CC - Automated Voting System For City Council Chambers - Box 066TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL FROM: NANCY VALDERRAMA, CITY CLERK 0 DATE: SEPTEMBER 1, 1998 RE: AUTOMATED VOTING SYSTEM FOR CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS As you are aware, our present automatic voting machine in the Council Chambers is inoperable. Due to its age, replacement parts are not available. Two companies were located that manufacture similar voting systems, Forespar/ELECTroVOTE and Engineering Dynamics Incorporated. It is my understanding that the Council wishes to retain the vote display board and individual voting switches. Upon discussions with the manufacturers and two different electrical contractors, the consensus was that the City's system is not compatible with the manufacturers' systems, the main reason being the age and non-availability of parts. Forespar concluded after further discussion with the City's electrical contractor, that by modifying their main power unit, the display board could remain. However, the voting switches will have to be replaced with the release type button that lights up on the "Yes", "No" or "ABS" cycle. In other words, it is a single button system that alternately lights up "Yes", "No", or "ABS." The release of the button will allow the vote to be recorded by the Clerk. It should also be noted that both companies manufacture and sell the systems only, they do not install them. Sach's Electric, the City's electrical contractor has agreed to install it. COUNCIL SEP p 81998 ITEM No. Page #2 September 1, 1998 Automated Voting System Should the Council decide to authorize the purchase of an automated system with modifications, the cost breakdown would be as follows: ELECTroVOTE - 5 STATION SYSTEM Power Memory Unit $ 2709.00 Clerk's Display Panel 564.00 Vote Printer 1,076.00 Modifications 472.00 Sach's Electric Installation 1,500.00 TOTAL: $ 6,321.00 Lastly, over 20 cities were contacted to determine what voting system they used. Of those cities, the majority used voice vote, two had an automated system and one City is contemplating purchasing a machine when they redo their sound system. According to Robert Kress, City Attorney, there is no legal requirement that the City Council vote by an automated voting system. agitem :24