TC - Item 3A - Traffic Management Program Goals and ObjectivesROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION STAFF REPORT TO: TRAFFIC COMMISSION FROM: CHRIS MARCARELLO, DEPUTY PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR DATE: NOVEMBER 9, 2009 SUBJECT: NEIGHBORHOOD TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT PROGRAM - DEVELOPMENT OF GOALS AND OBJECTIVES SUMMARY The City routinely receives requests from residents to review perceived unsafe pedestrian and vehicle conditions in the City. Over the last several months, the Traffic Commission and staff started discussions on a Neighborhood Traffic Management Program that would help to address some of these issues - developing a policy to ensure requests are handled fairly and uniformly and also a "toolbox" of traffic calming measures that can be used throughout the community. It is anticipated that the development of this Program will take several months and involve significant review from the public, the Commission, the City Council, and staff. Staff Recommendation It is staffs recommendation that the Traffic Commission review and discuss the goals, objectives, and work plan timeline for development of a Neighborhood Traffic Management Program. ANALYSIS Over the past several years, the City has received a growing number of requests to review pedestrian and vehicle conditions throughout the community. Realizing this, the Traffic Commission asked staff to research how other cities address similar issues. In addition, the Traffic Commission asked staff to develop a "toolbox" of traffic calming measures that could be used throughout the community. This toolbox could include items such as increased traffic enforcement, education or the installation of engineered physical improvements. In developing this new Neighborhood Traffic Management Program, staff contacted several cities to learn about their policies and how they manage resident requests. Staff has used these examples to help develop the framework, goals/objectives, and work plan timeline for developing a program in Rosemead. Staff has also utilized the City's General Plan Circulation Element to develop goals and objectives. Within the Circulation Element are goals to address the "anticipated mobility needs, and the ability of the roadway network and the various transportation modes to meet future travel demands" of the City. A Neighborhood Traffic Management Program (NTMP) can help to achieve the goals presented in the Circulation Element. Traffic Commission Meeting November 9, 2009 Pace 2 of 2 FINANCIAL REVIEW It is important to remember that the adoption of a Neighborhood Traffic Management Program does not ensure the immediate remedy of City traffic issues. Problems and requests generated through this process will be addressed by priority, by level of safety concern, and will be limited to financial resources that are available. This program will help to serve as an important planning tool for the City in developing its annual capital improvement program budget and plan. Submitted by: Chris Marcarello Deputy Public Works Director Attachments 1) Draft Policy, Goals, Objectives 2) Work plan/Timeline Attachment 1 Neighborhood Traffic Management Program Overview The City recognizes that each street in the community is part of a larger roadway network that connects residents to schools, businesses, work locations, and various other destinations. As such, there are common traffic issues within neighborhoods that include speeding, cut-through traffic, truck traffic, and increased traffic volume. Traffic Calming is an important way to manage traffic so that its negatives impacts on residential neighborhoods are minimized. Traffic calming measures help to reduce potential safety risks and also help improve the quality of life for Rosemead residents. Purpose 1, To assist Rosemead residents in developing standards, measures, and a process for managing traffic-related requests~in residential neighborhoods. Goals/Objectives 1. Establish a fair, equitable, and uniform procbss through which traffic- related requests are handled by the City. V 2. Streamline the request process for residents, the City Council, the Traffic Commission, and staff. 3. Develop a`foolbox of traffic calming measures that help to increase safety in local neighbFrhoocls 4. Maintain traffic volumes and speeds on neighborhood streets at acceptable levels. 5. Maintain efficient vehicular and pedestrian movements throughout the City in accordance with the City's General Plan Circulation Element. Benefits of Traffic Calming It is expected that the development of this policy will help the City better manage traffic throughout the community and improve the quality of life for residents. By using this policy to address traffic issues in Rosemead, it is anticipated that the following benefits will be achieved: • There will be less "through" traffic in residential neighborhoods. • Traffic will move slower through residential neighborhoods. • Traffic safety for pedestrians and vehicles will improve. • There will be less truck traffic in residential areas. Attachment 2 ROSEMEAD NEIGHBORHOOD TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT LIST/TIMELINE Traffic Commission Scoping Meeting -Review Purpose, Goals, Objectives, Benefits, Policy -Review Timeline/Critical Path -Provide Comments, Ideas I Traffic Commission Working Meeting -Development of Traffic Calming Toolbox -Development of Neighborhood Zones -Review Timeline/Critical Path . -Review Purpose, Goals, Objectives, Benefits, Policy YN . Traffic Commission Working Meeting -Discuss Neighborhood Zone Priority -Review Traffic Calming Toolbox/Develop Policies for Using Traffic Calming Tools -Review Neighborhood Zones -Review Timeline/Critical Path -Review Purpose, Goals, Objectives, Benefits, Policy -Review with Public Safety Officials ~l - Ed 1 E , Traffic Commission Working Meeting -Possible Community Workshop(s) -Review Neighborhood Traffic Management Program Traffic Commission Working Meeting -Develop/Review Preliminary Recommendations Finalize Neighborhood Traffic Management Program City Council/Traffic Commission Review November 2009 December 2009 - January 2010 January 2010 - February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 - June 2010