CC - Approving of Scannign Services - Box 066IG TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL t FROM: FRANK G. TRIPEPI, CITY MANAGER DATE: OCTOBER 3, 2001 RE: APPROVAL OF SCANNING SERVICES This item was presented at the September 26, 2001 City Council Meeting. The City Council deferred this item for further information regarding the types of documents to be scanned and the storage of scanned documents. Viatron will-perform documentation preparation, scanning, indexing, and pick-up and delivery of documents from City Hall. It is estimated that there are approximately 102,000 pages of Resolutions, Ordinances, Minutes and documents given to Council. Documents given to Council, includes Council Memorandums, newspaper articles, Sheriff's Traffic Activity reports, newsletters,- and other correspondence.- - - All documents scanned will not be destroyed. The original Resolutions, Ordinances and Minutes will remain at City Hall. Only the two most recent years of the documents given to Council will remain at City Hall and the prior year documents will be 'stored off-site at Iron Mountain. Staff can retrieve stored documents from Iron. Mountain within the same day. The documents already stored at Iron Mountain do not warrant"scanning at this time. Viatron will perform these services for a fee not to exceed $10,260. This will allow the City to have their critical documents scanned for accessibility_ and archival purposes. Once Viatron has completed scanning said documents, staff will then scan all documents from that point forward. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council approve the attached contract and appropriate the necessary funds from.appropriated reserves. klo: docimagesysserv. doc COUNCIL oGE;'tAA OCT 0 9 2001 ITEM No.~