CDC - Item 2A - Minutes 08-25-09Minutes of the COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION MEETING August 25, 2009 The regular meeting of the Rosemead Community Development Commission was called to order by Chairwoman Clark at 6:05 p.m. in the Rosemead City Hall Chamber located at 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California. The pledge allegiance and the invocation were waived given that there were conducted during the Rosemead Housing Development Corporation held at 6.00 p.m., the same day.'; ROLL CALL OF OFFICERS PRESENT: Chairwoman Margaret Clark, Vice=Chairman Gary Taylor, Commissioner Sandra Armenta, Commissioner Polly Low, and Commissioner Steven Ly. ABSENT: NONE OFFICIALS PRESENT: Executive Director Allred, Agei Hawkesworth, Community Development Director Saek( Recreation Montgomery-Scott, Economic Development Molleda. ey Montes, Assistant of Finahce Brisco, Dii ,atorRamirez. and Cc irks and Secretary 1. PUBLIC COMMENTS FROM THE None 2. CONSENT CALENDAR A. Minutes r August 11, 2009 -'"R( B" Claims and Demand Resolution No 2009 on: Adopt Resolution No. 2009-28 for payment of Commission the amount of $102,223.67 demand nos. 10051 through 10053 and 145 through 11149. Resolution No. 2009.29 Recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 2009-29 for payment of Commission expenditures in the amount of $3,536.25demand no. 11150. Community Development Commission Meeting ~~E N®. ~ Minutes of August 25, 2009 Page 1 of4 Commissioner Ly made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Low to approve the Consent Calendar. Vote resulted in: Yes: Armenta, Clark, Low, Ly, Taylor No: None Abstain: None Absent: None Vice-Chairman Taylor stated; the United Report was approved by the Commission in February 2009 and he iA had not been present at that meeting. Also, Mr. Taylor stated that nothing appearedlo have change on the report and asked staff to clarify. s Executive Director Allred stated there were very minor word changes oh the Community Development Director Saeki replied that the term•adult'tiusihess was misleading and it was removed from the implementation plan. Chairwoman Clark asked for substantial changes to be highlighted and/or-crossed out on documents. Vice-Chairman Taylor reiterated he did not agree'with the report 3. MATTERS FROM THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR WSTAFF~, A. Comm unity.Development Commission Five-Yearlriiplementation Plan State law requires all•redevelopment agencies to adopt an Implementation Plan (IP) every five years.-, An,IP is designed to address activities within redevelopment project areas including goals, projects, andprograms to eliminate blight and to encourage economic ,.-r vitality and the developmerit'of•affordable housing. At the Augus{t1-11 2009 meeting, the Commission was presented with the FY 2009-2013 Five-Year Implementation Plan for consideration. During that discussion, the Commission , ` requested trdstaff provide additional background information regarding the blight findings `,;included in the hP.~ The'Unified Report, approved by the Commission in February 2009, among other things, identified: `significant economic and physical blight in both project areas. This is supported in Section`5 of the Report and in Appendix D which is a parcel by parcel blight threshold matrix. The types of "blight indicators" are defined by Redevelopment Law and include building deterioration, bars on windows/security fencing, code violations, poor site layout, graffiti, lack of paint and weatherization.protections, inoperable vehicles, etc. Each parcel was assessed in a blight indicator test and given a weighted point value. While the findings indicate that significant blight remains in the project areas, the varying degrees of the existence of blight is not necessarily an indication of severely run-down or "slum-like" conditions. Rather, such findings provide justification for redevelopment activities in the area. Community Development Commission Meeting Minutes of August 25, 2009 Page 2 of 4 Recommendation: That the Rosemead Community Development Commission adopt Resolution No. 2009-20 approving the FY 2009-2013 Five-Year Implementation Plan. Vice Chairman Taylor stated that on appendix F-14, he did not think it was fair how Rosemead was represented. The statistics were listed for other cities such as Norco, Redlands, McFarland, Calexico, Gridley, Murrieta, Hanford, Moorpark, Galt, Soledad, Manteca, Upland and Costa Mesa, which he felt were not fair comparisons. Mr. Taylor asked where Rosemead fit with the rest of the San Gabriel Valley and its adjoining cities and reiterated that he could not support the report as it was being presented. Community Development Director Saeki replied that the:percentages existing police departments. Adding that, appendix F-14, is only one a whole report. le, Vice-Chairman Taylor mentioned that the report stated it represented are rural communities. Chairwoman Clark asked why the consultant would not an accurate comparison. Agency Attorney Montes responded that the citiesppresented may for. ~K Chairwoman Clark stated the City is blighted Implementation Plan needed to=be,approved :d were a broad example of blight as it relates to the ~\ime; however, the cities Rosemead and stated it was cities the consultant works and asked when the Community Developmerit Director Saekisreplied that thOmplementation Plan should have been approved 11 at the beginning of July and was past due. Also, if the plahr%was not approved soon it would jeopardize future redevelopment activity&'_' f' Agency Attorney Montesezplained'thaFany time there is a new redevelopment project it had to be consistent with the redevelopment plan`and•the;Five Year Implementation Plan; the Commission had to get the plan`adopted before statt'engaged in anyj edevelopment plans. Commissioner L:oiv stated the five year plan was adequate for the City to follow; although it did sound a bit harsh. The plan sh .,Tencourage the city to do better and agreed that there are some places that have blight. Vice-Chairman Taylor felfthat the percentages were not fair and would not adopt a report that did not give a fair representation of what is going on in the San Gabriel Valley nor compared with any local areas. Commissioner Low stated that the Commission would be approving a five year plan not the report. Executive Director Allred explained that if the Commission approved the Implementation Plan, the report which was done in February of 2009, would just be..the backup support data for the plan. Community Development Commission Meeting Minutes of August 25, 2009 Page 3 of 4 Commissioner Ly agreed that there are some areas that are in blight conditions which were shown on pages 65 through 69. Also, stated that it gave a frame work as to how to address blight in our redevelopment areas. Executive Director Allred explained that the report stated 86 percent of parcels had at least one condition of physical blight and 24 percent were found to have significant blight. To be considered blighted is a higher threshold and 24 percent has a higher threshold. The good news is that 75 percent of the parcels are not blighted. They might have a condition of blight but are not in the threshold where they are blighted. Juan Nunez - inquired about the adult businesses and asked for Commissioner Ly stated that on appendix B it defined adult busin or bars. The City does not have adult businesses but the report is are in the city. Vice-Chairman Taylor asked Community Development many massage parlors are in the city. d Community Development Saeki replied he did not have full body massages that have opened since he became Juan Nunez - asked if the consultant would rddo the'survey again. Community Development Director Saeki replied report is too new and it's time.intensive to go out Commissioner Ly Year Implementatl No: Tay! Abstain: Absent: 4. MATTERS'FROM THE CHAIRMAN & 5. ADJOURN in: by it really meant, j pornography, liquors stores and bars that his previdus request; how led that there had only been three City. redo the survey because the again. Low to adopt the 2009-2013 Five The meeting adjourned at 6:31 p.m. The next Community Development Commission meeting will take place on September 8, 2009 at 6:00 p.m. ATTEST: Gloria Molleda Commission Secretary Margaret Clark Chairwoman Community Development Commission Meeting Minutes of August 25, 2009 Page 4 of 4