CC - Selection of Computer System - Box 066TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL FROM: FRANK G. TRIPEPI, CITY MANAGER DATE: JULY 23, 1991 RE: SELECTION OF COMPUTER SYSTEM At the regular meeting of the Rosemead City Council on March 26, 1991 the City Council authorized staff to seek bid proposals for a computer system for City Hall. Attached for your consideration is a summary of the bid analysis and selection process, as prepared by McGladrey & Pullen. The summary details the process used to evaluate the proposals received, including an analysis of the three proposals that staff considers the most viable. The three proposals that staff considers to be -the most cost effective were received from IDC, Nissi, and Pentamation. These programs are more comprehensive and they provide a broader range of services for less cost than the other proposals submitted. Please note that the lowest cost proposal, submitted by Mentor, was not considered, as they were unable to provide all of the requested software programs. It is recommended that the City purchase the IDC software utilizing a Hewlett-Packard computer for a total cost of $99,647. Staff had budgeted $95,000 in fiscal year 90-91 and $30,000 in fiscal year 91-92 for a total budget of $125,000, which will allow a small cushion for expenses connected with the installation, and for start up costs, such as forms, diskettes, and computer paper. COUNCIL AGENDA JUL 2: 3 IWI ITEM No. ec July 23, 1991 Computer Systems Page 2 The monthly maintenance was bid at $989. This includes both the computer hardware and the software programs. It also includes the software program updates, which means whenever the state or federal government mandate changes, or the software company itself makes an improvement to the original program the city will automatically, without additional cost, have our program changed or updated. Currently the City contracts with Flair Data for limited computer service. The cost for their service for fiscal year 1991-92 is $1,928 per month. As you may remember, Flair Data has indicated that they may not continue this service once the firms owner, Shiro Furukawa retires. The proposed system would eliminate the need for Flair Data's services, plus provide information and reports that are not currently available through Flair Data. It is recommended that the City Council approve the purchase of the IDC software utilizing a Hewlett-Packard computer for a total cost of $99,647, and authorize the necessary funding. Attachments SGW:wp\mm\commpur