CC - Authorization to Purchase a Mobile Radio - Box 067TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD CITY COU NCIL FROM: FRANK G. TRIPEPI, ER CITLy DATE: NOVEMBER 21, 1985 Y RE: AUTHORIZATION TO PURCHASE MOBILE RADIO Currently, all City vehicles are equipped with mobile radios providing communication between vehicles and City Hall. Installa- tion of mobile radios in vans used by the Department of Parks & Recreation have enabled the Department to more efficiently trans- port youth groups, community organizations and senior citizens. It is recommended that the City Council approve the expenditure of $1,300.00 in Proposition A Funds for the purchase of a mobile radio to be installed in the new 1986 Ford van used by the Department of Parks & Recreation. FGT:rd COUNCIL AGENDA NOV 2 6 1985 ITEM No. CC---Z-