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CC - Proposed Site for East Valley Medical Center - Box 066E TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL FROM: INK G. TRIPEPI, CITY MANAGER DATE: OCTOBER 2, 1991 RE: PROPOSED SITE FOR EAST VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER As you know, Los Angeles County is considering the construction of a 330 bed County hospital in the East San Gabriel Valley. Some of you received a letter from Mike Radlovic regarding one of the proposed sites. Staff contacted Supervisor Molina's office and they provided us with • some information regarding the four sites. Attached is a copy of the letter from Mr. Radlovic and a copy of the information that the County of Los Angeles sent to the East Valley Organization and the Health Promotion Council of South E1 Monte. If it is the desire of the Council to make a recommendation, it would be appropriate to request staff to write a letter of support to the Board of Supervisors regarding the particular site. FGT:js Attachment 1 A:100891j(10) COUNCIL AGENDA @GT 8 19gt ITEM No. -r– A — MOLINA TEL: 2136131739 Oct 02,91 11:46 No.003 P.02i15 -r 7 COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES - DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES DATE: September 27, 1991 TO; Val Rodriguez, Chairperson East Valley Organization Ms. Lourdes Perez, Chairperson Health Promotion Council of South £1 Monte FROM: William Weitekamp, Project Managerlo " East Valley Medical Center SUBJECT: UPDATED INFORMATION ON FOUR POSSIBLE SITES FOR THE PROPOSED EAST VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER This is in follow -up to the discussion we had in our meeting on September 20, 1991. As you requested, attached are up -dated Pros and Cons statements for each of the four possible sites. We should have photographs for you of each of these sites by October 4, 1991. In accordance with the actions of the Board of Supervisors on September 10, 1991, we are making the necessary arrangements to have four feasibility -level studies done for these sites. These studies, Geotechnical Engineering (soils), Flood Plain and sewer /utilities capacity, Hazardous Material Assessment, and a Traffic study, are scheduled to be completed in early November, 1991.. We will not proceed with the first three of these studies on the site in South E1 Monte, number 26, until the Board has reviewed the report from the Department of Public Works on the technical feasibility of building a hospital in this U.S. Army Corps of Engineers designated Flood Control Basin. This report should be available to the Board next week. Please advise me if you have any questions or would like any additional information. WW;nr Q LL1 L C Cc: Harold Sterker G� -. E5 S�a lV Ill(r'.„ N n'1"� V7 IS ?3 ZJ la.. M I MOLINR TEL: 2136131739 Oct 02,91 11:46 No.003 P.03/15 COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES 9/25/91 THE PROPOSED NEW EAST VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER MOLINR n v V TEL: 2136131739 Ne M lI i lr� .x7 Ci. Ar • 2 Oct 02.91 11:46 No.003 P.04i15 I � g U MIAA w 09 o 4 W � H w • d coo H Z � N M :. u r _ ' to ,�, as V O er FD CJ 18 b N3r' � g U MIAA w 09 o 4 W � H w • d coo H Z � MOLINA TEL: 2136131739 Oct 02.91 11:46 No.003 P.05/15 1.••r rq .. 1 I 1 1 1 ; • i. r Y h1 ^ I el Ar 80 E O T& C r.• r ..r ARM II�nAIIr I 1 / / p v 1 ,may ' N R 4•a w s. 0 A M L jI -1 17d .' •n11feY / �• r M7!'r '� I r 0 MTV; 1..1 7. +.._�••1 r.y'••rr .� �N.. ,� wfw •RiCR(ATIO ARIA 7a •. i' d ic, 26 �. «.:. 1 1 •�1:� •1• � POnI f •,�' ,•A• i- _ a��,'y;y� \{rl', _ _ • y `AL� n r;' .}Ir ,y. lty, ir1.1, .�,, IIr ;.' /J!'_ID,( ^:' �� •>C '•41Ii 1 •' won �• y:i +�":• •/• ' �r . F'=I�p. 1:701x' r -•\\ 1 , •' 'Wpl7.r I�,.I'• • .�.• � i ,�� :.W,�r.* •' • /L .. �. LOp�... C0 TROL g :;lsw:x'.4.rW;� S. 90ILLW Ar10w 100 J, ✓y9. ]o ,t . ," ` 1 �•. 'r.Lf s., • ' r y , �V �r r �1 �• \ :fir/ �`•� - �'�, '110 ;��, PA. 4b i W I r,r • r: Ar 0/ 11 aa �� Area UNITED STATES ci.. .P S„ td 'w1.0 1 DEPAKTME OF THE •� ,'• ,,.:INTERIOR GEOLOGICAL ] .,•. ... .�� SURVEY •�~ 1 % . s •, • � +��,,,� VICINITY MAP •�ryi.,4'r :; �. I s �i1:"�'''•``�e..r, /•L - �/-^- �• �- Y"/c'/�_�1s�i..Y��r`ti•- >�'.s�! MOLINA TEL: 21361317 Oct 02,91 11:46 No.003 P.06/15 FACTUAL INFORMATION Size: Aequlsition /Relocatlon Costs: Existing Improvements: Zone /Land Use: Public Transportation/ Freeway Access: Availability: Other Considerations; n. t I I SITE NUMBER, 20 Unincorporated/ East 1.605 at Workman Mill Road Fourth District Approximately 40 acres $23 million None Agricultural RTD stops along Workman Mill Road; access to 1.605 approximately one mile via Peck Road. Owner appears receptive; owned by Rose Hills Cemetery Designated for future cemetery use. 0 IV r lb Oct 02,91 11:46 No.003 P.06/15 FACTUAL INFORMATION Size: Aequlsition /Relocatlon Costs: Existing Improvements: Zone /Land Use: Public Transportation/ Freeway Access: Availability: Other Considerations; n. t I I SITE NUMBER, 20 Unincorporated/ East 1.605 at Workman Mill Road Fourth District Approximately 40 acres $23 million None Agricultural RTD stops along Workman Mill Road; access to 1.605 approximately one mile via Peck Road. Owner appears receptive; owned by Rose Hills Cemetery Designated for future cemetery use. 0 r NOLINA TEL: 2136131739 Oct 02.91 11:46 No.003 P.07/15 511 h NUMULH 20 PROS In El Monte /South El Monte area. Meets size requirement. Vacant land. Good freeway access. Unincorporated area. Proximity to Rio Hondo College enhances possibility of cooperative educational ventures. Good public transportation. One owner expedites acquisition. No residential relocation required. Owner appears receptive to selling. CONS Whittier City Council has expressed opposition. Representatives of nearby Homeowners Association have expressed opposition. Medical Center building will have to incorporate vibration mitigation as a result of the train traffic on the west side of site. Land currently under permit for future cemetery use. May entail widening of Workman Mill Road to mitigate traffic congestion. MOLINA TEL: 2136131739 "NIL- Oct 02,91 11:46 No.003 P.08i15 FACTUAL INFORMATION SITE NUMBER 26 City of South El Monte/ South of 1-60 at Sartta Anita Avenue First District Size: Approximately 31 acres Acquisition /Relocation Costs: $18 million Existing Improvements: None Zone /Land Use: Agricultural and residential Public Transportation/ Freeway Access: RTD stops along Santa Anita Avenue; access to 1-60 within 1/2 mile via Santa Anita Avenue. Avallablllty: Two owners: private owner agreeable; U.S. Government (Army Corps of Engineers) opposes. Other Considerations; Army Corps of Engineers opposed to using for hospital site. M MOLINA TEL: 2136131739 Oct 02,91 11:46 No.003 P.09/15 bllt NUMBER 26 PROS CONS In El Monte /South El Monte area. Building a Hospital In this Flood Control Basin will compromise the operation of the Whittler Strong support from persons In the Narrows Dam. Community, especially those in Communities north of the Pomona Freeway. Meets size requirement. Vacantland. Good freeway access. No residential relocation required. Effects of this site being In an Flood Control Basin can be mitigated from an engineering standpoint. y Hazard of flooding downstream, in an area estimated to be 75 square miles, will Increase. The major access streets, Rosemead Boulevard, Santa Anita Avenue, and the on /off ramps at Santa Anita to the Pomona Freeway are within the Flood Basin area and hence would be inaccessible during an inundation. Congestion resulting from the closure of these streets and highways would make the hospital Inaccessible. Considerable time would be required to accomplish two Federal Actions: a. An act of Congress to redesignate the current zoning from a Flood Basin and remove the Flowage Easement over the entire site. b. Require the Corps of Engineers to sell their property to the County. An unbudgeted construction cost of an estimated $4 million to elevate this site above the Inundation area. Significant cost may be required to upgrade the Offsite utilities such as the water service. A parking structure will be required in the Phase I. Neither this structure nor Its cost is Included In our project budget. Residential area located adjacent to this property. Need to raise the elevation of the on and off ramps to the Pomona Freeway and a portion of Santa Anita Avenue. MOLINA I . A i TEL: 2136131739 Oct 02.91 11:46 No.003 P.10i15 FACTUAL INFORMATION Size: Acquisition /Relocation Costs: Existing Improvements: Zone /Land Use: Public Transportation/ Freeway Access: Availability: Other Considerations; W Sf1E- NUMBER Q7 City of Pico Rivera/ West of 1.805 at Beverly Boulevard First District Approximatey 38 acres $18 million None Agricultural RTD stops along Beverly Boulevard; access to I-OS within one mile via San Gabriel River Parkway. Owned by El Rancho Unified School District Property not on tax rolls 6 9 MOLINA PROS TEL: 2136131739 Oct 02.91 11:46 No.003 P.11/15 511 E NUMIJEH 21 In El Monte /South EI.Monte area. Vacant site. No residential relocation required. Meets size requirement. CONS The Army Corps of Engineers has Identified this site within the 75 year Flood Plain. Therefore, the footprint of the building would have to be raised. Non - cooperative local Jurisdiction (City of Pico Rivera). The owner of this property, El Rancho Unified School District, opposes the use of this site and has advised that they have their own plans to develop it. Will require infrastructure enhancement. I MOLINA TEL: 2136131739 Oct 02 91 11:46 No.003 P.12/15 FACTUAL INFORMATION Size: Acqulsitlon /Relocation Costs: Existing improvements: Zone /Land Use: Public Transportation/ Freeway Access: Availability: Other Considerations; SITE NUMBER 37 City of Industry/ East of 1$05 at Rose Hills Road First District Approxlmatey 30 acres $30 million Several structures on site. Industrial RTO stops along Workman Mills Road; access to 1-605 via Rose Hills Road San Gabriel River Parkway. Offered by Owner None. MOLINA PROS TEL: 2136131739 Oct 02.91 11:46 No.003 P.13/15 511 E NUMBER ' 7 In El Monte /South El Monte area. Meets size requirement. One owner expedites acquisition. Owner appears willing to consider sale. No residential acquisition required. Good freeway access. m CONS Non - cooperative local Jurisdiction (City of Industry). . . Medical Center building will have to Incorporate vibration mitigation as a result of the train traffic on east side of the site. Intersection of train tracks and Rose Hills Road will require an over /under pass. Use for heavy equipment maintenance may require mitigation of hazardous material. Will require demolition of existing buildings and relocation of an existing business. MOLINA t ' PURPOSE TEL: 2136131739 Oct 02.91 11:46 No.003 P.14i15 LOS ANGELES COUNTY EAST VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER FACT SHEET To provide residents of the San Gabriel - Pomona Valleys with quality health care through the construction of 350 -bed public hospital. BACKGROUND . Expert studies have determined the need to replace the facilities of the Los Angeles County +University Southern California Medical Center, including the General Hospital which is almost 60 years old. In 1990, the Board of Supervisors approved the long term Health Facilities Replacement and Improvement Plan, which includes 19 major projects. A central part of this plan is to replace the LAC +USC Medical Center with two new facilities, a 970 -bed hospital on the present site and a 334 -bed hospital in the San Gabriel Valley. PLANNING GUIDELINES 1. Site Selection • Service Area - convenient to three freeways: the San Gabriel River Freeway (I -605), the Pomona Freeway (I -60), and the San Bernardino Freeway (I -10). 2. Hospital services The Medical Center will include the following services: Medical /Surgical -------------------- - - - - -- 192 beds Maternal /Newborn --------------- - - - - -- 118 Psychiatric ----- --- ---- ---- ------ - - - - -- _} Total 334 beds 3. To be affiliated with the University of Southern California School of Medicine, with Postgraduate Resident Physicians in some of the medical specialties. MOLINA c TEL: 2136131739 Oct 02.91 11:46 No.003 P.15/15 Los Angeles County East valley Medical Center Fact sheet Page 2 . 4. Workload anticipated in.the first full year of operation (Fiscal Year 1999 -2000) - 19',000 persons will be treated as inpatients - 9,000 patients will have a surgical operation - 45% of these are expected to be outpatients - 6,000 babies will be born ' - 50,000 visits will be made to the Emergency Room - 128,000 visits will be made to the scheduled outpatient Clinics 5. Physical size of this facility - Anticipate a building with a basement and five floors and a total of 700,000 Gross Square Feet. 6. Estimated cost of total development - $386.4 million 7. Anticipated date of occupancy: December, 1998 S. Anticipated method of financing • Through General Obligation Bond to be presented to the Voters in November, 1992 General Election 9/25/91 ©Lee Associates COMMERCIAL, REAL E5TATE SERVICES September 5, 1991 Mr. Bob Bruesch The Honorable City Council Member City of Rosemead 8838 East Valley Boulevard Rosemead, Ca 91770 RE: PROPOSED SITE EAST VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER 605 FREEWAY/ROSE HILLS ROAD CATERPILLAR SITE Dear Mr. Bruesch: The Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors has asked that Los Angeles County Hospital Commission to select sites for a proposed 330 -bed County Hospital, to be named the East Valley Medical Center. As of today, there are four (4) sites which the Los Angeles County Hospital Commission has recommended to the Board of Supervisors. The Board has set September 10, 1991 as the date they are to hear about these sites. Thank you giving consideration to the site located at the 605 Freeway /Rose Hills Road (Caterpillar Machine Corporation site). Enclosed you will find a copy of an aerial photo of the site, an independent engineering report and various newspaper articles giving an accurate picture of the proceedings up -to -date. If you believe the site represented here is in a location that best serves your city, we would appreciate your support. If you have any further questions, please feel free to call me. Thank you. Sincerely, LEE & ASSOCIATES MICHAEL M. RADLOVIC . Senior Partner MMR:isa Enclosure 131? 1 Crossroads Parrwoy i brth / Cih; of Industry. CcIifornic 91746 -3497 /Office: 213/699 -7500 /Fox: 213/695 -3133 CIVIL ENGINEERS - SURVEYORS ADAMS &ELLS w'ALIKMNIA COkh]RAMS WILLIAM C FILLS RC' IOWlO . ROBERT 1. TOSIMER. A 1., IC9 SCMT M .ADAMS 05 -1 948 :oSLPH r Iii IS 1 %964937 1520 Nest Cameron Avenue - Suite 145 - Mailing Address: P.O. Bar 1690 • VIPs: Covim, Ca6famia 91790 9 (818) 962 -7131 August 21, 1991 Michael M. Radlovic Lee & Associates 13181 Crossroads Parkway North City of Industry, CA 91746 -3497 Re:Shepherd Site East valley Medical Center In accordance with your request, we have reviewed the Shepherd Machinery Site located on Rose Hills Road at the 605 Freeway as a prospective site for the East valley Medical Center. Your concerns related to drainage, the effect of the Union Pacific Railroad and the Southern California Edison Power Lines. The development of the site will involve providing for approximately 1200 acres of up stream hillside drainage area. This can be readily accomplished by the construction of a covered storm drain running through the site. The site could be designed to utilize the surface over the storm drain for parking or landscaping, or the drain could be constructed in a manner such that the Building could be constructed over the drain. In either event, the construction would present no unusual development problems. The affects of the railroad line could be mitigated by the construction of sound barriers and /or the orientation and construction of the facilities such as to eliminate any problems associated with rail traffic. The Edison Company right of way can be utilized for parking and driveways and the only mitigating measures necessary are the protection of the towers by suitable curbs and planters. This again presents no unusual development problems. We trust that this will serve to answer your questions relating to the site. if we can be of further assistance, please feel free to call. r[ily yours, & . ELLS ., lliam C. Ells WCE:rjt �ti 664yld tic% 1ril� EI Monte supports proposed county hospital site in Industry By Laps Zaragors Staff Writer EL MONTE — The City Coun. cil has voted unanimously to support construction of a pro- posed county hospital on a lot near the 605 Freeway id-Indus. try. The property's owner, Sam Shepherd, asked for the council's support recently. The i council previously had not supported any other potential hospital site. Nert week, county supervisors are scheduled to consider four possible sites, including the one in Industry, for the U0 million hospital. The other sites are in South El Monte, Pico Rivera and in unincorporated territhry near Whittier. The supervisors will meet on Tuesday. Industry officials have said they oppose construction of the hospital there because they pre. fer development that would gen- erate tax revenues. "We support (the Industry site) because it's a good site," El Monte Councilman Jack Crippen said Tuesday. "We've felt all along that the ideal site would be near a freeway." El Monte council members-ac- knowledged Industry officials' reservations. The county's Hospital Com- mission last month recom- mended a 31 -acre site in South El Monte for the proposed hospi- tal despite warnings from county planners about possible flooding problems. The site is in a flood control plain south of the Pomona Free- way at Santa Anita Avenue. But commissioners said the South El Monte site had strong local support and would not re- quire displacement of homes or businesses. Flooding problems, they said, could be addressed during planning. i a .�c�..�.. `.�... .a* VW Siiilth '` t y t : y ce- Sttaaf Wflter '. f, • L VALLEY-' l 1 s?yr T,i 4 dx+* Y on %iosiwle i ng I 0�`AIQGELES - Respite a ■ NOT WELCOME — it :nt staff recommendation to reject a Inp the' 001 for lost $01lll�1'Si Onta. 9ite'f0i' $:pr'O' revenue, hlW& ie- posed'cOunty hospital-becallw it cll'members'orc_ThUraday lies in •a flood control basing the p he %► a. voted -W tight airy §: 111- he county's: Hospital' Commission: on Thursday stood firmly behind :, county ' himffieir "ti • hos P� rk 1 . �c. its prior support for the location: city/ 81 « , . in The commission recommended ' o- that the county Board of Super- the - Pomona Freeway at Santa visors consider the 31 -acre South Anita Avenue and lies in a flbod ic, El Monte site and three others; control basin. .- ' Y. , . he located in Industry, Pico Rivera Moreover, he said, "even if we. id- and unincorporated Whittier. obtain their approval, we have ed The list of four recommended been advised that it will be ea- locations for the proposed 334 tremely costly to mitigate the of - - he bed East Valley Medical Center fects of the flood plain," Weitek- he will, be presented to the Board of amp said. "We can't proceed in an Supervisors on Sept. 10. good conscience with that site." he William Weitekamp, the coun- Despite Weitekamp's com- br ty's project manager for the pro- ments, commission Chairman posed $440 million hospital, Robert Myrtle said that of all Ps warned that it appears that "it four sites, South El Monte would n- will be very difficult, if not im- have the least impact on the sur -' ir- possible," to obtain the approval rounding community and had to oUthe :U.S. Army Corps of Engi- the most support from residents. ,ip neers. to build on the South El He and the other flve:oommis- re' Monte site, which is partially sinners said the flood basin -re- owned by the federal govern- 19ted problems could be ad- -Ig meet: The site is located south of dressed through engineering and ta. s.: or • / —�� -- — —s4 -- City Council voted 31 fa support the site selection ;"dissenting council member, ,, said Congress previoualRjected.the city's pleas to allow' it to build an automobile center on the site because of the fioodhcontrol ba- sin.. ..u.:'• It's ironic that a.,facility to serve sick people is being con - a flood plain and now the flood plain is not being taken into consideration," Perez said. Bill Roger, an architect work- ing as a consultant to the county on the project, said, that in. a worse -case flood scenario, the hospital would be surrounded on three sides by water and left with only one access road. "The question for you and ulti- mately the Board of. Supervisors is: Is it appropriate for a hospi- tal and trauma center to be lo- cated in this area ?" Roger said. While the South EL Monte site would'pitthe county against the federal government. the other three recommended sites have their own NIMBY (not in my back yard) problems. _\ WVWl1 -9 dept assailants robbt several- blocks . minutes bet'ore :thi Christiansen sal -„ No arrests have the incident.` The composiW.drs lieved. to be of one of occupants, a -lAtim tween 20 anit:25,.d skinny, about t feet E with black hair com a slight wave. ' Escobar lived with a Additional`$ sites �J to be weighed for Valle hospital Valley By Vicki Smith Staff Writer LOS ANGELES — Federal pro- hibitions against development in a flood control basin in South El Monte will force the county Hos- pitals Commission to reconvene later this week to recommend ,other sites for a proposed 334 -bed county hospital to serve the San Gabriel Valley. Last month, the commission unanimously voted to recom- mend the South El Monte site, 31 acres south of the Pomona Free- way at Santa Anita Avenue, for consideration by the Board of Supervisors- ' Despite having information about the flood plain concerns, the commissioners decided not to recommend alternative sites to the supervisors because the South El Monte location had such strong support fYom resi- dents, city officials and the pri- vate developer who owns a poi-. tion of the land. However; the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, which owns anoth. ' er portion of the site and has,anz.` easement on the privately owned. . parcel, has stated it will reject any use that would require around - the -clock occupation, such as a hospital, because of the potential for flooding in a 100year storm. That area can be flooded un- der certain circumstances," said Charles S. Dwyer, chief of opera- tions for the corps. "People tend to forget, especially now that we're in our fifth year of drought. that the area can fill with water. People forget that it does rain in Southern California:: . and that we have this elaborate system of open space to • handle such flooding." The Corps of Engineers is . pro- hibited by federal law to allow land uses that require human oc- cupancy or that would 'put "floatable debris" such as cars and furniture in the flood basin, he. said. Not only does a hospital have around- the-clock occupancy, but hospital patients would be diffi- cult to evacuate in a flood. Further, debris generated by a hospital that could be washed into the basin during a flood — such as chemicals and radioac- tive materials from X-ray and other nuclear medicine ma- chines — pose hazards to the ground water, he said. In case the problems of the - South El Monte site prove insur- mountable, the Hospitals Com- mission has been asked to rank five other sites for consideration by the Board of Supervisors, ac- cording to William Weitekamp, the county's project manager for the proposed $440 million East Valley Medical Center. The commission will meet at 9:30 a.m. Thursday in Room 903 of the Health Services Adminis- tration Building, 313 N. Figueroa St., Los Angeles According to Weitekamp, the five additional sites include two in El Monte, and one each in Industry, Pico Rivera and an un- incorporated area near Whittier, all of which were subject to pub- lic testimony during the commis- sion's hearings in June and Ju- ly. Though the commission con- ducted numerous public hear- ings, the Corps of Engineers was not notified, Dwyer said. -None of the sites are perfect, said Bill Roger, manager of de- sign and construction for the- ,Project. "South EI Monte may` still be: the No. 1 site based 'on.; V10 is opinion, but it may, not be ; on technical. merits." , 'Supervisor Gloria Molina, who' initially liked the South EI Mon• to site because it had community support, shares the safety con- cerns surrounding the site's lo- cation in the flood plain, accord. . ing to her press deputy, Robert Alaniz. She is- beginning to look favorably upon the '3o -acre in- dustry site because it is owned by one individual. and has no known community opposition- -- ;.However, Industry city offi- dais have expressed their oppo- sition to taking land that is gen- erating tax revenue off the tax tolls.. - "we may have to look at the greater good," said Alaniz, add - wwfllingtto the grape supervisor itth an unco- operative city: Unlike the El Monte sites, which would entail acquiring businesses or residences, the 46- acre Industry site, located south of Rose Hills Road, is occupied by one company. The unincorporated .Whittier site, located across Workman Road lYom Rose Hills Memorial Park, and the Pico Rivera site are both vacant parcels but have had substantial opposition from residents and city officials. Valley hospital site eyed Slated to replace old county hospital By Vlckl Smkh Staff writer LOS ANGELES — The coun- ty's Iospitals Commmion is ex- pected to recommend a site in the San Gabriel Valley for a pro- posed 321 bed hospital on Friday. Prinr to making It recommen- dation to the Board of Supervi- surs, the commission will hold a public hearing at IJM a.m. Fri- day at 313 N. Figueroa St., Los Angeles, in the auditorium. .The panel has narrowed the number of sites cinder consider- ation rruin 43 to eight based on health department recommenda. tions and testimony f rn its ee- ries of public hearings held throughout the Valley. Two apparent frontrunners are a 31 -acre site in South El Mnnre just south of the Pomona Freeway at Santa Anita Av.nue autl a 46-acre site in Industry south of the Pomona Freeway and south of Rnse Hills Road. Both emei-sed as 11th -hour rontenders in the county S search for the best locatinn for the proposed 344o-million hospi. tal. The hospital ie part of a mas- ter plan to replace the aging raneral Hospital at CountYIUSC Medical Center. The 81.1 billion master plan. Must win vtuer- support in NO- vember 1992 for property tau in- creases to pay for the 32 pro- , pnsed projects. including the new hospital. expansion of the Uthtr county hospitals and pub- lic health facilities. County supervieors must se- lect a site by Nuvember to meet a June t.. 4 state deadline for construction funding, according j to county consultant Vicki Ro- mighi. Tlie county must submit Com- plete architectural and eubjueer- ins plans to tho state by the deadline in order to qualify for a cent ofhhcwnnstruction cost plgnnin qlqr� : n,u os tat By ii�ldtjEtil Stiff writer:•. +T The •cobhliy:;}�Eatd'df Supetvl „soya .TuhsrJi ftroved additional' plahnin &ft is ce hospi- tal, in tl*San'Gh del Valley as proposal; to relace the part aging fCo�Wl gedical Center JO Los Angeles::• r, I The supervisoriO21so indicated they would;conaider.spormring a _ballot measure pert year to raise funds to replace County-USC and to upgrade all of-.the county's hospitals. Replacement costs alone, how- ever, which include construction of the. San Gabriel Valley has* tal, are estimated at anywhere from $800 million to .well oven $1 Illion. Discussion among the five su- rvisors Tuesday didn't dwell on whether County-USC should be replaced. Instead, it was when and how. The federal government has threatened to withhold funding if the huge .Los Angeles medical center is not brought up to health and safety codes within five years. But the cost to restore the antiquated, 57-year-old hospital is prohibitive, officials said Richard Dixon, the county's chief administrative offices, said consultants have recommended that the 1,450 -bed County -USC complex be replaced by a down- sized ' ce't ally located facility with 900 beds and by a 350•bed hospital in the San Gabriel Val- ley. Two hundred more beds could be squeezed into other coun- ty facilities, he said Board members ordered Dixon to give a full report with recom- mendations_on the needs of the county's health system within 30 days: The board also approved Pete Schabarum's motion to pay a consultant $184,600 to provide fur- ther pla ming for the Valley hospi- tal. Proposed near the intersection of the 605 and San Bernardino freeways, the pW million hospital would serve indigent patients in the Valley who now travel to County-USC. The hospital also would be a trauma center, providing emen &ency care to much of the east By MARK SACHS BteM writer Local hospital officials main- tained a cautious attitude to- ward news of a proposed county health facility to be located in the west or central San Gabriel Valley. "Like most things in life, . Own are both pros and cons to the issue," said James Haden; chid executive officer of Queen of the. Valley Hospital in West Covina. "Clearly, because of the nursing shortage, there would be more pressure for what is already a very limited supply of people in that area as well as physical therapists and other hospital personnel. But from what I understand, a county facility would provide better access for a greater num- ber of patients, so I can see why they want to do it." Haden said the constant struggle to keep qualified per - somel on staff will become even more intense when the area's new Kaiser facility becomes ful- ly operational in 1995. Please see REACT f A4 is now located farther than 20 . . minutes from any present trauma. - center.. Supervisors Kenneth Hahn and Ed Edelman said the logical way to finance the +new hospitals is to issue bonds. But the task would be difficult, because such issues require approval by twodhirds of the county's voters. Hahn suggested forming a 25- member committee made up of high-powered medical profession- als and civic leaders to convince the public of the need for new facilities. The target election date is No- vember 1990.. "Let's start planning for the election with a good old-fashioned:. political campaign," Hahn said. "We've got to tell the public the. truth: our buildings are real old onj Q a fn 1 saw V. a IL it -a Cd MAN ro o:o �d aam � ° o C O CO V�V LL Co N m c� c� E aci a two °ss s� o 8� 0 w als a e �' am .ec'°9S. gYg � V �rS�mmi; All �9 �c Sc abaruM. urges 14 0; hospital By TIMOTHY HURLEY Staff writer County Supervisor Pete Schaba- rum today will ask the Board of :Supervisors to proceed with a proposaI to build a $300 million, 350 bed hospital in the San Ga- briel Valley. Proposed near the intersection of the 605 and San Bernardino freeways, the hospital would serve patients who now travel to County -USC Medical Center in Los Angeles. The full - service hospital also would bolster the county's ailing trauma system, providing emer- gency care to much of the east San Gabriel Valley, most of which Is now located farther than 20 minutes from any present trauma center. • :County health officials have been working on an updated mas- ter plan to replace the mammoth but aging Los Angeles hospital for three years, said Rich Cordova, administrator of General Hospital at the County-USC Medical Cen- ter. F Cordova acknowledged that onstruction of a satellite San abriel Valley facility is one of he proposals to take bed space from the downtown hospital. .Officials had planned to present the master plan to the board later '.this year. But Schabarum said he wants to move forward now. "'I believe it is important that planning efforts for the San Ga- briel Valley hospital proceed at a rapid pace, concurrent with the County -USC replacement facili- ty," the supervisor said. ..Earlier this month, the federal .government demanded that the county bring County-USC Medical Center into compliance with life - safety codes within five years or lose federal funding:. . But costs of retrofitting obsolete equipment and remodeliPg exist- ing buildings are prohibitive, offi- cials said. "The need to replace the medi- cal center becomes more critical each year as its structures and medical systems deteriorate and while its heavy workload contin- ues unabated," Schabarum said. Scbabarum said the updated master plan indicates that the county would'be better served by breaking up the 1,450 -bed County - USC facility into at least two hospitals. .. A central•ilocation would have 900 beds, he said, while a hospital in the San Gabriel Valley would have 350 beds. The plan also recommends adding 200 beds to existing county hospitals; he said. Schabarum plane to introduce a motion today that proposes to: Is Instruct officials to expedite planning for the downtown medi- cal center as well as the new San Gabriel Valley hospital. ■ Instruct the director of the Internal Services Department to Please see HOSPITAL I A4 a Valley • Crime, court news • Obituaries • Graduations • Robert Wagman mg o v�8�ers'T�vw' SAdYi'E5wg(eC3p mx�.j O o•°- n3.3c8c SwSmE��'�mmq'o8��m 0 x8�'w �w= SmOm$.,m°y�Gm.c..oa5•�n o0 J °°��y'S�3m� 0�app8 ° °5�"8�^+ 5C5a w ^� vACop" 8 TIP., m^' ao ^om $� p�,�am nF'�'• �. gSO p m. vm��a �nuJ� ^� <`N8 EraS x 5 .�mry� mmrXe m ?a°+omg�° w0�7"°w pOa °E5 <Emv° 8'pw m° ^-mww a ^p p p� E mo°m�o" �o8m� o m v °o 't�m 0, 0 5^ �cggrS��O� �/��._ '0- '4 CdEm °ESA mead ro� `�'ow�m �' deg C a ° api'o Cf m w 'm w.ti »n,°,'g �5 S.m•.� mM" m 'S.' or .i �w'm t7 "b,' m'"•'Nw` »' v 0tr' 'ova R6'rjo co�o�COSo on 10; 10. °n" aamm » »a'!�m'P" mo•e a'�am�, •e "m m 0 s _ xs 01 .. 3 O Cr as — m � N f �01 pop 'm N g� Y & °n8� 8�o HPI. so m 8 � S�mmm °o E m 50 O h�. m m � p wE o m a< of � CA? 3r� m �mm� fiam$�o$da 68N 5".$ M'°o A G ..$ ayp�m mm55 ^orp,�,�9Fd��A 8'za8`�• °g�dAep:ep EGti ,5 �^ n E'CS�$�o�m voEm °,mp•m �'�cNi cdp <Em$ o� S �o��c n� "0'00 "onmo'p�SP'r, �^ im5. � t� g"g " s c ae+@�yry8D.zz 0 E d m oR:3 05:.Z mw - 4 m6.`9 `^mt�,� m ° 8 ~C° pm8mo.�oA3o�OE �^�roii .m �C�1oow'S�f 3x.83 m0imo BomEop'jd6M3' -n,8m 8» oS� 4'pOp:0iacDC�+Lj�`.'QmQ ^agS »'^'° m� ^m a'xy'°y�msi1pa2Sm�"oo c �S 8�gb°r B'. °a� �°g 8 �08�'� m. 7 $$ " p L 3 m 8 ltr'6158 °m` 5 9 `Ug e<- . .� ..gym- `�m•e�.°wm O U) aaa� C O 1 a1 sai rr, as .. _.;,......1i1 C pQ,. gP1E m.C°$� �8a 08o8S 5r�p @m» o m o 96..'QQ iO�emp 3oaxpo aypmamCpS aR.�ma•e e�ap.a•:O Yd mii 8 rsc5 mnp • xc�� C�o motnEt ap e�58.. 3 m5 ao a m5m5� ym3�cw8'm Ca1an���cr °Omttw WV/ °m�^ vm�Jm�w 5'» Rio t-► n _ mao moo <�aagaa�t] 87P,5� 8. g ��a m5 •me8m Mrr bq E� a���';�PmmS� °eCm. .e o 8a °aDm�o�5� mpf.o� oaeN v$,E cX rs �ow E M-4 to oR�3yl �waa�MNEVE5 0DI"m °m5G°m m8m� »"» MUM m m '+o ia�i° ^a n�'fD fD a'm-' e°0 DI 'm E mm. a3 `S4'Sp' �.'•. g7 p•t 8 _ r 5 3 mCmSo ° m .mm5. 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