CC - Urgency Ordinance 717 - INternal File 024 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL FROM: FRANK G. TRIPEPI, CITY MANAGER DATE: DECEMBER 3, 1992 RE: ORDINANCE 717 - AN URGENCY ORDINANCE AMENDING THE MUNICIPAL CODE TO ALLOW FOR THE ISSUANCE OF TEMPORARY LICENSES FOR OUTDOOR PROMOTIONAL SALES Currently, the City ordinance allows each business in the City of Rosemead to have two outdoor promotional sales a year. As a result of several business watch meetings, it has come to our attention that the current Ordinance has caused a hardship to some businesses, specifically, those located in Rosemead Square. Staff is suggesting that the current Ordinance be amended to allow every business in the City of Rosemead to have four outdoor promotional sales from the month of January through November and four sales during the month of December. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Rosemead City Council adopt Urgency Ordinance No. 717 amending the Municipal Code to allow for the issuance of temporary licenses for outdoor promotional sales. FGT:nv Attachment C:120892N:28 COUNCIL AGENDA ' ~l MC ~ 0 $ 1982 ITEM No. ZZ-Z) ORDINANCE NO. 717 AN URGENCY ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD AMENDING THE MUNICIPAL CODE TO ALLOW FOR THE ISSUANCE OF TEMPORARY LICENSES FOR OUTDOOR PROMOTIONAL SALES THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: section 1. Section 6211 (c) of the Rosemead Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as follows: 6211 (c) Temporary Licenses. A temporary license for special outdoor promotional sales may be issued by the City Manager Ia Office when the following requirements are satisfied: 1. The proposed outdoor promotional sale shall be of not longer than three (3) days' duration. 2. That the maximum number of such sales for any lawful business in the City shall be as follows: During the months of January through November - not more than four (4) outdoor promotional sales. During the month of December - not more than four (4) outdoor promotional sales. 3. The applicant shall present plans satisfactory to the City Manager regarding the proposed usage of public right-of-way (i.e. sidewalks). 4. The applicant shall provide liability insurance, naming the City and its officers and agents as additional insureds. The amount and specific kinds of insurance required shall be determined by the city Manager on an individual application basis. 5. Participation in such sales shall be limited to businesses approved in the temporary license. Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an urgency measure necessary for the immediate protection of the public health, safety and welfare: The City Council hereby finds that there is a current and immediate threat to the public health, safety and welfare. The facts constituting such urgency are as follows: Local businesses are suffering from the effects of a severe economic slump, which, in turn has adversely impacted the City's sales tax revenues. The ordinance is adopted immediately to safeguard the revenue base of the City by allowing local businesspersons the ability to promote their businesses by the use of outdoor promotional sales during the holiday season. This ordinance shall take effect immediately. Section 3. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Ordinance. PASSED, APPROVED-and ADOPTED this sth day of December, 1992. Margaret Clark, Mayor City of Rosemead ATTEST: Janice Warner, CMC City Clerk yy 6211 (c) Temporary Licenses. l\ A temporary license for special outdoor promotional sales may be issued by the City Council when the following requirements are satisfied: 1. The applicant shall be a representative organization of a substantial number of businesses in the City. 2. The proposed outdoor promotional sale shall be of not longer than two (2) days' duration. 3. That only two (2) such sales shall be permitted city wide in any calendar year. 4. The applicant shall present plans satisfactory to the City Manager regarding the proposed usage of public right-of-way (i.e. sidewalks)., 5. The applicant shall provide liability insurance, naming the City and its officers and agents as additional insureds. The amount and specific kinds of insurance required shall be ^ determined by the City Manager on an individual application basis. 6. Participation in such sales shall be limited to businesses listed in the application. 0 558 2-8-83 -200- TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL FROM: FRANK G. TRIPEPI, CITY MANAGER DATE: DECEMBER 3, 1992 RE: ORDINANCE 717 - AN URGENCY ORDINANCE AMENDING THE MUNICIPAL CODE TO ALLOW FOR THE ISSUANCE OF TEMPORARY LICENSES FOR OUTDOOR PROMOTIONAL SALES Currently, the City ordinance allows each business in the City of Rosemead to have two outdoor promotional sales a year. As a result of several business watch meetings, it has come to our attention that the current Ordinance has caused a hardship to some businesses, specifically, those located in Rosemead Square. Staff is suggesting that the current Ordinance be amended to allow every business in the City of Rosemead to have four outdoor promotional sales from the month of January through November and four sales during the month of December. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Rosemead City Council adopt Urgency Ordinance No. 717 amending the Municipal Code to allow for the issuance of temporary licenses for outdoor promotional sales. FGT:nv Attachment C:120892N:28 C04 NCI!_ A;_'~E C 0 8 1992 EPA C. ORDINANCE NO. 716 - AMENDING REGULATIONS REGARDING SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL - INTRODUCE After some discussion, this item was deferred for further information including the policy of surrounding cities and clarification regarding building contractor's use of waste haulers and an estimation of Consolidated's lost revenue. D. ORDINANCE NO. 717 - AN URGENCY ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ROSEMEAD MUNICIPAL CODE TO ALLOW FOR THE ISSUANCE OF TEMPORARY LICENSES FOR OUTDOOR PROMOTIONAL SALES - ADOPT The following urgency ordinance was presented to the Council for adoption: ORDINANCE NO. 717 AN URGENCY ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD AMENDING THE ROSEMEAD MUNICIPAL CODE TO ALLOW FOR THE ISSUANCE OF TEMPORARY LICENSES FOR OUTDOOR PROMOTIONAL SALES Councilman Taylor was concerned about the liability insurance and wanted to insure that there would be a uniform rate applied to all businesses. MOTION BY COUNCILMAN VASQUEZ, SECOND BY COUNCILMAN TAYLOR that Urgency Ordinance No. 717 be adopted. Vote resulted: Yes: Bruesch, Taylor, Clark, Vasquez, McDonald No: None Absent: None Abstain: None The Mayor declared said motion duly carried and so ordered. Mayor Pro Tem Bruesch stated that he was approving this item because of the immediate need but did want staff to be sure that no public access to sidewalks be interfered with by these sales. IV. CONSENT CALENDAR (CC-B, CC-E and CC-F REMOVED FOR DISCUSSION) CC-A APPROVAL OF SPECIFICATIONS AND AUTHORIZATION TO SEER BIDS - FOR ROSEMEAD HANDYMAN GRANT PROGRAM, 46th BID PACKAGE CC-C ACCEPT BIDS AND AWARD CONTRACT FOR MODIFICATION OF TRAFFIC SIGNALS AND LIGHTING AT INTERSECTION OF WALNUT GROVE AND MARSHALL STREET TO CT&F INC., IN THE AMOUNT OF $249,960.00 CC-D AUTHORIZATION TO ATTEND LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES CITY MANAGER'S DEPARTMENT ANNUAL MEETING IN MONTEREY, FEBRUARY 10-12, 1993 CC-G APPROVAL OF GARVEY PARK CONCESSION STAND AGREEMENTS WITH ROSEMEAD AMERICAN LITTLE LEAGUE AND THE LITTLE MISS SOFTBALL LEAGUE MOTION BY COUNCILMAN TAYLOR, SECOND BY COUNCILMAN VASQUEZ that the foregoing items on the Consent Calendar be approved. Vote resulted: Yes: Bruesch, Taylor, Clark, Vasquez, McDonald No: None Absent: None Abstain: None The Mayor declared said motion duly carried and so ordered. CC-B ACCEPT BIDS AND AWARD CONTRACT FOR STORM DRAIN IMPROVEMENTS IN SAN GABRIEL BOULEVARD CC 12-8-92 Page #3