TC - Item 3A - Parking Alternatives on Earl AveROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION STAFF REPORT TO: TRAFFIC COMMISSION FROM: CHRIS MARCARELLO, DEPUTY PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR JOANNE ITAGAKI, TRAFFIC ENGINEERING CONSULTANT DATE: OCTOBER 1, 2009 SUBJECT: PARKING ALTERNATIVES ON EARLE AVENUE SUMMARY City staff received a petition from Sheryl Blum, 4824 Earle Avenue, regarding parking conditions along Earle Avenue north of Mission Drive and south of Grand Avenue. She has indicated that employees of California Mission Inn park on Earle Avenue throughout the day. Ms. Blum has indicated this on-street parking demand is cause for concern in the neighborhood as residents and guests are forced to park elsewhere. Ms. Blum has asked that the Traffic Commission review the existing parking conditions and identify possible alternatives for improving parking in this area. Staff Recommendation It is staff's recommendation that the Traffic Commission recommend to the City Council that: 1. Alternative 1 changes be implemented including the installation of marked parallel parking and parking "T's" along Earle Avenue and Delta Avenue; 2. That staff continue to monitor California Mission Inn employee parking and work with the facility to encourage employee parking along Delta Avenue; 3. That staff provide the Traffic Commission with updates on parking conditions at this location on an as-needed basis. ANALYSIS The Traffic Commission previously reviewed a petition from residents along Earle Avenue and asked staff to perform a parking demand analysis of the area. Staff has reviewed existing conditions and developed several alternatives for the Traffic Commission's consideration. Attachment 1 is a copy of the original petition filed by Traffic Commission Meeting October 1, 2009 Paae 2 of 7 residents on Earle Avenue. Earle Avenue is 38-foot wide roadway north of Mission Drive. Earle Avenue widens to 40 feet approximately 500 feet north of Mission Drive. This 2-foot widening occurs on the west side of the street. There is no striping on the street. The fronting uses generally include single-family residential uses on the east side and a retirement community on the west side. Earle Avenue is stop controlled at its intersections with Grand Avenue and Mission Drive. Parking is allowed on both sides of the street except on street sweeping days. The prima facie speed limit is 25 mph on Earle Avenue. Delta Avenue is a 40-foot wide roadway between Mission Drive and Grand Avenue. There is a 45-foot double yellow centerline on Delta Avenue at its intersection with Mission Drive. Delta Avenue is stop controlled at its intersections with Grand Avenue and Mission Drive. There is a white crosswalk across Delta Avenue at Mission Drive. The fronting uses generally include a retirement community on the east side and a park on the west side. Parking is allowed on both sides of the street except on street sweeping days. The prima facie speed limit is 25 mph on Delta Avenue. Attachment 2 depicts existing conditions on Earle Avenue and Delta Avenue between Mission Drive and Grand Avenue. Discussion To identify the parking demand on Earle Avenue and Delta Avenue, a survey of vehicles parked on these streets was conducted. This survey was taken on June 10, 2009 from 8:00 am to 10:00 am. These hours were chosen to capture "employee" vehicles that are parked on the street during business hours. Parking Zones Attachment 3 depicts the parking demand zones of Earle Avenue and Delta Avenue. The Appendix to this report identifies the location of parked vehicles observed in the parking demand survey. Traffic Commission Meeting October 1, 2009 Pape 3 of 7 Delta Avenue The tables below summarize the parking demand on Delta Avenue. This Table indicates that during the morning business hours parking demand is light. The number of on-street parking spaces ranges from 17 and 18 spaces in Area A and 14 and 14 spaces in Area B. There are ample on-street parking spaces available with a maximum number of parked vehicles being 11 in Area B. Area A # of Parked Vehicles East Curb West Curb Total # spaces available 17 18 35 8:00 AM 1 2 3 8:15 AM 2 2 4 8:30 AM 2 2 4 8:45 AM 2 2 4 9:00 AM 2 2 4 9:15 AM 2 4 6 9:30 AM 4 5 9 9:45 AM 2 5 7 Area B # of Parked Vehicles East Curb West Curb Total # spaces available 14 14 28 8:00 AM 1 3 4 8:15 AM 2 3 5 8:30 AM 3 3 6 8:45 AM 3 4 7 9:00 AM 3 5 8 9:15 AM 5 6 11 9:30 AM 4 5 9 9:45 AM 5 5 10 Traffic Commission Meeting October 1, 2009 Page 4 of 7 Earle Avenue The table below summarizes the parking demand on Earle Avenue. This Table indicates that Area B is the most heavily parked on Earle Avenue. The majority of parking demand is in the vicinity of the change in street width (just north of Fairview Avenue). Area A # of Parked Vehicles East Curb West Curb Total # spaces available 6 11 17 8:00 AM 0 5 5 8:15 AM 0 5 5 8:30 AM 0 5 5 8:45 AM 1 6 7 9:00 AM 1 7 8 9:15 AM 1 7 8 9:30 AM 1 7 8 9:45 AM 0 7 7 Area B # of Parked Vehicles East Curb West Curb Total # spaces available 6 9 15 8:00 AM 4 7 11 8:15 AM 4 8 12 8:30 AM 3 8 11 8:45 AM 2 8 10 9:00 AM 2 7 9 9:15 AM 2 8 10 9:30 AM 2 7 9 9:45 AM 2 6 8 Traffic Commission Meeting October 1, 2009 Page 5 of 7 Area C # of Parked Vehicles East Curb West Curb Total # spaces available 10 11 21 8:00 AM 3 6 9 8:15 AM 3 6 9 8:30 AM 4 7 11 8:45 AM 3 7 10 9:00 AM 3 8 11 9:15 AM 3 8 11 9:30 AM 3 8 11 9:45 AM 3 8 11 Overview The parking demand study indicates that on-street parking on Delta Avenue is not as critical as Earle Avenue. On-street parking is more readily available on Delta Avenue than on Earle Avenue. Therefore, on-street parking alternatives were only considered for Earle Avenue. Traffic Commission Meeting October 1, 2009 Page 6 of 7 Parking Improvement Alternatives After reviewing the parking demand study, staff identified 5 possible alternatives for parking modifications along Earle Avenue. These alternatives included: 1. Marked Parallel Parking - Attch 4 PROS Parking will be Parking will be similar to existing. evenly spaced. CONS Reduction of total 31 to 26. parking spaces from 2. 30-Degree Angled Parking - Attch 5 PROS CONS Likely to reduce speeds along this section Reduction of parking spaces from 11 to 9. of Earle Avenue. On-street parking on the east side of Earle Avenue would be prohibited. 3. 45-Degree Angled Parking - Attch 6 PROS Increase in parking spaces from 11 to 14. Likely to reduce speeds along this section of Earle Avenue. CONS On-street parking on the east side of Earle Avenue would be prohibited. 4. Angled Parking with Conversion to One-Way Streets (Earle N/B, Delta S/B) - Attch 7 PROS Parking can be retained on both sides of the street. CONS Change in circulation pattern in neighborhood. Access to fronting uses will be inconvenient for owners/tenants. 5. Angled Parking with Conversion to One-Way Streets (Earle S/B, Delta N/B) - Attch 8 PROS CONS Parking can be retained on both sides Change in circulation pattern in of the street. neighborhood. Access to fronting uses will be inconvenient for owners/tenants. Traffic Commission Meeting October 1, 2009 Paoe 7 of 7 The Exhibits of the various parking alternatives are conceptual. They are not intended to be used for installation purposes. Should the Traffic Commission choose one alternative, a detailed design plan would be prepared if the City Council were to approve the alternative. As identified, alternatives 2, 3, 4, and 5 would each require significant modifications to traffic circulation and parking in this neighborhood. Based on these factors and the California Mission Inn's willingness to work with the neighborhood and City staff, it is recommended that alterative 1 be implemented. Should parking issues persist, staff would review conditions and evaluate the implementation of another alternative. Staff Recommendation It is staffs recommendation that the Traffic Commission recommend to the City Council that: 1. Alternative 1 changes be implemented including the installation of marked parallel parking and parking "T's" along Earle Avenue and Delta Avenue; 2. That staff continue to monitor California Mission Inn employee parking and work with the facility to encourage employee parking along Delta Avenue; 3. That staff provide the Traffic Commission with updates on parking conditions on an as-needed basis. Submitted by: ~0~ Submitted by: Joanne Itagaki Traffic Engineering Consultant Chris Marcarello Deputy Public Works Director Attachment 1: May 7, 2009 Traffic Commission Agenda Report and Petition Attachment 2: Existing Conditions on Earle Avenue and Delta Avenue Attachment 3: Parking Demand Zones on Earle Avenue and Delta Avenue Attachment 4: Conceptual Design - Parking T's/Parallel Parking Attachment 5: Conceptual Design - 30 Degree Angled Parking on Earle Attachment 6: Conceptual Design - 45 Degree Angled Parking on Earle Attachment 7: Conceptual Design - One-Way Northbound Earle Attachment 8: Conceptual Design - One-Way Southbound Earle ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION STAFF REPORT TO: TRAFFIC COMMISSION FROM: CHRIS MARCARELLO, DEPUTY PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR DATE: MAY 7, 2009 SUBJECT: EARLE AVENUE/CALIFORNIA MISSION INN PARKING CONCERNS SUMMARY City staff received a petition from Sheryl Blum, 4824 Earle Avenue, regarding parking conditions along Earle Avenue north of Mission Drive and south of Grand Avenue. Ms. Blum has asked that the Traffic Commission review the existing parking conditions and identify possible alternatives for improving parking in this area. Staff Recommendation Staff recommends that the Traffic Commission direct staff to continue outreach with representatives at California Mission Inn and residents along Earle Avenue and provide a quarterly status update on parking conditions in the area. DISCUSSION Residents along Earle Avenue, north of Mission Drive and south of Grand Avenue submitted a petition asking staff to evaluate the parking conditions in their neighborhood. The residents in this area maintain that employees of the nearby California Mission Inn park along Earle Avenue, limiting parking for residents in this area. After conducting field observations, staff found that Earle Avenue is heavily parked adjacent to the California Mission Inn. However, in reviewing City documents staff learned that this property was granted a parking exemption (Attachment 1) that reduced the minimum number of parking spaces required at the site. This exemption remains in effect to this date. Staff met with Sheryl Blum to discuss parking issues on Earle Avenue. Ms. Blum has suggested implementing a residential parking permit program for residents in this area. Ms. Blum also asked the City for assistance discussing parking issues with representatives at the California Mission Inn. City staff agreed to help communicate with residents in the area and the California Mission Inn on parking issues. California Mission Inn representatives have expressed a willingness to help in any way possible. Ms. Blum has also indicated that her neighbors would be interested in discussing their concerns related to neighborhood parking with the Traffic Commission. Residents have been notified of this meeting and encouraged to attend to express their concerns regarding parking concerns in the neighborhood. City Council Meeting May 7, 2009 Paqe 2 of 2 Staff is asking for input from the Traffic Commission on parking concerns and is recommending that staff continue to monitor parking concerns and provide regular quarterly updates to the Commission. Submitted by: Chris Marcarello Deputy Public Works Director Attachment 1: City Planning Commission Agenda Documents - Parking Exemption Attachment 2: Petition from Earle Avenue Residents Laserfiche WebLink Laserfiche' WebLink Browse Search Ternplate: Clty Cleo Document ID City Clerk - DOwmertl Type City Clerk - Category City Clerk - Date Help I Lopout My Wabl-M Page 1 of 1 'J J Pap. a loll. 0 t O® 0®00035.96% u +O P..... J POSEMEAO > PUBLIC > General &-irb> Qry CI.M > Pgerkes> 3W9> Trell¢> OS07-09> TC - Item 4A - title Are CA kkeson Inn P.r itq Conn e Residents of EaNe Ave Rasemeed. C. 91770 Brian saeki Ae6/etant City Manager 8838 East Valley Wrd Rosemead, CA 91770 Olean Al soeki. We, the 7e.s/d nts of Earle Am, formally mquest eofn'reed Resxhnt Permft Parking any on the east side of Earle Ate beihi Minion Rd and Crmrd Am. We acknowledge the co-operation of the Califal M/nlon Im, Ra.. d Mane Medic 1, and the rehab tender but wfwtupiely a good will agreement carvmt be enforced as employees view themselves as the public. Leaving w pwkbg for the rrsior ni iol hantexam s or quests, 20 hmrs a day, 7 days a week. A sitwtion created in 1960, Zone Exception Case Ala. 5 With respect, The Rrsiderdz of Ew/e Ar C=~ 4708 4716. PSI- 'X-472U 4716 P,...b I Leaertcn. W...' -son 7.0.5. L.a.aene e a 1.11.1.rea ineen.n or compuMx Mnnev.--i Cen.. IR. Tnl. oooy la nvlM.nO I.. my .1 Po>ameeb http://www3. cityofrosemead. org: 8 08 1 /weblink7/DocV iew.aspx?id=9477&dbid=1 9/28/2009 Laserfiche WebLink Laserfiche' WebLink Browse Search Template: City Clerk Document ID City Clerk - Document Type City Clerk - Category . City Clerk -Date 114 Hero I rngnN I My WebLink Page 1 of 1 9® 0040 00 35.96% ~(D P-9ee 4 Im 14 j acsiiM-iZ PUBLIC > Deneml DDamen4> Gry CIaM a ApeMee a 20D9> Traffic a 05-07-OB> TC- tlam 4A- Eerie Ave CA Mission Inn Park'mp Concarne 4802 !s '✓I liQ'O 4808 wvr r:nn6 481 4816 4824 4828 483 4836 uvr• rbmE 4842 ? 4646-~Alj) AL 17181 48-V P.S uow and Dy te:erem. weeLok ver Ion 1.0. s. La:efthe le a raalclerD] meemerx o: Comvonnx Mania,-' Cenler, lr . Tnk oow Is re0ereree ro. ell d aosmmee http://wwrw3. cityofrosemead.org:8081 /weblink7/DocV iew.aspx?id=9477&dbid=l 9/28/2009 WsT- D D ~a I?~ M,SS, oH CU OR/~ i i ~ FTI og~ D r m~~ 410b \ 1 V 4116 0 ~ 412 T 4126 ~ -i xc~l - > D 1 7i• ~ 7 - 4a0~ m DA z o 4Di2i i ~ - 4616 ~ I > I D ~ sezs t y_y_ oW 9 4642 I I _ 4646 j 'o I ' 4es2 4asa l- m X Z m p G] D10 r ~ O m D Z7 Z m < < p x_ 0 m mm ® ~I GRAND AVENUE F4 O m > a N m ° I a1M~ro.wa roanna..ero.iw~auyrrw.~..m~e~y rems.M ~xa-a.ap.. 0 r D a i ~~6 m D ; o ~ [5[5'gr gStT a Q w D F m 0 D ~i r T mm F 0 NN S Itl -4116 4130 4136 4603 4606 4613 4616 .---4634. 4636 4053 4M3 4616 4053 4656 A , v Lam' I 9 F I a _I I I B j f A t9 i AI v b A I GRAND AVENUE i S r D - J rn m< ? I sz A p ----..--aloe 4116 ~ ~ 44 120 Y~ I. 4136 xo : - 55 460] m li 4606 ~ 4 4612 ( mm ~t ! D mm~Z rS ( r ~s N 4616 4634 f 4D]D ~ 465] i ~ 9 I 0- Zy yZ 4DS6 PxPx (R pp 4643_....__.-__... _I F E! ~ M1 i ° % 9 K) ! 4es6 I 4653 j ~ pp s . 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