CC - Item 7H - Quarterly Interim Financial Update for the Quarter Ended September 30, 2009y~ ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: JEFF ALLRED, CITY MANAGER DATE: NOVEMBER 17, 2009 SUBJECT: QUARTERLY INTERIM FINANCIAL UPDATE FOR THE QUARTER ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2009 SUMMARY Attached is the City of Rosemead Quarterly Financial Update for the Quarter Ended September 30, 2009 for City Council review. Also, attached to the Quarterly Financial Update is the treasurer's report of cash and investment balances at September 30, 2009. Staff Recommendation Staff recommends that the City Council receive and file the update report (Attachment A) and the Treasurer's Report (Attachment B). PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. Submitted by: Steven Brisco Finance Director Attachment A: Quarterly Financial Update for the Quarter Ended September 30, 2009 B: Treasurer's Report APPROVED FOR CITY COUNCIL AGENDA: ITEM NUMBER: Attachment A Q1 City of Rosemead Quarterly Interim Financial Update 2009-10 For the Quarter Ended 9/30/09 With only the first quarter of the fiscal year complete, it is too early to identify any major financial trends. However, there do not appear to be any significant deviations from revenue and expenditure patterns for the first quarter of the fiscal year. A more detailed analysis will be presented in the mid-year review which will be presented in February. While the financial audit for the 2008-09 fiscal year is not yet complete, we believe the information presented in this report is reasonable and not likely to change significantly. Special revenue funds such as CDBG, HOME, Gas Tax and Prop A and C have received $579 thousand in revenue for the quarter. This is considerably less than the previous year's $1.8 million because the State has deferred payment of the first quarter's Gas Tax revenue of $253.5 thousand until November. The remaining difference in FY 2008-09 was the receipt of Proposition 1B street resurfacing grant proceeds totaling $924.6 thousand in FY 2008- 09. Special Revenue fund spending in the first quarter of FY 2009-10 was $523.2 thousand for operating expenditures and $347.2 for street resurfacing capital projects. Finances in Brief General Fund revenues this quarter are slightly greater than revenues for the same period last year, excluding extraordinary items, totaling $1.4 million in FY 2008-09. However, building permit revenue is continuing to come in at a slower pace than last year and some intergovernmental payments have additional administrative costs added to them which reduces the revenue available to the City. Community Development Commission (CDC) funds have not received any revenue for the quarter. Property tax increment payments to local agencies from the County are scheduled to begin late in the second quarter (November). CDC expenditures totaled $441.3 thousand and consisted primarily of salaries and benefits, routine maintenance and operating expenditures as well as interest expense on existing indebtedness. All expenditures were paid from cash balances on hand. Total General Fund expenditures are 19.0% of the budget for the first quarter. The percentage of budgeted expenditures is identical to the same period last year. The budget, which is 10.6% smaller than last year, reflects the reduced spending plan that correlates to expected revenue reductions. At 19% of the budget, actual spending has remained within budget constraints and is a predictor of future budget management. The first quarter also includes only one expenditure for the City's annual property and liability insurance premiums of $327 thousand, a 3.8% rate increase over last year. Rosemead Housing Development Corporation (RHDC), which is the legal entity for the City's low income senior housing apartments, received revenues, and transfers this quarter totaling $103.7 thousand. Chart 3 below will illustrate the details. FY 2007-08 revenues and expenses for the same quarter' were approximately the same. The trend of underperforming revenues and excessive expenditures continue to plague the RHDC. Staff will be evaluating various options and will present them at a future date. Page 1 Attachment A General Fund Revenues Including accrued Transient Occupancy Tax of $300 thousand, interest earnings of $131 thousand and Cable TV franchise fees of $40 thousand, 9.6% ($1.6 million) of estimated General Fund revenues have been collected in the first quarter (see Chart 1). While this seems like a small percentage of the total budgeted revenue, it must be remembered that significant amounts of revenues, such as franchise fees, property taxes and property tax in-lieu payments are received in subsequent quarters. Taxes. Taxes include Sales Tax, Property Tax, Taxes In-lieu, Transient Occupancy Tax and the like. Sales tax collections for the first quarter of the fiscal year are 15% of estimated total sales tax revenue and consists of just one of 12 remittances by the State. This may seem low but it must be remembered that July and August remittances are accrued to the prior fiscal year and by year end all 12 payments will be accounted for. The City's sales tax consultant recently reported that the City sales tax revenue has declined 7.8% from the same period a year earlier compared to a County average decline of 16.4%. First quarter FY 2009-10 Property Tax collections are minimal, at $65.7 thousand, but are 6% more than the amount collected in the first quarter of FY 2007- 08. Large Property Tax distributions resume in November. Accrued Transient Occupancy Tax collections are $300 thousand for the quarter and are down about $20 thousand from the same quarter a year ago. fee (MVLF) collections are also down about 50% ($32.6 thousand) from last year. The decline in MVLF can be explained by considerable increases in administrative processing costs charged by the State and withheld from MVLF remittances as well as weak automobile sales activity Fines & Penalties. Receipts of Court Fines revenue ($33.7 thousand) has declined from the same period last year in large part due to less vehicle code fine tickets being written in the area surrounding the auto auction, which ceased operating in February 2009. Other Revenue. There was an immaterial variance other revenue reported this quarter versus a year ago. No significant amounts have been collected other revenue receipts are trending in an expected.manner. - - General Fund Revenues $1,400 $1,200 - $1,000 - $800 $600 $400 - $200 r U IF 'Ca+ey o~ C~ey ` ye \ e`' c~ rat \cle~Q, ~\~e `.caQO Fc,~yc~ O ~c ® 9/30/2008 O 9/30/2009 Chart 1 Licenses and Permits. At $6,044, Business License fees are double the amount collected in the first quarter of last year. Building Permit revenue ($161.2 thousand) collected in the first quarter is about half the amount collected for the same period a year ago. The weak showing in building permit is a grim reminder of the continuing state of lack of construction activity throughout the Ctiy. Motor Vehicle License Page 2 General Fund Expenditures General Fund salary and benefits as well as maintenance and operations are fairly evenly paid throughout the year and are tracking within budgetary ranges for the first quarter of this fiscal year. Capital outlay is mostly for Attachment A large, one-time items and they do not track evenly throughout the year. They are, however within the budgetary range at this time as well. General Fund Expenditures (continued) Salary and Benefits. General Fund salaries and benefits totaled $1.4 million (22.6% of budgeted salaries and benefits) for the first quarter of FY 2009-10 compared to $1.8 million for the same period a year ago (see Chart 2). It is important to recognize that with 25% of the fiscal year completed salary and benefit expenditures, at 22.6% of budget, are well within the budget constraints; what makes it even more noteworthy is that in the first quarter seven payrolls were paid instead of the usual six due to payday timing. concerning capital outlay expenditures. Maintenance and Operations. At the close of the first quarter of FY 2009-10 $1.3 million or 11.6% of the maintenance and operations budget has been spent. August and September invoices for the Sheriff's contract totaling approximately $1 million were received and paid after the close of the quarter, the same as in FY 2008-09. If the Sheriff's invoices would have been paid in the first quarter, instead of the second quarter, then the expenditures would have been approximately 20% of the annual budget. At the current spending pace, total maintenance and operating expenditures for the year will remain well within the budget. Capital Outlay. This is another expenditure category that is characterized by relatively large, one-time expenditures rather than a smooth even flow of expenditures throughout the year. Accordingly, it may appear that the first quarter's expenditures are excessively large or small. However, by the end of the fiscal year the expenditures should be in line with the budget. For the first quarter of FY 2009-10, $88 thousand was spent to replace old Public Works Department trucks. Another $17 thousand was spent on smaller building improvement projects. The remaining appropriation of $61 thousand will be spent in subsequent quarters. There are no other noteworthy items Chart 2 Community Development Commission The CDC has received no property tax increment income during the first quarter. Los Angeles County (County) will resume Property Tax Increment distributions in November and will continue through August 2010. July and August 2009 property tax increment payments were accrued in FY 2008-09 and payments received in July and August 2010 will likewise be accrued in FY 2009-10. The delay of revenue distributions by the County until November is normal. CDC expenditures consisted of $279.5 for salaries and benefits, $131.1 thousand for interest expense and $30.7 thousand for operating expenditures. CDC expenditures were paid with currently held cash. As property tax increment is received from the County the cash balance will be replenished. Rosemead Housing Development The Garvey and Angelus senior housing project finances remain remarkably consistent each quarter. With basically no vacancies and a list of people waiting to move in when vacancies occur, the revenues remain constant each Page 3 Attachment A quarter. However, as discussed in previous Quarterly Financial Updates reports, the operating expenses are creeping up and are beginning to outpace revenues in the Angelus complex (Chart 3). Also, maintenance expenses have been routine in nature but, like any building, will eventually require expensive major repairs. Also, as previously reported, alternative solutions to the growing operating deficit will be presented for City Council consideration at subsequent meetings. The following chart (Chart 3) summarizes the quarterly financial position of RHDC: Rosemead Housing Development Corp. Quarter Ended 9/30/2009 Angelus Garvey,,-, Rents $ 40,412 $ 63,312 Low-Mod transfer 31,250 31,250 Expenditures (86,502) (91,215) Income (loss) $ (14,840) $ 3,347 Chart 3 Outlook for the Future in spite of the bad economic news that is reported in the media on a daily basis, the outlook for Rosemead remains promising. The rate of Sales Taxes revenue losses are well below the County average. The housing market is less affected in Rosemead than in newer communities such as in the Inland Empire because our neighborhoods are established and do not consist of large new developments that were purchased at peak housing prices with sub-prime mortgages. to work with other local businesses. Furthermore, Rosemead has two major retailers that historically do well in slower economic conditions, Target and Wal-Mart. However, in the short run Rosemead has had to bear some of the burden of the State's fiscal woes. The State continues to look for ways to balance their own budget at the expense of local governments; the State plans a large revenue take from the Community Development Commission later this year but that is being contested in the courts and a similar proposal last year was defeated by the courts. More administrative costs are being passed on to cities by both the State and counties and delays in payments reduce the amount of cash cities can invest for interest earnings. However, improved economic news is beginning to appear in the media, though high unemployment is expected to continue well into 2010. Many economists are reporting that the recession is now over and that the worst (economic downturn) is behind us. However, information provided by the City's financial consultants and professional associations point to the need to be very conservative and cautious in our financial planning over the next few years. Recently, the League of California Cities published an article entitled, "Dire Outlook for Future Budgets". The article quoted Wall Street Journal columnist, Carol Rodoni, who addressed the League's annual conference as follows: "I think we'll be break-even or even see a little growth in the economy by the end of the year. Even with an uptick in the economy and what appears to be growing consumer confidence... cities should be planning for bad times when the good times return." Rosemead has a good blend of businesses and is not overly dependent on one industry for its sales tax revenue, such as automobile sales. The Community Development Department staff is working to bring in new businesses such as Fresh and Easy market as well as continuing By carefully following the Strategic Plan that is being crafted by the City Council there is every reason to believe that Rosemead will emerge from the economic calamity that the entire world is enduring, without too much pain. 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