CC - Purchase Replacement Computer Equipment for Sheriffs - Box 067TO FROM: DATE: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS KFRANK ROSEMEAD'CITY COUNCIL G. TRIPEPI, CITY FEBRUARY 17, 1993 MANAGER RE: AUTHORIZATION TO PURCHASE REPLACEMENT COMPUTER EQUIPMENT - ROSEMEAD SHERIFF'S TEAM The Rosemead Team's existing computer has run out of capacity due to the increase of information related to Asian gang activities and other related programs. Since the cost to upgrade the computer is approximately $1,300, staff is recommending the purchase of a new computer in the amount of $1,623 which should meet current and future needs of the Team. Attached is a quote from KECS, Inc., for the replacement computer equipment. Because the company does not accept trade-ins, the City will use the existing computer. Staff is recommending that the purchase be funded by the Narcotics Forfeiture & Seizure fund, which has a current balance of $72,378.48. It is recommended that the Rosemead City Council authorize the purchase of the replacement computer equipment and appropriate the necessary funds from the Narcotics Forfeiture & Seizure fund. FGT:ja Attachment I A:022393j(6) COUNCIL AGENDA FED 2 3 1999 ITEM No.