TC - Item 2B - Rosemead Place & Earlwood DriveA\ I City of Rosemead ) Public Works Department Memorandum TO: TRAFFIC COMMISSION FROM: CHRIS MARCARELLO, DEPUTY PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR DATE: NOVEMBER 9, 2009 SUBJECT: REQUEST TO REVIEW TRAFFIC CONDITIONS AT ROSEMEAD PLACE AND EARLSWOOD DRIVE At your October 2009 meeting, the Traffic Commission reviewed a request to review traffic conditions at Rosemead Place and Earlswood Drive. At this meeting, Commissioners requested that notification cards be mailed again to residents within a 300 foot radius of the location. A sample of the notification card has been included for your information. The Commission agenda report from October 1, 2009 has also been attached for your review. Thank you. Buchalter Netter 10/1/2009 6:27:44 PM PAGE 1/001 Fax Server wv-r os,n v.~~op x f'''r~.:a /'k ^''`'c n J'•:>'+~-7J~ / .n ~,.~oµ...`N~`✓~s~r.N✓" ..............r»Nxrniw:~~mumumnra-or.'.~r .:hrr.GJSZ../V~'~~a.tv{^.,L/u~+=cS~a7/N~•S~i`Ji. &.v~51p.+~.'s,J'~^Y+..4irJ,`'`..a4'i'~m~~?i ."wsm- Karen Phoong 3321 Rosemead Place. Rosemead, California 91770 VIA FAX (626) 307-9218 AND ELECTRONIC MAIL City of Rosemead Attn: Traffic Commission 8838 rust Valley Boulevard Rosemead. CA 91770 October 1, 2009 Re: Earlswood/I2oscrnead Place Speeding Concerns To Whom It May Concern: lam not able to attend the Traffic Commission meeting tonight, but I would like to address my concerns regarding the Barlswood/Rosenead Place speeding situation via this letter. 1 am a homeowner residing in the semi-cul de sac area near the intersection of P.arlswood/Rosemeadi Place. My family and i mast reverse our vehicles out. of our driveway everyday near this intersection, and we have had many close calls colliding with oncoming traffic speeding around the curb from Earlswood onto Rosemead 131. The design of this intersection does not provide for a safe, clear and unobstructed view for drivers of vehicles backing into, or even driving forward, onto Rosemead Pl. It may also be contributed by the bushes or landscaping of the comer house on the intersection. We try to be very careful when revering, or even just driving forward entering Rosemead Place. but it is very dangerous with the obstructed view coupled with the speeding vehicles at this location. 1 believe this problem could re resolved by simply installing a speed bump or stop sign on this intersection. My second concern is the drag racing that takes place on Rosemead Place. I have been living in this location for over 5 years, and have seen, or heard of quite a few accidents occurring near this Earlswood/Rose.ntead Placc. intersection due to speeding or drag racing, I ant tempted to call the. police to report these incidents, but I have learned from long time residents that. the police do not, or could not rx;spond quickly enough to these complaints. I have simply been told "That's just the way it has been and will be." My firmly and I do not feel safe coming home to constant speeding drivers and drag racing taking plait on our street--wc should not be.. T don't think that jua because this has been a long standing problem, it should continue- The City should listen to our .concerns and attempt to resul ve the problem. I appreciate the. City's effort in addressing, and hopehtlly, resolving this issue. Sincerely, Karen Phoong ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION STAFF REPORT TO: TRAFFIC COMMISSION FROM: CHRIS MARCARELLO, DEPUTY PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR DATE: OCTOBER 1, 2009 SUBJECT: REQUEST TO REVIEW TRAFFIC CONDITIONS AT ROSEMEAD PLACE AND EARLSWOOD DRIVE SUMMARY At the request of Commissioner Lewin, staff reviewed traffic conditions at the intersection of Earlswood Drive and Rosemead Place. Commissioner Lewin indicated that he received complaints from local residents in regards to speeding, racing, and pedestrian safety in the area. He maintains that the addition of traffic calming devices will reduce vehicle speeds and improve vehicle and pedestrian safety in the area. Staff Recommendation It is staff's recommendation that the Traffic Commission recommend to the City Council that traffic calming improvements be added at the intersection of Earlswood Drive and Rosemead Place. ANALYSIS Rosemead Place is approximately 52 feet wide in between Garvey Avenue and Hershey Street. The roadway provides for 1 lane of travel in each direction and is separated by a double yellow centerline street marking. At Earlswood Drive there is a road curve and vehicles are able to head northwest-bound toward Ramona Boulevard. On-street parking along Rosemead Place is generally open expect for street sweeping restrictions. The posted speed limit on Rosemead Place is 35 mph. Commissioner Lewin indicates that residents have expressed concerns regarding unsafe driving conditions at the road curve of Rosemead Place and Earlswood Drive. He stated that the poor visibility conditions, lack of sidewalks and high vehicle speeds create unsafe conditions for pedestrians. Attachments 1 and 2 include a neighborhood overview and pictures showing the existing road curve conditions. During field observations, staff observed vehicle traffic at this location. Staff observed that residents speed along Rosemead Place and tend to cut across traffic lanes onto Earlswood Drive. This creates an unsafe driving condition for passing traffic and pedestrians walking in the area. Over the past year however there were no reports and vehicle collisions at this location (Attachment 3 - One-Year Collision History Report) Traffic Commission Meeting October 1, 2009 Paoe 2 of 2 Based on field observations, staff recommends the installation of traffic calming devices to improve neighborhood traffic safety. This includes the following traffic calming devices: • The installation of raised traffic separators on the road curve at Rosemead Place and Earlswood Drive. Traffic separators help create the appearance of a narrowing roadway and have been shown to help reduce vehicle speeds. • The installation of rumble strips prior to the street intersection. Rumble strips serve as a reminder for vehicles to slow down when approaching a particular intersection. • The installation of advanced road curve warning signs prior to the intersection. Warning signs help to give drivers an advance notice of upcoming road features. • Increased speed enforcement in this neighborhood. In order to better gauge resident feedback, staff sent notification card mailers regarding this issue to households within a 300 foot radius of the location. Submitted by: Chris Marcarello Deputy Public Works Director Attachment 1: Neighborhood Overview Attachment 2: On Street View-Rosemead Place Northbound, Earlswood Westbound Attachment 3: Traffic Separator Pictures Attachment 4: Traffic Collision History - Earlswood and Rosemead Place r G O t U W d m 00 0 > N O~ O G> V ~ R 00a L 'C O) m d Z E N O W Q M G N U m d 0 m O O 3 a A w N 72 l0 aa) O L d O N Z C C 0:5 lC m S d v is a R d E a~ N O w Q M G N U d a a m 0 E d N O Q! N T R 3 CD 0 o mw d 0 c~ c OS R m z m 0 0 0 3 N 0 w Q Attachment 3 Raised Traffic Separators Sample Pictures Retro- reflective Stri PS Sep 23 09 04:22p Temple Station LRSD ~ Y at t o~ 0 o N ~ h m N ~p a a LL U a N U a S N t- O D F Z w F- 0: Q IL w r- 0 CL co m LL Z K m LL O u F o w a N N =v C U a z a o O w va V COD w W ~ O Q w O J U a 626-309-1664 0 0 z 03 j ~ o o > Zs _ N 0 10 , m ® E U r 0 ~ t N O J N O m m E ' m O ~ O ~ N a r ~ o a J ~ r I ~ O Q a m m E a L II O y Q g o m 0.1= o ~I W aa0 0": % U) m m ai ~ a I E ( m bD W r N Q O = r E E m o ~ Q m o w ~ Vj I 09-23-2009 15:14 ROSEMEAD PUBLIC SAFETY 6265692299 d w v OG e u L e 9 w u d = d w ~ a 8I u d i ~ a p.3 PAGE3