CC - Item 7A - Minutes 09-22-09Minutes of the Joint CITY COUNCIL AND PLANNING COMMISSION SPECIAL MEETING September 22, 2009 OFFICIALS PRESENT: Mayor Margaret Clark, Mayor Pro Tern Gary Taylor, Council Member Sandra Armenta, Council Member Polly Low, and Council Member Steven Ly. OFFICIALS PRESENT: Chairwoman Diana Herrera, Vice-Chairman Willi am¢Alarcon , Commissioner Nancy Eng, Commissioner Joan Hunter and Commissioner Victor Ruiz OFFICIALS PRESENT: City Manager Allred, Assistant City Manager'Hawkesworth, Gity Attorney Montes, Community Development Director Saeki, Director of Finance,l3risco, Director of Parks and Recreation Montgomery-Scott, Economic Development Administrator=Ramirez, Deputy Public Works Director Marcarel and City Clerk Molleda. 'a, 1. PUBLIC COMMENTS FROM THE None 2. GENERAL PLAN UPDATE STUDY Community Devel Member Low and Principal Planner Bermejo p Bermejo reviewed!niajor--top Analysis~Mized-u ed berief amendments to the General Brian Lewin-expressed cc living in the cit'yty2025. Mr staff for the propos4height plan. Mayor Pro Tem Taylor of the presentation. that involved Mayor Clark, Council er.,point preseri6tion with the Sub-committee's findings. Ms. hicAn"c'liaded, what is Mixed Use Development, Sub-Committee's concerns, Sub-Committee's recommendations and proposed for ow%the staff.report stated, it projected approximately 61,700 people ed that he projected about 80,000 people by 2025. Also, commended because he, felt they are inappropriately too high under the current about a wall at a 45 degree angle figure starting for a property line on page 13 Principal Planner Bermejo replied that the slide of the presentation on the figure was not reflecting the municipal code of the city but it provided an example of what a variable height would look like. Also, added that the City currently uses a 20 degree set back. Mayor Pro Tem Taylor stated that it would be a 6 ft wall at a 20 degree angle on a property. Rosemead City Council and Planning Commission Joint Meeting Minutes of September 22, 2009 Page 1 of4 ITEM NO. Brian Lewin - suggested an idea to deal with parking issues by taking the current mixed-used standards and decreasing the square footage requirement resulting in additional parking spaces. Mayor Clark and Planning Commissioner Eng asked what the zoning designations from the nodes 1 through 4 shown on the map of the presentation. Principal Planner replied that they were all R2 zoning. Council Member Low stated that the zoning does riot change even though the plan changes. Mayor Clark clarified that the current General Plan stated 45 units per acrefi, a d the Sub-Committee is proposing 60. Ms Clark added that some of the areas, there are project/ thatsare proposed or have already z N- 1\ been approved but are not built yet, so the city cannot change the designation on some of them. Mayor Pro Tem Taylor asked for clarifications on page 2 of the staff uAder mixed used, there are three locations on the north and south side of Garvey Avenue between, Charlotte Avenue and'Walnp, t Grove that is considered mixed-use. However, the map shows it as commercial and Willard Avenue would°lie,the break off point. Community Development Director Saeki the map was showing accurate. Mayor Pro Tem Taylor inquired about page 25 front, why a section in between the purple and Community Development Mayor Pro Tem Taylor Community Development shows how theipropgsed, city would,,ha'Ve"totirirtg,tF Major,Clarrk'added that the home oarks orovide low in( Council M the same. replied any zones were going has 3 % miles of business area. a mobile home park. in the zoning code. :ooing had not changed and that the presentation land use designation; within a two year period, the with the General Plan. a buffer zone for the 60 units neighboring. Plus mobile zone change has happened for that mobile home park, it has remained Planning Commissioner agreed on Mr. Lewin's previous comments about the parking issues. Council MemberLy asked about the senior housing on Garvey Avenue, on what are the dwelling units on that location. Community Development Director Saeki stated that he was not sure about the exact number at the moment but assumed it was about 72 units. Rosemead City Council and Planning Commission Joint Meeting Minutes of September 22, 2009 Page 2 of 4 Council Member Armenia commented that zoning had to be hand in hand with the General Plan to be able to work. Planning Commissioner Eng reiterated that parking is an issue that should be addressed as well as traffic congestion issues. Mayor Clark asked staff to research how other surrounding cities are dealing with parking and traffic congestion issues. Mayor Pro Tem Taylor asked if Mr. Lewin was talking about changing the squate footage requirements on the commercial parking or the residential parking. j ' ~n Brian Lewin - stated it was mainly commercial parking require ent Mayor Pro Tem Taylor stated that a developer could have three ezc ptions, such as parking exceptions and choose two other. Planning Commissioner Ruiz asked if the architect designs itssdevelopment4here either less commercial and more residential they would still meet those requirements. Council Member Low thanked Mr. Ly for appo nting-Mayor Clark and'h'e If.on the Sub-Committee. Ms. Low explained that it gave both of them an opportunity tow~rk-together and share"their vision. Council Member Ly thanked the Sub-Committee and,staff for dealing'withAe General Plan issues. Mayor Clark proposed a field trip for Council and Planning Commissioners around the city to observe how the new proposed General.Plan will fit the city. '4~. Council Member Low asked staff to see how'other cities,compare and operate in relation to development. Mayor Pro -Tem Taylor reiterated that.he had not received any compliments on the building on Mission and Rosemead_ Boulevard. Also„added that he was leery that a developer may come to the city and want to raise the heights of a project. City Attorney Montes stated that'a developer would have to meet the requirements for the applicable percentage of affordable housing and then would have to seek as one of your variations the height. But as you will see when you move forward with this process and development standards are brought forward and if you are going to go that high~,you are going to need deviation on a lot of the city's standards and you are limited to three. , Y, , Council Member Low commented that she had learned on the project on Mission and Rosemead Boulevard was that you need to put your project in the right place, hot just because the location is on mixed-used designation it will work. Council MemberArmenta stated that it was important to know that two people who had two different ideas can come together. Rosemead City Council and Planning Commission Joint Meeting Minutes of September 22, 2009 Page 3 of 4 3. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 6:00 p.m. The next regular City Council meeting is scheduled to take place on September 22, 2009 at 7:00 p.m. ATTEST: Gloria Molleda, City Clerk Rosemead City Council and Planning Commission Joint Meeting Minutes of September 22, 2009 Page 4 of 4