CC - Authorization for City Manager to Attend Conferences - INternal File 036 I TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL FROM: FRANK G. TRIPEPI, CITY MANAGER-~~~-. DATE: FEBRUARY 8, 1989 RE: AUTHORIZATION FOR THE USE OF CITY VEHICLES TO ATTEND STAFF TEAM BUILDING SEMINAR APRIL 14 & 15, 1989, IN PALM SPRINGS For some time staff has been discussing with me the possibility of organizing a "team building" retreat. Staff had planned the retreat to take place on their own time over a weekend. We have tentatively scheduled the dates of April 14th and 15th at the Sunbeam Inn in Palm Springs. It would mean being out of town Friday evening, all day Saturday, and returning on Sunday the 16th. Staff will be funding the total cost of the facilities and the food. Those attending the seminar will include all department heads and myself. In order to facilitate the retreat, I am requesting that the City Council authorize the use of two City vans. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Rosemead City Council authorize the use of two City vans for transportation to Palm: Springs for a management retreat in April, 1989. i DJW:gt A:2-14-89g:1 COUNCIL AGENDA FE8 1 4 1989 ITEM No. CG -L VII. MATTERS FROM OFFICIALS A. MAYOR PRO TEM McDONALD 1. Asked staff to schedule a mutually acceptable for a study session with the Chamber of Commerce to discuss the status of the Visitor Information Center. Mayor Bruesch asked for a list of possible dates to be on the next agenda. CC 2-14-89 Page #8