CC - Item 6D - Sister City Committees PolicyROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT TO: MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: JEFF ALLRED, CITY MANAGER DATE: SEPTEMBER 8, 2009 SUBJECT: SISTER CITY COMMITTEES POLICY SUMMARY The City of Rosemead has established ongoing "sister city" relationships with Keelung, Taiwan and Zapopan, Mexico. At the request of interested citizens, a policy statement has been prepared for the formation and operation of separate citizen-based sister city committees for each sister city. The proposed policy statement calls for City Council appointment of an Executive Board for each sister city committee comprised of volunteer citizens who will guide and oversee the committee's activities. The policy also encourages the formation of independent private non-profit organizations to raise funds and finance sister city exchange activities. In accordance with direction provided at the August 25th City Council meeting, the proposed policy statement includes language to prohibit City expenditures related to sister city travel and activities by individuals, including members of City committees and the City Council. The document has also been amended to include additional language recommended by the City Attorney. (Note that the additions to the text is underlined.) Staff Recommendation Staff recommends that the City Council approve the proposed policy for Sister City Committees. ANALYSIS For many years, the City of Rosemead has fostered "sister city" relationships with Keelung, Taiwan and Zapopan, Mexico. However, official policies and an organizational structure for the operation of sister city activities have never been established. Recently, Rosemead citizens and business people with interests and ties to Keelung, Taiwan have requested the formation of a committee under the City's organizational structure. With the input from several interested individuals, the proposed Sister City Committees policy statement has been developed. The proposed policy statement includes the APPROVED FOR CITY COUNCIL AGENDA: ITEM NO. (oD City Council Meeting June 13, 2006 Paqe 2 of 2 following components. • Separate sister city committees will be authorized by the City Council for each respective sister city. • One of the objectives of the sister city committees will be to encourage the formation of supporting private non-profit organizations with IRS 501 c status for the purpose of fundraising and financing of sister city exchange activities. • The City Council will appoint five individuals from the community to serve as volunteer Executive Board members on staggered four-year terms to guide the efforts of each respective sister city committee. • In addition to the five Executive Board members on each sister city committee, an unlimited number of other interested individuals within the community may apply for membership and participate in a sister city committee. • Meetings of a sister city committee will be called and noticed in compliance with the City Clerk's office and in compliance with the Brown Act. Upon City Council approval of the policy statement, the City Clerk will provide public notice of the respective Sister City Committee Executive Board openings. The City Council will then make appointments from the list of applicants. FINANCIAL REVIEW The approval of the proposed policy will not have any immediate direct financial impact on the City. PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. Attachment: City Council Policy on Sister City Committees E~ CITY OF ROSEMEAD ° Administrative Policy Manual City Council Policy SUBJECT: SISTER CITY COMMITTEES Policy Number: _ Date Established: Date Revised: City Council Approval: PURPOSE: To establish guidelines for the appointment and administration of Sister City Committees to promote cultural, educational, humanitarian and economic exchange in order to strengthen relationships and foster an environment of communication, understanding and friendship between Rosemead and its "sister cities." Such committees shall function in an advisory role to the City Council, and shall have no authority to bind the City in any way. GENERAL POLICY The City shall establish and maintain a separate volunteer Sister City Committee for each "sister city" that has been officially designated and approved by the City Council. Therefore, separate and distinct Sister City Committees are established to include: Keelung, Taiwan Sister City Committee Zapopan, Mexico Sister City Committee These committees shall operate independently of one another under the general direction and oversight of the City Council. As advisory bodies to the City Council, Sister City Committees shall have no authority to bind the City in any way. PROVISIONS Objective of Sister City Committees In addition to the purpose described above, a primary objective of each Sister City Committee is the formation of a group of committed volunteers dedicated to raising funds through private donations and grants to finance and administer cultural, educational, humanitarian and economic exchanges between Rosemead and its Sister City. This objective can best be accomplished through the formation and on-going operation of an independent private, non-profit organization with 501 (c) status. In the event of the formation of a private non-profit organization, the Sister City Committee shall work in conjunction with that entity in accomplishing the purposes of the committee. However, the city shall bear no financial responsibilities associated with the formation of such entities or their annual reporting obligations. City Payment of Expenses Prohibited Travel expenses to and from Rosemead's Sister Cities and related expenditures on behalf of individuals, including members of Sister City committees and the City Council, will not be paid by the City. Page 1 of 4 Page 2 of 4 Policy Contents of the Administrative Policv Manual Sister City Committee Executive Boards The City Council shall appoint five (5) individuals to guide the efforts of each respective Sister City Committee. A. Qualifications for Appointment Executive Board members shall reside or work in Rosemead. B. Terms Executive Board members shall be appointed by the City Council to serve four (4) year terms on a staggered basis. C. Conflict of Interest Reporting Executive Board members shall be subject to the City's Conflict of Interest policies including Form 700 reporting. D. Removal from Office Sister City Executive Board members may be removed by the City Council in accordance with Section 5 of this policy. 4. Sister City Committee Membership A. No limits on Membership and Participation - In addition to Executive Board members, membership of Sister City Committees shall be open to at-large participation. There is no cap on the number of individuals that can serve on a Sister City Committee, provided that said members abide by the attendance policy set forth in Section 5(B)(iv) below. B. Qualifications for Membership - Membership in a Sister City Committee shall be open to any person residing, working, studying, or having a sustainal vested interest in Rosemead. Prospective members should posses a desirable attributes or experience that may benefit the committee. C. Application Process - Any person interested in furthering the purposes of a Sister City Committee may become a member by submitting a completed application for membership, attending at least one regular meeting as a visitor, and receiving an affirmative vote by a majority of the respective Sister City Executive Board. Once a member has been accepted to the Committee, he/she is a representative of the committee and the City and is expected to abide by all committee guidelines and policies. 5. Revocation of Membership A. Committee members will forfeit their office for excessive absences as defined by Section 5(B)(iv) below. Attendance policies shall be enforced and notification made by the respective Sister City Committee Executive Board. Page 3 of 4 Policy Contents of the Administrative Policy Manual B. Members of a Sister City Committee (including Executive Board Members) shall be subject to removal by motion of the City Council adopted by at least three (3) affirmative votes. The membership of any member may be revoked for any of the following reasons: The member no longer meets the qualifications for membership as set forth in Section 4B Membership. ii. The member has willfully failed and refused to be governed by the guidelines and actions of the Executive Board. iii. The member is determined to have committed moral turpitude or conduct as to adversely reflect upon the committee. iv. Failure to regularly attend meetings; more than two successive unexecused absences shall be grounds for revocation of membership. 6. Officers A. All officers of a Sister City Committee shall be elected by a majority of the Executive Board members. Officers shall serve for one year. B. Officers of a Sister City Committee shall be the Chair, Vice Chair, and Correspondence Secretary/Historian. The Chair of a Sister City Committee must also be an Executive Board member appointed by the City Council. C. The Mayor of the City of Rosemead and the City Manager ordesignee shall be ex- officio members of a Sister City Committee. D. The major responsibilities of committee officers are as follows: The Chair shall preside over all committee meetings, confer with city staff on agendas, work with committee members to set goals, objectives, projects and strategies, serve as a contact with officials and involved parties in the Sister City, interface with sub-committees, and coordinate committee activities with city staff and council. ii. The Vice-Chair shall assume the duties of the Chair in his or her absence, and work with the Chair to define strategic goals. iii. The Correspondence Secretary/Historian shall send thank you notes to contributors of goods and services, coordinate with Cty staff, communicate with Committee members and maintain lines of communication and correspondence with contacts in the Sister City. The Correspondence Secretary/Historian shall also keep and update a photo and narrative history of Sister City events. Page 4 of 4 Policy Contents of the Administrative Policy Manual iv. The nomination and election of officers shall take place at the July meeting. Officers shall assume their office immediately. Notice of changes to elected Sister City Committee officers shall be provided in writing to the City Clerk as soon as practical. 7. Meetings A. Meetings of a Sister City Committee shall be called and noticed in cooperation with the City Clerk's office in compliance with the Brown Act. B. For purposes of achieving a quorum, any Sister City Committee meeting must have at least three (3) appointed members of the Executive Board present. There shall be no voting by proxy. C. Regular Sister City Committee meetings shall be held at the discretion of the Chair and in compliance with the Brown Act. In no event shall a Sister City Committee meeting be held less frequently then every six (6) months. Future New Sister City Relationships Criteria and Information for selecting future Sister City relationships by the City Council include: A. Economic opportunities to facilitate and encourage trade of goods and services between businesses of Rosemead and Rosemead friendship or sister cities. B. Cultural and Educational reciprocity to promote the exchange of performing and visual arts and to encourage ongoing academic interaction between cities. C. Historical significance that may link the cities. D. Areas of opportunity that benefit both cities. E. Humanitarian efforts directed toward promoting the health, happiness, self- sufficiency and general welfare of the community. F. Prospects for raising funds and/or obtaining grants from private sources to finance cultural, educational and economic exchange activities.