CC - Item A - Appointment for San Gabriel Valley Air Quality Plan Consortium - Internal File 0210'~ TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL FROM: FRANK G. TRIPEPI, CITY MANAGER DATE: APRIL 22, 1992 RE: APPOINTMENT OF STEERING COMMITTEE REPRESENTATIVE TO THE WEST SAN GABRIEL VALLEY AIR QUALITY PLAN CONSORTIUM On February 25, 1992, the City Council voted to join the West San Gabriel Valley Consortium which will prepare an Air Quality General Plan Element for use by the member cities. The Consortium consisting of separate duties will complement grant from the plan. Aside from is organized in such a manner as that two groups, staff and Councilmembers respectively, will perform towards completion of the Plan. This support work the efforts of the consultant, who has received a Air Quality Management District (AQMD) to prepare the staff time, there will be no cost for membership. While the appropriate staff member has been chosen, the Council must still select its representative. Mayor Pro Tem Bruesch has kept abreast of Valley air quality issues and has expressed a specific interest in serving in this capacity. Staff recommends that the City Council designate one of its members ~I t as a representative on the Steering Committee. ~nu CJ~~iV TAYLOR i CLARK VASQUEZ Date: BRUESCH !McDONE Agenda Item No RES/ORD No. I Title: 14) '5 and audio taping at election precincts be prob adjudicated newspapers or television stations. 2. Asked that an item be on the next agenda regarding the placement of the time during the meetings for oral communications from the audience. C. MAYOR PRO TEM BRUESCH 1. Asked that the next agenda have an item discussing the establishment of a poet laureate for the City of Rosemead. CC 4-28-92 Page #7