CC - AB 2194 - Retention of $1 Motor Vehicle Technology Fee - Support - Box 066I TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL FROM: FRANK G. TRIPEPI, CITY MANAGER DATE: APRIL 7, 1997 RE: AB 2194 (WASHINGTON) - RETENTION OF $1 MOTOR VEHICLE TECHNOLOGY FEE-SUPPORT In 1988, the Legislature approved a $1 fee to be added to Motor Vehicle License fees to be used by the South Coast Air Quality Management District for the development of advanced technologies and cleaner burning fuels. Since that time, the SCAQMD contends that the additional fee has resulted in innovative public/private partnerships resulting in products and technologies that have helped to clean the air in the Los Angeles basin. The fee is currently slated to "sunset" on August 1, 1999. In response, the SCAQMD is requesting support for AB 2194 (Washington) which would extend the fee until August 1, 2010. 2010 is the year when the South Coast region is required to meet current EPA standards for ozone, as established by the Federal Clean Air Act. A copy of AB 2194 has been attached for the Council's review. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council support AB 2194 (Washington) and authorize the Mayor to send the appropriate correspondence. ccmemo.ab2194.fgt COUNCIL AGENDA APR 14 1998 ITEM No. . CC-}l z 0 e U c rn U a 'z c O a v ca 0 z a a W C/) Q s eo c :c V! 3 d d a U 7 -o 0 a r-i .r 34 7 w .fl 0 G, 'o yy; o o. c°i h o "'ts U ~a07„o o>1 3 y o cz a) O N O w s. O 3 y y cd i ° a' o ~oo;b° L o~' cz0 -G c o ~ ~ v U ° > c s° eo v v o cy o cz ~ ~ o o cc aiLa CW : o m aoi p U C CO 7 Q 00.= C 'O > O ° OL Q 'o LL : c .-r cd ty c rq i'" .1 C+ y o 0 o o y i.. LC,' p O o C. v~ eq Z y T ~D cd w a.+ cc O > C.. 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V 0,- as 'O i U O O O O as O N ctl i, •-O N~.' G 00 Y C y rYi~ C~ .U. •Yi'U~1~ J'cd'~ O U O •i. ,.y N U O O 0 F 'w J"., 'O as O Q~. +•a 1U. a U 'b -0 U cE .C U p„ Y ;O U W .b y as C) U C Y p X CL as y 'tS as cn ~ 'b a& as C Cam. (1) , ~ ^O O .C W,= as O w -z p O G U O b C U C CS ..O c., w W Y ca. "C Y Q4 L) U .-C ~ Y O b n U N CS O CS N Y as F. C ^f Q . Q' p O y i O O d C" O Y N O.c+z, N C) cz C _o ~.ca ici i°n v 'o° = o i o Q a) as W-0 > y Oo as o o o Y 00'b h z tom/) O Cl y .p Q•'^ O cd > U v y .~0 0.) ~°..O -U- 3 a 7 ^O fCJ r. ^o~ sU. 0 0 a^ m ~od-o>•M C~ 4 as as 0 °~~-0 "Os it O~CCU nsU. ° Cq M "IL UJ W r- 00 m 0 N CO "T u-~ CO t'- CO M 0 B C4 M C N C^O' 1^~l X^l M 0'r CV M~ 10 cc x m O APR 09 98 oe:5eAM SCAQMD CPO 909 396 2961 P.2110 South Coast Air Quality Management District 21865 E. Copley Drive. Diamond Bar, CA 91765-4182 a (909) 396-2000 • http://wwvv.agmd.gov Members of the -URGENT ACTION ITEM- Governing Boazd: Chai<man LOCAL RESOLUTIONS NEEDED Dr. William A. Burke Spkcr of du Aa¢mhly Spm FOR CLEAN FUELS PROGRAM Appointer vice Chairmen April 2, 1998 Norma J. Glover Councilmtmbrr, Ncwporr Balch Cities of Orange County Dear City Mayors and Councilmembers: Michael D. Anconovich Super ienr, Fifth District County of Los Angeles I am coming to you again asking for your assistance in a matter that is critical to local government interests. It is important that your city council adopt the Richard Alarcon Countilmember. Los Angelo attached resolution in support of our Air District's Clean Fuels Program. Our Cries of Ins Angeles County/ Clean Fuels Program is the driving force behind the new and emerging clean air western Region technologies that must be in place for our region to meet the 2010 deadline Meeftae Lee mandated by the Clean Air Act. Senate Rules Appointee The attached resolution supports Assembly Bill 2194 and its reauthorization of the Ronald 0. Loveridge Mayor, Ri+ewdc Clean Fuels Program's funding mechanism. This mechanism is a $1.00 fee which Cites of Riverside County is already being paid upon renewal of vehicle registrations in our jurisdiction- We must have an extension of this fee so that we can continue the public/private Jon D. Mikels Supervisor, Second District partnerships which are now expanding the use of clean, altemative-energy sources County of San Bernardino (like fuel cells, electricity and compressed natural gas) for heavy-duty trucks, locomotives and municipal fleets. Wayne Nasai Governors Appointee Please have your City adopt this resolution as soon as possible and forward a copy Leonard Paulin to Barry Wallerstein, Acting Executive Officer, so that we can make sure it gets Councilmemher, Montclair into the right hands at our State Legislature. Thank you for your help and please Cities of San Berromlino County feel free to call Oscar Abarca, Intergovernmental Affairs Director (909-396- James W. Silva 3242), or myself (909-620-1240) if you have any questions. Supervisor. Second District County of Omngr Sincerely, Nell Soto Cm s mbcr, Pornont, I /7 e ¢iu o of f Los Cos Angdn & unryl Fuum Region . S. Roy Wilson, Ed.D. Nell Soto supervisor, Fourth District County of Riverside APR 09 198 08:56AM SCAQMD CPO 909 39G 2961 P.3i10 South Coast fi Air Quality Management District 21865 E. Copley Drive. Diamond Bar, CA 9 1 765-41 82 (909) 396-2000 - http://www.aqmd.gov Members of the Governing Board: Chaimyn April 8, 1998 Dr. William A. Burke Spcelar of the Assembly Appointee vicechvmm The Honorable Jay T. Imperial, Mayor Norma J. Glover City of Rosemead Councilmembcr, Newport Beach Guesof Orange coumry 8838 East Valley Boulevard Rosemead, CA 91770 Michael D. Anronovich Supervisor. Fifth District (:aunty of Los Angeles As your representative on the Governing Board of the South Coast Air Quality Management District, I am seeking your support for a bill in the California Richard Uuc6n Assembly that would reauthorize funding for clean fuels research. Councilmembet, Los Angeles Cities of Los Angeles Cowry/ Western Rrgion Existing law authorizes the South Coast Air Quality Management District to impose a $1.00 fee on the renewal of motor vehicles in our jurisdiction to fund the Mee Hae lee Clean Fuels Program. The existing legislation, which allows the money to be used Senate Rules Appointee to fund clean fuels research and demonstration projects, expires next year. If Ronald 0. Loveridge signed into law, Assembly Bill 2194 (authored by Assemblymember Carl Nbyor, Ri~rrsidc Washington) will extend the funding through 2010. Goes of Riverside Cowry Jon D. Mikels Despite a high population growth rate, the South Coast Air Basin comprised of Supervisor, Second District the urban portions of Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, and San Bernardino Counry of San Bernardino counties has experienced significant air quality improvements in recent years, Wayne Nastri thanks in part to the Clean Fuels Program. Governor's Appointee' Nevertheless, we still have the nation's worst air quality. This bill's passage is Leonard Paulitz critical in allowing us to meet federal standards by 2010, as required under the Ckies; of Sin Bd&mMuontdino clair County fides of Sin Clean Air Act. It will allow our Clean Fuels Program to continue its partnerships with the public and private sectors to find further applications for heavy-duty James W. Silva trucks, locomotives, and municipal fleets to run on alternative-energy sources such sup y or. o(Ora ra nnge District County as fuel cells, electricity and compressed natural gas. Nell Soto C0061111 mlkr, Pomona Grins of Los Angeles County/ Bestetn Region S. Roy Wilson, Ed.D. Supervisor, Fourth District County of Riwaide APR 09 '98 08:58AM SCAOMD CPO 909 396 2961 -2- P. 4/10 We have drafted a resolution (attached) for your review and adoption. AQMD staff will be in touch with your city manager to request that the resolution be placed on a future council agenda. In the meantime, feel free to contact Oscar Abarca, Intergovernmental Affairs Director, at (909) 396-3242 should you have any questions. Sincerely,, Nell Soto Councilmember, City of Pomona AQMD Governing Board Member OA:DR:mt cc: Barry Wallerstein Attachment APR 09 198 08:59AN SCROMD CPO 909 396 2961 April 7, 1998 The Honorable Kevin Murray Chairman, Assembly Transportation Committee 600 Corporate Pointe #1020 Culver City, California 90230 Dear Chairman Murray: P. 5/10 As mayor of the City of Glendale, 1 strongly urge your support for Assembly Bill 2194 now pending before the Legislature. AB 2194 reauthorizes a $1 surcharge on vehicle registrations with the South Coast Air Quality Management District to fund a clean fuels program to develop new technologies to reduce air pollution. Support of this bill reflects a broad consensus among my constituents that clean fuels technology is vital to the ability of the South Coast Air Basin to meet the requirement of the Federal Clean Air Act to reduce emissions from motor vehicles by 40 percent by the year 2010. We depend on technologies that do not exist today to meet this requirement. Funding for clean fuels technology research authorized under the current legislation has allowed AQMD to develop innovative projects through joint ventures with the private sector, resulting in dramatic air quality improvements, enhanced economic growth and a better relationship between government and industry. Despite our gains, however, we are far from meeting federal clean air standards and time is running out. Therefore, we urge an "aye" vote on AB 2194. Sincerely, Larry Zarian, Mayor City of Glendale cc: Barry R. Wallerstein Acting Executive Officer, SCAQMD APR 09 "98 08:596MlSCA0MD-CP0 909 396 2989=3 3051345 P. C/10 League of California Cities Los Angeles County Division 602 East Huntington Drive, Suite C Monrovia, California 91016 "W April 7, 1999 Telephone (626)305-1315 ~ Fax (626) 305.1345 www.caeities.orq ~BSIDBNT The Honorable Kevin Murray Marshall Mouw Chair, Transportation Comm *e Mayor Pro Tem California State Assembly Glendora Room 4126 Sacramento, CA 95814 PRESIDENT EL CT Boyd Condie RE: AD 2194 (Washington) Vehicle Fees: Air Pollution Mayor Reauthorization of Clean Fuels Program flrnding mechanism Alhsmbra Notice of Support VICE SIDENT pip 27 Bob The Los Angeles County Division of the League of California Cities has Mayor Pro Tem adopted a position inauPportofAB 2194, The Los Angeles County Division Redondo Beach , comprised of local elected officials, is the largest of its kind in the state and represents 86 cities. TR A eatrice Proo 194 is important to all of the cities in Southern California because it nci Council Member continues to provide 9rnding for the Clean Fuels program. The $1.00 £ee is Pico Rivera already being paid cub time vehicles are registered in this area and does not represent any new taxes or fees on individuals. For cities in the Los Angeles STATE LEAGUE DIRECTOR region, the bill is especially important because it helps expand the use of clean Margaret Clark , alternative-w=gy sources for municipal fleets. Moreover, the funding from Council Member this program helps to advance research on new technologies to im rov Rosemead p e regional air quality. Without the additional funding, cities will have to rely on command and control measures and more stringent regulations on businesses . In an era where regional economic development and business attraction is so important, further regulations would be detrimental to the regional economy, For these reasons, the Los Angeles County Division of the League of California Cities supports AR 2194, Please feel free to contact me regarding our position on this measure, Sincerely, ~A CxsGUEt~G! y,, hall Mouw, Presideai Los Angeles County Division League of California Cities APR 09 198 09:59AM SCAQMD CPO 999 396 2961 P.7/10 . South Coast Air Quality Management District 21865 E. Copley Drive, Diamond Bar, CA 91765-4182 ° (909) 396-2000 • http_//www.agmd.gov REVISED3/13198 Summary of Assembly Bill 2194 By Assembly Member Carl Washington • State law enacted in 1988 requires the South Coast AQMD to establish a program to encourage participation in projects to increase the use of clean-burning fuels. • Existing law authorizes the South Coast AQMD to impose a $1 fee on the renewal of motor vehicles in the District to fund this Clean Fuels Program. • Legislative authority to impose this fee expires on August 1, 1999.. • AB 2194 extends this fee until August 1, 2010. • 2010 is the date when the South Coast region is required to meet current EPA health standard for ozone under the federal Clean Air Act. • More stringent health standards recently promulgated by the EPA makes the South Coast region even more dependent on developing new technologies. APR 09 98 09:00AM SCAQMD CPO 999 396 2961 P.@i10 . South Coast Air Quality Management District 21865 E. Copley Drive, Diamond Bar, CA 91765-4182 Y*0 (909) 396-2000 - htt //www.a md. ov P~ 9 $ REVISED3%i3l98 South Coast AQMD's Clean Fuels Program Wliat Is the Clean Fuels Program? Under the AQMD's Technology Advancement Office, this program: • Finds and nurtures clean fuels technologies for transportation and other mobile sources of air pollution. • Creates public-private partnerships to invest in these research and development projects. • Utilizes funds derived from $1 on the registration fee for vehicles within the AQMD, generating $9.5 million annually. Why is this a Good Use of Public Funds? AQMD leverages these funds by obtaining $4 in matching funds from private industry and other public agencies for every $1 from AQMD. Since 1988, AQMD has leveraged its $60 million in Clean Fuels funds to obtain $250 million in matching funds from private sector and other partners to fund clean fuels projects valued at more than $310 million. Who are South Coast AQMDIs Clean Fuels Partners? • Heavy-duty truck engine manufacturers: Detroit Diesel, Mack Trucks, Cummins, John Deere, Navistar, Caterpillar • Automakers: Ford, GM, Chrysler, Toyota, Honda, Nissan, Volkswagen, Hyundai, Volvo • ,Fuel cell developers: Ballard, Allied Signal, ONSI, Energy Partners • Fleet owners: Vons, United Parcel Service, Federal Express, McKesson Water (Sparkletts), Arrowhead, Ryder, Golden State Foods, Wal-Mart, Unocal, Pima-Gro, Los Angeles Times, LA MTA, OCTA, Sunline Transit, OC Sanitation Districts, City of Glendale, City of Los Angeles • Universities: UCLA, UC Riverside, UC Irvine, several CalState campuses Why is the Clean Fuels Program Needed? • The South Coast Air Basin has made progress but still experiences the worst air quality in the United States, exceeds health standards on 1 of every 4 days and has the largest US population exposed to unhealthful air. APR 09 '98 09:00AM SCAOMD CPO 909 396 2961 P.9i10 • Achieving the EPA's new health standards for clean air, in Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside and San Bernardino counties will require reducing emissions from today's levels by up to 80%. • New clean fuel technologies are required for 70% of those emission reductions, most from transportation sources. What have the Clean Fuels Projects Accomplished? • Cleaner heavy-duty engines were developed for trucks and buses. • New locomotive engines emit 75% less pollution. • Clean fueled vehicles, like electric vehicles, now are on the market. • Large fleets were converted to alternative fuels, like natural gas. • Automakers are investing $1 Billion in fuel cells for electric vehicles. • Oil industry developed reformulated gasoline to remain competitive with cleaner, alternative fuels supported by the AQMD and other agencies. • The clean fuels infrastructure has been expanded. • Emerging technologies have lowered the cost of businesses' compliance with air quality emission standards. • Millions of dollars have been invested into the local economy. • Local firms are competitive in the world market for clean air technologies. How Are Projects Selected? Seven key criteria are applied: • Emission reduction potential • Technological innovation • Potential to reduce compliance costs • Commercialization potential • Contractor experience and capabilities • Overall environmental impact (toxics, global warming, solid waste, water) • Cost-sharing from other sources Why is AB 2194 (Washington) Needed? • Funding for the Clean Fuels Program expires August 1, 1999, unless reauthorized by the Legislature. AB 2194 sponsored by Assemblyman Carl Washington extends the program until 2010, the deadline for attaining the federal air quality health standard for ozone. Contacts: Dr. Chung Liu (909) 396-2105 or Lupe Valdez (909) 396-3780 APR 09 '98 09:00AM SCAOMD CPO 909 396 2961 P.10/10 Draft Resolution in Support of AB 2194 (Washington): Air Pollution: Clean Fuels Technologies Whereas, in 1988 the State Legislature authorized the adoption of a S I surcharge on vehicle registrations within the South Coast Air Quality Management District to fund a clean fuels program to find and nurture new technologies to reduce air pollution, and Whereas, since 1988, every dollar invested from this vehicle surcharge has been matched by another four dollars invested by private industry, universities and other public agencies, effectively leveraging the program's $60 million investment to obtain $250 million in public-private matching funds to finance research and development projects valued at more than $310 million, and Whereas, the existence of this program has resulted in a vibrant public/private partnership engaged in developing new technologies to combat air pollution, with 87 of these projects currently underway, and Whereas, this program has been instrumental in the development and deployment of low- and zero- emission technologies in critical transportation applications, including but not limited to: advanced electric cars; the world's first fuel cell buses: hybrid-electric delivery trucks; and locomotive engines running on liquefied natural gas, and Whereas, the local Southern California economy has benefited from tens of millions of dollars in public/private investments in clean fuel technologies since 1989, and Whereas, 40 % cf the emission reductions needed in the South Coast District to meet the federal clean air standard for ozone by 2010 rely upon advanced technologies which do not exist today, and Whereas, a variety of projects funded by this program have resulted in real emission reductions through the introduction of zero-emitting vehicles powered by fuel cells and clean fueled public transit buses, and Whereas, the existing program has provided necessary research and development resources to technologies that might not have become commercially available without such investment, and Whereas, the successful commercialization of technologies essential to achieving acceptable air quality in the South Coast is dependent on the continuation of the advanced technology program, and Whereas, Assembly Bill 2194, authored by Assembly Member Carl Washington, and introduced in the 1998 session of the California Legislature, would continue the clean fuels program until 2010, assuring that it will be an integral program to the regional efforts to achieve the federal air quality health standard for ozone by 2010, Now, be it therefore resolved, that the Ciry/County of supports AB 2194 by Assembly Member Washington, and Be it further resolved, that this resolution and/or letter communicating the City's/County's support for AB 2194 be sent to Barry Wallerstein, Acting Exwutive Officer of the South Coast Air Quality Management District.