2000 - Kone Elevator Services - City Hall Elevator( Elevators Escalators KONE Inc. THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD One KONECourt PO Box 399 ROSEMEAD, CA 91770-0399 Moline, It. 61265 USA Tel800-956-KONE www.us.kone.com December 27, 2001 RE: KONE Contract 0040010886, Customer Number 0000169286 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 8838 E VALLEY BLVD ROSEMEAD, CA 91770 USA Dear Customer: KONE is proud to be your chosen provider for your elevator/escalator service needs. Continuing our relationship and providing you with First Service quality is our highest priority. Please note that we will be making an adjustment of your price by +2.95% on 2/1/02. This is in accordance with our agreement, and reflects changes in labor and/or material indexes. Thank you for your continued loyalty to KONE. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact your local account representative at 562-921-1555. Sincerely, KONE Elevators and Escalators Cc~( b 3W Nv Elevators Escalators FEBRUARYT 2000 0240-002754 KONE Inc., One KONE Court, Moline, Illinois 61265 THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD PO BOX 399 ROSEMEADv CA 91770-0399 NOTICE OF PRICE ADJUSTMENT ON ELEVATOR/ESCALATOR MAINTENANCE CONTRACT The terms of ou 1 r contract with you dated 01-01-79 provides for an automatic price adjustment at the end of each year period based on the cost of labor prevailing at the time. Since that period has now elapsed, we have adjusted our price, and the attached invoice is presented in keeping with this provision of our contract. This adjustment was computed as follows: A. Base Price since 01-01-99 B. Labor rate at 01-01-99 $ 82.20 C. Current labor rate cost D. Divide C by B equal % of labor change E. Adjusted Base Price = A x D% 36.250 $ 37.390 103.1 % $ 84.75 The amount shown on line E is the adjusted price of this contract exclusive of state and local taxes. It is guaranteed to hold firm according to the terms of the contract. We trust the above satisfactorily explains the price increase reflected in the attached invoice. Sincerely yours, KONE Inc. LOS ANGELES 12950 ALONDRA BOULEVARD CERRITOS♦ CA 90703 PHONE - 562-921-1555 CR-1912 - Rev. (01/00) ikv STATE OF CALIFORNIA Pete Wilson - Governor DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS October 6, 1995 Elevator Unit Division of Occupational Safety and Health 2100 E. Katella Ave. Suite 250 Anaheim, CA 92806 Phone: (714) 939-7741 Fax: (714) 939-8520 City of Rosemead 8838 E. Valley Blvd. Rosemead, CA. 91770 Attn: Donald Wagner ORDER TO CORRECT UNSAFE CONDITIONS OR TO SHOW CAUSE YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that an inspection of your Freight elevator State No. 46249 a place of employment located at: 8838 E. Valley Blvd.. Rosemead made on: 08-09-95 by Safety Engineer: R. Noble shows the existence of unsafe conditions which must be corrected as hereinafter appears. These unsafe conditions constitute a menace to the life or safety of any person or persons thereabouts and such places of violation of the laws of the State of California, and the Safety Rules of the Division of Occupational Safety and Health of the State of California. NOW, THEREFORE, YOU ARE HEREBY DIRECTED to comply with the requirements hereinafter set forth, and to notify this Division in writing to that effect on or before 11-0395 or to show cause in writing, on or before said date, to this Division at its office above noted, whereby an order should not be made forthwith by this Division, prohibiting the use of said equipment in its unsafe condition and directing the attachment to said equipment of a notice to such effect. If you desire an oral hearing before this Division upon said requirements, in place of the hearing in writing provided above, you are hereby directed to file a request in writing with the Division at its office above noted, for such oral hearing before said date. The requirements for the correction of these unsafe conditions appear on the attached sheets. The numbers following the requirements listed refer to sections of the California Code of regulations, Title 8, Title 24 (T24) or the Labor Code (LC) of the State of California. DIVISION OF OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH By LfJr~-,?Cf~ OW- A~Tafazoli - Senior Safety Engineer/rs t • DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS ELEVATOR UNIT Division of Occupational Safety and Health 2100 E. Katella Ave., Suite 250 Anaheim, CA 92806 Phone: (714) 939-7741 Fax: (714) 939-8520 City of Rosemead 8838 E. Valley Blvd. Rosemead, CA 91770 Attn: Donald Wagner A survey of your Freight Elevator State Number: 46249 located at: 8838 E. Valley Blvd.. Rosemead was made on: 8/09/95 by Safety Engineer: R. Noble August 18, 1995 PRELIMINARY ORDER Person contacted: Jan Saavedra (Secv.l COMPLIANCE DATE: 9/29/95 The conditions in need of correction are noted below and the numbfollowing the listed items, refer to sections of the California Code of Regula s a.We r Title 24), or the Labor Code. IL 0 1. The permit, or copy th reof, Tg opera-f an elevator shall be posted conspicuously and securely in the elevator 3001(c)(1) PLEASE NOTE: A copy of the valid permit must be posted inside the elevator car. Notification that compliance of all requirements on this Preliminary Order must be received in this office before the permit to operate will be issued. 2. A five (5) year-load test and if applicable other required tests shall be performed on the elevator. 30710) 3. The cab light shall be made to operate as intended. 3064 A post card is enclosed for your convenience. Notification that the listed items have been complied with must be received before the PERMIT TO OPERATE will be issued. Improperly completed cards will be discarded. NOTE: The invoice is being sent by separate mail. Fees are due IMMEDIATELY upon receipt of the invoice. If however, you do not receive an invoice within 10-days from the date of this letter, please contact this office immediately. Continued on next page... • • Page 2 State No. 46249 Notify the Division when work has been completed. NO PERMIT WILL BE ISSUED UNTIL FEES ARE PAID AND NOTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE RECEIVED. Al Tafazoli - Senior Safety Engineer/rs • • STATE OF CALIFORNIA Pete Wilson Governor Department of Industrial Relations DCVLS[ON OF OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH ELEVATOR, TRAMWAY, AND RIDE UNIT 1390 Market Street. Suite 1016 San Francisco. CA 94102-5304 Phone: (415) 557-2604 Fax: (415) 557-2332 December 30. 1992 CIRCULAR LETTER E-90-4 (Rcv- 12-92) TO: Building Owners and Managers. '-1Cvator Companies. Elevator Inspectors. and Others concerned SUBJECT: Elevator Permits California Labor Section 7314(d). states "Failure to pay fees within 60 days after notification shall constitute cause for the division to prohibit use of the elevator". To ensure safe operation, the elevator must be inspected by a representative of the Division or a certified inspector. If the inspection shows the elevator to be in compliance with the applicable Safety Orders and the fees are paid, a permit to operate will be issued. California Labor Code Section 7320, states "The division may assess a civil penalty of up to one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) against any person owning or having custody. management, or operation of an elevator, who operates the elevator without a permit or who fails to conspicuously post the permit in the elevator car. No penalty shall be assessed where a request for issuance or renewal of a permit has been made and the request has not been acted upon by the division"- A copy of the permit will be acceptable and is recommended- Those persons responsible for posting doe permit must develop a secure method of maintaining the permit in the elevator. A frame or window for displaying the permit need only be approximately 3 inches by 8 inches. since it is necessary to display only the bottom half of. the permit. The elevator permit provides essential information to the user. Shown on the permit are the location of the elevator. the owner's 1D, the permissible load in pounds and the number or persons allowed to ride the elevator. Should you have any questions about elevator inspections, feel free to contact the Divisions Elevator Unn office having jurisdiction. San Francisco Area Sacramento Area Oakland Area: Los Angeles Arefi Orange County Area: San Diego Area: (415) 557-1 1 30 (916) 263-2830 (510) 577-5150 (818) 901-5411 (714) 939-7741 (619) 637-5540 ~ W. E- McTternan Principal Safety Engineer DOSH - Elevator and Ride Unit State of California. Department of Industrial Relations Division of Occupational Safety and Health Elevator, Ride and Tramway Unit Five Year Hydraulic Test Report To comply with the Elevator Safety Orders Section 30710) this form shall be filled out and returned to the Elevator Unit Office by the compliance date shown on the Preliminary Order. If repairs, adjustments or replacements are needed for code compliance, they are to be completed before returning this form. Submitting a false report may cause another test to be witnessed by the Division. Location of Elevator Elevator State Number (CITY) (ZIP) Outside diameter of ram (STREET) Elevator rated load as shown on the data plate 30710)(1)(A)_ Elevator rated speed as shown on the data plate 30710)(1)(A)1 Elevator up speed with rated load 30710(I)(A)1. Elevator down speed with rated load 30710)(1)(A)2. Running P.S.I. with rated load Relief valve set (P.S.1.)3071(j)(1)(B) Relief valve sealed 30710)(1 Movement of elevator in 15 minutes with rated load 30710)(1)(C) (Movement greater than 1/4 inch is unacceptable without proper justification. Justification is to be completed on the reverse of this form) . The pressure switch, if provided, is in compliance 30710)(1)(D) The tag with proper information is securely attached to the pumping unit 30716)(2) The emergency service, if provided, is in compliance 30710(1 (See reverse side for guide for checking fireman's service) (signature) (printed name) (Position) (Company) (Date Test Completed) RETURN TO: DIVISION OF OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND EIEALTH ELEVATOR, RIDE AND TRAMWAY UNIT ANAHEIM DISTRICT OFFICE 2100 E. KATELLA AVENUE, SUITE 250 ANAHEIM, CA 92806 PLEASE NOTE: PLEASE HAVE BOTH SIDES OF THIS FORM FILLED OUT COMPLETELY. montgomery LOS ANGELES BRANCH 1345 W. 166TH STREET P.O. BOX 47000 GARDENA, CA 902474)998 2131 321-3763 CALIFORNIA CONTRACTORS LICENSE NO. 179166 Dear Customer: C May 18, 1993 In the past year there has been an alarming increase in liability claims due to elevator door related injuries. These claims have been made not only by the public using your elevator equipment, but, additionally, by a large percentage of building employees. We have attempted to contact our customers individually over the past two years to inform them of a new type of elevator door protection device that dramatically reduces the possibility of door related accidents. The device replaces the standard type door safety edge which must strike an object to reopen the door. If your elevator is equipped with photo-cell protection, the normal dual beam photo-cell is limited to protection at approximately 51, and 2911 above the elevator floor. The device we are promoting is solid state in design, it has no moving components and provides full door height protection through a series of infrared beams that make it virtually impossible for any object to be in the path of a closing elevator door. This door protection device known as ultra edge will fit almost any passenger elevator application and can be installed normally in less than one day. The cost of this item may range from one thousand eight hundred dollars ($1,800.00) to two thousand three hundred dollars ($2,300.00), depending on the application and location of your building. Please call Montgomery Elevator Company service location for additional information and a free estimate. We are concerned about your safety. Sincerely, MONTGOMERY ELEVA R COMPANY Bradle C. riford Senio Service Sales Engineer Montgomery Elevator Company • One Montgomery Court • Moline, Illinois 61265 3091764-6771 . Elevators & Escalators • FAX 309/757-1474 MANUFACTUR E RS OF • • PASSENGER _ AND i FREIGHT ELEVATORS ESCALATORS COMPLETE MAINTENANCE AND RE PAIN SERVICE IN montgomery, elevator company TO City of Rosemead moline, iII1t10Aril 9, 1991 8838 E. Valley Boulevard Rosemead, Ca 91770 - Attn: Donald J.'Wagner - ' WE PROPOSE: To perform the following tests on your elevator/s in line with standards set forth and required per Section 1005, ANSI A17.1. If test results show parts needing replacement or repair, a separate quotation will be prepared for your authorization. This proposal covers only the inspection test as outlined below. 1005.2a RELIEF VALVE - Check pressure release to be sure valve opening or pump cut-off pressure is no more than 125 percent of working pressure. 1005.2b CYLINDER LEAKAGE - Locate carat a convenient observation level, and open disconnect switch. After 15 minutes minimum time, note position of car as compared to initial level. A drop in elevation beyond that accountable to visible oil leakage or oil temperature change (shrink) will indicate cylinder or buried oil line leakage. 1005.2c ADDITIONAL INSPECTIONS AND TESTS - Following indicated devices shall be examined and tested as required: ❑ Normal and Final Terminal Stopping Devices (1002.2e) ❑ Simulated Elevator Operation Under Fire or Other Emergency Condition (1002.2f) ❑ Simulated Standby (Emergency) Power Operation (1002.2g) ❑ Emergency Terminal Speed Limit Device (305.2) ❑ Governors (1002.2c) ❑ Safeties (1002.2b) ❑ Oil Buffers (1002.2a) ❑ Power Operation for Doors (1002.2h) [x] Review Addendum #1 Please note that we will examine only the items indicated. We will not examine the balance of your elevator unless you specifically request us to do so. A separate proposal will be provided for such request. At the end of these tests, we will attach a metal tag, bearing Company name and test date to valve. Above tests will be performed on elevator/s located at. 8838 E. Valley -Boulevard, Rosemead, Ca. . Based on the work being performed during normal working hours, the price for these tests will be 7,30,.00.,( SEVEN- HUNDRED THIRTY AND NO/ 100 DOLLARS) It is further agreed and understood that MONTGOMERY ELEVATOR COMPANY is not responsible for any damages, either to the elevator equipment or to the building, or for any personal injury or death, arising from or resulting from these tests. Subject to the following terms and conditions, and additional terms and conditions on back hereof, all of which are hereby agreed to: It is expressly understood and agreed that all verbal agreements are void and that the acceptance of this proposal shall constitute the contract for the material and work specified above. Any changes to this contract must be made in writing signed by both parties. This contract is not binding upon MONTGOMERY ELEVATOR COMPANY until approved by one of its executive officers at Moline, Illinois.. This proposal and contract is hereby accepted. MONTGOMERY ELEVATOR COMPANY Date 19..... . Oa _ r~ FJrGJPS ....E . PRINT TYPp. SIGNATURE Branch ...,LoS AngeleS.___.__........,_,. 1345 W. 166th Street Garde a QA 24 B . . Bradley He rd, Service Sales Engineer Approved AUTHORIZED OFFICER Moline, Ill. Date . . Form I631 1 Year Re,. 7/8.5 ADDENDUM NO.1 - The-following items shall be performed -to be in compliance with State - of California Safety Order (Title 8), Section 3071 (j). . 1. . 3068 (b) (1) Relief Valve - In order to comply with required relief valve settings normal working pressure shall be determined by operating the elevator with rated load. - 2. 3068 (b) (1) (d) Relief Valve - Check pressure to be sure valve opening or pump cut-off pressure is no more than 125 percent of working pressure. - 3. 3068 (b) (1) (D) Relief Valve - Relief valves having exposed pressure adjustments, if used, will have their means of adjustment scaled after being set to the correct pressure. 4. 3071 (j) (1) (A) Elevator Up Speed - The rated speed as shown on the crosshead data plate will not be greater than 110 percent. of the actual 'speed in the up direction with the rated load on the car. 5. 3071 (j) (1) (B) Elevator Down Speed - The 2x11 load "down" speed shall not be greater than 125 percent of the rated speed as shown on - - the crosshead:data plate.. - 6. 3071 .(J) (1) (B) (3) Cylinder Leakage - When-the car with rated . load is stopped at some elevation in the hoistway for a period of 15 minutes, and with the power disconnected, the elevator does not move (drift or creep). Any change in car position which cannot be accounted for by visible oil leakage or liquid temperature change indicates a problem and the need for further inspection, test or repairs. 7. 3071 (j) (1) (B) (5) Emergency. Service - (Fire Service ) The operation required by section 3041 (c), 3071 (1), if provided, is functioning and'is in compliance with'section 3041 (c)-. montgomery LOS ANGELES BRANCH 1345 W. 166TH STREET P.O. BOX 47000 GARDENA, CA 90247-0998 213/321-3763 CALIFORNIA CONTRACTORS LICENSE NO. 179166 April 5, 1991 City of Rosemead 8838 E. Valley Blvd. Rosemead, Ca 91770 Re: Hydraulic Elevator Dear Customer: 0 Every five (5) years, the State of California Elevator Safety Division requires each hydraulic elevator to have a rated full load test performed on it. Our records, however, indicate that your elevator has not been load tested in the last five (5) years. The five year safety load test is to insure the hydraulic system functions properly, should an emergency situation develop. At the time of the test, a metal tag is attached with our company name and test date. The test will enable you to be in compliance with the State of California Elevator Code and will insure that your elevator is in safe operating condition. If our proposal meets with your favorable review and subsequent approval, please sign and return one (1) copy to our office. We will contact you in advance as to when the test has been scheduled, so you can notify those in the building that the elevator will be out of service approximately one half day. Thank you for considering our proposal, and if any questions should arise, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, MONTGOMERY ELEVATOR COMPANY Bradley He rd Service Sale Engineer cc: 240-2754 Montgomery Elevator Company / Elevators & Escalators / Moline, Illinois 61265 309 / 764-6771 STATE OF CALIFORNW Geo3Me Deukmejian, Governor DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS Elevator Unit Division of Occupational Safety and Health 6150 Van Nuys.Blvd., Room 405 Van Nuys, CA 91401 PHONE: (818) 901-5411 November 8, 1989 Rosemead City Hall 8838 East Valley Boulevard Rosemead, CA 91770 Attention: Donald J. Wagner StECFfVCn AM NOVA, rv3 ~ ORDER TO CORRECT UNSAFE CONDITIONS OR TO SHOW CAUSE YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that an inspection of your Freight Elevator No. 46249 a place of employment located at 8838 East Valley Boulevrd, Rosemead made on 9-8-89 by Safety Engineer R. Ibrahim shows the existence of unsafe conditions which must be corrected as hereinafter appears. These unsafe conditions constitute a menace to the lives or safety of any person or persons thereabout and such places of employment, machines, devices or apparatus, are being operated or used in violation of the laws of the State California, and the Safety Rules and Orders of the Division of Occupational Safety and Health of the State of California. NOW, THEREFORE, YOU ARE HEREBY DIRECTED to comply with the requirements hereinafter set forth, and to notify this Division in writing to that effect on or before November 27, 1989 , or to show cause in writing, on or before said date, to this Division at its office above noted, why an order should not be made forthwith by this Division, prohibiting the use of said equipment in its unsafe condition and directing the attachment to said equipment of a notice to such effect. If you desire an oral hearing before this Division upon said requirements, in place of the hearing in writing provided above, you are hereby directed to file a request in writing with the Division at its office above noted, for such oral hearing before said date. The requirements for the correction of these unsafe conditions appear on the attached sheets. The numbers following the requirements listed refer to sections of the California Administrative Code, Title 8, Title 24 (T24), or the Labor Code (LC) of the State of California. /lk DIVISION F-0 CUPATIONAL SAFETY & HEALTH By _ G. J. Sc ermer, Senior Safety Engineer STATE OF CALIFORIA • DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS Division of Occupational Safety and Health Elevator Unit 6150 Van Nuys Blvd., Room 405 Van Nuys, CA 91401-3379 PHONE: (818) 901-5411 September 22, 1989 Rosemead City Hall 8838 East Valley Boulevard Rosemead, CA 91770 PRELIMINARY ORDER Attention: Donald J. Wagner A survey of your Freight Elevator State Number 46249 located at 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead was made on 9-8-89 by Safety Engineer R. Ibrahim The conditions in need of correction are noted below and were explained to - - - The numbers following the,listed items refer to sections of the California Administrative Code (Title 8 or Title 24), or the Labor Code. i 1. The lamps in the car shall be installed behind a protective cover. 3064 2. Repair or replace hoistway door closer at the landing dock.. 3057 THIS IS A SECOND NOTICE. 3. All automatic elevators shall have not less than one sign at each landing, printed on a contrasting background, in letters not less than 1/2 inch high, to read: "In case of fire use stairway for exit. Do not use elevator." 3071(1)(1) 4. Provide guard for pit light and car top light. 3112 E620 A post card is enclosed for your convenience. Notification that the listed items have been . Compliance date 10-23-89 /lk Continued on next page Rosemead City Hall Page 2 September 22, 1989 REQUIREMENTS FOR PASSENGER ELEVATOR NO. 46249 - CONTINUED complied with must be provided before the PERMIT TO OPERATE will be issued. Improperly completed cards will be discarded . Notify the Division when the work is completed. NO PERMIT WILL BE ISSUED UNTIL NOTIFICATION HAS BEEN RECEIVED. PLEASE FORWARD INSPECTION REPORT TO YOUR ELEVATOR COMPANY IF THE REQUIREMENT(S) IS TO BE COMPLETED BY THEM. G. J. Schermer Senior Safety Engineer Elevator Unit /lk STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS Division of Occupational Safety and Health Elevator Unit 6150 Van Nuys Blvd., Room 405 Van Nuys, CA 91401-3379 PHONE: (818) 901-5411 September 22, 1989 Rosemead City Hall PRELIMINARY 8838 East Valley Boulevard ORDER Rosemead, CA 91770 Attention: Donald J. Wagner A survey of your Freight Elevator State Number 46249 located at 8838 East Vall was made on 9-8-89 Boulevard, Rosemead by Safety Engineer R. Ibrahim The conditions in need of correction are noted below and were explained to - - - The numbers following the listed items refer to sections of the California Administrative Code (Title 8 or Title 24), or the Labor Code. 1. The lamps in the car shall be installed behind a protective cover. 3064 2. Repair or replace hoistway door closer at the landing dock. 3057 THIS IS A SECOND NOTICE. 3. All automatic elevators shall have not less than one sign at each landing, printed on a contrasting background, in letters not less than 1/2 inch high, to read: "In case of fire use stairway for exit. Do not use elevator." 3071(1)(1) 4. Provide guard for pit light and car top light. 3112 E620 A post card is enclosed for your convenience. Notification that the listed items have been Compliance date 10-23-89 /lk Continued on next page Rosemead City Hall Page 2 September 22, 1989 REMENTS FOR PASSENGER ELEVATOR NO. 46249 - CONT complied with must be provided before the PERMIT TO OPERATE will be issued. Improperly completed cards will be discarded . Notify the Division when the work is completed. NO PERMIT WILL BE ISSUED UNTIL NOTIFICATION HAS BEEN RECEIVED. PLEASE FORWARD INSPECTION REPORT TO YOUR ELEVATOR COMPANY IF THE REQUIREMENT(S) IS TO BE COMPLETED BY THEM. { G. J. Schermer Senior Safety Engineer Elevator Unit /lk STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS Division of Occupational Safety and Health Elevator Unit 6150 Van Nuys Blvd., Room 405 Van Nuys, CA 91401-3379 PHONE: (818) 901-5411 San Diego Tel: (619) 237-7737 August 5, 1988 Rosemead City Hall 8838 East Valley Boulevard Rosemead, CA 91770 PRELIMINARY ORDER Attention: Donald J. Wagner A survey of your Freight Elevator State Number 46249 located at 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead was made on 5-19=88 by Safety Engineer C. Giacoma The conditions in need of correction are noted below and were explained to Jan, Secretary Compliance date 9-5-88 The numbers following the listed items refer to sections of the California Administrative Code (Title 8 or Title 24), or the Labor Code. 1. Repair or replace the hoistway door closer at the loading dock. 3020(b)(13) 2. The lamps in the car shall be installed behind a protective cover. 3064 3. Clear access shall be maintained to the hoistway entrance at the top landing. 3057 A post card is enclosed for your convenience. Notification that the listed items have been complied with must be provided before the PERMIT TO OPERATE will be issued. Improperly completed cards will be discarded . Notify the /mc Continued on next page Rosemead City Hall Page 2 August 5, 1988 REQUIREMENTS FOR FREIGHT ELEVATOR NO. 46249 - CONTINUED Division when the work is completed. NO PERMIT WILL BE ISSUED UNTIL NOTIFICATION HAS BEEN RECEIVED. PLEASE FORWARD INSPECTION REPORT TO YOUR ELEVATOR COMPANY IF THE REQUIREMENT(S) IS TO BE COMPLETED BY THEM. G. Schermer Senior Safety Engineer Elevator Unit /mc 4 • P; I,i 1 EXAMINATION,r I - OIL AND GREASE SERVICE AGREEMENT Under the terms and conditions of this contract, we will examine the elevator equipment herein described, using skilled maintenance men under our supervision. • This service shall include the labor necessary for the making of Quarterly examinations of the elevator, including cleaning and oiling machine, motor, signal de- vices, interlocks and controller; greasing or oiling guides; necessary minor adjustments at the time of the regular examinations and furnish the necessary oils and greases, rope preservatives and wiping cloths. This proposal does not include examinations to hoistway enclosures, doors, hangers or closers. - No work, parts or supplies, except those specified herein, will be furnished under this agreement. All work is to be performed during regular working hours of regular working days, of the elevator trade, unless otherwise specified. Should call back service or repairs be re- quired, you will be billed for labor and material at our regular billing rate. The parties hereto recognize that elevators are mechanical and electrical devices, and, like any such devices in normal operation and with passage of time, are subject to wear and tear, deterioration and possible malfunction through use, fatigue, corrosion, dust, abuse, etc. The purpose of this agreement is to reduce wear and prolong the useful life of moving parts through proper lubrication and examination. We undertake to perform these services in conformity with the usual applied standards but no guarantee is made that all defects have been found. El Form 1426 r ~h 0 The schedule below lists items which are considerably worn, and which will require re- placement soon. We are accepting them in their present state in order to provide you with the maximum service from these items, with the understanding that, in addition to the base price stated in this Agreement, you agree to pay us an additional amount at the time the listed items are first replaced. The additional charge for this replacement will be determined by pro-rating the total cost of replacing the individual items. You agree to pay for that portion of the items used prior to the date of this contract and we agree to pay for that portion used since the date of this contract. SCHEDULE PART TO BE PRO-RATED PART NAME DATE OF ORIGINAL INSTALLATION NONE Montgomery Elevator Company shall not be obligated to make other safety tests, or to install new attachments whether or not recommended or directed by insurance com- panies, or by federal, state, municipal, or other governmental or non-governmental author- ities. Montgomery Elevator Company shall not be required to make renewals or repairs necessitated by the negligence, misuse or obsolescence of the equipment or any other cause beyond its control except ordinary wear and tear. Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to mean that Montgomery Elevator Com- pany, assumes any liability for damages or otherwise on account of accidents to persons or property, including but not limited to accidents arising or resulting from the overloading and/or misloading of any elevator or other device covered by this contract, beyond its rated capacity. You shall be solely responsible for supervising the use of the equipment and you shall provide whatever attendent personnel, warning signs and other controls and cautions that may be required or desirable to insure safe operation. You shall at all times be solely liable for the operation of the equipment and you shall indemnify, protect and save harmless Montgomery Elevator Company from and against liabilities, losses and claims of any kind or nature imposed on, incurred by, or asserted against Montgomery Elevator Company arising out of the active or passive negligence of Montgomery Elevator Company in any way connected with the use or operation of the equipment. You hereby waive any and all rights of recovery, arising as a matter of law or otherwise which you might now or hereafter have against Montgomery Elevator Company. J Neither Montgomery Elevator Company nor its affiliates shall be liable for any loss, damage, detention or delay caused by accidents, strikes, lockouts, material shortages or by any other cause which is beyond its reasonable control, or in any event, for inci- dental or consequential damages. Montgomery Elevator Company shall not be liable for any work, service or material other than that specifically mentioned herein. Farm 1427 Rev 5179 PURCHASER: • The City of Rosemead 8838 E. Valley Blvd. Rosemead, CA 91770 4 Contract Number Submission Date Jan. 25, 1980 Effective Date Feb. 1, 1980 Attn: Steve Natoli MAKE Passenger Freight ESCALATOR OTHER Traction Hydro Traction Hydro Montgomery 1 eat y MONTGOMERY ELEVATOR COMPANY, in consideration of $ 45.20 payable by you m rrrertthty- fy in advance, hereby agrees to furnish services as herein described on the above equipment located at 8838 E. Valley Blvd. Rosemead, CA 91770 At the termination of each one-year period from the date of submission of this Agreement, the price will be automatically adjusted upward or downward by Montgomery Elevator Company in an amount equal to the percentage increase or decrease in Montgomery Elevator Company's cost of labor for the services to be rendered. You shall pay, in addition to the price, any tax imposed upon you by any existing or future law and the • amount of any tax imposed upon us, our suppliers or you under any statute, court decision, rule or regu- lation becoming effective after the date of this proposal which is based upon or incident to the transfer, use, ownership or possession of the materials or equipment involved in the performance hereof or the services rendered, hereunder. You shall at all times and at your own cost, maintain comprehensive bodily injury and property damage insurance (naming Montgomery Elevator Company as an additional insured), including bodily injury and property damage caused by the ownership, use or operation of the equipment described herein. The service specified herein will be furnished from the effective date above stated, and shall continue thereafter until this Agreement is terminated. Either party may terminate this Agreement as of any anni- versary date thereof, by giving to the other party Ninety (90) days written notice prior to any anniversary date of the Agreement of its intention to terminate. • This proposal, and the acceptance thereof, shall constitute, exclusively and entirely, the Agreement for the service described, and all prior representations of agreements relating thereto, whether written or verbal, shall be deemed to be merged herein and no changes in or additions to this Agreement shall be binding upon Montgomery Elevator Company until approved by one of its executive officers at Moline, Illinois. Respectfully submitted, MONTGOMERY ELEVATOR COMPANY Los Angeles Office 1145 w- 166th-St- Addres arde a C 2,0247 ACCEPTANCE: The foregoing proposal and con- I tract is hereby signed and accepted in triplicate. By aCk O'Donnell, Servile Date PROVED: Coordinator ONTGOMERY ELEVATOR COMPANY Ci € Roseme Purchaser' L .1 are By Sign eof AUlharizetl OHici ntl Title Moline, Illinois; Date: 1428-1 Yr. `sky 8818 E.VALLEY BOULEVARD ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA 91770 its osemead March 8, 1979 Mr. R. W. Beath, Senior Safety Engineer Elevator Section Division of Occupational Safety and Health Administration 3460 Wilshire Blvd., Room 307 Los Angeles, California 90010 Dear Mr. Beath: (2)3) 288-6671 The Elevator, #46249, located within Rosemead City Hall at 8838 East Valley Boulevard was serviced on October 27, 1978 by the Montgomery Elevator Company. To our knowledge, the following two items listed in your letter of December 22, 1978 were corrected: A). Adjust hoistway door contact at the lower leval so car can get away from the landing 3021(B) B) Means shall be provided to collect excessive liquid from the cylinder head 306,9(B) , Enclosed you will find copies of the correspondence from your office reqardinq this matter. Should you have any further .questions, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Sincerely, FRANK G. TRIPEPI City Manager MARTIN R. LOMELI Administrative Assistant MRL:jd MAYOR: GARY A. TAYLOR MAYOR PRO TEM: MARVIN J. CICHY COUNCILMEN: HERBERT R. HUNTER JAY T. IMPERIAL LOUIS TORY, JR. 77, 5' - 30111 STATE OF CALIFORNIA EDMUND G. BROWN JR., Governor DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS DIVISION OF OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY FCElVE®(Ow' AND HEALTH ADMINISTRATION D ADDRESS REPLY TO: 3460 WILSHIRE BLVD., ROOM 307 CITY OF ROSEMEA LOS ANGELES, CA 90010 3460 WILSHIRE BLVD.. ROOM 307 LOS ANGELES. CA 90010 February 27, 1979 Rosemead City Hall 8838 East Valley Boulevard Rosemead, CA 91776 FED PIA A,SL9I10dL1t11g2i3L4i5F6 !3 Elevator: 46249 Location: 8838 East Valley Boulevard Rosemead Gentlemen The subject elevator was inspected on 11-3-78 by a representative of the Division and, as a result of this inspection, a report listing certain requirements for the correction of unsafe conditions was forwarded to you. These requirements must be complied with before the required elevator operating permit can be issued. The Division has not been notified that the requirements have been complied with or that satisfactory arrangements for compliance have been made. Unless such notification is received within fifteen (15) days, it will be necessary to proceed with further action to obtain compliance. For your convenience, the space below may be used for your reply. Your prompt attention to this matter will be sincerely appreciated. If you have notified us within the past few days, you may disregard this letter. very truly yours K. R. W. Beath Senior Safety Engineer Elevator Section /REPLY: S.677 December 22, 1978 Rosemead City Hall `3838 last Valley Boulevard Rosemead, CA 91770 Freight Elevator No. 46249 at 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead G. J. Schermer 1.1-3-78 Jack O'Donnell - :Montgomery Elev. 1-22-79 1. Adjust hoistway door contact at the lower level so car can get from the landing. 3021 (b). away 2. ;Means Shall be provided to collect excessive liquid from the c 3069 (b), yliader head. R. 10. Beath Senior Safety Engineer Elevator Section /to