TC - Item 1 - Minutes 8-6-09Minutes of the Regular ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION MEETING August 6, 2009 The Regular meeting of the Rosemead Traffic Commission was called to order by Chairperson Knapp at 7:06 p.m. in the Council Chambers, 8838 E. Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California. FLAG SALUTE: Commissioner Deary INVOCATION: Commissioner Hall ROLL CALL OF OFFICERS PRESENT: Chairman Masuda, Commissioner Deary, Commissioner Lewin, Commissioner Hall. OFFICIALS ABSENT: Vice Chairwoman Russell OFFICICAL PRESENT: Deputy Public Works Director Marcarello 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES July 2, 2009 -Regular Meeting Commissioners reviewed minor corrections to the July 2, 2009 meeting minutes. After discussing corrections, Commissioner Lewin made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Hall, to approve the minutes of the July 2, 2009 Traff ic Commission Meeting. Vote resulted in: Yes: Lewin, Russell, Knapp, Masuda No: None Abstain: None Absent: Deary 2. PUBLIC COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE Helen Gunther, 3654 Dubonnet Ave., discussed traffic concerns off of Marshall Ave., with drivers speeding, ignoring stop signs, and parking on the street where it's not permitted. Staff will make arrangements to meet with Ms. Gunther and will come back with an update. Velia Navarro, 2239 Angelus Ave., discussed speeding and safety concerns between Angelus Ave. and Klingerman St. She would like the City to look into installing either Speed bumps or center dividers to hopefully have people reduce their speed while driving thru. Mrs. Navarro would also like to have a stop sign or signal light installed between Rush Street and Angelus Ave., and also between Walnut Grove and Rush Street to have thru traffic reduce their speed. 3. NEW BUSINESS A. PUBLIC SAFETY DEPARTMENT OVERVIEW ON TRAFFIC EFFORTS Ray Rodriguez, Supervisor of the Public Safety Department gave a brief overview of some of the most common citations given in the City. He also brought pictures taken by the Code Enforcement Officers in varies situations showing examples of what is/isn't consider a violation. B. REQUEST TO REVIEW TRAFFIC CONDITIONS AT KLINGERMAN AND ANGELUS AVENUE Staff gave commissioners some pictures showing some samples of what can be done to reduce speeding. Commissioner Diary asked what type of posted signs would be installed if any. Staff recommends in possibly installing advanced road curve warning signs, which alerts motorist that a curve is ahead and refreshing school signs to make them more visible. Commissioner Hall asked Mrs. Navarro in which direction she would like to have a stop sign installed, Mrs. Navarro would like to have a sign in each direction installed. Commissioner Lewin would like for the landscaping to be cleaned up heading north on Angelus to make the diamond sign more visible. Commissioner Lewin made a motion to approve the installation of raised traffic separators preferably with directional arrows, tentatively recommend to install rumble dots or rumble strips, install advanced curb warning signs, increase speed enforcement and have staff mail out notification to residents who may be affected by the noise of the rumble dots. Commissioner Hall seconded the motion. Vote resulted in: Yes: Lewin, Deary, Hall, Masuda No: None Abstain: None Absent: Russell C. REQUEST TO REVIEW TRAFFIC CONDITIONS AT ROSEMEAD PLACE AND EARLSWOOD DRIVE Commissioner Lewin requested for staff to bring it to the Traffic Commissioners attention in regards to speeding and pedestrian safety concerns. Commissioner Hall visited the location and didn't think it was an issue at this moment. Commissioner Deary agreed with Commissioner Hall and suggested to add more enforcement to see if people slow down. Staff recommended in getting together the accident history reports in the location. Commissioner. Lewin made a motion for staff to due a study on traffic issues, add intersection signs and have staff send out notifications to the residents in the area. Commissioner Deary seconded the motioned. Vote resulted in: Yes: Lewin, Deary, Hall, Masuda No: None Abstain: None Absent: Russell 4. STAFF REPORTS Staff explained to the Traffic Commissioners that the Granicus system voting problems were being addressed. Staff Introduced Fernando Solis, to the Traffic Commission. Staff will email the monthly report to the Commissioners. Staff gave the Commissioners and updated list of the Commissioners information roster. 5. COMMISSION REPORTS Commissioner Hall would like to see more enforcement on Marshall. Commissioner Deary introduced his three students from his youth group. Commissioner Lewin would like the issues with sidewalks to be agenized. He would also like for the gutters along Mission Drive to be cleaned out and possible adding parking restrictions to allow street sweeping. Chairman Masuda would like to bring up a similar condition to the one on Angelus Avenue and Klingerman Street between Rio Del Street and Arica regarding speeding and some accident in the area. 6. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 8:57 p.m. The next Traffic Commission meeting is scheduled for September 3, 2009 at 7:00p.m. and will take place at the Rosemead City Hall, City Council Chambers, 8838 East Valley Boulevard.