CC - Billiard Room Permit - 8968 Garvey #F - Internal File 024 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL FROM: FRANK G. TRIPEPI, CITY MANAGER DATE: APRIL 8, 1993 RE: APPROVAL OF BILLIARD ROOM PERMIT FOR GARVEY BILLIARDS, 8968 GARVEY AVENUE, #F Pursuant to Council'.s request, this item was deferred from the March 23, 1993 City Council meeting to obtain additional information. Attached is a memorandum from Steve Willkomm, Los Angeles County Sheriff's Business License Investigator stating the results of his investigation. It should also be noted that Garvey Billiards is the only billiard room in the City of Rosemead. Staff is recommending approval of the Billiard Permit contingent upon the attached conditions. Attached for your information are the following items: ` 1. List of Conditions. 2. Copy of the Sheriff's License Detail Investigator's report. 3. Copy of the minutes of the Administrative Hearing on March 16, 1993. 4. Floor Plan. 5. Copy of the Billiard Ordinance which was given and signed for by the applicant. RECOMMENDATION it is recommended that the Rosemead City Council grant a Billiard Room license to Garvey Billiards, 8968 Garvey Avenue, #F. FGT:js A:041393j (4) COUNCIL AGENDA APR 1 8 1898 ITEM No. L9 TO: DONALD J. WAGNER, ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER FROM: STEVE WILLKOMM, LA COUNTY SHERIFF'S LICENSE INVESTIGATOR DATE: APRIL 8, 1993 RE: REPORTS REQUESTED BY MAYOR PRO TEM BRUESCH Pursuant to Council's request regarding reports of an "auto theft ring" located at 8968 Garvey Avenue in the vicinity of Garvey Billiards, no reports have been found. I have checked with the Temple Station Auto Theft Investigator and he has stated that he had heard of a rumor only of an "auto theft ring" in that vicinity. The investigator does remember that there were several auto theft recoveries in the vicinity, but not specifically on that property. In addition, I have spoken with Headquarters Auto Theft Investigators and they were not aware of an "auto theft ring" at that location approximately 5 or 6 years ago. A check of the computer, which allows me to obtain such information, only covers the years back to 1991 by address. Any request for a .report earlier than 1991 requires a subject name and/or crime report number. Without a name or number, I am unable to check further. SW:js A:041393j(3) GARVEY BILLIARD 8968 GARVEY AVENUE, #F ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA 91770 I, Lawrence Ko, owner of the business known as Garvey Billiard, located at 8968 Garvey Avenue, #F, Rosemead, agree to the following as a condition of approval of a Billiard License for said location. 1. The floor plan and operation will not change without Sheriff and City approval. 2. No entertainment, dance, video, coin games will occur without first obtaining the appropriate license. 3. No alcoholic beverages will exist on the premises at anytime. 4. No loitering will occur. It will be the responsibility of the business owner to discourage loitering on the public sidewalk and the parking lot immediately adjacent to the business. 5. That the business have a licensed manager and/or owner present at all times while the business is open. 6. That the business have a current occupancy Permit filed with the Planning Department. 7. The entire premises is subject to inspection at all times by the Sheriff's Department. Law e e Ko Date LL1ttttt1l of i! sic, ~11gries 01Uf'4Cf OffifC of Ihr ? hrriff s = A 1`' ® liz of .1lustirr ' 4oe ui clrs,(California 90012 SNER--, BLOC-.s.-EOM.. (310) 946-7051 March 15, 1993 DE] All- INVESTIGATION REPORT 193-04767-0534-446 Citv of Rosemead Application for Business Licenseand,'or permit Billiard Room Business Na[ne: Garvey Billiards Address: 8968 F Garvey Avenue, Rosemead, CA. Applicants: Lawrence Ko AKA: Ko, Ping Leung X RLo.l t It inces;ieation tails to indicate a basis for protest. Result ei investigation indicates a basis for protest. See narrative report attached in clarification of .'L' LIlnmen,:ation. . - Investigating Office: S. Willkotlm_ Report Approved G. P. DUnphy, Lieutenant #283316 License Detail #024600 Departmental Recommcnl'ation Conditionally Approved With Conditions SHEE61.AN BLOCK. SIILRI1 F u Bc Nick Captaint Metro Vice ureaDetail 161616 S.:ADd011 HE1 12 821 i J.ht _ F. I. or COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES- SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT R.rn..I Np. 193-04767-0534-946 LICENSE INVESTIGATION REPORT Aml-Hors Fw Billiard Rocifff near c + ✓"'Y Hariro One t N '*'~~r L. D. B. A. 3 t Orgninrian or Co. Garvey Billiards Irimrpa.iOn Car. Avem pwnipn s AC'V' Adtlna o(Prapq~~niyi Con[tveJ Officer Om ConYCaE e P l,srvey lE 89 2 Appllan[, som90 Aauh aCoroorm onia. 12-30-9 AEprav AKA fawmrPll[Y gt ia'n Ym w o 1558 Rollire Drive. Ens ~r G. 90063 X11 lq. H.. Eeik 5-1012 P4°aeirn v 2 Poaitipn Er. Arrattl Y. ❑ No ❑ AO na Hpt. Wg[. Hair Eyn DOB Ion of Birm Position E.r Anna! 3 _ Yn ❑ NO ❑ HW. Wq_ Hair Eyn DOB Plae of BiM Ev.ArrauE 1. .w AOErq Yn ❑ 110 ❑ Hy[. Wq. Nair Eya OOB' Pba of Bira 1.;-- r}.z.. Poet. E. A.w ^ Adores Y. ❑ No ❑ Ho. Wyo. Hair Eya DOB P4ao(BirN fG Locnbn w:1 Ownad Leaaa Sut Lewd From Wlnm: Applicant -''jJ'~ inmination Date of Laa Immmiaa Vicinity Schoolw Churchn Hoiro NOtia aaa! - - ' P .n Commercial/Industrial CEriah4 Actiyiry ro00a0 Dna o Anmry q rou0 ouissioR cweem Amount Seaniry GuIDW None Y. ❑ No Nunes EstimetM AttwNana POttel GPKitY ParYirq. Lata[iOn NunMr PaM! Liar., •4; Front 76 yes Yee _ Outside Sign u~ yen In[IDipr Luting Alcoh011C Bavnaga TYq ABC Liana ABC Liome IaueU To _ Vet ❑ No ~ , Location Pr.•ioua LianaaE APPliant Prayluualy LianM I-I.. Su" Iduf RawakeE, Or OarmaI No ❑ Daa Ya ❑ No IN Tym 0, V. Yn [3 ❑ No ® Ona TYq Tya Tva Billiard Ro® i+rh •Lniiiy' Des SUrttl Oaratian Billiard Table Deily Re0wt8ook Nu. draw Stan Dna'. Nunp F'r Wfeff Granted Y. ® No Nunes. B ~:•:4s`T. Waioaa Attie Tym of FooC SwvM ~q~ - Entnrrnmm[IDearibl . SagdaPidLes, Snacks, Soft drinks HOUnOI Opn.ion OaN Of Opernen AcaPtbla Ciry LiunID L... Nunbr County Ligrw NUm. ^t \Ai_" laB - 12 am 7 days OeviPtion al V.hiclaa MoE.I VMic4 LiorQ Nurrpn C .rr L.. NunM iy. YW Make xc' " Lc'--:cpema arm 1npn4 Pn VeMC4a I l ',Fdl:iv~N.. le 01 Rat. $4.00/EVIS pool/billiard play c `~y 9••-s=ki ••E ~Ys44?:~: '~T" RemrC Inlwmatgn Li.. Vica ABC ' Cll FBI LAPD 1 LASO : Spree Yn N. IF YES TO ANY OF ABOVE LIST RECORD IN ADDITIONAL INFORMATION IF COPY OF RECORD NOT AVAILABLE. laaZIa. uJpi WY. LIa Pa Nr -111 W loll A