CC - Land Use Regualtions for Churches 0 Box 0664` TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL FROM: FRANK G. TRIPEPI, CITY MANAGER DATE: JUNE 20, 1995 RE: LAND USE REGULATIONS FOR CHURCHES Councilman Imperial has requested that this item he placed on the Agenda for discussion purposes. Attached is a copy of the Staff Report from the May 23, 1995 Council Meeting. . Y ~I 5 COUNCIL AGENDA JUN 2 71995 ITEM No. 4- FGT:djw djw:ccstf(33) S E M F O ~ y: 9 ..j....,. Isiah eit ald 45 em TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL FROM: FRANK G. TRIPEPI, CITY MANAGE , DATE: MAY 23, 1995 SUBJECT: LAND USE REGULATIONS FOR CHURCHES On March 28, 1995, Councilmember Imperial requested that the City Council schedule a study session relative to land use regulations for church uses. On April 11, 1995, the Council directed staff to place information regarding this item on a future agenda for discussion purposes. Staff conducted a survey of the four cities surrounding Rosemead. These cities were asked four questions: 1. Is a conditional use permit (CUP) required for churches, 2. What zone(s) are churches allowed in, 3. What is the parking requirement for churches, and 4. Are there any special requirements/development standards? Most cities are the same in that churches are allowed in any zone subject to a CUP. This CUP process involves an environmental analysis, notices sent to property owners within 300 feet, and a public hearing. Development and design standards are reviewed individually for each case. Specific conditions are added to address issues raised during this review (such as hours of operation, limitation of outdoor activities, parking control, etc.). Staff found that Rosemead requires the most parking of all of the cities in this area. Table I summarizes the results of this survey. MAY a J 1995 ITEM No. Y~ . 'I epor Study Session Church Regulations Paae 2 CITY ROSEMEAD EL MONTE MONTEREY PARK SAN GABRIEL SOUTH EL MONTE TABLE I Survey of Neighboring City Regulations CUP ALLOWED REQUIRED ZONE PARKING REQUIREMENTS YES All 1 space/3 persons assembly area, plus other uses (office 1/250sf, dining/kitchen 1/100sf, etc) YES All 1 space/75sf of main assembly YES All I space/4.5 fixed seats, 1/22 inches of bench/pew, OR 1/35sf YES All 1 space/3 seats, plus I space/50sf Instructional area YES PF* 1 space/5 seats, or 115 persons * South El Monte allows churches anywhere in the city, but they have set up their land use with a special zone for church uses. Therefore, it requires a zone change to a Public Facilities (PF) zone for individual lots in addition to a conditional use permit (CUP). Staff researched the Rosemead Land Use Database (RLUD) for existing permits within the City of Rosemead. There are ten (10) active permits approved for churches within the City. Table II lists these churches. There are a number of "churches" operating as existing, nonconforming uses. This exact number is not known at this time. They are allowed to remain operating with a nonconforming status until they have any changes. Then they would be required to obtain a CUP. Study Session Church Regulations Page 3 TABLE 11 Permitted Church Uses LOCATION CASE FILE NO APPROVED 1 7732 EMERSON PLACE CUP 00-033 2 3366 GLADYS AVENUE CUP 00-037 3 7915 HELLMAN AVENUE CUP 00-047 4 3926 RIO HONDO AVENUE CUP 81-232 5 3015 SULLIVAN AVENUE CUP 85-331 6 8618 MISSION DRIVE CUP 86-352 7 7712 GRAVES AVENUE CUP 88-433 8 1255 SAN GABRIEL BOULEVARD CUP 92-552 9 9200 GLENDON WAY CUP 92-571 10 3846 WALNUT GROVE AVENUE CUP 94-628 file: WP51\data\churches.doc