CC - Reso 99-19 - Supporting Legislative Efforts to Accomlish Groundwater Clean-up - Box 067q 7 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL FROM: FRANK G. TRIPEPI, CITY MANAGER DATE: MAY 5, 1999 RE: RESOLUTION NO. 99-19 SUPPORTING THE LEGISLATIVE EFFORTS TO ACCOMPLISH GROUNDWATER CLEAN-UP IN THE SAN GABRIEL BASIN; AND RESOLUTION NO. 99-20 SUPPORTING THE SAN GABRIEL BASIN DRINKING WATER INITIATIVE The San Gabriel Valley Water Association and the San Gabriel Basin Water Quality Authority have requested that the City support the San Gabriel Basin Drinking Water Initiative by approving the attached resolutions. The purpose of the initiative is to bring in outside funding to expedite the cleanup of the San Gabriel Groundwater Basin. Attached is information provided by the San Gabriel Valley Joint Task Force. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Rosemead City Council adopt Resolutions No. 99-19 and No. 99-20 and direct the City Clerk to make the necessary notifications. COUNCIL. AGENIDA MAY 111999 ITEM No. ~ -A %",Q A-29-1999 1ry:39PM FROM USGVMWD 626 443 0617 P.2 (828) 815-8930 Fax 815-8950 RE: SUPP08T FOR THE $AN GABRIEL BASIN DRINKING WATER INITIATIVE Enclosed, for your review, is a packet containing information and sample resolutions for the San Gabriel Basin Drinking Water Initiative. This Initiative effort is the collaborative effort of both the San Gabriel Valley Water Association and the San Gabriel Basin Water Qualify Authority. The basis fw the Initiative Is to bring in outside funding to expedite the cleanup of the San Gabriel Groundwater Basin. Providing additional dollars would minimize conflicts between water producers, potentially responsible parties (PRPs) and the EPA resulting in cleanup rather than protracted litigation, creating an adverse effect on the local economy, . The Initiative is an effort from both the Federal and state level. On the Federal side, Congressman David Dreier is sponsoring H. R. 910, co-sponsored by Congressmembers Matthew Martinez, Grace Napolitano, and Gary Miller. H.R. 910 will provide $75 million towards groundwater cleanup efforts and $25 million for Perchlorate research. On the state level, Assemblyman Bob Margett introduced AB 1420 which seeks an appropriation of $10 million for groundwater cleanup. Assemblyman Martin Gallegos authored AB 1217, which will exempt sales tax on equipment needed to treat contaminated water. Senator Hilda Solis authored SJR 8, which memorializes the President and Congress to enact M.R. 910. Thank you in advance for your support on this Initiative. Your resolutions of support will greatly aid in rendering a unifying display of local support. Please do not hesitate to contact me 0 you have any questions orwould like a presentation to your council. If you prefer, you can forward your resolutions of support to my Upper San Gabriel Valley Municipal Water District address (enclosed) and I will forward them to the. appropriate offices or you can send them directly to the legislators' offices, but please forward copies to me as well. Again, thank you. Sr~~ly Sam Pedroza Initiative Coordinator Enclosure