CC - Item 7E - Voluntary "Golden Hanshake" ProgramROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: JEFF ALLRED, CITY MANAGER DATE: OCTOBER 27, 2009 SUBJECT: VOLUNTARY "GOLDEN HANDSHAKE" PROGRAM SUMMARY The City Council will consider initiation of a voluntary "golden handshake" program as part of an overall strategy to reduce ongoing costs. Under this program, which would be available only through March 31, 2010, current employees who are fifty-five years of age or older would be offered an additional two-years of service credit in exchange for retirement on or before March 31, 2010. This program is available through the City's membership in Public Agency Retirement Services (PARS). RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council approve a PARS Supplementary Retirement Plan contract amendment to initiate the voluntary "golden handshake" program and authorize the proposed implementation timeline. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS In June of 2009, the City Council approved a balanced Budget for the current 2009-10 fiscal year. This was a significant accomplishment in the face of declining revenues caused primarily by a recessionary economy and state actions to "take away" or "borrow" local government revenues. However, the Budget was ultimately balanced with limited use of one-time, temporary revenue sources and expenditure reductions, including the temporary suspension of employee salary increases and annual payments to the City's internal revolving equipment replacement fund. While the current Budget is in fact balanced, it is recognized that a structural shortfall exists between ongoing expenditures and anticipated recurring revenues.to cover those costs. In an effort to address the structural shortfall between recurring expenditures and revenues, various actions are being pursued to reduce the City's ongoing operating costs. One such measure is the temporary offering of a voluntary "golden handshake" program through PARS. The "golden handshake" benefit is designed to mirror CalPERS retirement benefits and will be distributed and calculated as such. PARS will provide a general meeting for all eligible employees, and will then schedule individual follow-up meetings if employees wish to discuss the personal financial benefits of the plan. Under the proposed program, participating employees will have to make their final decisions of acceptance on or before January 14, 2010. (The March date has been selected to ensure that the City can account for such changes and savings in the development of the upcoming 2010-11 fiscal year budget.) Once a decision has been made by an employee to participate in the program, a retirement date on or before March 31. 2010 will be identified. An outline of the timeline has been attached for your reference. STEM N®•- City Council Meeting October 27, 2009 Paoe 2 of 2 FINANCIAL IMPACT A total of six employees would be eligible to participate in the "golden handshake" by virtue of age and length of service. Depending on the number of employees who choose to take advantage of this offering, the extent of the ongoing cost savings will be realized. Prepared by: Matthew E. Hawkesworth Assistant City Manager Attachments: A - PARS Supplementary Retirement Plan contract amendment B - Timeline PARS Supplementary Retirement Plan Attachment A City of Rosemead October 5, 2009 With regard to the PARS Supplementary Retirement Plan for eligible Miscellaneous Employees, the City proposes the following: 1.0 Eligibility 1.1 Those Miscellaneous Employees who: a) Are actively employed by the City as of October 27, 2009; and b) Are at least fifty-five (55) years of age and eligible to retire under PERS under a regular service retirement as of March 31, 2010; and c) have resigned from City employment effective no later than March 30, 2010 and concurrently retire under CalPERS. 2.0 Participation Requirements 2.1 Participation in the retirement incentive requires: a. Submission of required PARS enrollment materials and City Letter of Resignation to PARS by January 14, 2010; and b. Resignation from City employment effective on or before March 30, 2010; and c. Retirement under Cal PERS effective on or before March 31, 2010. 3.0 Incentive Payments 3.1 Regarding the incentive under this plan, eligible employees shall receive the following: a) Part 1: monthly cash income for the lifetime of the participant equal to two (2) additional years of PERS service credit; And Part 2: Two (2) additional years of service credit shall be added to the PARS Retirement Enhancement Plan (REP) for benefit service and vesting purposes. b) For purposes of this plan, Final Pay shall be defined as the highest twelve (12) consecutive months of earnings with the City (including Employer Paid Member Contributions to CalPERS) Prepared by Public Agency Retirement Services Page 1 PARS Supplementary Retirement Plan City of Rosemead October 5, 2009 3.2 Alternative monthly forms of payment of equivalent present value to Part 1 shall be offered. They shall include: a) 100% Joint-and-survivor payments; and i b) Lump Sum Option; and c) Fixed Term Monthly Payments ranging from five (15) to fifteen (15) years in duration. These payments are guaranteed to the participant for the full term selected. 3.3 The amount of monthly cash payment under Part 1 shall provide a 2% annual cost of living adjustment and shall be increased on the anniversary date of retirement if a lifetime or 100% joint-and survivor payment is selected. 3.4 The choice of form of payment (and the choice of payment beneficiary if choosing a joint and survivor form of payment) shall become final upon December 18, 2009 and shall not be subject to change thereafter. 3.5 City PARS benefits are scheduled to commence April 1, 2010. 4.0 Contract Administrator 4.1 The Contract Administrator for the Retirement Incentive shall be Public Agency Retirement Services (PARS). 4.2 Administration fees for this program shall be equal to 5.5% of plan contributions required to fund the benefits provided under Part 1 (two additional years of PERS service) of this incentive. Authorized Signature for the City Title Date Prepared by Public Agency Retirement Services Page 2 PARS Supplementary Retirement Plan City of Rosemead October 5, 2009 Preliminary Timeline (Dates are Tentative) Attachment B 1. October 27, 2009 City Council approves early retirement offer' 2. November 2, 2009 PARS provides individualized packets to Employees 3. November 5, 2009 PARS holds Orientation Meetings 4. Early December 2009 Individualized Employee Workshop 5. January 14, 2010 Employees submit PARS forms and Letter of Resignation 7. March 30, 2010 Employees resign on or before this date 7. March 31, 2010 Employees retire under PERS on or before this date 8. April 1, 2010 PARS Benefits commence Prepared by Public Agency Retirement Services Page 3