CC - Item 7A - Minutes 08-25-09Minutes of the REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING August 25, 2009 The regular meeting of the Rosemead City Council was called to order by Mayor Clark at 7:02 p.m. in the Rosemead City Council Chamber located at 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California. FLAG SALUTE: Mayor Pro Tern Taylor INVOCATION: Council Member Armenta PRESENT: Mayor Clark,.Mayor Pro Tern Taylor, Council Member Council Member Ly. OFFICIALS PRESENT: City Manager Allred, Assistant Montes, Economic Development Director Saeki, Directc Montgomery-Scott, Economic Development Administrat and City Clerk Molleda. 1. PRESENTATION • Proclamation to Huy Fong Foods; Mayor Clark along with the Member Low, and Attorney Director of Parks"and,Recreation Public Works D irecf r Marcarello, with a Proclamation. The Rosemead Chamber a.§o,presented a proclamation'tbrtHuy Fong Foods, Inc. 2. Brian L"euvin - spoke on behalf of Nancy,E6g:and read her letter thanking staff and Council for the Rosemead 50;h bash and Nat onaIsNight Out,evenf.as well as supporting the Public Safety Center. Also, Ms. Eng expre sed`concern to learnNhat at the monthly Public Safety workshops, the crime statistic reports will not be released~until.the City Council reviews them first. Mr. Eng's letter described that the monthly crime statistic updates are important and/very useful to her as a neighborhood watch captain because it allows her to alert neighbors.' Mayor Clark asked staff tdlook into the concerns addressed by Ms. Nancy Eng's letter. Sharon Esquivel - commended city staff on the quick response in regards to graffiti removal. She thanked the Council for supporting the Public Safety Center and asked why current crime statistic reports will not be available at the monthly Public Safety Center workshops. Ms. Esquivel expressed concern and stated the neighbors wanted to be more alert about crimes in their. neighborhoods. Rosemead City Council Meeting Minutes of August 25, 2009 n Page I of 17 E NO. J~ Council Member Ly asked staff if the report can be given simultaneously to the residents as well as City Council. He added Block Captains should have the data since they talk to the neighbors and can better address the safety needs of that area. Mayor Pro Tem Taylor agreed to release the crime statistic report simultaneously to the public as well as to the Council. However, Mr. Taylor expressed concern and stated that in the past there had been a few incidents when information was released and Council received calls from the public and had no idea what the public was talking about because Council had not had a chance to see the reports Council Member Armenta agreed with Mr. Taylor in releasing the crime Armenta added that it was important that council know what was going~ phone calls from residents. 4 City Manager Allred stated that staff will institute that immediately. Chuck Lyons - invited Council to the 28th Cross Country E thanked staff for trimming the trees in Rosemead Park. Mr. along with a city event. Mr. Lyons also suggested lighted c people have cut him off on the northbound lane3at RosemE staff to talk to Caltrans to improve the lane.` Mayor Clark asked that staff look into the Also, suggested that a flashing.signalwo _ Council Member A only and there are Juan Nunez- was made„the Chief!ofPolice Murakami state time. It is citable but the officer because you h"eat it. Juan Nunez as regarding noise Chief of Police felony offense. make its simultaneously. Ms. because they do receive the dtiine-statistic reports 17, 2009. Also, d on a 5K event to take place high school and also stated that )ht turn lane. Mr. Lyons asked with unsigned crosswalks. ives by the Target center and there is a sign that says right turn to get in that rigliklane to cut into the passing. e that if there was a disturbance and a second call Nunez asked if this rule was still in effect, n`ordinance in place that references day time versus night the offence, it has to be a certain level, it cannot be just the noise level. Mr. Nunez had an altercation with a neighbor that the person who Mr. Nunez had an altercation with was arrested on a Rosemead City Council Meeting Minutes of August 25, 2009 Page 2 of 17 3. CONSENT CALENDAR A. Minutes July 14, 2009 - Regular Meeting July 14, 2009-Special Meeting August 5, 2009 - Special Meeting B. Claims and Demands Resolution No. 2009 - 46 Recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. amount of $421,374.51 numbered 67230 C. California Contract Cities Association Association - Fall Seminar- Septembe The California Contract Cities.Association will take place on September'25 27 2009 V~ Recommendation: That the City{Council; or a staff designee to attend the event at '-"-1-\ V D. Ratificatt^ion'ofa'~Youth Ad Hoc Commiitl y d The City Council will consider the ratifcati Youth Ad Hoc" ommitte`e 15 ;.r* /f'"Recommendation: Thatethe City Cduncil expenditures in the 29th Annual`California Contract Cities Association in Carlsbad. California. any Council Member, the City Manager, the appointment of Taymar Quezada to the ratify the appointment of Taymar Quezada to the Youth Ad Hoc Committee\✓, Council Member Ly made a motion, seconded by Council Member Armenta to approved Consent Calendar items A (excluding minutes of August 11, 2009), item B (excluding resolution 2009.45), item C and D. Vote resulted in JJ Yes: Armenta', Clark, Low, Ly, Taylor No: Non Abstain: None Absent: None Rosemead City Council Meeting Minutes of August 25, 2009 Page 3 of 17 A. Minutes August 11, 2009 - Special Meeting Mayor Pro Tem Taylor asked that the minutes of August 11, 2009 be deferred to the next meeting. He stated that the last sentence of the minutes during closed session item be clarified. He clarified that when item 1 A was being discussed he did not participate on that item. Council Member Ly suggested that maybe the word recuse could be used in Mayor Clark stated Mr. Taylor did not recuse; he left the meeting duri Mayor Pro Tem Taylor stated "without mentioning what it was and that he had received nothing. Mr. Taylor added that he w bottom part of the sentence was just too blunt and incorrect/' Mayor Clark asked if he would like to add, "When Item 1A was_disci Mayor Pro Tem Taylor replied yes, he had a reason for walking out, Also, clarified that for staff, he had requested mformaton and it was three other slaughterhouses that had ventilation ,for tlie'.Cal Poultry Economic Development Director Saeki replied closed session. Mayor Pro Tem Taylor asked where I Nr Economic Development DirectorSae system and there is no other facility 0 Mayor Pro" Tem ~ ylo eiteraed that specifically referred to many months give a fair'ev\luation on what's going Economic Develooment Director Sae Cal Poultry if that for moreihformation on that project ate in item "14 but,not item A". The to,,the sentence toLClarify. closed session during item 1A. ven to him. Mr. Taylor asked for during that discussion in no information to give out, it's a one of a kind in thkity of Los Angeles there is another facility that Mr. Saeki ack'when the issue started. Mr. Taylor wanted to see this so he may on; yet he had not received anything. stated that he actually went out to that facility and asked the owner of i system and he said no, that it was one of a kind system. Mayor Clark asked Mr. Taylor if he wanted these additions tonight. Mayor Pro Tem Taylor stated when the minutes come back for approval at the next meeting; and that he did not want to add additional verbiage to the minutes on something he did not say during that meeting, he was just clarifying. Rosemead City Council Meeting Minutes of August 25, 2009 Page 4 of 17 B. Claims and Demands Resolution No. 2009 - 45 Recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 2009-45, for payment of City expenditures in the amount of $859,228.24 numbered 100482 through 100503 and 67074 through 67229. Mayor Pro Tem Taylor inquired on a class instructor fee, for $2,306 dollars and another for $70 dollars. On another page, was $100 dollars, $22 dollars, and then a $175 dollar fee and recently,,,there has been claims and demands with fees of $1,300 dollars, $1,500 dollars for classes. Asked staff to bring back about six months back of records and find out what these classes are. Stating he,had,never seen fees so high. Also, added he would like more back up information for a payment of $889x70 dollars;to a,paint shop. Mayor Pro Tern Taylor made a motion, seconded by 45. Vote resulted in: Ly,to 2009- Yes: Armenta, Clark, Low, Ly, Taylor No: None Abstain: None Absent: None Marlene Shinen - expressed concern with Cal Pou facility should have been shut down, the odor that c odor to be very strong and you.can-smell it from her described a young girl walking,oiit~holding her nose concluded by reiterating4hat the facility, should have an absent,resident. Reiterating that the acilitv,is horrid. Ms. Shinen described the submitted.a photo she took of the facility and she can'n'ot stand the smell. Ms. Shinen sed by now. E. Sister City The City. of,Rosemead'has established ongoing "sister city" relationships with Keelung, Taiwan and Zapopan, Mexico. At the request of interested citizens, a policy statement has been prepa~ed,for~the format on and operation of separate citizen-based sister city committees, onefor each,sister city. The proposed policy statement calls for City Council appointment of an' Executive Board for each sister city committee comprised of volunteer citizens who will guide and oversee the committee's activities. The policy also encourages the for`mation of independent private non-profit organizations to raise funds and finance sister city ewxc• ha' nZse ge,activities. 11., 1 That the City Council approve the proposed policy for Sister City Committees. Mayor Pro Tern Taylor stated that the city had a sister city program ongoing for about 30 years, now the vast majority of the members are deceased. He expressed concern about the tax payer's money being used to pay for travel expenses. Volunteers would organize and raise their own funds for travel; however, he objects having City Council members get their expenses paid through the program which could cost thousands of Rosemead City Council Meeting Minutes of August 25, 2009 Page 5 of 17 dollars. Mr. Taylor reiterated that city funds are not to be used, although it states on the back of the staff report under financial review, the approval of the proposed policy will not make any immediate direct financial impact. He felt that the wording was tricky because, the city would not pay at the moment, but if expenses arise,.the city will have to pay. Council Member Ly agreed with Mr. Taylor's assessment, and added that the general policy of the proposal should state that no city funds will go towards any travel expenses. Mr. Ly stated that there was inconsistency with the program, after reading the report and asked who will be the staff liaison to the sister city committee. City Manager Allred stated that the assignment had not been made yet. It would most likely be a salary employee so the city would not have any overtime expenditures. Also, stated'that there is a provision in the policy where it encourages development of a non-profit corporation or organizatiomto pay for expenses, the city would not be paying for. 3 it Mayor Pro Tem Taylor acknowledged that other sister city programs m other cities, coundtl~expenses are paid. He asked that staff make sure that the provision include that no funds will be used forth>e~ fCity Council members as well as volunteers for travel expenses. /JA Y Council Member Low agreed with Mr. Taylor and Mr. Ly on this i spending of any city funds for travel; but asked~,what about other Mayor Pro Tem Taylor stated that there would orily,be promdtic promoting sister city program. Also, the committee will try to ge outside businesses of other cities-Mr. Taylor stated`that he did individuals or particular bus' messes.~' `x Council Member Low a money inappropriately. to have the City Managef-Allrffst spentow ezpensesfor Mayor Pro~Tekn Taylor asked Council Member1oia•asked that next meeting. N \ J clarified that there will not be any lures for the program for iembers involved as well as spend money promoting to protect the city and not spend city an item`tb the provisions indicating that city funds will not be cipating in the program. volunteers as well. item be deferred so staff can make the changes and bring back at the Council Member Armentaistated she agreed with Mr. Taylor and Ms. Low that the committee is important but the way the economy is now, the city does not have the resources to allocate these expenditures. Mayor Clark agreed with the rest of the council. Rosemead City Council Meeting Minutes of August 25, 2009 Page 6 of 17 F. Update on Billing from the former City Attorney A Council Member has requested an update on the status of any outstanding bills from the previous City Attorney firm of Garcia, Calderon, Ruiz, LLP. Staff spoke to Mr. Bonny Garcia on August 13, 2009 and found that the City still has one outstanding invoice for retainer service for August 2008. Once this invoice has been paid, the account will be paid in full. Recommendation: That the City Council receive and file an Mayor Pro Tem Taylor stated that the updated billing from the previous~.Cl thought it was ironic that the billing itself went back one year to the month of Attorney Montes if on a September special meeting with the Garvey School night. City Attorney Montes replied that there was a special r with their intended use of the closing school sites, and and he had to step in that evening. Mayor Pro Tem Taylor asked if that was on a year ago was $15,000 dollars and Mr. Taylor asked City Mr. Montes filedl in that Garvey School'District associa vith that particulapg`enda item )tember the 5th? City Attorney Montes replied that he had no Council Member Ly Mayor Pro Tern Taylor stated it was the City Attorney billing `months.behi was not functioning properly~Now.tt Council Member L'owas] and what was that billing Assistant Cit} council. Also; dollars per mi additional cla city council. Mayor Pro Tem Taylor that he agrees with Ms. Low to deferred the item to the next meeting. Assistant City Manager Hawkesworth asked for clarification on council's direction. According to Mr. Garcia he claims he did give the city a bill and that it was never paid. Also, the firm was reconciling their accounts and realized that the city had not paid it. Mr. Hawkesworth explained that all attorney billings were copied to all council and he could not find that specific invoice Mr. Garcia sent to the city. fiber 5th and'that on this past April there was a discussion about Mr. Garcia gav&council a clarification that their computer system ago and was not sure what it was for. m formation and reveiw the minutes to see what happened report the city still owes Mr. Garcia one payment. ~awkes`woryth stated'that a copy of the billing was provided last week to the city the existing contract the city had with the firm, the retainer for a minimum of $15,000 1 as some-Fed Ex and office supply charges were included. He was not sure what 3ff canget other than a detail provided in the invoice that was already given to the was sompjtime ago. was more that{a,vear or Rosemead City Council Meeting Minutes of August 25, 2009 Page 7 of 17 Mayor Pro Tem Taylor stated that Mr. Garcia said the same thing when Mr. Taylor was supposed to be sent to the Grand Jury, he submitted a billing for $40,000 dollars after the issue was resolved. Mr. Taylor stated that it was intriguing that Mr. Garcia, for the second time would say that he submitted an invoice and the city did not pay. Assistant City Manager Hawkesworth replied that during a conversation with Mr. Garcia he asked for the final amount due of what the city owes, and he would forward it to council. Mayor Pro Tem Taylor asked that the item be brought back and added that Mr!Gar'cia specifically told the council in the past that there was a computer glitch; and it would not happen again. V Assistant City Manager Hawkesworth explained the firm was transitioning to a°neWbilling system and they were having trouble generating bills. \'X Council Member Armenta asked staff if City Attorney Monteswas paid at the meeting in"question as well as Mr. Garcia. She hopes that Mr. Garcia's firm was not paid; in~hopes that'there was no double dipping going on. r Mayor Pro Tem Taylor clarified that he could be wrong in the sensbAhat.Mr. Garcia was preparing for a City Council meeting. Mr. George Yin stepped in toytie;Garvey School DistrOmeeting and Mr. Montes stepped in as well because there was an agreement that he, duld'represent the city,in caserconfiicts arise. G. Adoption of the Updated 2009 CongestiomMana_ gemenf Program and 2009 Local Developmeennt,.Report 71- The Congestion Manament Program (C MP) is a state mandated program that helps address the impact of urban congestion in~local communities. The CMP requires that cities in Los AngelesoCounty, file}a Local Development Report (LDR) indicating the City's actions taken-to`duce traffic con gestion;Fthe°region. In order to meet its requirements, the City must=adopt•a\esolution•fnding the City of Rosemead in compliance with the CMP for the Los Angeles County,and also„submit a Local Development Report. That the City Council: Adopt Resolution No. 2009-44 finding that the City is in conformance with the Congestion Management Program (CMP) for the County of Los Angeles; 2. Adopt the 2009 Local Development Report; and 3. Authorize staff to submit the CMP Local Development Report to the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Authority Juan Nunez - asked how the city was planning to update a plan to reduce congestion on Del Mar Avenue when students are coming out of school. Rosemead City Council Meeting Minutes of August 25, 2009 Page 8 of 17 City Manager Allred clarified that the document is a county document that the city is required to adopt. Deputy Public Works Director Marcarello gave an overview of the staff report it. Council Member Ly made a motion, seconded by Mayor Pro Tern Taylor to adopt the updated Congestion Management Program. Vote resulted in: Yes: Armenta, Clark, Low, Ly Taylor No: None Abstain: None Absent: None Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Transportation Authority for Countywide Si The Metropolitan Transportation Authority,(Metro) Rapid, transit system that provides more frequent services with. lines. Metro Rapid Line 770 runs through Rosemead;alo Metro Rapid service, Metro has asked that the Cily,adopa (MOU) clarifying duties and responsibilities between Met Countywide Signal Priority (CSP)kRroogram. This MOU w communications equipment on City-o`wned,traffc signals between the,@ Authority toted( Countywide S Juan Nunez- stated-that the I Council Member Ly explained,G Union'Station. The 770 bus lin is trying to speed up that route Juan Nunez stated that he state or the county?~" Metropolitan )us program is a'higfi?capacity wer stops than otlier`Metro transit ig Garvey Avenue' As part of the a Memorandum of Understanding sand the City as it relates to the ralso.allow Metro to install CSP 3lond Garvey Avenue. the City Councihapprove t 0,Memorandum of Understanding mead and theios AngelesCounty Metropolitan Transportation gnal priority equipment along Garvey Avenue as part of Metro's y program. Y not-many eople ride on it. the 770%us~line was a rapid line that gets you from El Monte station to jesigned for locations near downtown areas. By realigning the light, Metro r !give people more options in terms of alternative transportation. his own survey and asked if Metro receives any subsidiary from the Mayor Pro Tem Taylor stated that Metro is publicly; funded to keep its operation. He also stated that there are 58 signals from Caesar Chavez to the El Monte station and the way the system will operate, the bus will be traveling along were it has a wireless system where it programs the signal to change green within a five second interval, plus or minus. If there are that many buses going east and west that means they don't desynchronize the signals as such they only do it spontaneously for that particular light. Deputy Public Works Director Marcarello added that typically only ten percent of the cycle is allocated through this priority request either for an early green light or an extension. Rosemead City Council Meeting Minutes of August 25, 2009' Page 9 of 17 Mayor Pro Tem Taylor asked if it was ten percent of that 30 second cycle. When the county sets up a plan and the city does not follow it the County cuts our county funding. Council Member Low made a motion, seconded by Council Member Ly approve Memorandum of Understanding between the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority. Vote resulted in: Yes: Armenta, Clark, Low, Ly, Taylor No: None Abstain: None Absent: None 4. MATTERS FROM CITY MANAGER & STAFF - A. Preparation of a Mobilehome Park .A request has been made of the City N-3 CounciKtc) of low income residents from mobilehome parks. Government Code Section 65858 authorizes citii ordinances or moratoriums to;place a temporary states that in order to adopt a mor current and immediate threat to the there are no current applications c displacement ofmobilehome park findings required'to adopt a morati Ordinance noraionum on me,aispiacemem of Rosemead. California interim urgency zoning ertain matters. Section 65858(c) .stcontain findings that there is a , safety, i,y,igelfare. At the present time, 04s,aware.that would result in the immediate ...,r As a result, it will be difficult to make the W an urgency ordinance. Additionally;. interim urgency zoning ordinances are temporary and may only last for the period of time;necessary`for•the City to address the concerns which prompted the adoption of the moratorium. An effective.actioh'that the City Council can take to address mobilehome relocation:issues s•to adopt its own mobilehome "change of use" ordinance. Such an ordinance•is in,the process_of being developed and can be presented to the Council in late September brVctober. The proposed ordinance would require input from the City Council early on in the hange of use/relocation process and allow the Council to be more involved to ensure the changejof use process is handled properly. Therefore, a moratorium may not be necessary as a Mobilehome park change of use ordinance can be adopted within the next iidation: That the City Council direct staff to finalize a proposed mobilehome park ordinance for Council's consideration no later than the meeting of October 2&h. Economic Development Director Saeki reviewed staff report. Rosemead City Council Meeting Minutes of August 25, 2009 Page 10 of 17 Lillian Sacco - read her comments stating that she understood why a moratorium on the displacement of low income trailer park residents was not appropriate or necessary. While the city council is taking an important step forward by planning to adopt a mobile home change of use ordinance, she is concerned with the interpretation of the ordinance of the State. The interpretation of the weasel word reasonable depends on the mind of the person who is making the determination. The immediate problem of displacement of the families in spaces 1 A, and 3A in Park Monterey could be resolved if the owner would reserve two of the dedicated spots of the condominiums for the residents of 1 A and 3A. After all the dedicated units are for affordable housing and these families are in need of affordable housing. /I\ Francisco Mata - stated that his family is indeed in pain as they are following the process of relocation, they are not happy so far with wh distressed. Mr. Mata hopes that the city council will oversee that they Mayor Clark explained to Mr. Mata that he was not under and he is located on phase two. The owners have not sut Council Member Ly explained that the reason council could not applied to change the use of that part of Park Monterey. instead that council work on an ordinance. - Mayor Pro Tem Taylor asked Mr. Mata how Mr. Mata responded that he has been in his unit fot~12 YE City Attorney Montes explained aa' st ff will be work g council's consideration. Also,, the fat that this is being di submitted prior to the adoption,of the o',rdinance the rules Mayor Pro in his unit. ed. Although, they are as they are economically time. The pr s requesting is on phase one n is because why staff is r owners have an ordinance and bringing it back in October for issed publicly, if an application were to be wld still apply to the application. council is going to be adopting an ordinance. City Attorney Montes staedthat{the staff report ndicates there is going to be an ordinance brought back in October. The, owners may submit;an application but if the application takes 12 months to process, then the ordinance should be adopted in two months. Council Member.A~menta made a motion, seconded by Council Member Ly, to direct staff to finalize a proposed mobilehome¢par relocation ordinance. Vote resulted in: 1 '1 Yes: Armenta, Clark, Low, Ly No: No e Abstain: Taylor Absent: None Rosemead City Council Meeting Minutes of August 25, 2009 Page 11 of 17 B. Comprehensive Fee Resolution The City provides various individualized services i.e. inspections, permits, variances, etc. that are not of general benefit. Such individualized services are usually funded by fees charged to the individual user rather than by subsidies from the general taxpayers of the City. However, the City does not currently have a single source document or "comprehensive" list of the various fees charged for individual services, which is problematic. Therefore, the City Council is requested to consider the enactment of a comprehensive fee resolution that will: e • Provide a single source comprehensive fee City for services; • Establish a regular practice of and approval on an annual ba Minimize the erosion of the City's services are provided for ihdividus the expense of general taxpayers. Recommendation: That the all fees charged by the to the City Cbubbl~or their review 11 balance, which occurs when (i.e. developers, contractors, etc.) at 1. Approve Resolution No. 2009-47 Whichis d comprehensive listing of current fees, plus the-imposition of fees of $25`for the f sf' bad" check and $35 per check therreafOr for processing "non sufficient funds' (NSF) checks to cover charges assessed to the City by banks and staff costs; and a 1 % per month late payment charge on unpaitl balances. ,,,future meeting, recommended fee adjustments that 2 " rD`rect staff to bang tiack,:a __a e'will equitably cover the costs for certain services that directly benefit individual users. ze ~ . City Manager Allred stated tha" he City did t have a comprehensive fee schedule set. Mayor Clark referred to an article,by the San Gabriel Valley Tribune dated July 6, 2009 which talked about solar panels. The artiele praises the City of Rosemead along with other cities, for being the second to lowest fee of $122 dollars forinstellingI's lar panels. Ms. Clark stated that she would like to make sure that when something benefits the pulilic:at large that they city can subsidize. City Manager Allred stated that those considerations can be made when there are adjustments to be brought forth to the council. Mayor Pro Tem Taylor asked if at this time, the list was not complete. City Manager Allred stated that the report showed a comprehensive fee resolution showing all fees that are currently in place. Rosemead City Council Meeting Minutes of August 25, 2009 Page 12 of 17 Mayor Pro Tem Taylor asked where the fee for yard sale permits was. Finance Director Brisco explained that staff could not find a fee for yard sale permits. Mayor Pro Tern Taylor stated that it was past staff, who tried to increase the price for the yard sale permits but council would not allow it. Director of Finance Brisco stated, that is the reason why staff put together a comprehensive document, the fees were spread throughout every department, and staff is trying to bring ,it~allMogether. Mayor Pro Tern Taylor reiterated that past staff tried to increase prices ffo/r" otherip~ermits that were too high. <'t " L Council Member Low stated that there are still fees that staff may,needIo add to th'e list. Ms. Low suggested that council adopt the current fee resolution as a base and update the•fees as needed: I\ Mayor Pro Tem Taylor inquired for clarification on a dumpsterbin fee. He,explained that a'residenf has to pay the trash company a fee of $600 dollars for a roll off container"...Then a b~$250 dollar container refundable deposit to the city, they are not being charged any permit fee fromwthel ty. Assistant City Manager Hawkesworth confirmedtthat the $250 dollars'is'a'refundable deposit. Council Member Ly stated that some fees were the sameJoCresidents and nonresidents. He felt that it is a disservice to our residents and council should adopt a set fee-resolution and make the necessary adjustments as needed. Mayor Pro Tern Taylor iinquired about a{$250 dollar Kfor temporary structure or parking equipment on the street. He stated that when,someone is,d'omg demolition theywill bring a tractor out there and park it in the front of the house to bring the materialland-load,it in; they, ill have to pay a $250 dollars fee to bring that equipment in front of the,house Mfjaylor'asked_if a $200 dollar cost for equipment parked overnight was a depositorA&a~fee'''~~ Assistant City Manager Hawkesworth stated that under the current code, it is a fee and not a deposit of $200 dollars for parking the equipment,overnighV Mayor Pro Tem Taylor also inquired about a key deposit, which he thought staff was not going to issue keys because of a basketballtincidentIv Director of Parks and Recreation Montgomery-Scott clarified that the key deposit was mainly for the use of the snack bars at the parks. Mayor Pro Tem Taylor asked that staff clarify that on the fee resolution. Rosemead City Council Meeting Minutes of August 25, 2009 Page 13 of 17 Council Member Low made a motion, seconded by Council Member Armenta to adopt Resolution 2009.47. Vote resulted in: Yes: Armenta, Clark, low, Ly No: None Abstain: Taylor Absent: None rder,'No.a2006.0003 Sanitary C. Approval of the State Water Resources Control Board OAll;,/ Sewer Management Plan In accordance with State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) Order No. 2006-0003, public agencies are required to develop and implement`!a Sanitary,Sewer System Master Plan (SSMP). The mandate includes the require nenMo properly manage, operate, and maintain all parts of the City's local sanitary sewer system, including the mitigation of any potential sewer overflows. The mandate.also;consists of,general waste di`sch'arge requirements (WDRs), which prohibit the discharge of untreated wastewaterthat may reach waters of the United States or cause a public nuisance. In addition, the SSMP must be reviewed by the City Council and recertified every 5,years to maintain compliance with state programs. Recommendation: That the City`CoLfhciliadopt.Resolutior~N6' 2009-43 approving the City's Supplemental Sanitary Sewer ManagementtiPlan; as required by the State Water Resources Control Board,Order,No. 2006-0003-Statewide General4aste Discharge Requirements (WDR) for,,SanitarySewer Systems.; Deputy of Public Works Director Marcarello reviewed Mike Fisher of KimleyHorn ana-Associa'tes•gave a tirief overview of the sewer management plan. Spoke .mom 1' r'wj about preventable sanitaFry~sewer over'flows, proper procedures, audits, treatments in sewer systems and raising awareness. Mayo Pro T,emZaylor asked where all the:fee structures going to be established for this plan. Deputy of Publiftorks Director Marcarello replied that some of the identifications with some of the gaps, and those are some of the issues tharPare going to come back when the system capacity analysis is completed. Also, as new development comes to the city, staff will be able to pin point what is the fair share in paying for improvements capacity upgrades to the system will be. Mayor Pro Tem Taylor asked what is the cost for a new-construction home sewer permit to connect to the street. Mr. Fisher explained that there are three separate costs for R1 residential. First it is a $1,500 dollars from the Sanitation District. Second, is CSMD cost of $3,000 dollars and the City's fee is $300 dollars. The additional fee that is being discussed would be, if there is a capacity deficiency in their area where that individual is Rosemead City Council Meeting Minutes of August 25, 2009 Page 14 of 17 selecting to connect and there is a direct capacity upgrade and specifically required to meet that new development there would be a fee associated with that. Mayor Pro Tem Taylor asked if this was an ongoing program they are going to perform. Deputy of Public Works Director Marcarello replied there are a lot of environmental related issues that are coming, and over the next several years we'll see an increased demand for staff to spend time on maintaining programs such as the sewer system master plan. erg. Council Member Armenta reiterated on an earlier comment made by Mr. Tajrlo7 that on the Fee Resolution the cost for a home sewer permit to connect to the street was $250 dollars^A~lso•; there is a $2 dollars charge per square foot main line and a service cut of $17.50 <11/ Council Member Ly made a motion, seconded by 43. Vote resulted in: Low to adoO Resolution No. 2009- Yes: Armenta, Clark, Low, Ly, Taylor No: None Abstain: None Absent: None D. Chinese (Lunar) New Year Event Pi At its regular.'me g on May 12, 200 propose wl-unar (Chinese) New Year and is proposing four options for City ;ouncihfequested that staff research and Staff has researched several large local events of tl I provide staff with further direction regarding inese New Year. and Recreation Montgomery-Scott reviewed staff report. Mayor Pro Tem.Taylor asked for`clarifcation on the parade the City of San Gabriel and City of Alhambra operate together."~ < Director of Parks and Recreation Montgomery-Scott stated that the parade started from Garfield Boulevard to Almansor Avenue on Vallev`Boulevard. Mayor Clark stated that she had participated in San Gabriel and Alhambra celebration and it was fun. Mayor Pro Tem Taylor stated that there are two opportunities to complement the celebrations at San Gabriel and Monterey Park; the city could promote those events. Rosemead City Council Meeting Minutes of August 25, 2009 Page 15 of 17 Council Member Low suggested that a week before the Chinese New Year, the city could host a family event where there are vendors and entertainment. This will get residents to purchase items such as food, clothes, flowers which are used during the Chinese New Year time and at the same time promote businesses. City Manager Jeff reiterated Ms. Low's idea and asked if fireworks would be used because that would be increase cost to the city. Council Member Low replied no fireworks would be used for the event. Director of Parks and Recreation Montgomery-Scoff explained that the SamGabriel parade is done a week prior to the Chinese New Year day. Mayor Pro Tem Taylor expressed concern with allowing. Juan Nunez stated that if the city did an event for one eth~nidiiity then host additional events. Mayor Clark asked if the other two cities that have celebrations Director of Parks and Recreation Montgomery;Sbottexplained that addressed Mr. Taylor's concerns that is was not disslmilar7to the 01 vendors selling their items. Mayor Clark stated that if the advertise to our vendors in,oi Council Member Ly asked•h delayed till the next meeting Mayor Council Member Low asked .:S .t~ help with the,do., 5. MATTERS to start by ant to sell would be back areas. ethnicities will~approach the city to a booths for vendors. shave vendor booths and astival+event where there are tier city such as San Gabriel and parade and ease into it that way. and rides. Mr. Ly asked for the item to be regarding the participation with other cities' business to see if they would sponsor some of the events to COUNCIL' Council Member Ly asked,staff what afterschool programs are available for the students whose afterschool programs were cut from the Rosemead School District. Second, he asked that staff look into addressing high unemployment by enterprise zone tax credits for businesses. Asked that staff look into joining El Monte so employers can benefit from these tax credits. Rosemead City Council Meeting Minutes of August 25, 2009 Page 16 of 17 Mayor Clark stated that a resident had phoned her about a new sign at the Cal Poultry facility. Ms. Clark asked if the new sign that stated, "Cal Poultry - Vikon" was a new owner and if so, did they obtain the proper permits and met regulations. Mrs. Clark reference an article that was printed in the paper concerning the pandemic H1N1 (swine flu). The article stated that for the first time the swine flu had been found in foul (in Chile). Mrs. Clark expressed a lot of concern with having a central location and having Cal Poultry possibly adding to the pandemic. Economic Development Director Saeki replied that the Cal Poultry had not obtained the proper permits for their new sign and that Vikon is considered to be a delicacy food. Cal Poultry hasdieen told to pull the permits and staff will make sure they comply. Mayor Clark stated she was very upset over this avid that she was sick df therri.ndt understanding they needed to pull permits. 6. The City Council recessed to Closed Session. The City Council Negotiator for the City: Jeffry Employee Unit: Rosemead Er action was taken. Council meeting is scheduled to take place on ATTEST: Gloria Molleda City Clerk Rosemead City Council Meeting Minutes of August 25, 2009 Page 17 of 17