CC - Municipal Code Amendment 94-03 - Adult Oriented Business - Box 065J i 1 J7 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL FROM: FRANK G. TRIPEPI, CITY MANAGER 7Z DATE: MAY 23, 1995 SUBJECT: MUNICIPAL CODE AMENDMENT NO. 94-03 Adult-Oriented Business Ordinance/ First Reading SUMMARY I Rosemead has a moratorium on adult businesses effective until September 10, 1995: This moratorium is in place to allow staff time to create an ordinance to regulate, adult-oriented businesses. The existing code prohibits such uses, or requires a conditional use permit, both of which have been found unconstitutional by the courts. Cities must allow "reasonable" area for adult businesses under "concept neutral" regulations of time, place and manner in which adult-oriented businesses may operate. Staff has drafted an ordinance which allows adult businesses in the C-3 zoning district provided they are at least 1,000 feet from a school and located no closer than 1,000 feet to another adult business. In addition, development and operation standards establish the time, place and manner in which such uses may operate. Staff finds that this scenario would allow a "reasonable" number of businesses while preserving the City's interests to the maximum possible extent. The impact of the draft ordinance on existing businesses would be very minor. Only a couple of hotel/motels and/or video rental/sales have advertising that would need to be addressed. On March 20, 1995, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on the draft ordinance. No public testimony was presented. The Planning Commission voted 5-0 to recommend City Council approval of Municipal Code 94-03, adding provisions to the Rosemead Municipal Code pertaining to Adult-Oriented Businesses. COUNCIL AGENDA MAY °2 31995 ITEM No. 7/ A I. INTRODUCTION A. PURPOSE AND INTENT 1. Existing Regulations: Interim ordinances, prohibiting adult businesses; nos. 424, 530, 538 and 544u were adopted between 1976 and 1982. These ordinances were drafted to remain in effect for one (1) year. Therefore, there is no existing regulation for adult-oriented businesses since these time periods have passed. 2. Moratorium: A moratorium was ordered by the Rosemead City Council with ordinance nos. 747 (45 day moratorium adopted 9-13-94) and 749 (10 month, 15 day moratorium adopted 10-25-94). This moratorium prohibits issuing any permits or licenses to adult-oriented businesses. The intent is to provide time for staff to create regulations that protect the City's interest and meet the court's test. B. BACKGROUND 1. Current Trend: The Los Angeles/Orange County area has seen a significant move to establish adult businesses. Although Rosemead has not faced this issue directly, a number of local cities have had legal challenges to their adult business regulations through this process. Federal courts have consistently held that adult-oriented businesses are a form of free speech protected under the U.S. Constitution. Moratoriums have been found unconstitutional in cases where the restriction is on specific use(s) versus a zoning designation. 2. Legal Challenges: Through trial and error, the courts have somewhat defined what is allowed/not allowed in an adult-oriented business ordinance (regulations). The primary objective is that regulations are found acceptable so long as they are "concept neutral". This means that a local authority may adopt regulations to define where and how an adult business may operate provided that they are "reasonable" to allow such business to establish. In addition, a City may neither prohibit such uses nor require discretionary review such as a Conditional Use Permit. Regulations included in the ordinance must have justification. Various cities have completed studies evaluating the operation of adult businesses, and the secondary effects of these uses. Rosemead's City Attorney's office prepared a memorandum dated 8-24-94 summarizing some of those studies (Attachment A). All of these studies are available for review in the Planning Department. The draft ordinance references these studies as a basis for the regulations that are included. There is no specific case study for Rosemead because no adult businesses have located in the City. Municipal Code Amendment 94-03 Adult-Oriented Business Ordinance Page 3 3. Planning Commission: On March 20, 1995, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on Municipal Code No. 94-03. There were no residents present to provide testimony, and no written correspondence had been received. The Planning Commission inquired about adding restrictions from adult-oriented businesses located next to residential uses. Staff noted that to do so would not provide adequate area for such businesses to locate which would be subject to legal challenges. Section II (B) details this analysis. The Planning Commission voted 5-0 to adopt a Negative Declaration finding no significant environmental impacts would result from the ordinance. In addition, the Planning Commission voted 5-0 to recommend City Council approval of MCA 94-03. They found that the regulations help protect residents from secondary effects. The City is required to allow adult-oriented businesses which are protected under the U. S. Constitution. II. ANALYSIS A. EXISTING USES There are currently no known adult businesses permitted in Rosemead. However, businesses like video rental/sales and hotel/motels have a form of adult use. 1. Video: Rosemead has fourteen (14) businesses which sell and/or rent videos. This includes liquor stores and gift shops that include videos as a secondary service. The largest amount of floor area in any one business devoted to adult videos is 9% (See Attachment B). The courts do not determine a use to be an adult business unless a "substantial" amount of business is devoted to such use. Staff has drafted the ordinance with a 25% display area threshhold to determine if a video rental/sale business is an adult use. Staff finds that no existing video rental/sales would be defined as an adult business under the draft ordinance. However, if they advertise availability of adult videos, they become an adult use. The justification is that by advertising, such videos become a part of the primary business. r Municipal Code Amendment 94-03 Adult-Oriented Business Ordinance Page 4 2. Hotel/Motel: There are fifteen (15) hotels or motels in Rosemead. All of them have cable television. Two have been noted to advertise that they provide the playboy cable TV channel (See Attachment Q. Ordinance No. 744 limits how often hotel/motel rooms may be rented. This regulation has been incorporated into the adult business ordinance. If rooms are rented more than once in a 24-hour period plus they provide and advertise the Playboy channel, they would be defined as an adult business. No existing hotels/motels would fall under this definition. B. LAND USE RESTRICTIONS Staff has completed a detailed land use analysis to determine where adult businesses may locate in relation to sensitive uses. This analysis included schools, residential zones, and other adult businesses. Staff determined the maximum number of businesses that could be established under certain conditions. 1. Residential: Residences are probably the most sensitive use to adult businesses. However, restriction from the residential zone were not included because there would not be enough area left available for uses to locate. Most commercial and industrial parcels are only 200 feet deep with residential uses immediately adjacent to them. The strip zoning of commercial and industrial designations would in effect eliminate any potential sites regardless of the setback distance used. 2. Adult Uses: Another very sensitive use is other adult-businesses. City studies have found increased problems where adult-businesses are allowed to concentrate. This would be especially true for Rosemead due to the close proximity of residences to commercial/industrial zones. Staff proposes a 1,000 foot setback from other adult uses. 3. Schools: Staff finds that schools are a sensitive use around adult businesses. Children may pass such businesses traveling to and from school. This creates a sensitive issue with the parents and how they wish to raise their children. Staff finds that a 1,000 foot setback from schools helps to keep adult businesses away from most school routes. Table 1 summarizes the maximum number of businesses in the City under six (6) differenct scenarios: Municipal Code Amendment 94-03 Adult-Oriented Business Ordinance Page 5 TABLE 1: LAND USE SUMMARY No. Parcels Usable Area Number Scenario Restriction (s) Available AC % 13smcs 1 M-1 zone, Adult uses 330 147.04 6.3% 12 2 M-1 zone, Adult uses, Schools 264 127.61 5.4% 10 3 C-3 zone, Adult uses 500 320.55 13.7% 32 4 C-3 zone, Adult uses, Schools 239 142.45 6.1% 20 5 M-1 zone, C-3 zone, Adult uses 830 467.59 19.9% 44 6 M-1 zone, C-3 zone, Adult uses, Schools 503 270.06 11.5% 30 The sources and detailed analysis for this information is on file with the Planning Department. Staff utilized assessor maps and zoning maps and scales to accurately determine potential sites and usable land area. III. FINDINGS A. PREFERRED ALTERNATIVE As a residential community, Rosemead would be very sensitive to excessive adult businesses. Therefore, staff recommends scenario No. 4 (Table 1) locating adult businesses in the C-3 zone with restrictions of 1,000 feet setbacks from schools and other adult businesses. This would make 6.1 % of the total land in the City available to adult uses. Staff estimates that up to twenty (20) businesses could establish using these guidelines. Staff finds that Scenarios 1 and 2 would be too restrictive and would not be supported by the courts. Using the M-1 zone prohibits a restriction from adult-oriented businesses locating next to each other. Staff finds that this could create concentrations which could create negative effects. Also Scenarios 3, 5 and 6 are not restrictive enough to reduce potential secondary effects. B. OTHER REGULATIONS 1. Advertisement: Staff finds that advertising adult uses should be a factor defining such uses. For example, a hotel with the Playboy channel provides this as a Municipal Code Amendment 94-03 Adult-Oriented Business Ordinance Page 6 secondary service for their customers. However, a hotel that advertises they have the Playboy channel could be attempting to.draw customers with a preface to watch adult movies. Therefore, staff has included advertising as part of the definition of an adult use. 2. Review Process: Two entitlements for Adult-Oriented uses, Adult-Oriented Business Permit and Adult Entertainment License (Business License), would be required. Decisions would be rendered by the City Council within thirty (30) days of receiving a complete application. Once the Council determines an application meets the standards of the ordinance, a permit/license would be approved. This type of process has been somewhat established in the courts, and is similar to the existing process for an entertainment permit. IV. ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS An initial study was prepared and circulated in accordance with Article 6 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). This study found that there could be potential impacts created by adult-oriented businesses. Municipal Code Amendment 94-03 has been drafted to reduce these potential impacts. Each request for an adult-oriented business would need to be evaluated case-by-case for potential impacts. The Planning Commission voted 5-0 to adopt a Negative Declaration finding that the proposed project could not have a significant effect on the environment. V. RECOMMENDAITON The Planning Commission recommends that the City Council approve Municipal Code Amendment 94-03 adding new rules and regulations to the Rosemead Municipal Code (RMC) pertaining to Adult-Oriented Business. Staff recommends that the City Council introduce this ordinance and schedule this item for second reading and adoption on the next City Council agenda. Attachments: A. Memo dated 8-24-94 - Adult Business Studies B. Video Rentals Survey - 10-1-94 C. Hotel/Motel Survey - 10-1-94 D. Initial Study E. Draft Ordinance