CC - Item 7A - Minutes 06-09-09Minutes of the REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING June 9, 2009 The regular meeting of the Rosemead City Council was called to order by Mayor Clark at 7:04 p.m. in the Rosemead City Council Chamber located at 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California. FLAG SALUTE: Mayor Clark INVOCATION: Mayor Pro Tern Taylor PRESENT: Mayor Clark, Mayor Pro Tern Taylor, Council Member Atxm"enta, Council Member Low, and Council Member Ly.OFFICIALS PRESENT: Acting City Manager Hawkesworth~ fnteriin City Attomey1 Assistant City Manager Saeki, Director of Finance Brisco Director of Parks and`R Montgomery-Scott, Economic Development Administrator Ramirez., Deputy Public Marcarello, and City Clerk Molleda. 1. PRESENTATION A. Proclamation - Jim Zant Mr. Zegers, Rosemead Teacher.- read a staterrienEtKat he read„to the Rosemead School faculty: "I'm here to award the first GJAGntischolarship 0 outstanding accomplishment in government and community service tragically ww6lost Jim in a traffic accident, on his way to school, last summer. In an instant we lost one of the finest teachers'our school has ever had. On a personal y r. aa~ level, in that instant, I lost my best,fnend~hconsidered him my brother; Jim was an inspiration to me and to thousand ~of~stud nts;he was that rare combination of enormous wit, intelligence, compassion, and dedication. Everyone that knew Jim, especially his family and friends, will never forgethihIn July 2008 11 flights of angels carried him to his rest. He was a gift to the world who we lost too soon.I Mayor Clark siatiF6she had attended the funeral and it had been very touching; he was a very wonderful person. Council Member Armerita stated she had Mr. Zant as a teacher in Rosemead; he was a remarkable teacher and everyone is saddened, by the loss Council Member Ly stated he had also had Mr. Zant as a teacher. What is interesting is that the day he passed away the school had a vigil and over 200 people showed up without much notice; that goes to show that with such short notice people were there to sympathize with the passing of a great teacher. Mr. Zegers stated that they have been able to gather several thousand dollars for his scholarship and the school will be able to award the scholarship for the next several years. He thanked Council once again for the proclamation and informed them that he would be giving it to Mr. Zant's wife. Rosemead City Council Meeting Minutes of June 9, 2009 Page 1 of 15 IT M N®. B. Planning Commissioners Presentations 1. Daniel Lopez 2. Todd Kunioka 3. Truong Cam 4. Ron Gay 5. Allan Vuu No one was present to receive the plaques and the Mayor asked that they be delivered Mayor Pro Tem Taylor stated he wanted something on the next City Council agenda because he A, believes the previous Planning Commissioners were not given any recognition for their service when the new Council took over. He stated he had asked them andithey said no; I would like them to be recognized at the following City Council meeting.. 1. Mayor Clark stated it would be looked into. Acting City Manager Hawkesworth responded Council if someone was mistakenly missed. 2. PUBLIC COMMENT FROM THE Juan Nunez-stated John Tran you Lillian Sacco - stated she wash requested a copy of the report fi of oversight in the part off,the Cou Stated the report addressedgthe p had not done a good job in'inforrr $400,000 thatt_tWa Mart,supposei orga1rnd'ation, Save Our Co~m~" done to alleviate problems s Our Community and their at Nunez to hand ul+the report 3. PUBLIC it and bring 4155Ek to and blow theshut down. tonight to g. to the tlireWbuncil Members who had as submitted'tto L.A. County Grand Jury, in regard to the lack of the construction and the operation of the Wal-Mart store. lems Council did;n6t know about or were indifferent to or staff n'g t em oof;7Allso stated she wanted to mention the phantom y`paid to alleviate some of the suffering of the neighboring ee~secretive individuals have disbanded the membership of the 1, i, r er to muzzle their critics. As a result nothing has been t bydneighboring residents. The three so called officers of Save are engaged in a conspiracy of silence. (Mrs. Sacco asked Mr. ancil.) P A. Consideration of the Imposition of Rubbish Liens Pursuant to the contract between the City of Rosemead and Consolidated Disposal Services, a Public Hearing has been scheduled to consider protests regarding the imposition of liens on real property from those customers who are delinquent in paying their trash collection bill. Recommendation: That the City Council direct staff to place liens on those properties whose owners have not paid their trash collection bill in full by 6:00 p.m. on June 29, 2009. Rosemead City Council Meeting Minutes of June 9, 2009 Page 2 of 15 The Mayor opened the Public Hearing at 7:16 p.m.; there being no public comment requests the Public Hearing was closed at 7.16 p.m. Council Member Steven Ly made a motion, seconded by Mayor Pro Tern Gary Taylor, to approve staff's recommendations. Vote resulted in: Yes: Armenta, Clark, Low, Ly, Taylor No: None Abstain: None Absent: None 4. CONSENT CALENDAR Mayor Pro Tem Taylor asked that the minutes of March 24, he had not attended that meeting and he would be abstaining A. Minutes March 24, 2009 - Special Meeting Council Member Polly Low made a motion, seconded by to approve the minutes of March 24, 200 itth;g~ne corre resulted in: Yes: Armenta,,Clark, Low, L No: None Abstain:, Taylor AbsenRN* one A. 4'~M n, utes ' March 26;,2009 - SpecialsMeeting May 9, 2009~~Special-1 eeting s ~wMay 12, 2009`=tSpec ial Meeting B. Resolution,No. 2009.27 Claims and Demands separately because Member Sandra Armenta, thename "Matsdorf". Vote Recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 2009-27, for payment of City expenditures in the amount of $544,923.50 numbered 100345 through 100371 and 66206 through 66320. C. Acceptance of Traffic Signal Improvements on Del Mar Avenue and Graves. Avenue The referenced project has been constructed in conformance with the approved plans and specifications and is ready for acceptance of work. Rosemead City Council Meeting Minutes of June 9, 2009 Page 3 of 15 Recommendation: That the City Council accept the above reference project, authorize the recordation of Notice of Completion by the City Clerk; and authorize the release of the 10 percent retention payment 35 days after the recorded date of the Notice of Completion. D. Release of Certificate of Deposit - Tract Map 61523 (8930 Mission Drive) A Faithful Performance Bond and a Labor and Material Bond were required to guarantee construction of new sewer laterals and installation of survey monuments for Tract Map 61523. In lieu of bonds, a Certificate of Deposit was issued to the City in the amount of $25,760.00. Recommendation: That the City Council acceplthee.public improvements and survey monuments and authorize the release ofithe Certificate of Deposit including interest. G. Re-Adopting of FY 2009-10 City The City's Investment Policy (Policy) reqgress~thh6 City,Council to re."adopt the City's Policy at least annually. Staff has reviewed the Policy for continued compliance with Government Code Section 53601 and there is no need fro any changes. Recommendation: That the approve tPolicy for the7 1;p 2009-10 fiscal year. 2009~ustice Assistance Grant P 9gram Applications On February l7~2009 ,,Pre¢ idenntt 01 5ma signed into law the landmark American ROnecovery a4RemvestmentpAcfof 2009. As one of its many elements, the * RecoverylAct hasxproyitled the U.S. Department of Justice with grant funding that is currently,,being distributed under the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG)4P,,rogram JAG blends the previous Byrne Formula and Local Law Enforcement+Block Grant (LLEBG) Programs to provide agencies with the Flexibility to prioritize and place justice funds where they are most needed. These fu d ;allow states and local government to support a broad range of activities to prevent and control crime and to improve the criminal justice system. Pursuit of these funds requirements all potential recipients in the Los Angeles County to file a joint application and sign a Memorandum of Understanding with the City of Los Angeles in order for any of the recipients to receive these funds. Recommendation: That the City Council authorize the City Manager to sign the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) and all other required contracts and certificates in order to participate in.the 2009 Justice Assistance Grant Program. Rosemead City Council Meeting Minutes of June 9, 2009 Page 4 of 15 Council Member Polly Low made a motion, seconded by Council Member Sandra Armenta, to approve the Consent Calendar with the exception of Items E, F, H, J, and K. Vote resulted in: Yes: Armenta, Clark, Low, Ly, Taylor No: None Abstain: None Absent: None E. Del Mar Avenue Tree Planting Project - Highcliff Street to Graves Avenue On May 26, 2009, the City Council authorized staff to complete a tree planting project in conjunction with street resurfacing impovemen is on Del Mar Avenue, from Garvey Avenue to Highcliff Street. At this%meetinq Mayor Pro Tern Taylor asked staff to look into the feasibility of continuing the tree,planting project on Del Mar Avenue from Highcliff Street to Graves Avenue. After surveying the parkway areas(on Del Mar 1 `awx~ determined that there are 14 available location; staff conducted a survey of Del Mar Aven ere street trees. The resultsuof„this survey indic to participants.expressed an interest to continue u was unable to make contact.,with°residents at 3 vacant). Based on these sure planted at locations approved Highcliff to GrW69Fsstaff lant trees. On.Ju e 1 and 2, s to gauge interest in planting out of 7 survey participants, 4 ee tree planting project. Staff r ies (2 properties appear amending that trees be J residents. for fhiswork is $6,565.14, including a 90-day maintenance period. uatelf riding in the st er et1maintenance cost center (Gas Tax Funds) to fund the City Council authorize tree planting at locations d"authorize the City Manager to execute a contract to complete Juan Nunez "stated the trees on Del Mar had,been planted and assumed Council wanted it that way. He added th trthe survey taken was given to tenants and not to property owners. He asked about the ramps for tte ADA on the Westside of Del Mar; first the city build them, then the phone company came in to rewire their lines and fixed them the same way, now they have been done the third time; the only difference is that the yellow pad has been added and they cut 24 ft. off each side of the ramp. Council Member Steven Ly made a motion, seconded by Council Member Sandra Armenta, to authorize tree planting at locations approved by residents and authorize the City Manager to execute a contract to complete the work. Vote resulted in: Yes: Armenta, Clark, Low, Ly, Taylor No: None Rosemead City Council Meeting Minutes of June 9, 2009 Page 5 of 15 Abstain: None Absent: None F. Contract Extension with Clean Street to Provide Street Sweeping Services The City of Rosemead provides street sweeping services through a contractual agreement with Clean Street. The agreement includes performance standards including service levels, diversion requirements, equipment standards, and reporting requirements. Per the agreement, all City streets are swept at least once weekly, Monday through Friday. The City's current street sweeping service ag June 30, 2009. In accordance with this agreE mutually agree to extend the term of this agrE extending the agreement with Clean Street,oi ew,ri < under existing contract terms and conditions". 11 Recommendation: That the Authorize the City Manag extensiomwith Clean Stre V,. for proposeltprrgcess; and 2. Direct staff 0~epare a rE services. % Mayor Pro Tem Taylor information on it. A Council Member Ly cl months but staff:'was A ager to abstain.on this lean Street expires on and Clean Street may as discussed ?are willing to do so a six-month contract time to complete a request for street sweeping he did not have enough to extend the contract for another 6 that was correct. Mayor Pro Tem~Taylor stated'~~the city has had these contracts in the past and have negotiated with the contractor ihh&chooses t%go ahead with an extension with no rate increases. Mr. Taylor stated that was t added it as not somfutch'qu stionn of some l of l these contracts because some awere rabout 14 to "Q. ° 15 years old and the City went out to rebid them, because it was something that had to be updated but this contract has only been for three years. Mr. Taylor stated it was like the tree trimming contractor, if they come in and they are willing to go ahead at the current prices or without an extension or a cost increase the City allows that contractor to continue the work and that is the concern with this particular one; He added he intended to abstain. Council Member Steven Ly made a motion, seconded by Council Member Polly Low, to approve staff's recommendations. Vote resulted in: Yes: Armenta, Clark, Low, Ly No: None Rosemead City Council Meeting Minutes of June 9, 2009 Page 6 of 15 Abstain: Taylor Absent: None H. Statement of Fiscal Hardship if State Elects to Borrow City Property Taxes and Approve Unfunded Mandates On May 5th the Department of Finance announced it had proposed to the Governor that the state "borrow" over $2 billion in local property taxes from cities, counties, and special districts to balance the state budget, causing deeper cuts in local public safety and other vital service. In order to start that process, the Governor would have to issue a proclamation declaring,,the existence of a "severe fiscal hardship". The legislature would then have to implement the "borrowing" , program by passing urgency legislation (2/3 vote)swh~ib~hidentifies how the "loan" will be repaid with interest. The League of California Cities'has developea member cities and sent to theit legislators and hardship will exist if this propose6state proper of the ongoing property tax losses and'the seri economic recession. Recommendation: That t direct the City Clerk to ser Governor and the League Juan Nunez - stated the,State is:,coming out trying to borrow money;, , Council Member Polly to approve staffL' recc raft resolutiiih; to be modified by N IN Governor, finding that a fiscal raid is added tQhe pressures nk 'y revenue losses due to the N Resolution No. 2009-28 and nto he City's legislators, the money and here the State is by Council Member Sandra Armenta, in: Yes: Ar"mental Claek'Low, Ly, Taylor No: None J. Interi6Budget Amendments From time to time, as new revenues are received and when changing circumstances warrant, it becomes necessary to amend the budget. Resolution No. 2009-29 amends the budget with $929,300.00 of new General Fund appropriations. The appropriations are funded with $264,560.00 of new estimated revenue and $664,740.00 is funded by unreserved fund balance. There is also a funding shift of $350,000.00 from the Proposition A fund to the Proposition C fund for public transportation services. Recommendation: That the City Council adopt Resolution No. 2009-29. Rosemead City Council Meeting Minutes of June 9, 2009 Page 7 of 15 11. 1, Council Member Steven Ly made a motion, seconded by Council Member Polly Low, to approve Resolution No. 2009.29. Vote resulted in: Yes: Armenta, Clark, Low, Ly No: Taylor Abstain: None Absent: None K. Re-Certification of the General Municipal Election Held March 3, 2009 and Declaring the New Results The Los Angeles Superior Court entered their final v. Armenta, Molleda, Logan (the County Registrar Rosemead. In this judgment the Court has ordere March 3, 2009 General Municipal Election resu ts,, canvass totals. Recommendation: That the C Canvass for the March 3, 2009 in the matter of Tran fof~yoters) and the City of d theZty Clerk to certify the once again, to reflect the new and file the nertifcation of Council Member Ly stated he would be voting no on this item'because he felt the judge was incorrect in stating the city clerk did not do her jbb correctly and thought the city clerk did do her job correctly and she was right in excluding the signa`tu er s;that she did Mayor Pro Tem Taylor not do her job correctly Council Member Ly responded th therefore rejecting the city clerks Mayor Prd~Tem T /°x did not;~do herjob judge stated the city clerk did the judge didlwas to allow four ballots to be counted and his personal ruling but that he hadn't said the city clerk Mayor Clark-responded she agreed and she would vote yes simply because Council had to certify the election bufthought it wasiiionic because the signatures are supposed to match reasonably and she had sat tt%reafor three hours while the judge went over 28 ballots and if you do the math that is about 6 minutes~apiece and it defeated the entire purpose of why you have signatures that match to prevent fraudShe reiterated that she agreed with Mr. Ly but would vote yes simply because the election needed to be certified. Council Member Polly Low made a motion, seconded by Council Member Sandra Armenta, to receive and file the new Certification of Canvass for the March 3, 2009 General Municipal Election. Vote resulted in: Yes: Armenta, Clark, Low, Taylor No: Ly Abstain: None Absent: None Rosemead City Council Meeting Minutes of June 9, 2009 Page 8 of 15 5. MATTERS FROM CITY MANAGER & STAFF A. SR-60 Coalition MOU for the Gold,Line Eastside Transit Coorridor Phase 2, Alternate 1 The Gold Line Eastside extension, which is under construction from Union Station to Pomona Boulevard and Atlantic Boulevard in East Los Angeles, is scheduled to be completed in mid 2009. The Metropolitan Transit Authority (Metro) is currently studying four alternatives to extend the Gold Line, in addition to a no build alternative. Alternative 1 (SR-60), follows the southern edge of the SR-60 freeway, and traverses through Rosemead, Montebello,j Monte, and South El Monte. This route would bring light rail transportationlt" our community, In May of 2008, City Council directed staff to SR-60. In February 2009, the City Council„a the SR-60 route. Since that time, severaIr from the above cities to combine effort's` to lol Gold Line Extension Coalition is insthe proce through an MOU. Additionally, one of the fot initiated hiring a lobbying consultant on beta Recommendation: That Reimbursement Apreem Public Affairs Manager Council Member L but the share cost Mrs. the and the she wanted to understand the cost; the $60,000 was for the consultant is $2;000 per month. total of $12,000. CouncihMember Steven Ly,s Monte wastaking the lead or would the consultant answer t+~~ Mrs. Flores resoonded1hat tt South El Monte be before Whittier did. Nas sharing the cost for the consultant but South El if there was a disagreement between the coalition who 1. 1 consultant was answering to the coalition and the only reason id on it was because they wanted to act fast and hire the consultant Council Member Low asked who was representing the City of Rosemead in this coalition. Mrs. Flores responded she had been attending the meetings and also there was a meeting scheduled on the 16th for all of the councils from all the cities to attend. Council Member Steven Ly made a motion, seconded by Council Member Polly Low, to approve the MOU and the Reimbursement Agreement for the lobbying consultant. Vote resulted in: i046'work with Metro regarding sed a•resolution in support of have taken place with staff for SR-60. Asa (esult, the SR-60 f-being formed and formalized gmembers of the,coalition the coalition. Rosemead City Council Meeting Minutes of June 9, 2009 Page 9 of 15 Yes: Armenta, Clark, Low, Ly, Taylor No: None Abstain: None Absent: None B. Citizens' Option for Public Safety (COPS) Grant past several years budgeting and expending the fun enforcement deputy and special event overtime z funds be earmarked for only frontline police services The 2008 Budget Act provides $214.2 million in General Fund money in 2008-09 to eligible local jurisdictions, as defined, for public safety purposes. Of this amount, $107.1 million is allocated to the Citizens Option for Public Safety (COPS) program. The City of Rosemead has participated in the&GOPS program for the This fiscal year 2008-09, the City has b program. To date, the City has receiv`e' $50,000.00 expected by the end of u" requires that this item be placed on the opportunity for public input and discuss the allocation and experiditure of these Therefore, for fiscal year 2( budgeted and expended to deputy and,special event o of grant miding that these funds be )torcycle traffic enforcement rd Shaw, Temple Station support with respect to the use approve the appropriation of the COPS Mayor Pro T approve the C. Manager No: None Abstain: None Absent: None report. a motion, seconded by Council Member Polly Low, to COPS funds for fiscal year 2008.2009. Vote resulted in: Clark, Low, Ly, Taylor One Year Extension of Sheriff Contract and Approval of the Tolling Agreement The current contract with the Los Angeles County Sherriff's Department is set to expire on June 30, 2009. Due to ongoing discussion between the California Contract Cities Association (COCA) on behalf of their member cities and the motorcycle traffic requires that these for the COPS with the The administration of the funds o~Tc agenda and provide the y he he City Council must then approve Rosemead City Council Meeting Minutes of June 9, 2009 Page 10 of 15 County regarding the use of Liability Trust Fund money to pay for a settlement in a legal dispute, the CCCA is recommending that a one-year extension be approved rather than the normal five-year contract extension. It appears that most if not all of the 40 contract cities will be approving this one-year extension until an agreement can be reached. Along with the contract extension, a separate tolling agreement has been developed and signed by the CCCA along with its members who contract with the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department. CCCA has asked that all contract cities also adopt the tolling agreement as it is directly related to the dispute regarding the Liability Trust Fund. Recommendation: That the City Council take Approve the amendment County Sheriff's Deparrti sign any related documei Approve the tolling Association, its me City Attorney Montes reviewed the actionsTt there was a dispute between the various citi County with respect to management of the I current Sheriffs contract is due,to expire on all of the cities have approved,d; neayear e) Council Member Steve'h',E'y~maddmotion, approve the MOU and the~Reimbursement, resulted in . ,.~q. be taken t the Los Angeles ity Manager to ween California,Cbntract Cities County of Los Angeles. added that currently ntract with the`Sh6hff's Department and the 4,40fi uridawhich is part of that contract; the nd in rdb tr ensure uninterrupted service fetl by Council Member Polly Low, to lent for the lobbying consultant. Vote Yes: Armeiita, CWk,Low, Ly, Taylor No: None \ A Y 6. MATTERS FROM MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL A. Planning Commissioner Terms of Office As the Council is aware, all of the Planning Commission terms currently expire at the same time. In order to correct this and return to staggered terms, the Municipal Code must be amended. Staff has conferred with the City Attorney and has prepared an Ordinance which will re-establish staggered terms for the Planning Commission. The City Council will need to randomly select two of the recent appointees that will serve only one year terms. Rosemead City Council Meeting Minutes of June 9, 2009 Page 11 of 15 Recommendation: That the City Council adopt Ordinance No. 875 authorizing the amendment to Section 2.28.020 of the Rosemead Municipal Code. City Attorney Montes reviewed the staff report and clarified that the Ordinance was on the agenda for the first reading and will be put back on thefiollowing council agenda for City Council's approval. Council Member Polly Low made a motion, seconded by Council Member Sandra Armenta, to introduce Ordinance No. 875 for its first reading. Vote resulted in: Yes: Armenta, Clark, Low, Ly, Taylor No: None Abstain: None Absent: None B. Funding the IRS Penalties of the On May 12, 2009, staff brought a request to the City Council to ssist the Rosemead Youth Association (RYA)'n n the payment of penalties thak6d been levied by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) totalingt$9,890.43. During discussion at the meeting the Council direcfedistaff to work with the RYA and their V, M accountant to determineliNn fact the penaltiestcould be reduced or waived. It was believed at the time that if the~C ty, paid these penalties, IRS might be less willing to reduce or waive them when,the appeal wa ' eceived. Since the original direction wascprovided staff' as been working with the RYA and Ali, At~ their accoun tantand have determined that it is in the best interest in the RYA to pay off three penal iesAas soon as posxsible. The RYA President, Jerry Faustino, has been in contact witheE IRS Agent assigned to their account and has been assured thatif+the,p ne allies are paid off, it will not affect the appeal process regarding the reduction or wawmg of fees. He was told that if in fact the fees were reducedthe IRS would refund any payments that had been made. Secondly, the outstanding baIancef r the penalties is accruing additional interest penalties at the rate of 22% While%the RYA is making monthly payments of $500 per month, the added interest is consuming a lot of their payment. has the ability to automatically withdraw funds from the RYA's bank is making it difficult for the RYA to collect funds to start the season. It is very realistic that any league fees for the upcoming season or funds generated by the fireworks booth to help pay for the upcoming season could be taken by the IRS for the payment of outstanding penalties. The RYA Treasurer has contacted the IRS and has obtained a new payoff statement that is valid through July 2, 2009. Their current outstanding balance is as follows: Rosemead City Council Meeting Minutes of June 9, 2009 Page 12 of 15 Tax Year Amount 2004 $2,927.11 2005 $2,185.77 2007 $3,807.93 $8,920.81 Recommendation: That the City Council provide direction regarding the contribution of funds to the Rosemead Youth Association. Acting City Manager Hawkesworth reviewed the staff report. Council Member Ly stated he sympathized with RYA but was amount and would be more comfortable with paying half the was the City's role to come in and pay off debts of any organi Mayor Pro Tern Taylor stated he agreed with Mr. Ly butb and the fact that they are servicing 400 youth in the comp the program going as best possible. He added that-when Council was donating 5-8 thousand, then it was raised to, statement that he was not going to discriminate and once Hawkesworth for further clarification. vina the entire only fair to keep the organization going. r%added he and because of the IRS if they don't pay it theyG'roe going to ac if,Gecause he did not believe it is. ~'Ikl ie token th'eyxwere paying 22% thought the City" needed to keep ame up 5 or 6 yea sr ago nd,and said he h d made a ted paying off these fees it was chat Mr. Ly was saying but 22%a year; asked Mr. Mr. Hawkesworth responded ,that it was correctibuut t,was annualized in a monthly basis; basically RYA is giving $500 a month'paym~entt which givOttth em the ability of a 30 day payoff without any interest accruing but if;they don't payiit, they asses22% interest on the next month. Mayor Pro Tern Taylor respondeds Aethi_s•lust,kere~ps`them even. C"K Mr. Hawkesworth added `that there is also a concern because the IRS has the ability to raid their bank account at any time in addition RYA-i§ afraid that when they collect funds from their firework stand 4 RS~will take those'&Ods and they won't have money to start their league. Mayor Pro TeinTaylor asked that the RYA give Council more information on the IRS's claim because this is anob)prroftt gro p. He asked if this was because they didn't file their returns or if they made money and~didd;not report their taxes. Mr. Hawkesworth responded that it was because each year, even non-profits, are required to report an annual financial statement to both the State of California and the IRS, it has nothing to do with reporting taxes, it has to do with what the organization took in and paid out but if they don't file that financial statement in time the IRS assesses penalties and then that penalty begins to accrue interest. Mayor Pro Tern Taylor asked if there was no amending of the tax return to correct this. Mr. Hawkesworth responded no Rosemead City Council Meeting Minutes of June 9, 2009 Page 13 of 15 Mayor Clark stated no because there was no return filed. Mayor Pro Tem Taylor stated it was his understanding that if you don't do a tax return you just don't get the money but there is not penalty. : Council Member Armenta stated they were talking about an organization that has been in existence since 1972 and added she was an RYA participant and that the service that this organization provides is very essential. Mr. Armenta stated she understood what Mr. Ly was saying about the City not being here to bail everyone out but added that when circumstances arise that were out of their control then that needed to be taken under consideration. Council Member Ly stated for clarification that the three years that and 2007. Mr. Hawkesworth stated that those were the years that know if they were late in 2006 but currently there was r Council Member Ly asked if there was a way to get'R' to compare it with this year. He added he just wanted approved that none of those previous members were Mr. Hawkesworth responded that the RYA"ad'stated that them for rosters. Mayor Pro Tem Gary Taylor made a motion,:s approve the payment of$8;92U81Kto the IRS' No: Low, Ly, T ftidn'f'file was 2004, 2005, andladded that he did not balan eifor,2006. ers for 2004, 20054nd 2007 hat if this was going to get on the board. could certainly ask Member Polly Low, to gal Co"i"fs for Council Member Armenta Payment 6f&' ;council Member Armenta has requested the City consider paying for her defense osts?related°to the legal challenge that was made by John Tran in contest of the ev a .Ra Marchelection. In conferring with the City Attorney, California Government Code Section36812.5 provides in relevant part that "A city may defend any person elected to the city council in any election contest instituted for any of the causes set forth in subdivisions (a), (d), or (e) of section 16100 of the Election Code". Elections Code Section 16100(e) includes a challenge to an election based upon an allegation "that the precinct board in conducting the election or in canvassing the returns, made errors sufficient to change the result of the election as to any person who has been declared elected". The Complain in the Tran v. Armenta suit clearly falls within the scope of 36812.5 and 16100(e) and due to the fact that Council Member Armenta's interests in the case were different from and potentially Rosemead City Council Meeting Minutes of June 9, 2009 Page 14 of 15 in conflict with those of the City and City Clerk, it is appropriate that she was represented by a firm other than Burke, Williams & Sorensen, LLP. The City Attorney has also made the recommendation that if legal fees are to be paid by the City, that they be paid directly to the attorney representing Council Member Armenta. Recommendation: That the City Council provide direction regarding the payment of legal fees for Council Member Armenta in the Tran v. Armenta case. City Attorney Montes reviewed the staff report and added he had not been able to get the total amount due from Ms. Armenta's attorney. , Mayor Pro Tem Taylor stated he agreed with the concept of t challenge but was reluctant to vote on an empty contract and the following City Council meeting. Acting City Manager stated that Council could d Armenta's attorney and then bring it back to the Mayor Pro Tern Taylor stated he appreciated that becau! he was in favor of it but did not want to vote on an empty 8. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 7 53;pf.m. The next place on June 23, 2009 at~7:00rpm, Margaret Clark Mayor into a city election his item be deferred to to continueworkinq with Ms. an awkward situation because is scheduled to take Rosemead City Council Meeting Minutes of June 9, 2009 Page 15 of 15