TC - Item 2C - Klingerman Street & Angelus AvenueCity of Rosemead Public Works Department Memorandum TO: TRAFFIC COMMISSION CAS FROM: CHRIS MARCARELLO, DEPUTY PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR DATE: NOVEMBER 9, 2009 SUBJECT: REQUEST TO REVIEW TRAFFIC CONDITIONS KLINGERMAN STREET AND ANGELUS AVENUE At your October 2009 meeting, the Traffic Commission reviewed a request to review traffic conditions at Klingerman Street and Angelus Avenue. At this meeting, Commissioners requested that notification cards be mailed again to residents within a 300 foot radius of the location. A sample of the notification card has been included for your information. The Commission agenda report from October 1, 2009 has also been attached for your review. . Thank you. ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION STAFF REPORT TO: TRAFFIC COMMISSION FROM: CHRIS MARCARELLO, DEPUTY PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR DATE: OCTOBER 1, 2009 SUBJECT: REQUEST TO REVIEW TRAFFIC CONDITIONS AT KLINGERMAN STREET AND ANGELUS AVENUE SUMMARY At its August meeting, the Traffic Commission reviewed a request to evaluate traffic conditions at Klingerman Street and Angelus Avenue. The Commission supported the concept of adding traffic calming improvements in the area including traffic calming and sign improvements. This includes the following traffic calming devices: • The installation of raised traffic separators on the road curve at Angelus Avenue and Klingerman Street. Traffic separators help create the appearance of a narrowing roadway and have been shown to help reduce vehicle speeds. The installation of rumble strips prior to the street intersection. Rumble strips serve as a reminder for vehicles to slow down when approaching a particular intersection. • The installation of advanced road curve warning signs prior to the intersection. Warning signs help to give drivers an advance notice of upcoming road features. • Increased speed enforcement in this neighborhood. In order to better gauge resident feedback, staff sent notification card mailers regarding this issue to households within a 300 foot radius of the location. Attachment 1 is the August 2009 Traffic Commission agenda report that details road conditions in this area. Staff Recommendation It is staffs recommendation that the Traffic Commission recommend to the City Council that traffic calming improvements be added at the intersection of Angelus Avenue and Klingerman Street. Submitted by: Chris Marcarello Deputy Public Works Director Attachment 1: August 6, 2009 Traffic Commission Agenda Report Attachment 2: Neighborhood Overview Attachment 3: On Street View-Angelus Northbound; Klingerman Eastbound Attachment 4: Traffic Separator Pictures Attachment 5: One-Year Traffic Collision History Review ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION STAFF REPORT TO: TRAFFIC COMMISSION FROM: CHRIS MARCARELLO, DEPUTY PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR DATE: AUGUST 6, 2009 SUBJECT: REQUEST TO REVIEW TRAFFIC CONDITIONS AT KLINGERMAN STREET AND ANGELUS AVENUE SUMMARY City staff received a request from Velia Navarro, 2239 Angelus Avenue, to review traffic conditions at Klingerman Street and Angelus Avenue. Ms. Navarro expressed concerns that vehicles in this area drive too fast around the turn at this location, causing unsafe conditions for nearby residents and school attendees at Rice Elementary School. She maintains that the addition of traffic calming devices will reduce vehicle speeds and improve vehicle and pedestrian safety in the area. Staff Recommendation It is staffs recommendation that the Traffic Commission recommend to the City Council that traffic calming improvements be added at the intersection of Angelus Avenue and Klingerman Street. ANALYSIS Angelus Avenue is approximately 40 feet wide in between Rush Street and Klingerman Street. The roadway provides for 1 lane of travel in each direction and is separated by a double yellow centerline street marking. At Klingerman Street there is a road curve and vehicles are able to head westbound toward San Gabriel Boulevard. On-street parking along Angelus Avenue in this area is generally open except for street sweeping restrictions. Rush Elementary School is located on the east side of Angelus, just north of Rush Street. The posted speed limit on Angelus Avenue is 25 mph. Velia Navarro, 2239 Angelus Avenue, expressed concerns regarding unsafe driving conditions at the road curve of Angelus Avenue and Klingerman Street. She maintains that the visibility concerns, coupled with vehicle speeds in the area provide for unsafe conditions for both residents and pedestrians in the area. Attachments 1 and 2 include a neighborhood overview and pictures showing the existing road curve conditions. During field observations, staff observed vehicle traffic at this location. Staff observed that residents along Angelus Avenue just south of Kllingerman are faced with unsafe conditions while exiting their driveways. This creates an unsafe driving condition for both exiting vehicles and southbound traffic along Angelus. Further, residents along Klingerman are Traffic Commission Meeting August 6, 2009 Paoe 2 of 2 faced with similar conditions while exiting their driveways. Based on these observations, staff recommends the installation of traffic calming devices to improve neighborhood traffic safety. This includes the following traffic calming devices: • The installation of raised traffic separators on the road curve at Angelus Avenue and Klingerman Street. Traffic separators help create the appearance of a narrowing roadway and have been shown to help reduce vehicle speeds. • The installation of rumble strips prior to the street intersection. Rumble strips serve as a reminder for vehicles to slow down when approaching a particular intersection. • The installation of advanced road curve warning signs prior to the intersection. Warning signs help to give drivers an advance notice of upcoming road features. • Increased speed enforcement in this neighborhood. Submitted by: Chris Marcarello Deputy Public Works Director Attachment 1: Neighborhood Overview Attachment 2: On Street View - Angelus Northbound; Klingerman Eastbound Attachment 3: Traffic Separator Pictures 2 cn E cm o a~ a0 o Y o l t d O C t j D7 Q d7 N Z 7 d C Q N C O L U Q M C s U N Q Y O CD C R O) C N m O >F r ~ O (p Z C 0 O Q d d 3 C d a' N 7 d C Q _ M1 tf 4 4 iY ♦ti YE%~ ~ [ 41 tit LS t , dt, col o pp t a r k ; r'~ f t~ ij.a ^n ~ f „s a t f Pv SiL'`'~' y ].R y r bs'~" ~c ~ - u . h nFq. ~ 77~ v 16 z { Iz -4, q~ Y P' w+t ~'C' i f 3y,.ady r r f, .L f, i a G ] L low s r t ~ p ro`N~ , y(]~rq of { ~1 .4 K ~ d v 1 Na r yr CV) U m Q d d 7 Q N 7 d C N .a N A d F L w N ~ W 0 0) a R d C A (r 0) C Y s h r~ • t 1.1 ~Al- T; 1 sr 4. °:kt F .E °1vdn ~K Y.~ YF:. a e Attachment 4 Raised Traffic Separators Sample Pictures Retro- reflective strips Sep 23 09 04:22p Temple Station LRSD 626-309-1664 p.2 g V O Y 0 A c ~ c O o m r m o N m ~ U 5 a r U a 0 0 3 z w a F- ~ a a w t C c L H LL z ~ a co a 5 Z F g 0 r3 6 dJ N U > m ~m F J c 6 u .9 o rr Z a ` 0 As o> o in O W U1 - c - U ~ vg co w a 1 F O a w m m W (7 w $ z 0 m N a c U) O < t J 01 j m m O (W9 J _ N N Q C m ~ J N E • = 0 N j~ ~ ° ~ II ° N _ it a W ° ~ - L- H Q C > Z A co co a rL ~ C m .m. m W° m E L, O ' I L O K F- JWOD C m CF m ro g C II ~jy w a x C m' U 'O ~ Z.i7 o v QYK m m I r a ° a 7 a„ it ~I 0 z z ° II m• 0 m g QJJ ~p D tll 0 O b F VJ I u m C u d CCCggq .~i rr 4 y m r o E d m " a 09-23-2009 15:13 ROSEMEAD PUBLIC SAFETY 6265692299 PRG'