CC - item A - Request for Reappointment - Internal File 020. • • TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL FROM: JANICE WARNER, CITY CLERK DATE: JUNE 21, 1990 RE: MAYOR'S APPOINTMENTS FOR 1990-91 Attached is a copy of Mayor McDonald's appointments to the various organizations for 1990-91. E.40:4 COUNCIL AGENDA JUN 2 6 00 ITEM No. A • • MAYOR'S APPOINTMENTS FOR 1990-91 LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES Delegate: Dennis McDonald Alternate: Robert DeCocker CONTRACT CITIES ASSN. Delegate: Dennis McDonald Alternate: Jay Imperial L.A. COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT Delegate: Dennis McDonald Alternate: Jay Imperial L.A. REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION Delegate: Robert Bruesch Alternate: Robert DeCocker LIBRARY BOARD Delegate: Robert DeCocker Alternate: Robert Bruesch SO. CALIF. JOINT POWERS INS. AUTH. Delegate: Gary Taylor Alternate: Robert Bruesch WEST SAN GABRIEL VLY PLANNING COMM. Delegate: Robert DeCocker Alternate: Robert Bruesch CITY SELECTION COMMITTEE FOR RTD Delegate': Dennis McDonald Alternate: Jay Imperial SO. CALIF. ASSN. OF GOVERNMENTS Delegate: Jay Imperial Alternate: Robert DeCocker WEST SAN GABRIEL VLY JUVENILE DIVERSION Delegate: Robert Bruesch Alternate: Robert DeCocker SAN GABRIEL VALLEY ASSN. OF CITIES Delegate: Robert Bruesch Alternate: Jay Imperial UPPER SAN GABRIEL VALLEY WATER DISTRICT Delegate: Robert Bruesch Alternate: Dennis McDonald OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE/CCCA Delegate: Jay Imperial Alternate: Dennis McDonald All Councilmembers are alternates to all committees. D.39:1 VI. STATUS REPORTS - None VII. MATTERS FROM OFFICIALS A. MAYOR'S APPOINTMENTS FOR 1990-91 There were no objections to these appointments and no further ,action was required. B. COUNCILMAN TAYLOR 1. Asked that Rosemead Pool be lighted all night as a security measure because kids are climbing the fences and using the pool after hours. C. COUNCILMAN BRUESCH 1. Asked for the memo he had requested regarding monitoring minimum pay warrants for the slurry seal striping.subs. VIII.ORAL COMMUNICATIONS A. Holly Knapp, 8367 E. Whitmore St., reported an ugly trailer; expressed appreciation for the fencing at Zapopan Park; and supported the budget proposal from Family Counseling Center. B. Leroy Young, 7533 E. Garvey Ave., asked about his driveway being measured. C. Cleo Young, 7533 E. Garvey Ave., stated that immigrants who are coming into the United States should not try to change it. D. Margaret Clark, 3109 N. Prospect, commended the street sweeping service and requested that information be disseminated to the public regarding water conservation. There being no further action to be taken at this time, the meeting was adjourned at 9:31 p.m. The next regular meeting is scheduled for July 10, 1990 at 8:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted: C' y Clerk APPROVED: MAYOR CC 6-26-90 Page #17