CC - Designating Certain Road to Be int eh federal Aif Urban System - Box 066TO: MR. FRANK G. TRIPEPI CITY MANAGER FROM: NORMAN C. RUBEL 'y~ DEPUTY CITY ENGINEER qt / DATE: AUGUST 4, 1987 RE: RESOLUTION DESIGNATING A CERTAIN ROAD TO BE IN THE FEDERAL AID URBAN (FAU) SYSTEM The 1987-88 Fiscal Year budget includes the Encinita Avenue/Lower Azusa Road Storm Drain and Traffic Signal project funded from the City of Rosemead FAU allocation. Encinita Avenue is not presently included in the system of roads on which FAU funds can be expended. Lower Azusa Road and Mission Drive are presently in the FAU System of Roads. Attached is a resolution and other information required for an application for ' inclusion of Encinita Avenue in the FAU System. RECOMMENDATION Approve the Resolution designating a certain road to be in the Federal Aid Urban System. NCR:ko JN 55608 Attachment COUNCIL AGENDA AUG 11 1987 ITEM No. r THE CITY COUNCIL CITY OF. ROSEMEAD, STATE OF CALIFORNIA 11TH day of August 1987 Present: Absent: Resolution No. 87- 35 RESOLUTION DESIGNATING A CERTAIN ROAD TO BE IN THE FEDERAL AID URBAN SYSTEM The following resolution is hereby offered and read: WHEREAS, under regulations issued by the Secretary of Transportation under the Federal Aid Highway Act (Title 23 U.S. Code), the City of Rosemead with the concurrence of the California Department of Transporta- tion, has been designated to select a Federal Aid Urban System in this City of Rosemead. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved and ordered by the City Council of the City of Rosemead, State of California, that: The City Council concurs in- and approves the road as graphically shown on Exhibit A and as designated in Exhibits B and C (all exhibits being attached hereto and hereby made a part of this resolution) as an addition to the Federal Aid Urban System eligible for Federal Aid in the City of Rosemead, State of California, subject to the concurrence of the California Department of Transportation and approval of the Federal Highway Administration. Upon motion of Councilman Seconded by Councilman and the following roll call vote, to-wit: Ayes: Noes: Absent: The foregoing resolution is hereby adopted. Mayor, City o Rosemead ATTEST: City Clerk, City of Rosemead