hereto. - 3 - A 10. Each County officer or department performing any service for the City provided for herein shall keep reasonably itemized and in detail work or job records covering the cost of all services performed, including salary, wages and other compensation for labor; supervision and planning, plus overhead, the reasonable rental value of all County -owned machinery and equipment, rental paid for all rented machinery or equipment, together with the cost of an operator thereof when furnished with said machinery or equipment, the cost of all machinery and supplies furnished by the County, reasonable handling charges, and all additional items of expense incidental to the performance of such function or service. 11. All work done hereunder is subject to the limitations of the provisions of Section 23008 of the Government Code, and in accordance therewith, before any work is done or services rendered pursuant hereto, an amount equal to the cost or an amount 10% in excess of the estimated cost must be reserved by the City from its funds to insure payment for work, services or materials provided hereunder. 12. The County shall render to City at the close of each calendar month an itemized invoice which covers all services performed during said month, and City shall pay County therefore within thirty (30) days after date of said invoice. If such payment is not delivered to the County office which is described on said invoice within thirty (30) days after the date of the invoice, the County is entitled to regover interest thereon. Said interest shall be at the rate of seven (7) percent per annum or any portion thereof calculated from the last day of the month in which the services were performed. - 4 - ' 13. If such payment is not delivered to the County office which is described on said invoice within thirty (30) days after the date of the invoice, the County may satisfy such indebtedness, including interest thereon, from any funds of any such City on deposit with the County without giving further notice to said City of County's intention to do so. 14. This contract shall become effective on the date herein- above first mentioned and shall run for a period ending June 30, 1994, and at the option of the City Council of the City, with the consent of the Board of Supervisors of County, shall be renewable thereafter for an additional period of not to exceed five (5) years. 15. In event the City desires to renew this agreement for said five -year period, the City Council shall not later than the tenth of May, 1994, notify the Board of Supervisors of County that it wishes to renew the same, whereupon the Board of Supervisors, not later than the last day of May, 1994, shall notify the City Council in writing of its willingness to accept such renewal. Otherwise such agreement shall finally terminate at the end of the aforedescribed period. Notwithstanding the provisions of this paragraph hereinabove set forth, the County may terminate this agreement at any time by giving thirty (30) days' prior written notice to the City. The City may terminate this agreement as of the first day of July of any year upon thirty (30) days' prior written notice to the County. 16. This agreement is designed to cover miscellaneous and sundry services which may be supplied by the County of Los Angeles and the various departments thereof. In event there now exists or - 5 - ti I there is hereafter adopted a specific contract between the City and the County with respect to specific services, such contract with respect to specific services shall be controlling as to the duties and obligations of the parties anything herein to the contrary notwithstanding, unless such special contract adopts the provisions hereof by reference. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed by their duly authorized Executed this % day,o - THE I OF ROS OF LAS ApC- 'C�' v 11 * Ma ATTEST: COUP OF LOS i� T n _1'5(1�x City By ATTEST: LARRY J. MONTEILH Executive Officer /Clerk of the Board of Supervisors By _ G i!; Deputy APPROVED AS TO FORM: DEWITT W. CLINTON unty Counsel By Deplity Couryty Couns6l - 6 - Chairman, Board Supery ApOPTED BOAoRO 0 Esu ERVISORS OF AMCFLES 1 5 JUN 2 A't989 'RRY J. mONTEILH - E%ECUTIVE OFFICER I 478 76'1:576N-(1.0/73)- PS 11 -76 1 GENERAL SERVICES AGREEMENT 2 3 THIS AGREEMENT, dated for purposes of reference only, 4 19 84 , is made by and between the County of 5 Los Angeles, hereinafter referred to as the "County ", and the 6 City of /LOSE me.&.ai hereinafter referred to as the 7 "City". g RECITALS: 9 (a) The City is desirous of contracting with the County for 10 the performance by its appropriate officers and employees of City 11 functions. 12 (b) The County is agreeable to performing such services on the 13 terms and conditions hereinafter set forth. 14 (c) Such contracts are authorized and provided for by the 15 provisions of Section 562 of the Charter of the County of Los Angeles 16 and Section 51300, et seq., of the Government Code. 17 THEREFORE, THE PARTIES AGREE AS FOLLOWS: 18 1. The County agrees, through its officers and employees, to 19 perform those City functions which are hereinafter provided for. 20 2. The City shall pay for such services as are provided under 11 this agreement at rates tc( be determined by the County Auditor - 22 Controller in accordance with the policies and procedures 23 established by the Board of Supervisors. 24 These rates shall be readjusted by the County Auditor - Controller 25 annually effective the First day of July of each year to reflect the 26 cost of such service in accordance with the policies and procedures 27 for the determination of such rate as adopted by the Board of 78 jSupervisors of County. 76TS75N- (10/7)- Cdb 4 -75 1 3. No County officer or department shall perform for said 2 City any function not coming within the scope of the duties of such 3 officer or department in performing services for the County. 4 4. No service shall be performed hereunder unless the City 5 shall have available funds previously appropriated to cover the cost 6 thereof. 7 5. No function or service shall be performed hereunder by any 8 County officer or department unless such function or service shall 9 have been requested in writing by the City on order of the City to Council thereof or such officer as it may designate and approved by 11 the Board of Supervisors of the County, or such officer as it may 12 designate, and each such service or function shall be performed at 13 the times and under circumstances which do not interfere with the 14 performance of regular County operations. 15 6. Whenever the County and City mutually agree as to the 16 necessity for any such County officer or department to maintain 17 administrative headquarters in the City, City shall furnish.at its 18 own cost and expense all necessary office space, furniture, and 19. furnishings, office supplies, janitorial service, telephone, light, 20 water, and other utilities. In all instances where special supplies 21 stationery, notices, forms and the like must be issued in the name 22 of the City, the same shall be supplied by the City at its expense. 23 It is expressly understood that in the event a local 24 administrative office is maintained in the City for any such County 25 officer or department, such quarters may be used by the County 26 officer or department in connection with the performance of its 27 duties in territory outside of the City and adjacent thereto, 28 2 - z 76T5'i6T- P$ 340 1 3 (provided, however, that the performance of such outside duties sha.l (not be at any additional cost to the City. 7. All persons employed in the performance of such services and functions for the City shall be County employees, and no City 5 employee as such shall be taken over by the County, and no-person 6 employed hereunder shall have any City pension, civil service, or 7 other status or right. 8 For the purpose of performing such services and functions,, 9 and for the purpose of giving official status to the performance to hereof, every County officer and employee engaged in performing any. 11 such service -or function shall be deemed to be an officer or . 12 employee of said City while performing service for the City within 13 the scope of this agreement. 14 8. City shall not be called upon to assume any liability for 15 the direct payment of any salary, wages or other compensation to an; 16 County personnel performing services hereunder for the City, or any 17 liability other than that provided for in this agreement. 18 Except as herein otherwise specified, City shall not be 19 liable for compensation or indemnity to any County employee for 20 injury or sickness arising out of his employment. 21 9. The Assumption of Liability Agreement executed by the 22 parties to this agreement, and approved by the Board of Supervisors 23 on December 27, 1977 currently in effect is hereby made a part of 24 and incorporated into this agreement as if set out in full herein 25 unless said Assumption of Liability Agreement is expressly 26 superseded by a subsequent agreement hereafter entered into between 27 the parties hereto. 28 /// -3- 76T5'?6N —(I 0173) Cdb 4 -75 1 10. Each County officer or department performing any service 2 for the City provided for herein shall keep reasonably itemized 3 and in detail work or job records covering the cost of all services 4 performed, including salary, wages and other compensation for labor; 5 supervision and planning, plus overhead, the reasonable rental value 6 of all County - owned machinery and equipment, rental paid for all 7 rented machinery or equipment, together with the cost of an g operator thereof when furnished with said machinery or equipment, 9 the cost of all machinery and supplies furnished by the County, 10 reasonable handling charges, and all additional items of expense 11 incidental to the performance of such function or service. 12 11. All work done hereunder is subject to the limitations of 13 the provisions of Section 23008 of the Government Code, and in 14 accordance therewith, before any work is done or services rendered 15 pursuant hereto, an amount equal to the cost or an amount 10% in 16 excess of the estimated cost must be.reserved by the City from its 17 funds to insure payment for work, services or materials provided 18 hereunder. 19 12. The County shall render to City at the 20 close of each calendar month an itemized invoice which covers all 21 services performed during said month, and City shall pay County 22 therefore within thirty (30) days after date of said invoice. 23 If such payment is not delivered to the County office 24 which is described on said invoice within thirty (30) days after the 25 date of the invoice, the County is entitled to recover interest 26 thereon. Said interest shall be at the rate of seven (7) 27 percent per annum or any -- portion thereof calculated from the 28 last day of the month in which the services were performed.- - 4 - . h 76T576N- (10/73} PS 1176 I I 1 13. If such payment is not delivered to the County office 2 which is described on said invoice within thirty (30) days after 3 the date of the invoice, the County may satisfy such indebtedness, 4 including interest thereon, from any funds of any such City on 5 deposit with the County without giving further notice to said City 6 of County's intention to do so. 7 14. This contract shall become effective on the date herein - 8 above first mentioned and shall run for a period ending June 30, 9 19 89 , and at the option of the City Council of the City, with the 10 consent of the Board of Supervisors of County, shall be renewable 11 thereafter for an additional period of not to exceed five (5) years. 12 In event the City desires to renew this agreement for said 13 five -year period, the City Council shall not later than the tenth of 14 May, 19 89 , notify the Board of Supervisors of County that it 15 wishes to renew the same, whereupon the Board of Supervisors, not 16 later than the last day of May, 19 89 , shall notify the City 17 Council in writing of its willingness to accept such renewal. 18 Otherwise such agreement shall finally terminate at the end of the 19 aforedescribed period. 20 Notwithstanding the provisions of this paragraph hereinabove 21 set forth, the County may terminate this agreement at any time by 22 giving thirty(30) days prior written notice to the City. The City 23 may terminate this agreement as of the first day of July of any 24 year upon thirty (30) days prior written notice to the County. 25 15. This agreement is designed to cover miscellaneous and 26 sundry services which may be supplied by the County of Los Angeles 27 and the various departments thereof. In event there now exists or 28 there is hereafter adopted a specific contract between the City 5 - 76T576N- (10173� [:db 4 -75 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 and the County with respect to specific services, such contract with respect to specific services shall be controlling as to the duties and obligations of the parties anything.herein to the contrary notwithstanding, unless such special contract adopts the provisions hereof by reference. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed by their duly authorized officers. Executed this 06 day of AT' Cif IY THE CITY ATTEST: LARRY J. MONTEILH Executive Officer /Clerk- of the Board of TServisors By U Mayor tOZFS AN ES I Chairman, Board of Supervisor ADOPTED BOARD OF SUPERVI MRS COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES APPROVED // O 5 JUN 12 1984 DEWITT W:.. LIN County Counsel By _ y/ .J \�V— \� LARRY J. MON(EILN EXECUTIVE OFFICER - 6 - 0 0 v ii �E: rt -ip it i i 1 2 3', i 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 2.7 28 U uiiti GEE "RAI., SFRVTM S AGRFE'L S T THIS AGt;EEMENT, dated for purposes of reference only, 1979 , is made by and between the County of Los Angeles, hereinafter referred to as the "County ", and the City. of "City ". ROSEMEAD — ^, hereinafter referred to as the RECITALS: (a) The City is desirous of contracting with the County for the performance by its appropriate officers and eriployees of City functions. (b) The 'County is agreeable to performing such services on the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth. (c) Such contracts are authorized and provided for. by the provisions of Section 562 of the Charter of the County of Los Angeles and Section 51300, et seq., of the Government Code. THEREFORE, THE PARTIES AGP.EE AS FOLLOGIS: 1. The County agrees, througn.iia officers and employees; to perform those City functions which are hereinafter_ provided for. 2. The City shall pay for such services as are provided under this agreement- at rates to be. determined by the County Audit lController in accordance with the policies and procedures established by the Board of Supervisors. These rates shall be readjusted by the County Auditor - Controlleri annually effective the Fi -rst clay of July of each year to reflect the i cost of such service in accordance: with tre policies and. procedures e ;for the determination of such rate as adopted by the Board of II Suporv:i.sors of County. .- e1 cdn v -95 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 s. 9 10 11 12 13 14 i 15 16 17 it 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 3. No County officer or department shall perform for said City any function not coming within the scope of the duties of such officer or department in performing services for the County. 4. No service shall be performed hereunder unless the City shall have available funds previously appropriated to cover the cost' thereof. 5. No function or service shall be performed hereunder by any County officer or department unless such function or service shall - have been requested in writing by the City on order of the City Council thereof or such officer as it may designate and approved by the Board of Supervisors of the Country, or such officer as it may designate, and each such service or anction shall be performed at the times and under circumstances which do not interfere with the performance of regular County operations. 6. 1:rnenever the County and City mutually agree as to the necessity for any such County officer or department to maintain administrative Headquarters in the City, City shall furnish at its own cost and expense all necessary office space, furniture, and furnishings, office supplies, janitorial service, telephone, light, water, and other utilities. In all instances where special supplies, stationery, notices, forms and the like must be issued in the name of the City, the same shalt_ be supplied by the City at its expense. It is exTrassiy understood that in the event a local administrative office is maintained in the City for any such.County officer or department, such quarters.may be used by the County officer or department in connection with the performance of its duties in territory outside of the City and adjacent the rct:o, 2 CJb 4:75 I I I I provided, L•owever, tnot the porfor:;nn e of such outside duties shal' 1 2 not be at any additional cost to the City. 3 7. All persons employed in the performance of such services 4 i and functions for the City shall be County ei:aployees, and no City 5 employee as such shall be Man over by the County, and no person i 6 employed hereunder shall have any City pension, civil service, or 7 other status or right. 8 For the purpose of performing such services and functions, 9 and for the purpose of giving official. statu • to the performance 10 hereof, every= County officer and employee_ engaged in performing any 11 such service or function shall be deemed to be an officer or 12 employee of said City while performing service for the City within 1.5 1. O . �. „S the scope of this agreement. 14 I II. City shall not be called upon to assume any liability for 15 the direct payrien.t of ,any salary, wages or other compensation to any 16 County personnel performing services hereunder for the City, or any, 17 liability other than that provided fer.i.n this agreement. i8 Except as herein otherwise specified, City shall not be 19 liable for compensation or indemnity to any County employee for 20 injury or sickness arising out of his employment. ,9• The Cotinty, its officers and employees, shall not be 21 1 7c f the deemed to assume any liability for the negl_if;e�_..� or ..� City, or 22 23 of any officer or employee c:_s.c.reof, nor for any defective or 24 dangerous condition of the streets or property of the City, and the City shall hold.County and its officers and employees harmless from, 25 and shall defend County and the officers and employees thereof 26 I 27 against any claim for dramatics -resulting !herfrcm. i 28 �I _3+ _ dh 6 -75 i 1 I 10. Each County officer or department performing any service r 'Z :LOT the City pl"OVa.(ieCA for herein ,.;hall i;G,ep -r.'casa- +.ably itemized 3 and in detail work or .job records covering the cost of all services 4 performed, including .salary, wages and other compensation for labor; S supervision and planning, plus overhead, the reasonable rental valuei i 6 i of all County-owned machinery and.equipment, rental paid for all 7 i rented machinery or equipment, together with the cost of an 1 g i operator thereof ashen furnished with said machinery or equipment, q the cost of all machinery and suppiics furnished by the County, 10 i reasonable handling charges, and all additional items of expense 11 incidental to the perforcance of such functi_an or service. 12 11, All wort: done hereunder is su' iact to the limitations of 13 �I the provisions of Section 23008 of the Government Code, and in 1.4 accordance therewith, before any work is dohs: or services rendered 1S I pursuant hereto, an amount equal to the cost on an amount 10% in . 16 excess of the estimated cost must be reserved by the City from its 17 funds to insure payment for work, services or materials provided i 18 hereunder. 19 12, The County she11 render to City at the. 20 close of each calendar month an itemized invoice which covers all . 21 services performed during said•month, and City shall pay County 22 therefore within thirty (30) days after date of said invoice. 23 if such payment is not delivered to.the Count;* office i 24 which is described on said invoice within thirty (30) days after the 25 I date of the invoice, the County is entitled to recover interest 26 j thereon. Said interest shall be at the rate of seven (7) . 27 i percent per annum or any portion thereof calculated from the i. 28 last day of the month in which the services were performed. I - 4 j I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 2.7 28 J 46 13. If such payment is not delivered to the County office which is described on said invoice within thirty (30) days after the date of the invoice, the County may satisfy such indebtedness, including interest thereon; from any funds of any such City on deposit with the County without giving further notice to said City of County's intention to do so. 14. This contract shall become effective on the date herein- above first mentioned and shall run for a period ending June 30, 19 84 , and at the option of the City Council of the City, with the consent of the Board of Supervisors of County, shall be renewable thereafter for an additional period of not to exceed five {5) years. In event the City desires to renew this agreement for said five -year period; the City Council shall not later than the tenth of May, 19 84 , notify the Board of Supervisors of County that it ,wishes to renew the same, whereupon the Board of Supervisors, not Hater than the last day of May, 1984 , shall notify the City Council in writing of its willingness to accept such renewal. otherwise such agreement shall finally terminate at the end of the a.foredescri_bed period. Idotwithstandi.ng the provisions of this paragraph hereinabove set forth, the County may terminate this agreement at any time by giving thirty(30) days prior written notice to the City. The City may terminate this agreement as of the first day of July of any year upon thirty (30) days prior written notice to the County. 15. This agreement is designed to cover miscellaneous and sundry services which may be supplied by the County of Los Angeles and the various departments thereof. In event there now exists or there is hereafter adopted a specific contract: between the City - 5 - -I 1 7 3 4 5' 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 S 41 anCl. the CO' -7n ty with: rec pe: t. to .�� F.Ci iC 3Ci:CiCP.3y such Co?a 7.rc:C't `•'.'i tll I rCSpect to F •C'.0 i£:LC C', ry ces sh ll be controllin£; 'a5 to tC1C C�Ut iCS and obligations or the parties anything herein to the contrary notwithstandinb, unless such special contract adopts the provisions hereof by reference. IN WITNESS W11ER.OF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed by tacit duly authorized officers. Executed this 24th day Of July �, 1979. ATTEST: City Clerk ATTEST: JAMES S. NIZE Executive Officer /Clerk of the Board of Supervisors By _. Deputy APPROVED AS TO FOPIJ: JOHN H. LARSON, County Counsel 13Y z- OR - 6 TFE CITY OF ROSEMEAD By Dlayor THE COUNTY OF LOS AeiC'uLES By Chairman, Board of Supervisor, 0 0 0 0 . 1576N- (I Oi7 3)- 1 76 I ASSUMPTION OF LIABILITY AGREEMENT 2 3 THIS AGREEMENT, dated for reference purposes only, on the 4 14th day of November, 1977, is made and entered into between 5 the County of Los Angeles, sometimes hereinafter referred to as 6 the "County," and the City of 7 sometimes hereinafter referred to as the "City." 8 9 RECITALS 10 (a) City and County have heretofore contracted for the 11 performance of services by County, its officers, agents and 12 employees, and will in the future extend, renew and amend such 13 contracts, and enter into other and further contracts for the 14 performance of services; and I5 (b) Such contracts are agreements defined under §895 of the 16 Government Code, and pursuant to §895.2 thereof joint and several 17 liability is imposed on the parties; and 18 (c) Pursuant to §895.4 of the Government Code the parties 19 as a part of the aforementioned agreements may provide for con- 20 I tribution or indemnification upon any liability arising out of 21 the performance of the agreement; and 22 (d) The County is willing to assume liability and defend 23 and hold the City harmless from any loss, cost or expense caused 24 1 by the negligent or wrongful acts or omissions of County officers, 1 25 its agents and employees, occurring in the performance of said 26 agreement; and 27 2,i ��� 1'576N- (10/77} 1176 I (e) The City is willing to assume liability and defend and 2 hold the County harmless from loss, cost or expenses caused by 3 the negligent or wrongful act or omission of city officers, agents 4 or employees occurring in the performance of agreements between 5 the parties, except as hereinafter provided, 6 NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS AGREED AS FOLLOWS: 7 1. The County will assume liability and defend and 8 hold the City harmless from loss, costs or expenses caused 9 by the negligent or wrongful act or omission of County 10 officers, agents and employees occurring in the performance 11 of agreements between the parties hereto to the extent that 12 such liability is imposed on the City by the provisions of 13 §895.2 of the Government Code of the State of California. 14 2. The City will assume liability and defend and hold 15 the County harmless from loss, costs or expenses caused by 16 the negligent or wrongful act or omission of City officers, 17 agents and employees occurring in the performance of agree - 18 ments between the parties hereto to the extent that such 19 liability is imposed on the County by the provisions of 20 §895.2 of the Government Code of the State of California. In 21 addition, when liability arises pursuant to § §830, et seq., 22 of the Government Code, by reason of a dangerous condition 23 of public property of the City, the City shall assume 24 liability and defend and hold the County harmless from loss, 25 costs or expenses caused by the negligent or wrongful act or 26 omission of City officers, agents and employees, whether 27 28 -2- F576N- (10/93 }- 11 -76 W. ' arising in the performance of an agreement between the parties hereto, with the exception that the County shall assume liability and defend and hold the City harmless from loss, costs or expenses caused by the negligent or wrongful act or omission of County officers, agents and employees, occurring in the performance of any agreement between the parties hereto where a duty is imposed on the County pursuant to such agreement to provide maintenance or inspection services pertaining to said property. Where such an agree- ment between a City and County provides that the County will provide at least the same level of maintenance or inspection services that the County provides to unincorporated areas, the County will assume liability and defend and hold the City harmless from loss, costs or expense caused by the negligent or wrongful act or omission of County officers, agents and employees in failing to provide said services in accordance with said agreement. 3. The parties further agree that the Auditor- Controller of the County shall establish a fund for the pay - ment of losses for which the County may be liable under the terms of this agreement, and the County agrees to maintain the fund for the purpose of paying such losses which may occur through its performance under agreements to provide city services to the cities within the County. -3- 3 4 5 6 7 8 I 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22' 23 24 25 20 ' -7 28 I W. ' arising in the performance of an agreement between the parties hereto, with the exception that the County shall assume liability and defend and hold the City harmless from loss, costs or expenses caused by the negligent or wrongful act or omission of County officers, agents and employees, occurring in the performance of any agreement between the parties hereto where a duty is imposed on the County pursuant to such agreement to provide maintenance or inspection services pertaining to said property. Where such an agree- ment between a City and County provides that the County will provide at least the same level of maintenance or inspection services that the County provides to unincorporated areas, the County will assume liability and defend and hold the City harmless from loss, costs or expense caused by the negligent or wrongful act or omission of County officers, agents and employees in failing to provide said services in accordance with said agreement. 3. The parties further agree that the Auditor- Controller of the County shall establish a fund for the pay - ment of losses for which the County may be liable under the terms of this agreement, and the County agrees to maintain the fund for the purpose of paying such losses which may occur through its performance under agreements to provide city services to the cities within the County. -3- - 1576N- (10/73} { 11 76 I 4. It is understood by the parties that the fund 2 referred to in paragraph 3 above is under the full control 3 of the Board of Supervisors and reappropriation of unen- 4 cumbered year -end balances in this fund is discretionary 5 with the Board of Supervisors. 6 5. The City agrees to make payment to the fund., and 7 the County agrees to require each city receiving services g under City Service Agreements to also contribute to the fund.l 9 Payments towards the total amount of the fund shall be made 10 by the City in such amounts as may be established by the 11 Auditor - Controller according to the policy and procedure 12 established by the Board of Supervisors, and in the same 13 ratio as the cost of.services received by the City is to the 14 total cost to the County for its performance of City Service 15 Agreements during each fiscal year. In the event that City 16 should elect to terminate its Service Agreement with the 17 County, its responsibility to contribute to the fund pursuant 18 to this agreement shall be limited to payment of amounts 19 which accrue prior to the effective date of said termination. 20 6. Each party agrees to fully cooperate with the other 21 and assist the other party hereto in all matters relating to losses covered by the terms of this agreement, and more 23 specifically but not being limited thereby, each party will: 74 (a) Give prompt notification of all occurrences 25 covered or likely to be covered by the terms hereof, 1-6 together with the particulars thereof to the other party 27 hereto; 28 -4- 11 76 I (b) If claim is made, or suit is brought against a party on occurrences covered or likely to be covered 3 by the terms hereof, such party shall immediately 4 forward every claim, demand, notice, summons or other 5 process received by it to the other party hereto. 6 7. Should City agree, stipulate, consent to, or other- 7 wise suffer the granting of any claim, the making of any 8 judgment, order, or other award for damages or other relief 9 against itself or any of its or the County's officers, 10 agents, or employees in any proceeding or action authorized II by law involving a matter arising out of the performance by 12 the County of services affected hereby without the prior 13 written consent thereto of the County, the City agrees to 14 indemnify, hold harmless, and defend the County from any 15 i loss, cost or expense to it arising from such claim, judgment 15 or other award irrespective of the legal basis.upon which 17 liability may be imposed by such action including liability 18 of the County under the provisions of Section 895.2 of the 19 Government Code. ,O 8. Any party may at its own cost participate in the 11 defense of any suit, or in the prosecution of any appeal 22 affecting matters herein involved where the duty of defense 23 or prosecution is imposed on the other party, and where the 74 other party has consented thereto. 25 9. This agreement shall apply to and shall be deemed 20 to be a part of all agreements now existing or hereafter '_7 28 -5- r576N- 6 (10/73)- 3 11 -76 I entered into, including amendments, renewals, or other 2 extensions thereof, wherein the City and County have con - 3 tracted under circumstances wherein the liability of the City 4 and County is joint and several under §895.2 of the Govern- 5 ment Code of the State of California. The provisions of this 6 agreement shall supersede and control over any other provi- 7 sions inconsistent therewith in any such contract, heretofore 8 or hereafter entered into by and between the parties hereto, 9 unless by specific reference therein this Assumption of 10 Liability Agreement is inapplicable. 11 10. On the effective date of this agreement that cer- 12 tain agreement entitled "Assumption of Liability Amendment," 13 -if any between the parties, is terminated. The effective 14 date of this agreement is the date executed by the parties, 15 but in no event sooner than 12:00 A.M., March 15, 1978, 16 unless the aforementioned Assumption of Liability Amendment 17 should be sooner terminated by the parties, in which event 18 the date of such termination shall be the effective date of 19 this agreement. Upon the effective date of this agreement th I 20 same shall continue during the term of any agreement for 21 services to which the same is applicable, unless the County 22 shall sooner elect to terminate this agreement upon thirty 23 days written notice to the City. The County further agrees 24 that this agreement shall be only terminated upon the occur- 15 rence of the foregoing, or any one or more of the following 26 events: 27 28 -6- Y5]6N- (10/73 11 ]6 I (a) Falilure of the City to cooperate with the 2 County as required by this agreement. 3 (b) Upon the City authorizing any judgment, order 4 or other award for damages without the consent of the 5 County in violation of the terms and provisions of this 6 agreement. 7 (c) Upon the County's election in its absolute g discretion to terminate.this Assumption of Liability 9 Agreement as to all cities having such service agree- i 10 ments with the County. 11 11. To the extent that the County has agreed to indem- 12 nify, defend and waive harmless a city, its officers, agents 13 -and employees under this agreement, said obligation shall 14 continue to exist during the term of this agreement whether 15 or not there are sufficient funds for such indemnity, defense 16 or hold harmless in the fund established by the Auditor - 17 Controller. It is further understood that the County may 18 also utilize said -fund for the purchase of commercial 19 insurance and claims management services and for the payment L0 of other costs to cover the exposures of the County hereunder 21 in whole or in part. 12. On termination by the City of service contract with 23 the County, or upon termination by the County for any cause, 24 the County shall continue to indemnify, defend and hold harm - 25 less the City for all claims and losses for which liability 26 is imposed on the County by the terms of this agreement, and 27 ?8 -7- 1 where arising out of the County's negligent or wrongful act 2 or omission, prior to the effective date of said termination. 3 Said City shall not be entitled to return of any considera- 4, tion paid by it towards the fund established by the Auditor - 5 Controller on the termination of this agreement. 6 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this 7 agreement to be executed by their duly authorized officers the 8 day and year hereinafter set forth. 9 I CITY OF 10 �OsEM� i I �--7yor 12 ATTEST this �day 13 1978. 14 �q /J �/ ^�J ( .Y� a� 4 T 2s- T �.c.l �Glyr� 15 �Clty er)t 16 17 18 19 20 ,2: 23 ADOPTED BOARD OF SUPERV!SORS COUNTY OF LOS 01-2 =S 24 109 25 26 27 28 DEC 2 71977 �f�Hn 1 <MES 5. 1.v �E EXECUTIVE OFf.MR COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES By Chairman, Board of Supervisors ATTEST this 22 day of /y)Prjqo,N , 1978. JAMES S. MIZE, Executive Officer - Clerk of the Board of Supervisors By V eputy -8- M FOR BOARD OF STIPERVTSOR S COTJNTY OF LOS ANGELES 383 HALL OF ADMINISTRATION/ LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90012 JAMES S. MIZE, EXECUTIVE OFFICER February 7, 1969 City of Rosemead 3018 Charlotte Avenue Rosemead, California Attention City Clerk Gentlemen: MEMBERS OF THE BOARD FRANK G. BONELLI CHAIRMAN KENNETH HAHN ERNEST E.DEBS BURTON W. CHACE WARREN M. DORN At its meeting on February 4, 1969, the Board of Supervisors adopted an order approving the renewal of the General Services Agreement for an additional five -year period, as set forth in the attached copy of your resolution. Very truly yours, JAMES S. MIZE / Attachment `+ Of `Of qN • • J? DF CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER COUNTY OF' LOS ANGELES j MEMBERB OF THE BOARD 713 HALL OF ADMINISTRATION / LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90012 OF SUPERVISORS ©• ERNESCR B CHAIRMAN < <l1i OPN \P • FRANK G. BONELLI KENNETH HAHN L. S. HOLLINGER ((�� BURTON W. CHACE CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER January � 30 1969 WARREN M. DORN , HONORABLE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS County'of' Los Angeles 383 Hall of Administration RENEWAL OF GENERAL SERVICES AGREEMENTS- _1V11 P. L CITIES The City Councils of the Cities of La Verne (1), Rosemead (1, 3) and South El Monte (1) have requested renewal of their General Services Agreements with the County for the five -year period of July 1, 1969 through June 30, 1974. At the present time, General Services Agreements are in effect between the County and 63 cities. Pursuant to the terms of the Agreements; cities may request certain services from various County departments; such as personnel services from the Personnel. Department, prosecution services from the District Attorney, recreation services from the Department of Parks and Recreation, and zoning and planning services from the Regional Planning Commission. The County is fully reimbursed for the cost of providing such services. According to the terms of the Agreements with the above- mentioned cities, your Board, if it so desires, must approve renewal not later than May 31, 1969• THEREFORE, IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT YOUR BOARD:. Approve the renewal of the General Services Agreements with the Cities of La Verne, Rosemead and South E1 Monte for an additional. five -year period. Very truly yours, lee f✓ sh.Jt.e L. S. HOLLINGER Chief Administrative Officer LSH:LGA GAK:cm Attachments cc: Each Supervisor Auditor - Controller City of La Verne City of Rosemead City of South E1 Monte 0 0 CITY OF ROSEMEAD RESOLUTION NO. 69 - 2 A. RESOLUTION OF- ''HE CITY COUNCIL_ OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD AU i!;0 R i I I NG RENE'INAL OF A CON11 RACT WITH THE COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES CONCEMNING GENERAL SERVICES AGREEVIFNT THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSth; ,-EAD. DOES RESOLVE- AS FOLLOWS: Section l.. The City Council of the City of Rosemead hereby notifies the So,-rd of Supervisors that it desires to renew the General Services Agreement currently, in effert between the County and the City for a five -year period commencing on July 11 1 69, and requests the @oard of Supervisors to consent to the renewal of said Agreement su')ject to the terms and provisions thereof. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED this 14th day of January, . 196<,0. ATTEST: /s/ H. G. WHIODON MAYOR OF THE CITY OF ROSEI EAD /s/ MILTON R. FARRELL CITY CLERK I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing is a Full, true and correct copy of a resolution passed and adopted by the City Council of the City of Rosemead at a regular meeting thereof, held on i:he 110-th day oi- Januarv, 1 ^,69, i y DEPUTY'CITY CLERK APPROVED BOARD OF SUPERVISORS COUNTY OF LOS AAUP' -I ES FEB 41969 vJAMES S. MIZE EXECUTIVE OFFICER 0 0 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES 383 HALL OF ADMINISTRATION/ LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90012 GORDON T. NESVIG CLERK OF THE BOARD City of Rosemead 8815 East Valley Boulevard Rosemead, California Attention Mr. Milton R. Farrell City Clerk _ Gentlemen: 0 July 6, 1964 MEMBERS OF THE BOARD WARREN M. DORN CHAIRMAN FRANK G. SONELLI KENNETH HAHN ERNEST E.DEBS BURTON W.CHACE At its-meeting on-June 23; 1964, the Board of Supervisors adopted an order approving your request for the renewal of the General Services Agreement between the County of Los Angeles and the City of Rosemead for a five -year period effective July 1, 1964. _. Attachment E Very truly yours, � V?'A7 GORDON T, NESVIG 16 .., V- • RESOLUTION NO. 64 -37 0 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD AUTHORIZING RENEWAL OF A CONTRACT WITH THE COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES CONCERNING GENERAL SERVICES AGREEMENT THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The City Council of the City of Rosemead hereby note ies the Board of Supervisors that it desires to renew the General Services Agreement currently in effect between the County and theCity for a five -year period commenc- ing on July 1, 1964, and requests the Board of Supervisors to consent to the renewal of said Agreement subject to the terms and provisions thereof. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED this 12th day of May, 1964. /s/ Arnold C. Andersen MAYOR OF THE CIT OF ROSEMEAD ATTEST: /s/ Milton R. Farrell CITY CLERK I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of a resolution passed and adopted by the City Council of the City of Rosemead at a regular meeting thereof held on the 12th day of May, 1964. APPROVED BY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS JUN 231964 Z'4v ° Gordon T. Nesvill Clerk of the Board 0 9 THE COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES BOARD OF SUPERVISORS 501 HALL OF RECORDS LOS ANGELES 12, CALIFORNIA GORDON T. NESVIG CLERK OF THE BOARD August 14, 1959 Mr. wiliiam Woollett, Jr. City Administrator 3964 North Rosemead Boulevard Rosemead, California Dear Mr. Vooilett: T9 MEMBERS OF THE BOARD FRANK G. BONELLI CHAIRMAN KENNETH HAHN ERNEST E. DEBS BURTON W.CHACE WARREN M. DORM At the meeting of the Board of Supervisors held August il, 1959 an order was adopted approving your resolution requests for various services under the General Services Agreement, and instruct- ing the departments to comply therewith. Ttruly yours, le ON �. enc. CITY"OFROSEMEAD �1 0 y r ♦ �. �• ` 1. f E' t( { In F ! t 1 ! `•i! +t y f }L j r + iz GY/ ! r u a wf.F ry;� w'rl x ` t R.'$QLva` -i•Q�i N� Id RESOLUTION OF THi3 CITY COUNCIL M. ;CITY pF .OF ROSEf�AD AFFQINTING TH5 GOUNTY OF .THE, ,SHERIFF mac, � CCUNTY'•OF LOS ANGELES AS THE GHIEP OF FOLIGE' OF 4 ;THE CITY OF:ROSEMAD: biERFsAS. the. City. Gounoll � of the City of, Rosemead entered'Iinto, a General •Services• Agreement_ with the; County, _ .of •Lids An es, in order.: tia utilize the: faoilities: o€. the var- , ..lous,,d0p. :i6ntii "and of County' in' the administra -.' ,'agencies. ,the `rio11 o€ � the _ aa€faire or •; the. C ty of Fiosemoad,, anc9' tHEREA3, Section 365 ©5 of :the Gogiea°nnt} Code requires th'' City- Couna3l to appoint. a Chief. of Folice, ; RtObt; THEREFORE,,the City Counoil.of tha.City.of Rasemoad DOES -RESOLVE;. DL�`ER&NE .AND ".ORDER as follows s } SECTIOW,I i tie. Sheriff oP County of Los Angeles „the is here Y' t1w. Chief FoTice of::the City of'Ro$esnead .of ..SECTION 2. Ali deputies `of the :RYier €f _o€ •the, County. ' s'Ange e�are�ereDy 9ppointed- police,•b€ €leers o €. the City.' ; ` o`€- Roaemeid. PASSED AND• ADOPTED thls, 4th, d : of August, 1959• • ♦'< i d 'r ` 4 ti 1 u c k •, r j�f''� r .l •1 , ! Tst' i_'. r •ATV&ST♦ 1 . 5 �//jfam� T1`y� typq 04 �Ii BOARD op, S� �'t R{33�AD /ls� .. r t � { e r ! AUG 179U t � ' ! '{ .� i , ' • 1 f F f nF3q�5 i” 1.!� �i! o y y "• k v �" >t f� fl J'ii4 = i r O yin T. dv_,vp. `OF CITY ROSEPRB� r .. r .. RESOLUTION NO A ARESOLUTION• OF THE,CITY; COUNCIL OF THE.CITY OF .. R �eRES'PER:AND FIRE .OSEMEAD,APPOINTING`,THE:COUNTY iARDE{N OF -TAR COUNTY; OF. L0G` ANdSUS AS, THB 'CITY .:FIRE .. :CHIEF FOR, -THEs CITY OF•ROSEMEAD _ WHEREAS the dity Couneii'o£ the City o£ Rosemead has entered into a General Services Agreement withrthe,•County ;o£ >Los.Angeled. n order`to_utilize the':£seil3ties o£ the var ions -departiaents and', agencies, o£ the; County. in the :administrar <, tion of.the--•affaira of 'the City of,Rosemead, and °. iHEEt A3; :Section 30505 of,:tkse .Qoverrimd Code 'requires the City Council to appoint =a Fire Chie£,` x , (- NOW,'THEREFOREr the -City Couh6il pP thb,'City.p£ Rosemead 'DOES :RESOLVE; AND .ORDER as £ollowa s ,DETERNQNE ..° , ; ` SECTION 1 The: Fov, stet °.and Fare Warden of County ngeles is hereby'.appoii ted the Fire' Chief of ..the' . the City_ of Roseinead. -SECTION-2: All d6pzt166 ;a tkfe County Forester, and: -, Fire Warden of 1 County o£ Los Angeles "are hereby'appointed -: #firemen.03' the 'City'.o£'•ROsomeefl. 'PASSED' AND. ADOPTED'thia 4th day ©£ August„ 1959 1 o h h 'L 10 i�A�' A .. BY �. N _e o c 4 BOARD OF 5�} r - . ROSEMEAD yp F Y 5 ht fh v . •: f U '• Y _ ii atof. Clcr'c :Y 0 ! THE COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES L BOARD OF SUPERVISORS 1Y �• • ., � 501 HALL OF RECORDS LOS ANGELES 12, CALIFORNIA GORDON T. NESVIG CLERK OF THE BOARD August 14, 1959 MEMORANDUM OF TRANSMITTAL TO: The City of Rosemead City Hall 3964 North Rosemead Rosemead, California DOCUMENT: Agreement No. 2298, dated August.4, 1959. For General Services for the City by the County of Los Angeles. FROM: Gordon T.Nesvig, Chief Clerk Board of Supervisors,: - EJM ✓/ CC - 1 MEMHERS OF TIE DOARD FRANK G. SONELLI CHAIRMAN KENNETH HAHN ERNEST E. DE86 BURTON W. CHACE WARREN M. DORN A r 2 298 AGREEMENT - GENERAL SERVICES THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this 4th day of August 19_53, by and between the COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES, hereinafter referred to as "County ", and the CITY OF ROSEMEAD hereinafter referred to as "City" WITNESSETH: That for and in consideration of the mutual promises and cove- nants herein contained, and under authority of Section 562 of the Charter of said County and of Article I, Chapter 1, Part 2, Division 1, Title 5 of the Government Code, said County agrees, through its respective officers and.departments, to perform all functions of said City relating to or performed for said County by said officers or departments, respectively, as hereinafter provided for, except as to those services which are now or may be hereafter be made the subject of separate and special contracts with the City and for which other provisions are in such contracts made. The following terms and conditions shall govern the perform- ance of all municipal functions performed hereunder: 1. By reason of the limitations upon the expenditure of County funds provided for in Section 31 of Article IV of the Constitution of the State of California, said City shall pay to said County the entire cost to said County of performing each such function, includ- ing salaries and wages of all employees engaged therein, all super- vision over such employees while so employed, a prorate of all tlital overhead, clerical work, office supplies, depreciation BONDTFr VWnd equipment, traveling expenses, including mileage of employees, and all other cost and expense incidental to the AUG 1 11959 jGwdm T. NWA9 . Chief Cent performance of each'of such functions: 0 The rate charged for each function shall be recomputed annually and revised accordingly, and thereafter charged at such revised rate. In computing the cost of the use of machinery and equipment, the full cost to said County of rented machinery and equipment and any operator- furnished therewith, and a reasonable rental rate on County -owned machinery and equipment shall be included.. 2. No County officer or department shall perform for said City any function not coming within the scope of the duties of such officer or department in performing services for said County. 3. No service shall be performed hereunder unless said City shall have available funds previously appropriated to cover the cost thereof. 4. No function or service shall be performed hereunder by any County officer or department unless such function or service shall have been requested in writing by said City on order of the City Council thereof or such officer as it may designate, and approved by the Board of Supervisors of said County, or such officer as it may designate, and each such service or function shall be performed at the times and under circumstances which do not interfere with the performance of regular County operations. 5. Whenever the County and City mutually agree as to the necessity for any such County officer or department to maintain administrative headquarters in said City, said City shall furnish at its own cost and expense all necessary office space, furniture, and furnishings, office supplies, janitor service, telephone, light, water, and other utilities. In all instances where special supplies, 2. r` • 0 stationery, notices, forms and the like must be issued in the name of said City, the same shall be supplied by the City. It is expressly understood that in the event a local adminis- trative office is maintained in said City for any such County offi- cer or department, such quarters may be used by said County officer or department in connection with the performance of its duties in territory outside of said City and adjacent thereto, provided, however, that the performance of such outside duties shall not be at any additional cost to said City, 64.' 'A11 persons employed in the performance of such services and functions for said City shall be County employees, and'no City employee as such shall be taken over by said County, and no person employed hereunder shall have any City pension, civil service,. or other status or right. 1 For the purpose of performing such services and functions, and for the purpose of giving official status to the performance thereof, every County officer and employee engaged in performing any such service or function shall be deemed to be an officer or employee of said City while performing service for said City within the scope of this agreement. 7. Said City shall not be called upon to assume any liability for the direct payment of any salary, wages, or other compensation to any County personnel performing services hereunder for said City, or any liability other than that provided for in this agreement. Except as herein otherwise specified, said City shall not be liable for compensation or indemnity to any County employee for injury or sickness arising out of his employment. 3. 1 I - 8, Said County, its officers and employees, shall not be deemed to assume any liability for the negligence of said-City, or of any officer or employee thereof, nor for any defective or danger- ous condition of the streets or property of said City, and said City shall hold said.County and its officers and employees harmless from, and shall defend said County and the officers and employees thereof against any claim for damages resulting therefrom. 9, Each County officer or department performing any service for said City provided for herein shall keep reasonably itemized and in detail work or job records covering the cost of all services performed, including salary, wages and other compensation for labor, supervision and planning,. plus overhead, the reasonable rental value of all County -owned machinery and equipment, rental paid for all rented machinery,or equipment, together with the cost of an operator thereof when furnished with said machinery or equipment, the cost of all machinery and supplies furnished by the County, reasonable handling charges, and all additional items of expense incidental to the performance of such function or service. 10. All work done hereunder is subject to the limitations of the provisions of Section 23008 of the Government Code, and in accordance therewith, before any work is done or services rendered pursuant hereto, an amount equal to the cost or an amount 10% in excess of the estimated cost must be reserved by the City from its funds to insure payment for work, services or materials provided hereunder. Each County officer or department performing any service here- under shall render to said City at the close of each calendar month 4. an itemized statement covering all services performed during said month, and said City shall pay ,County therefor within 20 days after receipt of such statement.'. If such payment is not received by the County within'30 days after rendition of billing, County may satisfy such indebtedness from any funds of the City on deposit with the County without giving further notice to City of County's intention to do so. 11. This;contract,shall become effective on,the date herein - above first• "mentioned and shall run for a period ending June 30th 19 66 , and at the option of the City Council. of said City, with the,consent of the Board of Supervisors of said County, shall- be,renewable ..thereafter for an additional period of not to exceed;'.five•%(5) years: In event said:City.desires;to renew this.agreemen.t.for said five -year period, the Cityi,Council:shall not, later•than:the l0th of May, 19�_,,; notify.;the Board :of; Supervisors. of said -County that it wishes. tofrene.w.the same,- - whereupon said Board of Super- visors, not later than the.•last•,day of -May; ,19 6 . , shall notify said City :Council' :,in.writing of its1willingness.to.accept such renewal. Otherwise .such agreement:shall finally terminate at the end of the aforedescribed period. Notwithstanding the provisions of this paragraph hereinabove set forth,, either party may terminate this agreement as of the first day of July of.any year upon,,,notice.in writing to the other party of'not.'less than'two calendar months prior to the date of such termination, 12. -This agreement is designed to cover miscellaneous and sundry services which may be supplied by the County of Los Angeles 5. and the various departments .thereof. In event there now exists or there is hereafter adopted a specific contract between the City and the County with respect to specific services, such contract with respect to specific services shall be controlling as to the duties and obligations of the parties anything herein to the con- trary notwithstanding, unless such special contract adopts the provisions hereof by reference. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said County has, by order of its Board of Supervisors, caused these presents to be subscribed by the Chair - man,of said Board and the seal of said Board to be affixed thereto, and attested by the Clerk of said Board, and said City has caused these presents to be subscribed by its Mayor and the seal of said City to be affixed thereto and attested by the City Clerk of said City, on the day and year first above written. CITY OF Byf1L( l Mayor ^ ATTE T: Ulty Clerk,/ ` COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES BY airman, Board o Supervisors ATTEST: HAROLD J. OSTLY, County Clerk and ex officio Clerk of the Board of Supery ors BY L� 2 -59 6. .. CITY OF ROSEMADO , �y RESOLUTION - NUMBER 12 APPROVED BY A RESOLUTION•�.DF THE-CITY COUNCIL OF THE.CITYBW5RD err (SUPERVOMS ':GRANTING CONSENTt AND JURISDICTION TO THE. COUNTY OF: LRG 11 1959' ANGELES FOR THE INCLUSION OF THE ENTIRETY OF THE CITY OF WITHIN A.•COUNTY SEWER MAINTENANCE DISTRICT } ' r Gordon T. N=sviq .WHEREAS, portions of ,the; City. of RME .. are alreadlyaf Ctork included.,in.a County sewer maintenance. district; and,,...- , WHEREAS, have.been,•or.are.scheduled to be con - structed :within the, City; , and , 'WHEREAS, the City do.es:.not,have. the forces,nor equipment neces- sary.to maintain sanitary sewers;' and WHEREAS, •it appears in.the;public interest.'.and'convenience that the entire •City „of ROSEMEAD. be included.in•a County sewer maintenance district. .SNOW,, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by,the City,Council,of the City of as-follows: Section,l.. That.the• public interest and.convenience-.require the- inclusion of all. territory within the boundaries of.the City of ` ROSEWAD in a County sewer.mainte'nance district formed for the purpose of maintaining local and,lateral.sanitary sewers:pursuant to Chapter 4,. Part, 3, Divisi6n•.5 of,the Health and Safety Code, as amended; 'of the State of California. Section 2. That pursuant to the authority' vested in it by Sec- tion 4896 of said Health and Safety Code, or'Section 5837 of said Streets and Highways'' Code, the.City Council, being the legislative body 'of the City of RilSt1 hereby consents to the inclusion of all of said City territory within a County sewer maintenance dis- tract, and to the exercise.of exclusive jurisdiction by the Board of Supervisors of said County of Los Angeles over all proceedings neces- sary thereto for the purpose of consummating the same. ' 3' Section 3. That said consent and jurisdiction granted to the Board of Supervisors as set forth in Section 2 of this Resolution shall not be construed to request or require the immediate inclusion of all territory within the City of in a County sewer maintenance district, but only to request the immediate inclusion of areas that are now served by sewers, or that are assured of having sewers in the near future. Additional "served areas may be included in.a.sewer'maintenance dis'tfict'by annexation proceedings from time to`time` without securing further consent and grant of-jurisdiction from this Council: Section 4. The City Clerk shall certify'to'the',adoption 'of this resolution and shall deliver three certified copies•thereof to the Clerk of'the Board of Supervisors of the County of-Los °Angeles. AYPROVED•.AND ADOPTED this t. day of 143; ,' 19• Mayor " 'I hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the City Council of the City of 'F60A at a regular meeting thereof held on the Sikh day of -MRA L ' ' 1959 by the'-following vote of the.Council: Ayes: Councilmen: 0 0 _ CITY OF ROSEMEAD • • RESOLUTION NO. i5 _ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF =1 RE CONTRACT FOR CITY PROSECUTION SERVICE. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF R(*EM0 DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. The City Council of the City of"'�� pursuant to the terms ar �d p sions of th g at "General Services agreement dated lit* "L {1eN�`I , entered into by and be- tween the County of Los Angeles and the City does hereby request the County of Los Angeles to provide through the office of the District Attorney of Los Angeles County the services of City Prosecutor in respect to the enforcement in all Courts of this state of all municipal penal ordinances of the City and also in respect to consultation and advice on the filing of said complaints and in respect to the preparation of criminal complaints. SECTION 2. It is hereby requested that the Board of Super- visors of Los Angeles County approve and authorize the performance of this service subject to those terms and conditions set forth in said written agreement herein before referred to. SECTION 3. The Clerk is directed to.forward a certified copy of this Resolution to the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors. august.. 1959 ADOPTED AND APPROVED this 4th day of Mayor. ATTEST: Nity cierk APPROVED By,, . OF SUPERVISORS ADG111959 !. In Bcrdon L N'svf� Chief Clor.< ?I CITY OF ROSEMEAD • • 77 RESOLUTION NO.: 17 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DESIGNATING THE ROAD.CQMMISSIONER OF.THE COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES AS SUPERINTENDENT OF STREETS'OF THE CITY OF . ROSEAMAD . THE CITY,, COUNCIL OF THE CITY'OF RQSEMEAA DOES.RESOLVE` AS.•FOLLOWS: .. SECTION,d., :The Road ,Commissioner -of •the'•County, of .Los An'jeles'is her eby'designated 'and'appointed'Superintendent of', Streets ,of, the,.City of ,..RbSFMFAn. and is authorized to act as the agen Z "said City'for the ''purpose of..,approving.requests, and services within the jurisdiction of the'County Road Commissioner and defined`'in the Street Maintenance Agreement •between.•the City :of, RO,SF.WAn', and the County of Los Angeles. ADOPTED AND APPROVED THIS hth day; of August 1459 ay or ATTEST, I HEREBY•CERTIFY that the•foregoing,,is , a true -and cor -,. rect copy of Resolution `No. ..,•.passed and.adopted by the . City Council of ;the City.,of at a. regular meeting.'thereof , .• held:on, e;: day:-Et -4 tltxgust a 19-- APPROVED' BY BOARD .Of SUPERVISORS --f-City Clef AUG 111959 4: 6o, don, T. Nesvig . ' 'Chief Clerk - - CITY OF ROSEMEAD • RESOLUTION NO. 21 • 7� A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WE= T; F RE CONTRACT FOR BUSINESS LICENSE COLLECTION ENFORCEMENT SERVICES OF THE COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSE MEAD DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. The City Council of the City of ROSEIMEAD pursuant to the terms and provisions of that written agreement entitled "General Services' dated August 4s 1959 entered into by and between the County "of Los Angeles and the City, does hereby request the County of Los Angeles to provide business license collection, investigation and enforcement services when requested by the City, together with other services necessarily related thereto. SECTION 2. It is hereby;requested that the Board of Super- visors of the County of Los Angeles approve and authorize the performance of services requested in Section 1 of this resolution, subject to those terms and conditions set forth in said "General Services" agreement. SECTION 3. The City Clerk is directed to forward a certifi- fied copy of this resolution to the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors. PASSED AND APPROVED this th day of August, 1959 ATTEST: Cl Clerk v s Mayor APPROVFM BY BOARD (J S„rt,'iViSORS AUG 1 1 195,9, �P� 7o Gc;don T. Nesvip Chief Clark CITY OF ROSEMEAD • • RESOLUTION NUMBER4 % y A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TIE CITY OF nnrP.Awan APPOINTING THE COUNTY ENGINEER OF THE COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES AS THE CITY ENGINEER OF THE CITY OPcxst Lunn The City Council of the City of gmIn+ nn does hereby resolve as follows: Section 1. The County Engineer of the County of Los Angeles is hereby appointed as the City Engineer of the City of ROSEDFen for.the purpose of performing those engineering functions which may be requested by the City Council, and approved by the Board of Supervisors of Los Angeles County pursuant to the General Services Agreement or other agreements between the City and the County. Adopted and approved this 1,jh day of nu9ust 195-9L--- Mayor of th City of AMPP G'nn ATTEST: My Clerk of t e Ci of • + E_ I hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly passed by the City Council of the City of ROSWEAD at a regular meeting thereof held this 4th day of Auguste_, 195. APPROVED BY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS - -v v AUG 111959 City Clerk, City of�„ Aj, ./;�I Gcrdon T. N =svig Chief Clork CITYyOF ROSEMEAD RESOLUTION NO. 2$ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL'OF THE CITY OF RMIMD AUTHORIZING AND REQUESTING THE COUNTY ENGINEER TO PERFORM CERTAIN SERVICES THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY.OF DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. The City Council of the City of T3ti6G�3A€� hereby requests the following designated services to be performed by the County Engineer on behalf of said City, all pursuant to the terms and provisions of the General Services Agree j�ent which said ..City entered into with the County of Los Angeles on AuSUM `+ Z9,, Civil l- Engineering work within the scope -af the duties of the County - Engineer and the collection, as agent of the.City, of all fees and /or deposits therefor imposed by said City or which the City is entitled to collect. i .Said services are to. be performed upon direction of the.City OM= i .SECTION 2. The :City Cler #k .shall certify to the adoption of this resolution and shall transmit a certified copy thereof to the County of Los Angeles. APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 4tb day of AUSUSto 1958 Y r /. a"YK BY BARD OF SUPERVISORS AUG 111959 ,J� Gordon T. N I HEREBY certify that tWe. Ming resolution was duly ogte the -City Council of the City of �,ctC.wi at a regular meeting thereof held on the day ofZi r 97 Cify Clerk CITY OF ROSE • RESOLUTION NO. 9f A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSMAD AUTHORIZING FILING OF DOCUMENTS WITH STATE AND COUNTY OF AND OFFICERS THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMD DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. The Mayor of the City of ROSEMEAD ,the City Clerk pro Tempore; the City Attorney, and the Secretary of the City Council are each appointed the authorized agent of the City of RO6E&TLAD for the filing with such offices and officers of the Sae of California and of the County of Los Angeles of certified copies of Ordinances and Resolutions and such other documents as may be required, for the proper and efficient conduct of City business. ADOPTED AND APPROVED this 4th day of Audupt, 1952.• Mayor APPROVED BY ATTEST: BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AUG 111959 City Clerk�' r .� Gordon T. Nesvig I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing is a Vrue•ierk and correct copy of a Resolution passed and adopted by the City Council of the City ofROSEI D at a regular meeting thereof held on the 4th day of Aujost, , 1959 - Cit Clerk 0 ,i RESOLUTION NO. ?— A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CONCERNING PERFORMANCE OF CERTAIN GENERAL SERVIC FOR THE CITY OF BY THE;COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES AND AUTHOR- IZING EXETRWO A CONTRACT RELATING THERETO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF :f DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: s SECTION 1. The Mayor-of the'City of is hereby authorized to execute, for and in, behalf orqqPWy of , = a contract with the County of Los�Angeles providing for ce of general services to and for the City of by the OWNR County of Los Angeles, a true and,correct caid contract is.affixed hereto and reference to which is hereby made. ADOPTED AND APPROVED THIS ATTEST: City�Clerk I HEREBY CERTI and correct copy of a Resolu of 3 19. 9 , Mayor i that the foregoing is a true n passed and adopted by the City Council of the City of at a regular ReSENSAD meeting thereof held on the day of , 1• City Cler a CITY OF ROSEMEAD • y 71 RESOLUTION NO. 110 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD REQUESTING THE COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES, DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION, TO PROVIDE ROADSIDE TREE SERVICE INSIDE THE CITY LIMNS THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RED DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The City Council of the City of ROSE pursuant to the terms and provisions of that written agree- ment entitled, "General Services Agreement", dated the 44 h day of August 19_.59, entered into by and between the County of Los Angeles and said City, does hereby request the County of Los. Angeles to provide, through its Department.of Parks and Recreation, roadside tree service for the entire city. Said roadside tree service shall be provided on request from the City Council or its designated officer or agent. Section 2. It is hereby requested that the Board of Supervisors of Los Angeles County, or its designated agency or agent, approve and authorize the performance of the ser- vices requested in Section 1 of this resolution, subject to those terms and conditions set forth in and referred'to as "General Services Agreement ". Section 3. The City Clerk is hereby directed to for- ward certified copies of this resolution to the Chief Clerk of the Board of Supervisors. ADOPTED, SIGNED AND APPROVED THIS th day. of August. , 194 Mayor ATTEST: City 'Clerk APPROVED By BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AUG 1959 Vp V% A°_ -1 Gordon T. Ncsviq Chief clerk CITY OF ROSEMEAro q RESOLUTION NUMBER --- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RE CONTRACT FOR SUBDIVISION SERVICES SECTION 1. The City Council of tho City o$ C= pursuant to the toms and P OV o� o wrlMnUenerai Services AQroomont dated , entered into-by and••betgoon thb oufl yo o© ago es an the City, does hereby roquest tho•County oS Los Angolos to provido•throuah the Los Angeloo County Regional Planning Commission subdivision servloos 00 itO otaff and /or Subdivision Cc"u ttoo rolativo.to tho toslmloal 8roceasing of subdivision maps pertaining to proporty ulthin $h8 incorporated limits of the City, said serviceo providod being those requirod by the Subdivision Flap Act (Chaptor R, Part 2 of Division 4, of the Buoinoss and Prof000lono Oodo) and as also provided and defined by tho City lzlanioipal• ftd0o SECTION 2. It to hereby requested that tho Board 08 Supervisors of Los Angolan County approve and authorieo tho porformance of those terms and conditions set forth in,oaW aritton Oenorai Services Agroorpont. SECTION 3. The City Clork 10 directed to fort-,u%1 a certified copy of this resolution to the Clark of tho Bz3s8S of Supervisors. PASSED AND APPROVED this m ay of C ao d ATTZST: yor APPROVED BY BOARD Of SUPS ViSO3S ►I� AUG 111959 Gordon T. It ;avip shlot Clork Y . CITY OF ROSEMEAM0 �j I 1 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF reI � It " W, CONTRACT FOR ZONING AND PLANNING 'SERVICES OF THE LOS ANGELES COUNTY REGIONAL PLANNING COMMISSION THE'CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS:.- ' SECTION 1. The City Council of the City of ROS pursuant to the terms and provisions of that written agreement entitled; "General,Services" dated August 4. 1959 , entered into by and bet. wee­n the. County of Los Angeles and the City does'�- hereby; request , the" Count, off' Los `Angeles'.to' provide' through` the' Los Angeles'CountyaRegionalPlanning Commission planning, con -` sultant; "and specialized services "of. said 'Regional Planning Commission, including investigations;' advisory °services, and attendance 'at City hearings. when. ,re,ques,ted,,,and. technical processing of all matters, covering'master plans, subdivisions., precise plans; zone ,changes,, applications,for variances, excep- tions, conditional uses and special permits and.violations within the City ;whenever said' %s'e'rvices "have -been requested by'said'City. , 'SECTION 2.' ft 'is hereby requested 'that the:'Board"of Super7 visor,s','of'L'os Angeles County approve and authorize the performance of services re'quest'ed iri Section'1 of :this resolution, subject to i those' t'e'rms 'and' conditions; -•set forth in' said, "General Services" agreement. SECTION 3. The City"Clerk is'directed to' forward a certified copy of this resolution;to the Clerk of the Board':of "Supervis'ors. !PASSED AND APPROVED THIS nth day' of A "ugii §t, 1959 ATTEST: -Wty Cle May rgQoRDtAED. BY SUPERVISORS r AUG 1 11959 rk Gordon T. Nesvig Chief Clerk CITY OF ROSMCAD RESOLUTION NO • ?74 :A RESOLUTION OF'THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE'CITY'OF ROB04M AUTHORIZING.AND REQUESTING_THE „COUNTY G O” INTAIN:THE MASTER HOUSE NUMBERING.' MAP: WHEREAS, the City, of R06EATTAD. entered into 'a .General Service's -Agr'e'ement `with the .County. of "Los 'Angeles `ori AUqui §G it. 19rjq and WHEREAS,,'.aa d•'General Services.,Agreemeit authorizes Cou'nty'Idepartmentst.''t'o' perform various functions.upon'regtiest of the Gity.,Council'; and.. WHEREAS, 'the Engineer.has heretofore veer, desi,�- hated as the City Engineer of 'tlie `City. of RtaE&4EAtJ a ?�d: has further:<:,?eenl; mpowered ,to'issue. City,b }iildiiz permits; . NOW' THEREFORE;. E;, BE IT `.RESOLVED 'BY THE CITY ICOUNCIt' OF. ' " THE .OF` ;liCSEfMPJj ' :; s 'that thb County Engineer. be anC..: is hereby authorized•`and,` dire cted� to .maaiiitaiH: the•:inaster? house rnzmb'ering map rfor the Gi'ty 'of -' RCBEMb ° ';by making' such`,chan; es 'and addi";tions ',to •said ' map 'as may be:,necessary from !time to .time. ins• order ;to keep, said'., map ,t- date, and . :- IBE u ,IT- FURTHER.RESOLVED that the. Conty:Engineer keen ai accurate :re'cord'.'df °the'•costs-of :sald "mapping ,work anc "i submit bills' tp- the.,,City,,;of. in• accordance,with. said "General',Services• Agreement; ADOPTED THIS ' 1 }th day','of c� Jor of e:, i y.•,of.- RUSEMAD ATTEST: City CleiW of the ,. Gity of ifl6EPd"r.AD. AP^ OVED BY . . State 'of' California EC" ' i;E JUPERVISORS Cou�ty;of.;Los An eles: SS {:. :City .of r'3f1M A} AUG 111959 . ,. GoHoh T. N^_-sv;9 ChioftCtc.<. • .CITY OF.ROSEMEAD CSOLUTION N0,_ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF R9604BA8., ..,: PROVIDING FOR THE ENFORCEMENT OF LAWS AND REGULATIONS RELATING.TO PUBLIC HEALTH BY -THE COUNTY.HEALTH "OFFICER ,WITHIN THE CITY OF., WHEREAS, the Health and Safety Code.of the.,State:of- .California, Section 476, provides'. that "when.;the.,,governing body of .a city in the County,consents,by.res,olution or ordinance, the:county',health, offi cer shall enforce and „observe in the city.all of"the.following: (a) Orders, quarantine regulations, and• rules' prescribed .by.the State Department',,and other .regulations issued, under the provisions: Code; „ r (b) Statutes relating to the, public health.” y N OW,,THEREFORE, BE•IT RESOLVED that ,•the City 'of consent s and by this resolution does hereby consent:to orce- ment in the City of ' 1. 1 `" of such statutes, orders, regulations and rules Health Officer of Lo"s.Angeles County;,-" and, be it further' RESOLVED, that'a certified copy of this' resolution be served on: th`e :Clerk of. the'Board'of Superv_i °sors.of Los Angeles County on or before ' 19 and that a copy hereof be sent to the Sta. r'of Public Heth; THAT the Mayor shall sign thi's'jresolution and the City Clerk shall-attest and certify to the passage and,.adoption thereof, 'PASSED, APPROVED•AND"ADOPTED THIS day, of• -- ATT ST :' ay, J r , City Clerk/ APPROVED AS TO FORM:` ity Att6tney I HEREBY CERTIFY that,the foreg ing is a true and' corr,'eet copy of a resolution - passed and•adopted�b ' -.he City Coun,cil,of the City of ; at'a Yegular meeting thereof held' on the - '-day -of A�tgn'st , 1.9 " C