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CC - item A - Request for Reappointment - Internal File 020TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL FROM: FRANK G. TRIPEPI, CITY MANAGEc~ DATE: JUNE 6, 1988 RE: TRAFFIC COMMISSION VACANCY As the result of the appointment of Margaret Clark to the Planning Commission, a vacancy was created on the Traffic Commission. A notice of vacancy was posted immediately following the appointment and I have attached a copy of it for your information. It would be appropriate at this time to either make an appointment to the Commission or direct the City Clerk to extend the deadline and advertise for additional applicants. FGT/cml 04-a-1-c 6 COUNCIL AGENDA JUN 1 4 1988 ITEM No. ;Z~h NOTICE OF UNSCHEDULED VACANCY CITY OF ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an unscheduled vacancy has occurred on the Rosemead Traffic Commission on May 31, 1988 due to the appointment of Traffic Commissioner Margaret Clark to the Planning Commission. The Traffic Commission appointment carries a term that will expire in April of 1990. Interested persons are urged to apply by letter or application form available from the office of the City Clerk. Applications for this vacancy are due in the office of the City Clerk not later than 5:00 p.m. on Friday, June 10, 1988. Dated: June 1, 1988 JANICE WARNER CITY CLERK CITY OF ROSEMEAD There being no objection this item was deferred pending receipt of the requested information. V. MATTERS FOR DISCUSSION & ACTION A. TRAFFIC COMMISSION VACANCY An interview for an additional applicant was scheduled for 6:30 P.M. on June 21, 1988. The persons interviewed for the vacancy on the Planning Commission will also be considered for the vacancy on the Traffic Commission. B. ROSEMEAD BOYS AND GIRLS CLUB - REQUEST FOR RETROACTIVE PAYMENT Councilman Taylor expressed his concern at the continuing problem in obtaining the backup material to the budgets provided to the Council. Mr. Taylor had asked for the specifics on the disbursements of the organization; where and how the monies are actually spent. Mr. Taylor did not feel that three years could be completely explained on one sheet of paper. MOTION BY COUNCILMAN DeCOCKER, SECONDED BY MAYOR PRO TEM McDONALD that this agreement be funded provided that the Boys and Girls Club present the itemized breakdown of the categories listed on the summary sheet that is sent to the United Way for the past three years and this be effective July 1st, 1988, with no retroactive payments. Vote resulted: Yes: Councilmen DeCocker, Taylor, Mayor Pro Tem McDonald, and Mayor Bruesch No: None Absent: Councilman Imperial Abstain: None The Mayor declared said motion duly carried and so ordered. Mayor Bruesch stated that copies of the ledger entries would be made available to the Council. Councilman Taylor stated his concerns were to be certain that funds disbursed by the Council were properly accounted for and expressed the hope that when this item comes up for renewal all requested information will be provided. C. STUDY SESSION SCHEDULE The council agreed to a study of Commerce to be held on Tuesday, following the interview for the Tr; p.m. D. PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE AS A CONDITION OF SALE OF BUILDING RECORD REPORT session with the Rosemead Chamber June 21, 1988 at 7:00 p.m. iffic Commission vacancy at 6:30 ROSEMEAD MUNICIPAL CODE REQUIRING RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY A RESIDENTIAL There being no objection this item was deferred to the next Regular Meeting on June 28, 1988. E. AB 3298 (Killea/Cortese) SOLID WASTE RECYCLING Mayor Bruesch requested the Council to prepare a resolution in favor of this legislation. Councilman Taylor asked that the Council be provided with the progress the League of California Cities has made before the Council consider any endorsement of this measure. Mayor Bruesch stated he would support this bill as an individual rather than a representative of the City Council. CC 6-14-88 Page #6