2000 - Magellan Health Services of California - Employee Assistant Program0 • EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM SERVICES AGREEMENT THIS SERVICES AGREEMENT (the "Agreement') is entered into as of the 1,~ day of July, 2009 (the "Effective Date' by and between MAGELLAN HEALTH SERVICES OF CALIFORNIA, INC.- EMPLOYER SERVICES, a California corporation, with offices at 300 Continental Boulevard, Suite 240, El Segundo, CA 90245 ("Magellan Employer Services"), and CITY OF ROSEMEAD, with offices at 8838 East Valley Blvd, Rosemead, CA 91770 ("Sponsor o. RECITALS 1. Magellan Employer Services is an entity licensed under California's Knox-Keene Health Care Service Plan Act of 1975 ("Knox-Keene' and is engaged in the business of providing employee assistance program ("EAP") services in the state of California. 1 Magellan Employer Services and Magellan Employer Services' affiliate, Magellan Behavioral Health, Inc., have an agreement with Principal Life Insurance Company ("Principal' under which they provide EAP services to designated customers of Principal ("Principal Agreement"). 3. Sponsor has a contract with Principal for disability insurance and/or other insurance or products (the "Principal Policy"), which includes certain EAP services. 4. Sponsor now desires to contract with Magellan Employer Services for those EAP services to be delivered in the state of California that are required to be provided by a Knox-Keene licensed entity and Magellan Employer Services agrees to provide such services in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and promises set forth herein, Magellan Employer Services and Sponsor hereby agree as follows: 1. Definitions AGREEMENT 1.1 Combined Evidence of Coverage and Disclosure Form: the document issued to an Enrollee setting forth his/her eligibility for participation in the EAP. 1.2 Employee: an individual whose a, Grit employment or employment status (e.g., retiree, beneficiary under the Consolidated Ortuubus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985, as amended) with Sponsor, is the basis for the individual's eligibility to participate in the EAP. - 1.3 Employee Assistance Program ("F.AP"1: a systematic program to help individuals resolve personal problems, such as family confect, stress, and drug or alcohol abuse, and address common work/life issues, and to provide training, consultation, and other management services relating to the effective utilization of the EAP by Sponsor and its Employees. 1.4 p'.AP Counselor: a psychologist, clinical social worker, marriage family and child counselor, or other professional licensed or certified to deliver behavioral health counseling services under the laws of the state in which he or she practices, who is under contract with Magellan Employer Services to provide EAP services, and who has (a) training and experience in assessing substance abuse problems and in conducting focused, problem-resolution counseling and (b) at least a master's level degree in an appropriate field. 1.5 Enrollee: an Employee or a Household Member. Subject to approval from the CA • • 1.6 ER SA: the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as amended. 1.7 Household Member: an individual who permanently, physically resides in the household of an Employee, or who meets the requirements of a "dependent" as defined by the U.S. Internal Revenue Code. 2. Services Magellan Employer Services will provide services to Sponsor and Enrollees as set forth in Addendum A. Magellan Employer Services will not decrease the level of such services unless Sponsor has been given at least thirty (30) days' notice as described in Section 9.4 of this Agreement. EAP services will be delivered only to those Enrollees whose residence or place of employment with Sponsor is located within the state of California. As of the Effective Date, the number of Employees eligible for services under this Agreement is 63. 3. Service Fees The parties acknowledge that the capitated fees for the EAP services provided hereunder that are due to Magellan Employer Services will be paid by Principal pursuant to the Principal Agreement. Sponsor's payment obligation, if any, for the EAP services described herein is included in premiums due to Principal pursuant to the Principal Policy. Magellan Employer Services will not increase the fees due for EAP services hereunder unless Sponsor has been given at least thirty (30) days' notice as described in Section 9.4 of this Agreement. 4. Term and Termination 4.1 TTe. ru. The term of this Agreement shall be coincident with the term of the Principal Policy, or any renewal thereof. 4.2 Termination. 4.2.1 Automatic Termination. This Agreement will terminate automatically upon the earlier of (i) termnation of the Principal Agreement or (ii) termination of the Principal Policy. 422 Material Breach. Either party may terminate for a serious or recurring material breach of the Agreement, other than non-payment of fees, including but not limited to a breach of the provisions of Sections 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 7.1, 7.2, 8.1, and 8.4 of the Agreement, but only if the party seeking to terminate has first given the party in breach written notice specifying the nature and, so far as then known, the extent of the breach and the action required to correct the breach. The party in breach shall be afforded thirty (30) days (or such additional time as the complaining party may reasonably allow, as confirmed in writing) to cure the breach or achieve substantial cure if a complete cure cannot be reasonably effectuated within the designated period. If - the_breacliremains.-unrutetiat_the_expiration.-of.thc-dcaigDd_t(: -pcd9d. the com laming.pacty_may at any tune that the breach remains uncured thereafter, terminate this Agreement upon five (5) business days' advance written notice. 4.2.3 Default in Payment. Magellan Employer Services shall not terminate the Agreement for non- payment of fees unless Principal has been billed the amount due, Principal's payment is delinquent for more than thirty (30) days, Principal and Sponsor has been duly notified of the delinquency, and at least fifteen (15) days have elapsed since the date of notification of delinquency. If Principal pays the delinquent amount in full, including accrued interest, prior to the next payment date after such cancellation of the Agreement and the Agreement was not previously cancelled for non-payment during the 12-month period prior to the effective date of cancellation, Magellan Employer Services shall reinstate the Agreement as though it had never terminated. During the period commencing with the date of notification of delinquency and prior to reinstatement of this Agreement, Magellan Employer Services shall not be obligated to link any Participant to an EAP Counselor for In-Person Sessions or deliver communications materials to Sponsor. Subject to approval from the CA DMHC • • Subject to approval from the CA CMHC • 0 4.3 EFfg£t of Termination. 4.3.1 Continuity of Cace. Sponsor and Magellan Employer Services shall cooperate to avoid any interruption in the continuity of care to Enrollees. 4.3.2 Use of Materials. Sponsor's right to use Magellan Employer Services' proprietary materials furnished during the term of this Agreement, such as manuals, videotapes/DVDs, employee communications, Web site, shall cease upon the effective date of termination. 4.3.3 Pro-Rata Return of Fees. In the event of termination of the Agreement by Magellan Employer Services (except in the case of fraud or deception in the use of EAP services or knowingly permitting such fraud or deception by another) or Sponsor, Magellan Employer Services shall within thirty (30) days return to Sponsor the pro rata portion of the money paid to Magellan Employer Services, if any, which corresponds to any unexpired period for which payment had been received, less any amounts due to Magellan Employer Services. 5. Enrollee Disputes and Complaints 5.1 Grievance Process. Magellan Employer Services will maintain grievance policies and procedures that comply with Knox-Keene and make them available to Sponsor and to Enrollees upon request. Magellan Employer Services will offer a resolution for each grievance within thirty (30) days of receipt. 5.2 Prohibition of Retaliation. Neither Magellan Employer Services nor any EAP Counselor will discriminate against an Enrollee for having filed a grievance. Magellan Employer Services will investigate any alleged retaliation and take appropriate action. 5.3 Department of MmaZed Health Cate. The following information will be made available to Enrollees. on all communications relating to Magellan Employer Services' grievance procedures or Enrollee, grievances: The California Department of Managed Health Cue is responsible for regulating health care service plans. If you have a grievance against your health plan, you should fast telephone your health plan at 1-800-356-7089 and use your health plm s grievance process before contacting the department. Utilizing this grievance procedure does not prolvbit any potential legal rights or remedies that may be available to you. If you need help with a grievance involving an emergency, a grievance that has not been satisfactorily resolved by your health plan, or a grievance that has remained unresolved for more than 30 days, you may call the department for assistance. You may also be eligible for an Independent Medical Review C 1MR'~, If you me eligible for IMR, the IMR process will provide an impartial review of medical decisions [Wade by a health plan related to the medical necessity of a department also has a toll-free telephone 9891) for the hearing and speech http•//www.hmebelp.ca,gQv/ has coi online. 6. Obligations of Sponsor Under Knox-Keene (1-888-HMO-2219) and a TDD line (1-877-688- ed. The department's Internet Web site forms, IMR application forms and instructions 6.1 Distribution of Information. Sponsor shall disseminate to Employees its information about the EAP and their eligibility for participation in the EAP, and copies of Magellan Employer Services' Combined Evidence of Coverage and Disclosure Form, a sample of which is provided under separate attachment, and incorporated herein by reference, as Exhibit #1. Sponsor shall distribute the Combined Evidence of Coverage and Disclosure Form to Employees at the inception of the program, to all individuals who become Subject to approval from the CA DMHC 4 0 Employees after the inception of the program, and following receipt from Magellan Employer Services of a Combined Evidence of Coverage and Disclosure Form with material revisions. 6.2 Notice of Cancellation. In the event that Magellan Employer Services sends notice of cancellation for any reason to Sponsor, Sponsor shall mail promptly to each Employee a legible, true copy of such notice and shall, within thirty (30) days of receipt of such notice from Magellan Employer Services, provide Magellan Employer Services with proof of such mailing and the date thereof. 6.3 Notice of Material Changes. In the event that Magellan Employer Services sends notice to Sponsor with respect to a material matter, Sponsor shall disseminate such notice to Employees by the next regular communication to employees but in no event later than 30 days after receipt of the notice From Magellan Employer Services. 7. Disruption of Service by EAP Counselors 7.1 Notice to Sponsor. In the event that any termination, breach of contract, or inability to perform of any EAP Counselor could materially and adversely affect Sponsor, Magellan Employer Services shall provide Sponsor written notice thereof within thirty (30) days of termination of Magellan Employer Services' contract with such EAP Counselor. 7.2 Continuation of Care. In the event that the EAP Counselor from whom an Enrollee is receiving counseling under the Agreement terminates his/her contractual relationship with Magellan. Employer Services, Magellan Employer Services will permit the Enrollee to continue counseling with. that EAP Counselor, as clinically appropriate, up to the limit on maximum number of In-person Sessions, provided the, EAP Counselor agrees to provide the.counseling on the same terms and conditions, unless Magellan Employer Services terminated the provider contract because of fraud; criminal activity, incompetence or unprofessional conduct likely to be harmful to clients. If counseling with that LAP Counselor is not available,,. Magellan Employer Services will arrange for another EAP Counselor without charge to,.Sponsor-or the: Enrollee. 8. Compliance with Law 8.1 General. Each party shall comply with all applicable federal, state and local laws and regulations relating to performance under this Agreement. Magellan Employer Services will not discriminate against any Enrollee or applicant for employment because of race, color, religion, gender, national origin, ancestry, marital status, sexual orientation, age or disability and will reasonably accommodate Enrollees seeking services. Magellan Employer Services shall obtain and maintain all licenses and permits necessary for it to perform services pursuant to this Agreement 8.2. Knox-Keene. The PAP described in this Agreement is subject to Chapter 2.2 of Divisioh 2 of the California Health and Safety Code and to Title 28 of the California Code of Regulations. Any provision required to be in the Agreement by either of the foregoing shall bind Magellan Employer Services whether or not any such provision appears in the Agreement. Magellan Employer Services and Sponsor acknowledge that Magellan Employer Services is required by statute to include a provision in its provider contracts holding Enrollees harmless for sums owed by Magellan Employer Services. 8.3 Fiduciary Status. To the extent that any services hereunder are governed by ERISA, Magellan Employer Services shall be a fiduciary, within the meaning of ERISA, of the applicable group health plan. Such fiduciary status, however, is limited to fiduciary status with respect to the responsibilities specified in this Agreement. Notwithstanding any term of this Agreement, Magellan Employer Services is not intended to be and shall not be the plan administrator, within the meaning of ERISA, of such group health plan. Subject to approval from the CA DMHC • 0 8.4 Fnnrollee Information. Magellan Employer Services and Sponsor agree to comply with all applicable state and federal laws and regulations related to the confidentiality of medical records and protected health information, including without limitation, the Confidentiality of Medical Information Act, California Civil Code 56 et scel. 9. Miscellaneous 9.1 Status of the Parties. Magellan Employer Services and Sponsor agree that neither Magellan Employer Services nor Sponsor is the agent of the other, nor is either party authorized to act on behalf of the other in any manner. 9.2 Third Party _Beneficiaries. The parties have not created and do not intend to create by this Agreement any enforceable rights in any Enrollee, EAP Counselor, or other person not a party to this Agreement. 9.3 urvival. Any terms of this Agreement that by their nature extend beyond their expiration or termination shall remain in effect until fulfilled. This Agreement shall bind the parties and their legal representatives, successors, heirs and assigns. 9.4 Notices. Unless otherwise provided in this Agreement, all notices required or permitted under this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be deemed sufficiently given if given by personal service or sent by registered, certified or express mail, reputable overnight courier service or facsimile with receipt confirmed as follows: To Magellan Employer Services: Magellan Health Services of California, Inc.--Employee Services 300 Continental Boulevard, Suite 240 El Segundo, CA 90245 Attic: President Facsimile Transmission: (310) 726-7090 To Sponsor: City of Rosemead 8838 East Valley Blvd Rosemead, CA 91770 - Attn: Matt Hawkesworth 9.5 Waiver. The failure of any parry in any one or more instances to insist upon strict performance of any of the teems and provisions of this Agreement, or to exercise any option conferred in this Agreement, shall not be construed as a waiver or relinquishment, to any extent, of the right to assert or rely upon any ------_stash..[e[tIIS.-FroYisisit).3_oLQpL4C1S..~ an~ltSldee occasion. 9.6 Force Majeure. Neither party shall be liable to the other for damages or monetary penalties of any kind or deemed in default under this Agreement for any failure to perform or delay in performing to the extent that its performance is hindered, delayed, or tendered impossible due to an event or occurrence beyond the reasonable control of the party, and without its fault or negligence, including, without Imitation, the breakdown, malfunction or other failure of any external third party telecommunication system or other system or mechanism by which information and data is stored or transmitted. 9.7 Enforceabili . The invalidity or unenforceability of any term or provision herein shall in no way affect the validity or enforceability of any other term or provision. 9.8 Entire Agreement. This Agreement represents the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes any and all previously written or oral agreements or understandings. Subject to approval from the CA DMHC 6 - - - - - • • IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Magellan Employer Services and Sponsor have executed this Agreement by their duly authorized representatives. MAGELLAN HEALTH SERVICES OF CAL RNIA, INC.-EMPL ER SERVICES y: Date: JUL 3 0 2009 CITY OF ROSEMEAD By: Date: 7 ~.Z7 ! Subject to approval from the CA DMHC 7 ADDENDUM A STATEMENT OF WORK 1. Definitions 1.1 Brief Counseline: a problem-focused form of individual or family outpatient counseling that (a) seeks resolution of problems in living parenting concerns, emotional stress, marital and family distress, alcohol- and drug-related problems) rather than basic character change; (b) emphasizes counselee skills, strengths and resources; (c) involves setting and maintaining realistic goals that are achievable in a one (1) to five (5) month period; (d) encourages counselees to practice behavior outside die counseling session to promote therapeutic goals; and (e) in which the counselor provides structure, interprets behavior, offers suggestions, and assigns "homework" activities. 1.2 Crisis Counseling: the process of promptly responding to a request for immediate services in order to determine whether an emergency exists and, based on that determination, of making a referral to emergency behavioral health services, to community resources, or to an EAP Counselor. Crisis Counseling includes communication with the person in crisis that is focused on defusing the person's severe emotional reaction to a situation in order to enable that person to accept the referral and deal with the immediate crisis without causing harm to self or others. 1.3 RAP Consultant a licensed behavioral health professional employed by Magellan Employer Services at its service center to respond telephonically to Enrollee requests for EAP services. . 1.4 )episode of Care: a continuous course of counseling for a specific problem or set of problems, up to the number of In-person Sessions available. 1.5 In-person Session: a 50-minute counseling session at the office of an EAP Counselor foran Enrollee,- individuiUy or with Enrollees or others, as appropriate. 2. Personal Consultation Services 2.1 Telephone Access Line. Magellan Employer Services will maintain a toll-free telephone number by which Enrollees may access EAP services. EAP Consultants will be available through the telephone access fine to assess the caller's problem, arrange for appropriate assistance (e.g., provide educational materials, refer to benefit program, community resource or other treatment provider) and provide any necessary Crisis Counseling. 2.2 In-person EAP Services. Magellan Employer Services will fink each Enrollee who requests in-person counseling services to an EAP Counselor. The EAP Counselor will assess the Enrollee's problem(s) and, in _._---.---.---.-accordance-with-thx ILAP-Counselors-best-judgmentrprovide.Brief.Counselingand/~r_refee_the~ncollee_tn _ an appropriate treatment provider and/or community resource. Each Enrollee is eligible for up to 3 In- person Sessions per problem per year, as clinically appropriate. 2.3. Treatment Cornplilnce Monitorin . Upon request and with the concurrence of the Employee, Magellan Employer Services will monitor an Employee's compliance with a substance abuse treatment program, monthly as needed, for up to one year. 3. Exclusions The EAP services provided hereunder do not include any of the following: (a) Evaluations required by any state or federal judicial officer or other governmental official or agency mandating that an Enrollee undergo counseling; Subject to approval from the CA DMHC 0 • (b) Court-mandated counseling; evaluations or recommendations to be used in child custody proceedings, child abuse proceedings, criminal proceedings, workers' compensation proceedings, or any legal actions of any kind; (c) Evaluations for fitness for duty determinations or excuses for leaves of absence or time off; (d) Medical care, including services for a condition that requires psychiatric treatment (for example, a psychosis); (e) Inpatient treatment; (1) Services by providers who arc not part.of Magellan Employer Setvices' EAP Counselor network; (g) In-person Sessions that were not accessed through Magellan Employer Services for the particular Episode of Care; (h) Psychological, psychiatric, neurological, educational, or IQ testing; (i) Remedial and social skills education services, such as evaluation or treatment of learning disabilities, learning disorders, academic skill disorders, language disorders, mental retardation, motor skill disorder, or communication disorders; behavioral trahhing; cognitive rehabilitation; (j) Medication or medication management; (k) Examinations and diagnostic services in connection with obtaining employment or a particular employment assignment, admission to or continuing in school, securing any kind of license (including professional licenses), or obtaining any kind of insurance coverage;, (1) Testimony, creation of records, or other services in connection with legal proceedings; (m) Guidance on workplace issues when the Enrollee sues, or threatens to sue, Sponsor; (n) Acupuncture; (o) Biofeedback or hypnotherapy; and (p) Gatekecping to the behavioral health component of Sponsor's group health plan.. 4. Financial Responsibility Enrollees have no financial responsibility in connection with EAP services provided under this Agreement. However, fees for professional services provided by resources other than Magellan Employer Services- or EAP Counselors, including, but not limited to, the retention of lawyers, financial consultants, dependent care providers, or other professional or service providers, will be the responsibility of the Enrollee and/or his or her group health plan or other benefit programs, as applicable. 5. Enrollee Coverage 5.1 Commencement and Termination of Coverage. The eligibility of an Employee for services under this Agreement shall continence an the later of (r) the effective date of the Principal Policy or (ii) the first day of his or her employment on or after the Effective Date. A Household Member shall commence eligibility on the later of the date he or she becomes a Household Member and the date on which the Employee becomes eligible. The eligibility of an Employee for services under the Agreement shall terminate on the earlier of (i) the last day of the month following the month of his or her termination of employment by Sensor or, if the individual is a b_cnefrciary under COBRA, the last day of his or her continuation coverage under COBRA, or (ii) termination of the Agreement. Household Members shall remain eligible for services until the eligibility of the Employee related to them ceases or until they cease to be Household Members, whichever occurs first. However, each Enrollee will be entitled to receive the full number of In-person Sessions available for an identified problem, as clinically appropriate, if he or she has scheduled an appointment with an EAP Counselor for that problem prior to the last date of eligibility as specified in this section. Magellan Employer Services reserves the right to terminate the eligibility of any Enrollee, without right of reinstatement, for fraud or deception in the use of services or for knowingly permitting such fraud or deception by another, for threatening the safety of Magellan Employer Services employees, EAP Counselors, or others eligible for or receiving EAP services and for repeated behavior substantially interfering with Magellan Employer Services' ability to furnish or arrange services for the Enrollee or others or the ability of an EAP Counselor to provide services to others. Any such termination will be effective on the date Magellan Employer Services mails notice of cancellation, unless the notice specifies a later date. Magellan Employer Services will not terminate the eligibility of any Enrollee because of his or her health status or use of the EAP. Subject to approval from the CA DMHC 5.2 Individual ontinultign of Eligibility. An individual Enrollee does not have the right to renew [Its or her eligibility for services under this Agreement once his or her relationship (employment or otherwise) to Sponsor is terminated. An Enrollee's right to receive such services is determined solely by this Agreement. Subject to approval from the CA DMHC 9